DJJ5113 - Mechanics of Machines Notes

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Mechanics of machines exposes the students with knowledge on techniques and concepts of
mechanics of machines and analyzing problems related to hoists, friction, simple harmonic
motion, velocity and acceleration diagram, friction and belt drives. This course also exposes the
students to the demonstration of experiments in mechanics of machines by using the real

Upon completion of this course, students should be able to:

1. Analyze problems related to the mechanics of machines and data from the experiments in
relation to the theoretical aspects.
2. Organize appropriately experiments in groups according to the Standard Operating
3. Demonstrate ability to work in team to complete assigned tasks during practical work


The course assessment is carried out in two sections:

i. Coursework Assessment (CA) – 50%

ii. Final Examination Assessment (FE) – 50%

Coursework Assessment (CA):

Bil Assessment Methods Quantity of Assesment Percentage (%)
1 Test 2 20
2 Quiz 2 10
3 End of Chapter 1 10
4 Report 4 5
5 Practical Task 4 5

Basic Formula for Mechanics of Machines

1. Equations of Linear & Angular Motion

Linear motion Angular motion

1) s = 1)  =

2) v = u + at 2) 2 = 1 + αt

3) v2 = u2 + 2as 3) 22 = 12 + 2α

4) s = ut + ½at2 4)  = 1t + ½αt2

2. Relationship Between Linear Motion And Angular Motion

1) s = r
2) v = r
3) a = rα

Power = T where,  =

3. Moment of Inertia

Moment of Inertia (Mass Moment of Inertia) - I - is a measure of an object's resistance to changes

in the rotation direction. Moment of Inertia has the same relationship to angular acceleration as
mass has to linear acceleration.

 Moment of Inertia of a body depends on the distribution of mass in the body with respect
to the axis of rotation.

I = mk2 Where, m = mass (kg)

k = radius of gyrations (m)

A hoist is the device used for lifting and lowering loads. This is done using a barrel or drum
around which a rope or chain can be wrapped. It may be manually operated, electrically or
pneumatically driven and may use chain, fiber or wire rope as its lifting medium. Some example
of lifting machines:

Construction lift

Portable cylinder lifter



Component of Lifting Machines

Angular Motion
Torque in Angular motion:
i. Inertia Couple (Iα)
 Opposite direction of angular acceleration
ii. Torque Drive (T)
 Torque to drive the pulley
 Power transmitted from motor
 Same direction with motion
iii. Torque Brake (Tb)
 Opposite direction with motion
 Act when brake is apply
Hoist/ Drum iv. Frictional force (Tf)
 Friction between cable and pulley
 Opposite direction with motion
v. Torque couple (Pr)
 Torque that produced by the action of force
from cable that rotate the pulley
Rope/ Cable
 Direction of Pr is downward
 Torque couple = rope tension (P) x radius (r)

Linear Motion
Force in linear motion:
Load i. Inertia force (ma)
 Opposite direction with linear acceleration
ii. Gravitational force (mg)
 Weight of the mass
 Direction of mg is downward
iii. Tension of the rope (P)
 Direction of P is upward

Conditions of Lifting Machines
1. Ascending & descending load with acceleration
2. Ascending load with uniform velocity
3. Ascending & descending load and stop with brake
4. Descending load with acceleration without driven torque (Freely fall)

1. Ascending & descending load with acceleration

Ascending load with acceleration:

Angular Motion

Fccw = Fcw
T = Tf + Iα + Pr

Linear Motion

F = F
P = mg + ma

Descending load with acceleration:
r Angular Motion

Tf Fcw = Fccw
T + Pr = Tf + Iα
T = Tf + Iα - Pr


Linear Motion

F = F
P + ma = mg
ma P = mg - ma


2. Ascending load with uniform velocity

Uniform velocity is a motion with zero acceleration. So, a = 0 and α =0.


Angular Motion

Fccw = Fcw
T = Tf + Pr

Linear Motion

F = F
P = mg

3. Ascending & descending load and stop with brake

Ascending load and stop with brake:

Angular Motion

Fcw = Fccw
Tb + Tf + Pr = Iα
Tb = Iα - Tf - Pr

Linear Motion

F = F
P + ma = mg
P = mg - ma

Descending load and stop with brake:

Angular Motion

Fccw = Fcw
Tb + Tf = Pr + Iα
Tb = Pr + Iα - Tf

Linear Motion

F = F
P = ma + mg

4. Descending load with acceleration without driven torque (Freely fall)

Objects that are said to be undergoing free fall are falling under the sole influence of gravity. No
external power is considered in freely fall motion. So, the driven torque, T is zero (T=0).

Angular Motion

Fcw = Fccw
Pr = Tf + Iα

Linear Motion

F = F
P + ma = mg
ma P = mg - ma



Simple hoisting machine is used to lift up 5 ton of mass with 1.2 m/s2 acceleration. The pulley
mass is 1.5 ton, diameter 1.8 m and radius of gyration is 630 mm. Find the torque to lift up the
mass if the friction couple between cable and pulley is 1.9 kNm. What is the power to move the
mass from rest until 5 second.


