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🔶 A friend you made while you were studying abroad has written to ask you for help

in finding a job in your country. You have heard about a job in a local company that
might be suitable for him/her.
Write a letter to this friend. In your letter:
🔸tell your friend about the job and what sort of work it involves
🔸say why you think the job would be suitable for him/her
🔸explain how to apply for the job

Dear Sara,
I hope you’re doing well. What a good news to hear that you’re going to migrate to
Canada. You know, I ‘m writing to tell you about a vacancy in a local firm I ‘ve heard
about it from a friend of mine.

Honestly, a couple of days ago my intimate friend, Elahe, offered me a job in her father’s
company but I refused her proposal because as you know I’m totally satisfied with my
current job. However, if you like to work as a sales manager, send your CV for me
because I can show it to her and make an online interview for you asap.

As far as I know, they need someone who can deal with customer complaints, order raw
materials for their production lines and design a strategy to improve their sales and
profits. Frankly, I ‘m pretty sure that you’re a competent candidate for this position as
your previous job was related to sales. Additionally, as you studied business
management at college, you ‘re well-informed about all aspects of this opening.

Ok, it is enough for now. Call me and let me know what’ your idea about my suggestion.

Best wishes,



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