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Se. test cove 01248010 FORM TP 2015120 MAY/JUNE 2015 CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL CARIBBEAN SECONDARY EDUCATION CERTIFICATE” EXAMINATION THEATRE ARTS Paper 01 — General Proficiency 1 hour 40 minutes 11 MAY 2015 READ THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. 1 This paper consists of SIX questions. Answer ALL questions. 3. You are advised to take some time to read through the paper and plan your answers. DO NOT TURN THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO. Copyright © 2013 CaribbeanExaminations Council All rights reserved. 01248010/F 2015 -2- Answer ALL questions. Each question is worth 10 marks. You have seen a notice about an upcoming musical production and wish to apply for a position init (@) State TWO reasons you would wish to be a part of the production in any ONE of the following roles: (i) Musical Director (ii) Performer (iii) Choreographer (iv) Lighting Designer (¥) Musician (vii) Costume Designer (viii) Stage Manager (2 marks) (b) Outline TWO activities you will need to perform in the role chosen in (a) above (DURING the rehearsal process (4 marks) (ii) AFTER the musical production is completed. (4 marks) ‘Total 10 marks ‘You MUST use the Caribbean cultural forms specified in the syllabus to answer Question 2. “One of the ways of preserving Caribbean cultural forms is through constant performance.” (a) Using a Caribbean cultural form which you have studied, outline how this statement may be true. (@ marks) (b) Besides constant performance, explain TWO ways that ONE Caribbean cultural form you have studied is being preserved. (6 marks) (©) Outline ONE way in which ONE cultural form you have studied can be used to solve a problem facing society. (2 marks) ‘Total 10 marks GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 0124801 0/F 2015 -3 3. Study carefully the illustration below then answer the questions that follow. Source : “Sukanti” by Paloma Mohammed in Caribbean Mythology and Modern Life. 5 plays for Caribbean Young People, Majority Press and Unesco, 2003. Mlustration by Barrington Braithwaithe © 2003. Page 81. (a) (@)_ Suggest a title or theme for the illustration above, (mark) (ii) Give ONE reason for your choice. (mark) (b) In ONE paragraph of approximately 150 words, create an outline of a story based on the illustration above. (4 marks) (c) Outline TWO ways you would use any ONE of the following for a dance or drama production using the story created in (b) above: (i) Music Gi) Lighting Gil) Movement (iv) Special Effects (4 marks) ‘Total 10 marks GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01248010/F 2015 6. IF YOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED, CHE! (a) Briefly describe how for your production ‘ow used any TWO of the following theatre elements in preparation (i) Blocking (ii) Soundscape (ii) Abstraction (iv) Design Concept (v) Style (vii) Portfolio (iii) Strike (6 marks) (b) For the elements that you described in (a) above, outline how you overcame TWO challenges faced in the production. (4 marks) ‘Total 10 marks You are required to do research on a theatre or cultural practitioner for your School-based Assessment. Assume that the person you choose to research is deceased (dead). (a) Name ONE theatre or cultural practitioner who is deceased whom you would have liked to interview. Give ONE reason for choosing that individual. (2 marks) (>) @)_ Give TWO suitable methods that you would use to obtain information about the practitioner, (2 marks) (ii) Justify EACH method chosen. (2 marks) () Outline TWO benefits of researching a theatre arts practitioner who is deceased (4 marks) ‘Total 10 marks You have chosen to do Caribbean Secondary Examination Certificate Theatre Arts but your parents are opposed to this choice. Write FIVE points that you would use to discuss with your parents the importance of Theatre Arts to your personal development. (10 marks) Total 10 marks END OF TEST YOUR WORK ON THIS TEST. The Council has made every effort to trace copyright holders. However, ifany have been inadvertently overlooked, or any material has been incorrectly acknowledged, CXC will be pleased to correct this at the earliest opportunity. 0124801 0/F 2015

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