For linear motion:

F = F
P = ma + mg
= (5000)(1.2) + (5000)(9.81) Where;
= 55050 N
I = mk2
= (1500)(0632)
For angular motion: = 595.35 kgm2

Fccw = Fcw a
T = Tf + Iα + Pr r
= 1900 + (595.35)(1.333) + (55050)(0.9) 1.2
= 52238.60 Nm 0.9
α  1.333rad/s 2
Given; a  1.2 m/s2 , u  0 m/s, t  5 s
 v  u  at
v  0  (1.2)(5)
v  6 m/s

v 6
ω   6.667 rad/s
r 0.9

Power  Tω
 52239 6.667
 348260watt
Lifting machine with balancing mass

A counterweight (balancing mass) is an equivalent counterbalancing weight that

balances a load. Its purpose is to make lifting the load more efficient, which saves energy and is
less taxing on the lifting machine. Counterweights are often used in traction lifts (elevators),
cranes and funfair rides.

In traction (non-hydraulic) elevators, a heavy counterweight counterbalances the load of

the elevator carriage, so the motor lifts much less of the carriage's weight. The counterweight also
increases the ascending acceleration force and decreases the descending acceleration force to
reduce the amount of power needed by the motor. The elevator carriage and the counterweights
both have wheel roller guides attached to them to prevent irregular movement and provide a
smoother ride for the passengers.

For linear motion:

Linear Motion Linear Motion

F = F F = F

P1 = m1a + m1g P2 + m2a = m2g
P2 = m2g – m2a

For angular motion:

Angular Motion

Fccw = Fcw
T + P2r = Tf + Iα + P1r
T = Tf + Iα + P1r - P2r

1. If the hoisting system
move with uniform
velocity, a = 0 and α = 0

2. If the hoisting system is

freely fall, T = 0


1. A lifting machine has a moment of inertia 85 kgm2 is using to raising 1 tonne load with 1.5
m/s2. The diameter of drum is 1 metre. Determine:
a. Free body diagram
b. Required of torque
c. Power after accelerates for 3 seconds from rest.

2. A steel drum of lifting machine has a mass of 25 kg, 1.5 m diameter and 0.53 m radius of
gyration. A mass of 280 kg is suspended to the one end of the rope and it would like to
downward with 3 m/s2, calculate the torque at drum.

3. 5 tonne of mass has to be raising by using lifting machine with acceleration 1.2 m/s2. The
drum of the machine has a mass 1.5 tonne, the diameter is 1.8 metre and radius of gyration is
630 milimeter. Calculate torque is require raising the mass. How much power was produced
after the mass moved for 5 seconds from rest? Given, friction at drum is 1.9 kNm.

4. A 800 kg of mass is tied up to the drum of lifting machine. The drum has a mass 400 kg,
diameter is 800 mm and the radius of gyration is 700 mm. The mass is freely falls. If the
friction at the drum is 1.8 kNm, determine:
a. Free body diagram
b. Acceleration of the mass.

5. A drum of lifting machine has a moment of inertia 70 kgm2. It was using to downward 1.2
tonne of load with 1.5 m/s2. The diameter of drum is 1 meter. Determine:
a. Free body diagram
b. Tension of rope
c. Torque require to lowering a load
d. Power after the load accelerates for 3 seconds from rest

6. A 3500 kg of box is being lifting up with 2 m/s2 by using hoisting machine. The drum of the
hoisting has a diameter of 1.8 m, a mass is 900 kg and radius of gyration is 550 mm. Friction
torque is 2.7 kNm. Calculate the power to lifting up a box with 4 m/s.

7. 42 kg of load raising by a rope on the drum with a radius of 760 mm. The mass of the drum is
50 kg and its radius of gyration is 360 mm. If the load moves with 2 m/s2 upward, find the
torque of the drum to drive the load.

8. A drum of lifting machine has a mass of 26 kg, 2.5 m diameter and the radius of gyration of
0.21 m. A mass of 80 kg is tied to the one end of the rope and the other end is tied with a
mass of 30 kg. Determine:
a. The torque to lift up the mass of 80 kg with acceleration 2.5 m/s2.
b. The linear velocity of mass when the power is 1.8 kW.
c. The acceleration when the drum is freely released.

9. 500 kg mass of the cage is lift up by the acceleration of 2 m/s2 using hoisting drum with a
diameter of 1.8 m. The drum has a mass 0f 900 kg and a radius of gyration of 550 mm. The
friction torque is 2.7 kNm. Calculate:
a. The power required to reach a speed cage of 4 m/s
b. The power required if the cage moves with uniform velocity of 4 m/s.

10. Tied at two ends of the rope is two mass of 15 kg and 5 kg, respectively. Rope wound on a
drum with a moment of inertia of 0.86 kgm2 and 920 mm in diameter. Ignore any friction,
a. Acceleration of the system and the tensions of the rope when the drum is allowed
to fall freely.
b. Torque of the driver if the mass of 15 kg is required to lift up with acceleration of
1.2 m/s2.

