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R A N . 7610 J 17, 1992


Be it enacted b the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines in Congress assembled:

T ,P ,P D T

S 1. Ti e. This Act shall be kno n as the "S ecia P ec i f Chi d e Agai Ab e, E iai a d Di c i i a i Ac ."

S 2. Dec a a i f S a e P ic a d P i ci e . It is hereb declared to be the polic of the State to pro ide special protection to children from all
firms of abuse, neglect, cruelt e ploitation and discrimination and other conditions, prejudicial their de elopment; pro ide sanctions for their commission
and carr out a program for pre ention and deterrence of and crisis inter ention in situations of child abuse, e ploitation and discrimination. The State shall
inter ene on behalf of the child hen the parent, guardian, teacher or person ha ing care or custod of the child fails or is unable to protect the child against
abuse, e ploitation and discrimination or hen such acts against the child are committed b the said parent, guardian, teacher or person ha ing care and
custod of the same. 1a phi1@alf

It shall be the polic of the State to protect and rehabilitate children gra el threatened or endangered b circumstances hich affect or ill affect their
sur i al and normal de elopment and o er hich the ha e no control.

The best interests of children shall be the paramount consideration in all actions concerning them, hether undertaken b public or pri ate social elfare
institutions, courts of la , administrati e authorities, and legislati e bodies, consistent ith the principle of First Call for Children as enunciated in the United
Nations Con ention of the Rights of the Child. E er effort shall be e erted to promote the elfare of children and enhance their opportunities for a useful
and happ life.

S 3. Defi i i f Te .

(a) "Children" refers to person belo eighteen (18) ears of age or those o er but are unable to full take care of themsel es or protect themsel es
from abuse, neglect, cruelt , e ploitation or discrimination because of a ph sical or mental disabilit or condition;

(b) "Child abuse" refers to the maltreatment, hether habitual or not, of the child hich includes an of the follo ing:

(1) Ps chological and ph sical abuse, neglect, cruelt , se ual abuse and emotional maltreatment;

(2) An act b deeds or ords hich debases, degrades or demeans the intrinsic orth and dignit of a child as a human being;

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(3) Unreasonable depri ation of his basic needs for sur i al, such as food and shelter; or

(4) Failure to immediatel gi e medical treatment to an injured child resulting in serious impairment of his gro th and de elopment or in his
permanent incapacit or death.

(c) "Circumstances hich gra el threaten or endanger the sur i al and normal de elopment of children" include, but are not limited to, the follo ing;

(1) Being in a communit here there is armed conflict or being affected b armed conflict-related acti ities;

(2) Working under conditions ha ardous to life, safet and normal hich undul interfere ith their normal de elopment;

(3) Li ing in or fending for themsel es in the streets of urban or rural areas ithout the care of parents or a guardian or basic ser ices needed
for a good qualit of life;

(4) Being a member of a indigenous cultural communit and/or li ing under conditions of e treme po ert or in an area hich is
underde eloped and/or lacks or has inadequate access to basic ser ices needed for a good qualit of life;

(5) Being a ictim of a man-made or natural disaster or calamit ; or

(6) Circumstances analogous to those abo estated hich endanger the life, safet or normal de elopment of children.

(d) "Comprehensi e program against child abuse, e ploitation and discrimination" refers to the coordinated program of ser ices and facilities to
protected children against:

(1) Child Prostitution and other se ual abuse;

(2) Child trafficking;

(3) Obscene publications and indecent sho s;

(4) Other acts of abuses; and

(5) Circumstances hich threaten or endanger the sur i al and normal de elopment of children. 1a phi1

P C A ,E D

S 4. F ai f he P g a . There shall be a comprehensi e program to be formulated, b the Department of Justice and the Department of
Social Welfare and De elopment in coordination ith other go ernment agencies and pri ate sector concerned, ithin one (1) ear from the effecti it of
this Act, to protect children against child prostitution and other se ual abuse; child trafficking, obscene publications and indecent sho s; other acts of
abuse; and circumstances hich endanger child sur i al and normal de elopment.


