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(hal. 38-39 pada bab 3, oleh J. Michael Spector)

A populous developing country in Asia with rich natural resources and a culture that
values education has passed a law requiring all primary and secondary teachers to
have four-year college degrees with teacher certification through a demanding
national examination within the next ten years. At present, approximately 10 percent
of the 2 million teachers involved have four-year degrees and another 15 percent
have two-year degrees. There are 35 universities spread throughout the country, of
which seven offer teaching degrees, plus a large open and distance learning
university that also offers teaching degrees. The communications infrastructure is
such that the Internet is available in larger cities but it is relatively expensive for the
average citizen. Rural areas have little or no access to the Internet. Mobile phones
are in widespread use throughout the country and are not prohibitively expensive.
The open and distance learning university has 35 regional centers, all of which have
computer laboratories with reliable and free Internet access for students. The
challenge is for the country to live up to its commitment to increase the training of
its teachers and quality of instruction in the given time frame without compromising
the quality of education and training. (Note that this problem can be scaled and
modified to fit many local circumstances.)
Aktifias belajar
1. Identify and describe the key barriers to success involved in achieving the goal
stated in the representative problem above.
2. Identify and describe the key factors that are likely to become part of an
implementation plan for this problem situation.
3. Indicate and describe the relationships among the key factors that have been
4. Indicate what things are likely to change in the period involved in implementing
the plan.
5. Create an annotated concept map that reflects the things indicated in response to
the previous four tasks.

6. Reflect on your responses and your concept map, and then describe the
assumptions you have made and what resources would be required to
implement the solution you have in mind.

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