11. A hoisting drum wound with a rope in which both ends tied up to the load of 900 kg and 300
kg respectively. Hoisting drum has a mass of 125 kg, diameter of 2 m and a radius of gyration
of 0. 44 m. Calculate:
a. Tension of the rope to raise the load of 900 kg with an acceleration of 0.7 m/s2
b. The torque on the drum to raise the load of 900 kg with the friction torque of
1.3 kNm
c. The output power of the drum at a velocity of 1.9 m/s

12. A load with a mass of 800 kg is tied up to the hoisting drum with a diameter of 800 mm and a
radius of gyration of 700 mm. The mass of the drum is 400 kg. The body is allowed to fall
freely. If the friction torque of the drum is 1.8 kNm,
a. Find the acceleration of the body.
b. When a balancing load of 850 kg is used to lift up of the body of 800 kg with
acceleration of 1.2 m/s2, calculate the power generated when the angular velocity
of the drum is 4.25 rad/s.


Introduction to Periodic Motion

Periodic motion is any motion that repeats itself in equal intervals of time. The uniformly
rotating earth represents a periodic motion that repeats itself every 24 hours. The motion of the
earth around the sun is periodic, repeating itself every 12 months. A vibrating spring and a
pendulum also exhibit periodic motion. The period of the motion is defined as the time for the
motion to repeat itself. A special type of periodic motion is simple harmonic motion.

Simple Harmonic Motion

Simple harmonic motion is a type of periodic motion where the restoring force is directly
proportional to the displacement and acts in the opposite direction of displacement.

An object is undergoing simple harmonic motion (SHM) if;

1. the acceleration of the object is directly proportional to its displacement from its
equilibrium position.
2. the acceleration is always directed towards the equilibrium position.

 Consider a particle moving around the circumference of a circle with constant angular

 P is the position of the particle and N be the projection of P

 When P move round the circumference of the circle, N will move in linear direction

 P moves from X to Y, N moves from X to 0

 P moves from Y to X’, N moves from 0 to X’
 P moves from X’ to Y’ , N moves from X’ to 0
 P moves from X’ to Y’ , N moves from X’ to 0

Equations Of Simple Harmonic Motion (Shm)

i. Velocity

Which, = angular velocity/ natural circular frequency (rad/s)

= amplitude (m)
= distance from centre (m)

ii. Acceleration

Which, = angular velocity/ natural circular frequency (rad/s)

= amplitude (m)
= distance from centre (m)

Terms Used In Simple Harmonic Motion

i. Amplitude,
It is maximum displacement of a body from its mean position.

ii. Periodic time,

It is the time taken for one complete revolution of the particle.

iii. Frequency, n
it is the number of cycles per second and is the reciprocal of periodic time,

Exercise 1

1. The piston of a steam engine moves with simple harmonic motion. The crank rotates at 120
rpm with a stroke of 2 m. Find the velocity and acceleration of the piston, when it is at a
distance of 0.75 m from the centre.
[Ans. 8.31 m/s; 118.45 m/s2]

2. A point moves with simple harmonic motion. When this point is 0.75 m from the mid path, its
velocity is 11 m/s and when 2 m from the centre of its path, its velocity is 3 m/s. Find its
angular velocity, periodic time and its maximum acceleration.
[Ans. 5.708 rad/s; 1.1 s; 67.378 m/s2]

3. A particle, moving with simple harmonic motion, performs 10 complete oscillations per
minute and its speed, when at a distance of 80 mm from the centre of oscillation is 3/5 of the
maximum speed. Find the amplitude, maximum acceleration and the speed of the particle,
when it is 60 mm from the centre of the oscillation.
[ Ans. 100 mm; 109.6 mm/s2; 83.76 mm/s]

4. A piston, moving with simple harmonic motion, has a velocity of 8 m/s, when it is 1 m from
the centre position and a velocity of 4 m/s, when it is 2 m from centre. Find:
i. Amplitude
ii. Periodic time
iii. Maximum velocity
iv. Maximum acceleration
[Ans. 2.236 m; 1.571 s; 8.94 m/s; 35.77 m/s2]

5. The plunger of a reciprocating pump is driven by a crank of radius 250 mm rotating at 12.5
rad/s. Assuming simple harmonic motion, determine the maximum velocity and maximum
acceleration of the plunger.
[Ans. 3.125 m/s; 39.1 m/s2]

6. A part of a machine of mass 4.55 kg has a reciprocating motion which is simple harmonic
motion in character. It makes 200 complete oscillation in 1 minute. If the amplitude of
vibration is 112.5 mm, find:
i. The accelerating force upon it and its velocity when it is 75 mm, from midstroke
ii. The maximum accelerating force
iii. The maximum velocity
[Ans. 149.5 N; 1.76 m/s; 224 N; 2.36 m/s]

Mass-spring system

A mass m attached to a spring of spring constant, k exhibit simple harmonic motion in

closed space.