S 5. Chi d P i i a d O he Se a Ab e. Children, hether male or female, ho for mone , profit, or an other consideration or due to
the coercion or influence of an adult, s ndicate or group, indulge in se ual intercourse or lasci ious conduct, are deemed to be children e ploited in
prostitution and other se ual abuse.
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The penalt of reclusion temporal in its medium period to reclusion perpetua shall be imposed upon the follo ing:

(a) Those ho engage in or promote, facilitate or induce child prostitution hich include, but are not limited to, the follo ing:

(1) Acting as a procurer of a child prostitute;

(2) Inducing a person to be a client of a child prostitute b means of ritten or oral ad ertisements or other similar means;

(3) Taking ad antage of influence or relationship to procure a child as prostitute;

(4) Threatening or using iolence to ards a child to engage him as a prostitute; or

(5) Gi ing monetar consideration goods or other pecuniar benefit to a child ith intent to engage such child in prostitution.

(b) Those ho commit the act of se ual intercourse of lasci ious conduct ith a child e ploited in prostitution or subject to other se ual abuse;
Pro ided, That hen the ictims is under t el e (12) ears of age, the perpetrators shall be prosecuted under Article 335, paragraph 3, for rape and
Article 336 of Act No. 3815, as amended, the Re ised Penal Code, for rape or lasci ious conduct, as the case ma be: Pro ided, That the penalt for
lasci ious conduct hen the ictim is under t el e (12) ears of age shall be reclusion temporal in its medium period; and

(c) Those ho deri e profit or ad antage therefrom, hether as manager or o ner of the establishment here the prostitution takes place, or of the
sauna, disco, bar, resort, place of entertainment or establishment ser ing as a co er or hich engages in prostitution in addition to the acti it for
hich the license has been issued to said establishment.

S 6. A e T C i Chi d P i i . There is an attempt to commit child prostitution under Section 5, paragraph (a) hereof hen an
person ho, not being a relati e of a child, is found alone ith the said child inside the room or cubicle of a house, an inn, hotel, motel, pension house,
apartelle or other similar establishments, essel, ehicle or an other hidden or secluded area under circumstances hich ould lead a reasonable person
to belie e that the child is about to be e ploited in prostitution and other se ual abuse.

There is also an attempt to commit child prostitution, under paragraph (b) of Section 5 hereof hen an person is recei ing ser ices from a child in a sauna
parlor or bath, massage clinic, health club and other similar establishments. A penalt lo er b t o (2) degrees than that prescribed for the consummated
felon under Section 5 hereof shall be imposed upon the principals of the attempt to commit the crime of child prostitution under this Act, or, in the proper
case, under the Re ised Penal Code.


S 7. Chi d T afficki g. An person ho shall engage in trading and dealing ith children including, but not limited to, the act of bu ing and selling
of a child for mone , or for an other consideration, or barter, shall suffer the penalt of reclusion temporal to reclusion perpetua. The penalt shall be
imposed in its ma imum period hen the ictim is under t el e (12) ears of age.

S 8. A e C i Chi d T afficki g. There is an attempt to commit child trafficking under Section 7 of this Act: 1a phi1@alf

(a) When a child tra els alone to a foreign countr ithout alid reason therefor and ithout clearance issued b the Department of Social Welfare
and De elopment or ritten permit or justification from the child's parents or legal guardian;

(c) When a person, agenc , establishment or child-caring institution recruits omen or couples to bear children for the purpose of child trafficking; or

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(d) When a doctor, hospital or clinic official or emplo ee, nurse, mid ife, local ci il registrar or an other person simulates birth for the purpose of
child trafficking; or

(e) When a person engages in the act of finding children among lo -income families, hospitals, clinics, nurseries, da -care centers, or other child-
during institutions ho can be offered for the purpose of child trafficking.

A penalt lo er t o (2) degrees than that prescribed for the consummated felon under Section 7 hereof shall be imposed upon the principals of the
attempt to commit child trafficking under this Act.


S 9. Ob ce e P b ica i a d I dece Sh . An person ho shall hire, emplo , use, persuade, induce or coerce a child to perform in
obscene e hibitions and indecent sho s, hether li e or in ideo, or model in obscene publications or pornographic materials or to sell or distribute the said
materials shall suffer the penalt of prision ma or in its medium period.

If the child used as a performer, subject or seller/distributor is belo t el e (12) ears of age, the penalt shall be imposed in its ma imum period.

