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Saint Paul was one of the most prominent saints of all time.

He was not physically impressive,

nor was he a very good speaker.  His writings and teachings have greatly influenced the growth
and development of the Church since then. When I was I child, I love to watch Superbook and
one of the names that stays on my mind was the name “Pablo.”
So, when I was 15, I started to do some research about him even the other saints. All of their
stories are inspiring but I was captivated to the story of Paul, on how he chose to follow to the
vision Jesus showed him. He was on the road of Damascus to pursue his persecutions when Jesus
showed him a powerful vision and a bright light he fell helplessly on the ground. A voice asked,
“Saul, Saul, why persecutes thou me?” In response, Saul asked two questions: “Who art thou,
Lord?” and “Lord, what wilt thou have me to do?” (Acts 9:4–6.) The Christ identified Himself as
“Jesus whom thou persecute.” (Acts 9:5) He was blinded for 3 days. No doubt, he immediately
decided to convert to Christianity and was baptized by Ananias, a servant of Jesus. Also, he
chose to follow Jesus, knowing there will be a lot of persecutions. Other than deciding on
following Jesus in the middle of the road. Paul was also patient and faithful to the Lord. He was
imprisoned for a long time and in different countries but he was on fire to preach the teachings of
the Lord even he was on prison. Paul also loves to travel. Not to travel for himself but to preach
ceaselessly. He doesn’t care on people who hates him or people judging him. What important for
him is for people to know the truth and to make them realize that there is light in darkness. Jews,
in particular, hated his preaching as they saw him convert people to Christianity from Judaism.
My favorite teachings of him was "You shall love your neighbor as yourself." Every time I am
angry or have a resentment to others. I just tell myself to love others as much as I love myself. I
have a huge admiration for Saint Paul. I commend his courage, honesty, strength of faith, and
deep testimony. I love his teachings and find them equally applicable to the people of today. He
was specially chosen, a true witness of the resurrected Christ. Paul never met Jesus, but he was
on fire to deliver his messages across the world. He was blessed by the Lord Jesus Christ. Paul
proclaimed the truth boldly and frankly If we follow Saint Paul’s advices and teachings we
cannot go astray. Paul is among the most famous, intelligent and influential of the apostles. His
story shall serve as an inspiration to all of us, to follow what God wants us to do and to be. He is
my example of commitment and willingness to die for Jesus Christ.

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