The weight of an object on a vertical spring

stretches the spring by an amount d. Simple
harmonic motion of amplitude r occurs
with respect to the equilibrium position of
the object on the stretched spring.

Unstrained Equilibrium
length position SHM


d=static displacement(m)

x=the distance when the mass displaced from its equivalent and then released(m)


k= constant of spring or stiffness of spring (N/m)

mg= weight (N)

ma= inertia force (N)

Spring/stifness force

spring force = stiffness x distance from fixed point

In equilibrium position:

spring force = k  d

= kd

In SHM situation:

spring force = k  d  x)

= kd  kx

To balance

Upthrust force = Down force

In equilibrium position:

Upthrust force = Down force

spring force = force of the load applied

kd  mg

In SHM situation:

Upthrust force = Down force

kd  kx  mg  ma

we know that kd = mg, so

kd  kx  mg  ma

kx = ma

k a
m x

From SHM equation,

 

 

Equivalent Method

Parallel spring constant, K’

K1 K2


Equivalent method k '  k1  k 2

Series spring constant, K’


1 1 1
Equivalent method  
k ' k1 k 2

Exercise 2

1. A mass is suspended vertically from one spring and a static deflection is 18.3mm. If the
weight of the mass is 30 kg and the amplitude is 13 mm, find:
a) The number of oscillations in one second
b) Velocity when the spring displaced 10 mm from balanced level
c) Acceleration when the spring displaced 10 mm from balanced level
d) Total force of the spring

2. A mass of 14 kg hanged vertically with the end of the spring assembled with the rigid support.
The mass displaced statically for 25 mm. If the mass displaced 23 mm from its equivalent
location and then released, determine:-
a) acceleration
b) Periodic time
c) Maximum force for the spring
d) Velocity and the acceleration of the mass if located 12 mm from the balanced

3. A mass of 9 kg hanged vertically with a spring constant 7kN/m vibrate freely and its velocity
is 0.62 m/s when the distance is 3 mm from the balanced location. Determine:-
a) Periodic time
b) amplitude for vibration
c) Maximum acceleration for the mass

4. A mass of 50 kg hanged with a helical spring is deflected for about 2 cm under its equivalent limit
before it is released . The weight of the spring is neglected. The spring stiffness is 60 kg/cm.
Determine for the vibrational system:
a) The frequency, fn
b) The periodic time, T .
c) The velocity and acceleration of the mass when it is 1 cm from its equivalent limit.

5. A mass of 65 kg is suspended vertically from 2 parallel springs with the same coefficient. Static
deflection caused by the mass is 52 mm. The mass is pulled downward to 65 mm and then released.
Calculate :
a) The spring constant for each spring
b) The initial acceleration of the mass
c) The periodic time of oscillation
d) The maximum force of the spring
e) The velocity when the mass is at 25 mm from its origin

Simple Pendulum

A pendulum consist of a “bob” of mass m, suspended by a light inextensible thread of

length, l from a fixed point. The bob can be made to oscillate about point O in a vertical plane
along the arc of a circle. We can ignore the mass of the thread.

l = length of string
m = mass of the bob in kg
mg = weight of bob
θ = angle through which the string is
displaced (displacement)
Ø = oscillation amplitude

The formula for simple pendulum:

1. Natural circular frequency,  

2. Angular velocity,     2   2
max  

3. Angular acceleration,    2
 max   2

Cone Pendulum

A conical pendulum is a pendulum that consist of a mass, m hanging from a string of

length, l that describes a circle when in motion.

l = length of string
h = vertical distance between the beam and the
plane of the circular orbit
m = mass of the bob in kg
mg = weight of bob
θ = angle through which the string is
displaced (displacement)
P = Tension force

Formula for cone pendulum:

1. Natural frequency,  

m lg
2. Cord Tension Force P  ml 2 or P 

Exercise 3

1. The amplitude for the pendulum is 7° and the periodic time is 1.5 second. Determine:-
a) The maximum linear velocity and the maximum angular velocity for the pendulum
b) The maximum linear acceleration and the maximum angular acceleration for the

2. One simple pendulum have the amplitude 10° and its have 33 oscillation in 49.5 second.
a) The periodic time and the length of the cord
b) The maximum linear velocity and the maximum linear acceleration for the pendulum
c) The maximum angular velocity and the maximum angular acceleration for the pendulum

3. The length of cord for the cone pendulum is 200 mm and the pendulum have a mass 2.4 kg.
Determine the rotation of the pendulum if it is in balanced condition. If the cone pendulum
rotates with 88.8 rpm, determine:-
a) Periodic time (masa berkala)
b) The height of the pendulum
c) The cord tension force

4. One cone pendulum rotates with 80 psm and the pendulum have the mass 2 kg and the length
of cord is 350 mm. Determine:-
a) The height of the pendulum
b) The cord tension force


Kinematics deals with study of relative motion between the various parts of the machines.
Kinematics does not involve study of forces. Thus motion leads study of displacement, velocity
and acceleration of a part of the machine. Study of motions of various parts of a machine is
important for determining their velocities and accelerations at different moments. As dynamic
forces are a function of acceleration and acceleration is a function of velocities, study of velocity
and acceleration will be useful in the design of mechanism of a machine. The mechanism will be
represented by a line diagram which is known as configuration diagram. The analysis can be
carried out both by graphical method as well as analytical method. In this chapter we concentrate
on one graphical method for acceleration analysis.