An ascendant, guardian, or person entrusted in an capacit ith the care of a child ho shall cause and/or allo such child to be emplo ed or to
participate in an obscene pla , scene, act, mo ie or sho or in an other acts co ered b this section shall suffer the penalt of prision ma or in its medium


S 10. O he Ac f Neg ec , Ab e, C e E iai a d O he C di i P ej dicia he Chi d' De e e .

(a) An person ho shall commit an other acts of child abuse, cruelt or e ploitation or to be responsible for other conditions prejudicial to the child's
de elopment including those co ered b Article 59 of Presidential Decree No. 603, as amended, but not co ered b the Re ised Penal Code, as
amended, shall suffer the penalt of prision ma or in its minimum period.

(b) An person ho shall keep or ha e in his compan a minor, t el e (12) ears or under or ho in ten (10) ears or more his junior in an public or
pri ate place, hotel, motel, beer joint, discotheque, cabaret, pension house, sauna or massage parlor, beach and/or other tourist resort or similar
places shall suffer the penalt of prision ma or in its ma imum period and a fine of not less than Fift thousand pesos (P50,000): Pro ided, That this
pro ision shall not appl to an person ho is related ithin the fourth degree of consanguinit or affinit or an bond recogni ed b la , local custom
and tradition or acts in the performance of a social, moral or legal dut .

(c) An person ho shall induce, deli er or offer a minor to an one prohibited b this Act to keep or ha e in his compan a minor as pro ided in the
preceding paragraph shall suffer the penalt of prision ma or in its medium period and a fine of not less than Fort thousand pesos (P40,000);
Pro ided, ho e er, That should the perpetrator be an ascendant, stepparent or guardian of the minor, the penalt to be imposed shall be prision
ma or in its ma imum period, a fine of not less than Fift thousand pesos (P50,000), and the loss of parental authorit o er the minor.

(d) An person, o ner, manager or one entrusted ith the operation of an public or pri ate place of accommodation, hether for occupanc , food,
drink or other ise, including residential places, ho allo s an person to take along ith him to such place or places an minor herein described
shall be imposed a penalt of prision ma or in its medium period and a fine of not less than Fift thousand pesos (P50,000), and the loss of the
license to operate such a place or establishment.

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(e) An person ho shall use, coerce, force or intimidate a street child or an other child to;

(1) Beg or use begging as a means of li ing;

(2) Act as conduit or middlemen in drug trafficking or pushing; or

(3) Conduct an illegal acti ities, shall suffer the penalt of prision correccional in its medium period to reclusion perpetua.

For purposes of this Act, the penalt for the commission of acts punishable under Articles 248, 249, 262, paragraph 2, and 263, paragraph 1 of Act No.
3815, as amended, the Re ised Penal Code, for the crimes of murder, homicide, other intentional mutilation, and serious ph sical injuries, respecti el ,
shall be reclusion perpetua hen the ictim is under t el e (12) ears of age. The penalt for the commission of acts punishable under Article 337, 339,
340 and 341 of Act No. 3815, as amended, the Re ised Penal Code, for the crimes of qualified seduction, acts of lasci iousness ith the consent of the
offended part , corruption of minors, and hite sla e trade, respecti el , shall be one (1) degree higher than that imposed b la hen the ictim is under
t el e (12) ears age.

The ictim of the acts committed under this section shall be entrusted to the care of the Department of Social Welfare and De elopment.


S 11. Sa c i f E ab i h e E e i e hich P e, Faci i a e, C d c Ac i i ie C i i g Chi d P i i a d

O he Se a Ab e, Chi d T afficki g, Ob ce e P b ica i a d I dece Sh , a d O he Ac f Ab e. All establishments and enterprises
hich promote or facilitate child prostitution and other se ual abuse, child trafficking, obscene publications and indecent sho s, and other acts of abuse
shall be immediatel closed and their authorit or license to operate cancelled, ithout prejudice to the o ner or manager thereof being prosecuted under
this Act and/or the Re ised Penal Code, as amended, or special la s. A sign ith the ords "off limits" shall be conspicuousl displa ed outside the
establishments or enterprises b the Department of Social Welfare and De elopment for such period hich shall not be less than one (1) ear, as the
Department ma determine. The unauthori ed remo al of such sign shall be punishable b prision correccional.