Velocity Diagram (Graphical Method)

Example of mechanical transformations in a machine is a crank, connecting rod and


Velocity of the LINK (crank Velocity of the SLIDER

or connecting rod) is always (piston or roller) is always
perpendicular to the line on parallel to the path of motion
space diagram. of slider

Step to draw velocity diagram:

1. Draw a Space Diagram with appropriate Scale

Example : Slider-crank.
This slider-crank mechanism in the given configuration has a known angular velocity of the crank,
ωOA . We want to determine ωAB and the velocity of the slider block, B. In this example we assume
ωOA is CCW.

2. Draw a Velocity Diagram

Step 1: Determine the magnitude and velocity of VOA

Given the angular velocity of the crank, ωOA and the direction of is ωOA CCW

Find the V using this formula:

V =rω
V = (OA) ω

Step 2: Choose a suitable scale to draw velocity diagram.

Step 3: Draw vector OA perpendicular to the line OA on space diagram. The direction of OA is

Note: the value of VOA get from previous step.

The length of line VOA = the value of VOA

Step 4: From the point A, draw a vector of AB perpendicular to AB line on space diagram.

Note: just draw a straight line of vector AB

because the value of VAB is not given

Step 5: draw a horizontal line (the motion of piston B is horizontal) through point 0 (fixed point)
to intersect with line V

Step 6: the velocity of AB and the velocity of the piston B will get by measured the length of
vector AB (for rod AB) and vector OB (for piston B)

Acceleration Diagram (Graphical Method)

Rate of change of velocity is acceleration. A change in velocity requires any one of the
following conditions to be fulfilled:
o Change in magnitude only
o Change in direction only
o Change in both magnitude and direction

When the velocity of a particle changes in magnitude and direction it has two component of

1. Radial or centripetal acceleration

aR = 2r = v2/r

 Acceleration is parallel to the link and acting towards centre.

2. Tangential acceleration

aT= αr

 Acceleration is perpendicular to the link.

 aT = 0 for the constant velocity link

Step to draw acceleration diagram:

Example : Slider-crank
A piston, connecting rod and crank mechanism is shown in the diagram. The crank rotates at a
constant velocity of 300 rad/s. Calculate :
a) The acceleration of the piston
b) The angular acceleration of link BC

Step 1: Draw a Space Diagram with appropriate Scale

Step 2: Determine the magnitude and velocity of VAB

vab   ab  AB
vab  300  0.05
vab 15 m / s

Step 3: Draw a Velocity Diagram

From the diagram, we get Vbc = 7.8 m/s and Vc = 15 m/s

Step 4: Find the value of Radial acceleration and Tangential acceleration


v 2
(a )  ab
R ab AB Parallel to AB

AB (a )   4500 m / s 2
R ab 0.05

(aT)ab = 0 (constant velocity)

2 v

(aR )bc  bc Parallel to BC

7 .8 2
BC (aR )bc   357.9 m / s 2

(aT)bc - Perpendicular to BC

Piston C - Parallel to Piston

Step 5: Draw the acceleration diagram choosing a suitable scale

Space Diagram

Scaling for ( aR )ab :

( aR )ab  4500 m/s 2 
500 m/s 2
( aR )ab  9 cm

Scaling for ( aR )bc :

( aR )bc  357.9 m/s 2 
500 m/s 2
( aR )bc  0.7 cm

Acceleration diagram

a) Acceleration of piston, ac
ac  Length of ac  scale b) Angular Acceleration of link BC ,  bc
1500m / s 2 (aT ) bc   bc  BC
ac  3.1 cm 
1cm (aT ) bc
 bc 
ac  1550 m / s 2
 bc 
Where :
 bc  23529.41 rad / s 2
( aT )bc  Length of c' c  scale
500 m / s 2
( aT )bc  8cm 
( aT )bc  4000 m / s 2

1. The mechanism shown has a crank 50 mm radius which rotates at 2000 rev/min. Determine the
velocity of the piston for the position shown. Also determine the angular velocity of link AB
about A.
Scale :
Space diagram : 1 cm : 10 mm
Velocity diagram : 1 cm : 1 m/s

2. The crank OA revolves clockwise at 300 rev/min as shown in diagram below. Find the velocity
of piston B and angular velocity of link AB. Given : Space diagram with scale 1cm:20mm
Velocity diagram with scale 1cm:0.3m/s

3. The crank OA rotates at 200 rev/min clockwise at as shown in diagram below. Find the
velocity of piston Band angular velocity of link AB. Given : Space diagram with scale
1cm:20mm and Velocity diagram with scale 1cm:0.1m/s

4. Figure below shows a link mechanism with crank AB rotating clockwise at a constant speed of
600 rpm. Piston C is connected to AB by link BC and it is sliding reciprocally along vertical
AY. Angle BAC is 1550. Given that AB = 80 mm, BC = 210 mm. For this configuration,
a. Draw the space diagram using a scale 1 cm : 20 mm
b. Draw the velocity diagram using a scale of 1 cm : 0.5 m/s
c. Draw the acceleration diagram using a scale 1 cm : 50 m/s2
d. Determine the sliding acceleration of piston along AY
e. Find the angular acceleration of BC
f. Determine the direction of rotating of BC

5. A piston, connecting rod and crank mechanism is shown in Figure Q3 below. The crank OB
with a radius of 60 mm rotates clockwise at a constant velocity of 50 rad/s.
a. Draw a space diagram with a scale of 1 cm : 20 mm
b. Draw a velocity diagram with a scale of 1 cm : 0.5 m/s
c. Draw an acceleration diagram with a scale of 1 cm : 15 m/s2
d. Determine the velocity and the acceleration of the piston

Friction Force

 Friction is a force that always exists between any two surfaces in contact with each other.
 A force that opposes motion.
 Two types of friction:
 Static friction (pushing the piano but no motion)
 Sliding (kinetic) friction (piano moves!!!)
 Static force > kinetic force.


 Friction Force, Fr formula in general is given by

Fr = µRN

Where; Fr = Friction force

µ = Friction coefficient
RN = Normal force

Friction Coefficient

The coefficient of friction is a number which represents the friction between two surfaces.
Between two equal surfaces, the coefficient of friction will be the same. The symbol usually used
for the coefficient of friction is µ.

The coefficient of friction depends on the materials used; for example, ice on steel has a
low coefficient of friction, while rubber on pavement has a high coefficient of friction. For
surfaces at rest relative to each other µ = µS, where µS is the coefficient of static friction. This is
usually larger than its kinetic counterpart. For surfaces in relative motion µ = µK, where µK is the
coefficient of kinetic friction.

The following table shows the coefficient of sliding friction for a number of materials.
Note that the static coefficient is larger than the kinetic coefficient.

μ (Dry Condition)
Contact Surface
Static Kinetic
Aluminium on Mild Steel 0.61 0.47
Aluminium on Aluminimum 1.05 - 1.35 1.4
Mild Steel on Brass 0.51 0.44
Mild Steel on Mild Steel 0.74 0.57
Copper on Cast Iron 1.05 0.29
Copper on Mild Steel 0.53 0.36
Glass on Glass 0.9 - 1.0 0.4
Glass on Nickel 0.78 0.56

Normal Force

The normal force is defined as the net force compressing two parallel surfaces together;
and its direction is perpendicular to the surfaces. The symbol of normal force is RN.

Friction Angle

Angle of friction is defined as the angle made between the normal reaction force and the
resultant force of normal reaction force and friction.

tan   but we know that : Fr  RN

Therefore :
tan  
tan   

Laws of Friction

1. When a body is moving, the friction is directly proportional to normal force and frictional
force direction is perpendicular to the normal force.

2. Friction doesn’t depend on the area of contact so long as there is an area of contact.

3. The coefficient of static friction is slightly higher the value than the coefficient of kinetic

4. Kinetic friction is independent of velocity of the body.

5. Friction depends upon the type of the surfaces in contact.

Friction on Horizontal Plane

 Object move to the left or right along horizontal plane cause by acting force (pull or push)
 Acting forces may be parallel or inclined to the plane

1. Action force, P Parallel to the Plane

Normal Force, RN

Friction Force, Fr Action Force, P


The horizontal force can be calculated as:

FX = 0
Fr = P

The vertical force can be calculated as:

FY = 0
RN = W

Apply the Fiction Force formula:

Fr = µRN

2. Action force, P Inclined to the Plane

RN P sin  P

Fr P cos

The horizontal force can be calculated as:

FX = 0
Fr = P cos 

The vertical force can be calculated as:

FY = 0
RN + P sin  = W
RN = W – P sin 

Apply the Fiction Force formula:

Fr = µRN

Exercise 1

13. Mass of object is 85 kg. 205 N of force acting on the object and pull the object to the right.
Calculate friction coefficient between the plane and object.

14. Mass of a body is 98N pulled by acting force 33 N. If the force is inclined 20o respect to the
plane, calculate friction coefficient between the surface of body with plane.