An establishment shall be deemed to promote or facilitate child prostitution and other se ual abuse, child trafficking, obscene publications and indecent
sho s, and other acts of abuse if the acts constituting the same occur in the premises of said establishment under this Act or in iolation of the Re ised
Penal Code, as amended. An enterprise such as a sauna, tra el agenc , or recruitment agenc hich: promotes the aforementioned acts as part of a tour
for foreign tourists; e hibits children in a le d or indecent sho ; pro ides child masseurs for adults of the same or opposite se and said ser ices include
an lasci ious conduct ith the customers; or solicits children or acti ities constituting the aforementioned acts shall be deemed to ha e committed the acts
penali ed herein.


S 12. E e f Chi d e . Children belo fifteen (15) ears of age ma be emplo ed e cept:

(1) When a child orks directl under the sole responsibilit of his parents or legal guardian and here onl members of the emplo er's famil are
emplo ed: Pro ided, ho e er, That his emplo ment neither endangers his life, safet and health and morals, nor impairs his normal de elopment:
Pro ided, further, That the parent or legal guardian shall pro ide the said minor child ith the prescribed primar and/or secondar education; or

(2) When a child's emplo ment or participation in public & entertainment or information through cinema, theater, radio or tele ision is essential:
Pro ided, The emplo ment contract concluded b the child's parent or guardian, ith the e press agreement of the child concerned, if possible, and
the appro al of the Department of Labor and Emplo ment: Pro ided, That the follo ing requirements in all instances are strictl complied ith:

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(a) The emplo er shall ensure the protection, health, safet and morals of the child;

(b) the emplo er shall institute measures to pre ent the child's e ploitation or discrimination taking into account the s stem and le el of remuneration,
and the duration and arrangement of orking time; and;

(c) The emplo er shall formulate and implement, subject to the appro al and super ision of competent authorities, a continuing program for training
and skill acquisition of the child.

In the abo e e ceptional cases here an such child ma be emplo ed, the emplo er shall first secure, before engaging such child, a ork permit from the
Department of Labor and Emplo ment hich shall ensure obser ance of the abo e requirement.

The Department of Labor Emplo ment shall promulgate rules and regulations necessar for the effecti e implementation of this Section.

S 13. N -f a Ed ca i f W ki g Chi d e . The Department of Education, Culture and Sports shall promulgate a course design under its
non-formal education program aimed at promoting the intellectual, moral and ocational efficienc of orking children ho ha e not undergone or finished
elementar or secondar education. Such course design shall integrate the learning process deemed most effecti e under gi en circumstances.

S 14. P hibi i he E e f Chi d e i Ce ai Ad e i e e . No person shall emplo child models in all commercials or
ad ertisements promoting alcoholic be erages, into icating drinks, tobacco and its b products and iolence.

S 15. D fE e. E er emplo er shall compl ith the duties pro ided for in Articles 108 and 109 of Presidential Decree No. 603.

S 16. Pe a ie . An person ho shall iolate an pro ision of this Article shall suffer the penalt of a fine of not less than One thousand pesos
(P1,000) but not more than Ten thousand pesos (P10,000) or imprisonment of not less than three (3) months but not more than three (3) ears, or both at
the discretion of the court; Pro ided, That, in case of repeated iolations of the pro isions of this Article, the offender's license to operate shall be re oked.


S 17. S i a , P ec i a d De e e . In addition to the rights guaranteed to children under this Act and other e isting la s, children of
indigenous cultural communities shall be entitled to protection, sur i al and de elopment consistent ith the customs and traditions of their respecti e

S 18. S e f a d Acce Ed ca i . The Department of Education, Culture and Sports shall de elop and institute an alternati e s stem of
education for children of indigenous cultural communities hich culture-specific and rele ant to the needs of and the e isting situation in their communities.
The Department of Education, Culture and Sports shall also accredit and support non-formal but functional indigenous educational programs conducted b
non-go ernment organi ations in said communities.

S 19. Hea h a d N i i . The deli er of basic social ser ices in health and nutrition to children of indigenous cultural communities shall be
gi en priorit b all go ernment agencies concerned. Hospitals and other health institution shall ensure that children of indigenous cultural communities are
gi en equal attention. In the pro ision of health and nutrition ser ices to children of indigenous cultural communities, indigenous health practices shall be
respected and recogni ed.