15. A force P with an angle 30° from the horizontal plane pull a body with a mass of 10 kg. This
action causes the body moving steadily on a horizontal plane. Coefficient of friction between
the mass and surface is 0.2. Calculate the frictional force acting on the surface

16. Determine the magnitude of the forced P that will have the wooden crate on the point of
sliding. Coefficient of friction between the crate and the floor is 0.55. Wooden crate = 20.41

17. Calculate the force P acting on the body as shown on figure below. Given that the mass of a
body is 98 kg and the coefficient of friction is 0.35

Friction on Inclined Plane

An inclined plane, also known as a ramp, is a flat supporting surface tilted at an angle,
with one end higher than the other, used as an aid for raising or lowering a load. Moving an object
up an inclined plane requires less force than lifting it straight up. Inclined planes are widely used
in the form of loading ramps to load and unload goods on trucks, ships, and planes. Four situation
for movement on inclined plane:

1. Action force, P parallel to the plane.

2. Action force, P inclined to the plane
3. Action force, P horizontal
4. Stop from sliding

1. Action Force, P Parallel to the Plane

i. Upward motion


W sin α
W W kos α

The horizontal force can be calculated as:

FX = 0
W sin α + Fr = P
Fr = P - W sin α

The vertical force can be calculated as:

FY = 0
RN = W kos α

Apply the Fiction Force formula:

Fr = µRN

ii. Downward motion


W sin α
W W kos α

The horizontal force can be calculated as:

FX = 0
W sin α + P = Fr
Fr = W sin α + P

The vertical force can be calculated as:

FY = 0
RN = W kos α

Apply the Fiction Force formula:

Fr = µRN

2. Action force, P inclined to the plane

P sin 
 P kos 


W sin α
W kos α

The horizontal force can be calculated as:

FX = 0
W sin α + Fr = P cos 
Fr = P cos  - W sin α

The vertical force can be calculated as:

FY = 0
RN + P sin  = W kos α
RN = W kos α - P sin 

Apply the Fiction Force formula:

Fr = µRN

3. Action force, P horizontal

RN Pkosα Psinα
P α

Wsin α
W W kos α

The horizontal force can be calculated as:

FX = 0
W sin α + Fr = P cos α
Fr = P cos α - W sin α

The vertical force can be calculated as:

FY = 0
RN = W kos α + P sin α

Apply the Fiction Force formula:

Fr = µRN

4. Stop from sliding



W Wkosα

The horizontal force can be calculated as:

FX = 0
W sin α = P + Fr
Fr = W sin α - P

The vertical force can be calculated as:

FY = 0
RN = W kos α

Apply the Fiction Force formula:

Fr = µRN

Minimum Force of Friction

The minimum force of friction is given by:

Pmin = W sin ( α + ø )

Where; W = weight of the load

α = angle of inclination plane
ø = friction angle


Efficiency is the ratio of the required force (neglect the friction force) to required force
(considering the friction force).

required forcewithout friction

  100%
required forcewith friction

Exercise 2

1. A 65 kg of cube is pulled up on inclined plane and it moves with uniform velocity. The angle
between plane and horizontal line is 39o60’. If friction coefficient is 0.08, calculate force to
pull up the cube.

2. A box has a mass of 21 kg is positioned on incline plane and the inclination is 350. A 172 N of
force was acting and cause the motion of box with uniform velocity. Calculate friction

3. One crate of 18 kg is positioned on incline plane which 300 respect to horizontal line. A force
of 152.5 N needed to upward the crate with uniform velocity. If the force parallel with plane,
find coefficient of friction between crate and plane.

4. A 150 N of parallel force respect to incline plane was acting on body to pull up the body. The
inclination of plane is 120. If then, the inclination of plane has to be change to 150, a 172 N is
needed to pull up the body same as before. Find:
a) Mass of body.
b) Friction coefficient.

5. An 8 kg of crate starts move down which the inclination on that time is 210 18’. Calculate
coefficient of friction.
If then the crate has to be move up with 2.4 m/s2. Find force is needed which the force acting
parallel respect to incline plane.

6. A metal block with 62 kg of mass starts sliding on incline plane 350 respect to horizontal line.
A 100 N of force and the force acting parallel respect to plane is trying to stop from sliding.
a) Friction coefficient
b) Friction angle
Then, the block is pulled up by force which acting 150 respect to plane. Find the force.

7. A weight of box is 315.6 N was placed on incline plane which 300 respect to horizontal line.
An 84 N of force was acting parallel to plane and trying to stop a box from sliding down. Find
friction coefficient.
Then, the box is pulled up to moving up the box. Calculate the force if:
a) The force acting 200 respect to plane
b) The force is horizontal.

8. A mass of 95 kg starts sliding on slope and the angle of slope is 23030’. Calculate:
a) Friction coefficient
b) Minimum force to move up the mass.
c) Horizontal force to move up the mass.