S 20. Di c i i a i . Children of indigenous cultural communities shall not be subjected to an and all forms of discrimination.

An person ho discriminate against children of indigenous cultural communities shall suffer a penalt of arresto ma or in its ma imum period and a fine of
not less than Fi e thousand pesos (P5,000) more than Ten thousand pesos (P10,000).

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S 21. Pa ici a i . Indigenous cultural communities, through their dul -designated or appointed representati es shall be in ol ed in planning,
decision-making implementation, and e aluation of all go ernment programs affecting children of indigenous cultural communities. Indigenous institution
shall also be recogni ed and respected.


S 22. Chi d e a Z e f Peace. Children are hereb declared as Zones of Peace. It shall be the responsibilit of the State and all other sectors
concerned to resol e armed conflicts in order to promote the goal of children as ones of peace. To attain this objecti e, the follo ing policies shall be
obser ed.

(a) Children shall not be the object of attack and shall be entitled to special respect. The shall be protected from an form of threat, assault, torture
or other cruel, inhumane or degrading treatment;

(b) Children shall not be recruited to become members of the Armed Forces of the Philippines of its ci ilian units or other armed groups, nor be
allo ed to take part in the fighting, or used as guides, couriers, or spies;

(c) Deli er of basic social ser ices such as education, primar health and emergenc relief ser ices shall be kept unhampered;

(d) The safet and protection of those ho pro ide ser ices including those in ol ed in fact-finding missions from both go ernment and non-
go ernment institutions shall be ensured. The shall not be subjected to undue harassment in the performance of their ork;

(e) Public infrastructure such as schools, hospitals and rural health units shall not be utili ed for militar purposes such as command posts, barracks,
detachments, and suppl depots; and

(f) All appropriate steps shall be taken to facilitate the reunion of families temporaril separated due to armed conflict.

S 23. E ac a i f Chi d e D i g A ed C f ic . Children shall be gi en priorit during e acuation as a result of armed conflict. E isting
communit organi ations shall be tapped to look after the safet and ell-being of children during e acuation operations. Measures shall be taken to ensure
that children e acuated are accompanied b persons responsible for their safet and ell-being.

S 24. Fa i Life a d Te a She e . Whene er possible, members of the same famil shall be housed in the same premises and gi en
separate accommodation from other e acuees and pro ided ith facilities to lead a normal famil life. In places of temporar shelter, e pectant and nursing
mothers and children shall be gi en additional food in proportion to their ph siological needs. Whene er feasible, children shall be gi en opportunities for
ph sical e ercise, sports and outdoor games.

S 25. Righ f Chi d e A e ed f Rea Re a ed A ed C f ic . An child ho has been arrested for reasons related to armed
conflict, either as combatant, courier, guide or sp is entitled to the follo ing rights;

(a) Separate detention from adults e cept here families are accommodated as famil units;

(b) Immediate free legal assistance;

(c) Immediate notice of such arrest to the parents or guardians of the child; and

(d) Release of the child on recogni ance ithin t ent -four (24) hours to the custod of the Department of Social Welfare and De elopment or an
responsible member of the communit as determined b the court.

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If after hearing the e idence in the proper proceedings the court should find that the aforesaid child committed the acts charged against him, the court shall
determine the imposable penalt , including an ci il liabilit chargeable against him. Ho e er, instead of pronouncing judgment of con iction, the court shall
suspend all further proceedings and shall commit such child to the custod or care of the Department of Social Welfare and De elopment or to an training
institution operated b the Go ernment, or dul -licensed agencies or an other responsible person, until he has had reached eighteen (18) ears of age or,
for a shorter period as the court ma deem proper, after considering the reports and recommendations of the Department of Social Welfare and
De elopment or the agenc or responsible indi idual under hose care he has been committed.

The aforesaid child shall subject to isitation and super ision b a representati e of the Department of Social Welfare and De elopment or an dul -
licensed agenc or such other officer as the court ma designate subject to such conditions as it ma prescribe.

The aforesaid child hose sentence is suspended can appeal from the order of the court in the same manner as appeals in criminal cases.

S 26. M i i g a d Re i g f Chi d e i Si a i f A ed C f ic . The chairman of the baranga affected b the armed conflict shall
submit the names of children residing in said baranga to the municipal social elfare and de elopment officer ithin t ent -four (24) hours from the
occurrence of the armed conflict.


S 27. Wh Ma Fi e a C ai . Complaints on cases of unla ful acts committed against the children as enumerated herein ma be filed b the
follo ing:

(a) Offended part ;

(b) Parents or guardians;

(c) Ascendant or collateral relati e ithin the third degree of consanguinit ; 1a phi1@ITC

(d) Officer, social orker or representati e of a licensed child-caring institution;

(e) Officer or social orker of the Department of Social Welfare and De elopment;

(f) Baranga chairman; or

(g) At least three (3) concerned responsible citi ens here the iolation occurred.

S 28. P ec i e C d f he Chi d. The offended part shall be immediatel placed under the protecti e custod of the Department of Social
Welfare and De elopment pursuant to E ecuti e Order No. 56, series of 1986. In the regular performance of this function, the officer of the Department of
Social Welfare and De elopment shall be free from an administrati e, ci il or criminal liabilit . Custod proceedings shall be in accordance ith the
pro isions of Presidential Decree No. 603.

S 29. C fide ia i . At the instance of the offended part , his name ma be ithheld from the public until the court acquires jurisdiction o er the

It shall be unla ful for an editor, publisher, and reporter or columnist in case of printed materials, announcer or producer in case of tele ision and radio
broadcasting, producer and director of the film in case of the mo ie industr , to cause undue and sensationali ed publicit of an case of iolation of this Act
hich results in the moral degradation and suffering of the offended part . La phi1@alf

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S 30. S ecia C P ceedi g . Cases in ol ing iolations of this Act shall be heard in the chambers of the judge of the Regional Trial Court
dul designated as Ju enile and Domestic Court.

An pro ision of e isting la to the contrar not ithstanding and ith the e ception of habeas corpus, election cases, and cases in ol ing detention
prisoners and persons co ered b Republic Act No. 4908, all courts shall gi e preference to the hearing or disposition of cases in ol ing iolations of this


S 31. C Pe a P i i .

(a) The penalt pro ided under this Act shall be imposed in its ma imum period if the offender has been pre iousl con icted under this Act;

(b) When the offender is a corporation, partnership or association, the officer or emplo ee thereof ho is responsible for the iolation of this Act shall
suffer the penalt imposed in its ma imum period;

(c) The penalt pro ided herein shall be imposed in its ma imum period hen the perpetrator is an ascendant, parent guardian, stepparent or
collateral relati e ithin the second degree of consanguinit or affinit , or a manager or o ner of an establishment hich has no license to operate or
its license has e pired or has been re oked;

(d) When the offender is a foreigner, he shall be deported immediatel after ser ice of sentence and fore er barred from entr to the countr ;

(e) The penalt pro ided for in this Act shall be imposed in its ma imum period if the offender is a public officer or emplo ee: Pro ided, ho e er, That
if the penalt imposed is reclusion perpetua or reclusion temporal, then the penalt of perpetual or temporar absolute disqualification shall also be
imposed: Pro ided, finall , That if the penalt imposed is prision correccional or arresto ma or, the penalt of suspension shall also be imposed; and

(f) A fine to be determined b the court shall be imposed and administered as a cash fund b the Department of Social Welfare and De elopment and
disbursed for the rehabilitation of each child ictim, or an immediate member of his famil if the latter is the perpetrator of the offense.


S 32. R e a d Reg a i . Unless other ise pro ided in this Act, the Department of Justice, in coordination ith the Department of Social
Welfare and De elopment, shall promulgate rules and regulations of the effecti e implementation of this Act.

Such rules and regulations shall take effect upon their publication in t o (2) national ne spapers of general circulation.

S 33. A ia i . The amount necessar to carr out the pro isions of this Act is hereb authori ed to be appropriated in the General
Appropriations Act of the ear follo ing its enactment into la and thereafter.

S 34. Se a abi i C a e. If an pro ision of this Act is declared in alid or unconstitutional, the remaining pro isions not affected thereb shall
continue in full force and effect.

S 35. Re ea i g C a e. All la s, decrees, or rules inconsistent ith the pro isions of this Acts are hereb repealed or modified accordingl .

S 36. Effec i i Ca e. This Act shall take effect upon completion of its publication in at least t o (2) national ne spapers of general circulation.

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Appro ed: J 17, 1992.

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