9. A block of mass 62 kg is hold from sliding down on incline plane 350 by a force 100 N. The
force acting incline parallel to the plane. Calculate coefficient and angle of friction. Then the
block was pulled up by a force, P which is acting 150 to the plane surface. Calculate
a) The force, P
b) Operational efficiency
c) P minimum

10. A block with a mass of 100 kg positioned on a 30° incline. The block is pulled by a force
acting on the 10° to the incline. The coefficient of static friction between the incline and block
is 0.25.
a) Draw a free-body diagram of the forces in both x and y-directions
b) Calculate the value of force while moving up the incline
c) Calculate the operational efficiency

11. A box with mass of 150 kg is placed on an inclined plane at 25° from the horizontal surface.
The box is pulled along the slope by a force, P = 1000 N acting 15° from the inclined plane. If
the box’s acceleration is 2 m/s2, determine :
a) The normal reaction force
b) The friction force
c) The coefficient of friction between box and slope surface
d) The minimum force to raise the box
e) The horizontal force to raise the box to the inclined plane


The balancing of rotating bodies is important to avoid vibrations. It is very important

factor to be considerd in modern machine design, especially where high speed and reability are
significant consideration. Balancing of rotors prevent excessive loading of bearings and avoid
fatique failure, thus increasing the useful life of machinery.


Balancing is the technique of correcting or eliminating unwanted inertia forces or

moments in the rotating masses and its achieved by changing the location of the mass centers. The
objectives of balancing an engine are to ensure:

a) That the centre of gravity of the system remains stationary during a complete revolution of
the crank shaft
b) The couples involved in the acceleration of the different moving parts balance each other.

Types of balancing masses:

a) Static balancing
 Static balancing is a balance of forces due to action of gravity.
 A body is said to be in static balance when its centre of gravity is in the axis of

b) Dynamic balancing
 Dynamic balance is a balance due to the action of inertia forces.
 A body said to be in dynamic balance when the resultant moments or couples,
which involved in the acceleration of different moving parts is equal to zero.

Balancing of ratating masses can be of:

a) Balancing of several masses rotating in the same plane
b) Balancing of several masses rotating in different plane

Balancing of Several Masses Rotating in the Same Plane

Consider a rigid motor revolving with a constant angular velocity  rad/s. A number of
masses are depicted by point masses at different radius in the same transverse plane.

If m1, m2 and m3 are the masses revolving at radius of r1, r2 and r3 respectively in the same
plane. The centrifugal force exerted by each masses are Fc1, Fc2 and Fc3 respectively. Let F be the
vector sum of these force, ie

F = Fc1 + Fc2 + Fc3

= m1r12 + m2r22 + m3r32

The rotor is said to be statically balanced if the sum F is zero. If the vector sum F is not zero, the
rotor is unbalanced, then introduce a counterweight (balance weight) of mass ‘m4’ at radius ‘r4’ to
balanced the rotor so that,

m1r12 + m2r22 + m3r32 + m4r42 = 0

m1r1 + m2r2 + m3r3+ m4r4= 0

In general, if miri is the vector sum of m1r1, m2r2, m3r3, m4r4 etc, then

miri = 0

Graphical Method:

Step 1
Draw the space diagram with the position of several masses.

Step 2
Find out the centrifugal forces or product of the mass and radius of rotation exerted by each mass.

Plane Mass, m (kg) Radius, r (m) Centrifugal force/2, mr (kgm)


Step 3
Draw the mr polygon (vector diagram) with suitable scale.

Step 4
The balancing force can be obtained by the resultant forces, but in opposite direction. From mr
polygon, the closing side m4r4 represent a balancing force.

Step 5
Determine the magnitude of the balancing mass (m) at a given radius (r), such that

F = mr2


mr = resultant force of m1r1, m2r2, m3r3, and m4r4

Exercise 1

1. Four masses m1,m2,m3 and m4 are 200 kg, 300 kg, 240 kg and 260 kg respectively. The
corresponding radius of rotaion are 0.2m, 0.15m, 0.25m and 0.3 m respectively and the angle
between masses are 45°, 75° and 135°. Find the position and magnitude of the balance mass
required, if the radius of rotation is 0.2 m.

2. Three masses A, B and C are placed on a balanced disc as shown at radius of 120mm, 100mm
and 80mm and masses are 1 kg, 0.5 kg and 0.7 kg respectively. Find the 4th mass which should
be added at a radius of 60mm in order to balance the system. Take the plane of A as a

3. Shaft carries four masses that are rotating in the same plane as shown below:-

A, 34 kg at the radius 250 mm

B, 23kg at the radius 300 mm
C, 10 kg at the radius 350 mm
D, 15 kg at radius 170 mm

i) Determine the balancing forces when the shaft rotating at 18 rps

ii) The position and magnitude if the radius of rotation is 400 mm relative to
the mass A.


50° A

Balancing of several masses rotating in different plane

When several masses revolve in different planes, they may be transferred to a Reference
Plane (RP). In order to have a complete balance of the several revolving masses in different
planes, the following two conditions must be satisfied :
a) The forces in the reference plane must zero, i.e the resultant force must zero
b) The couples about the reference plane must balance, i.e. the resultant couple must be zero

Let consider 4 masses m1, m2, m3, and m4 revolving in planes 1, 2, 3, and 4 respectively as shown
in figure (a). The relative angular positions of these masses are shown in the figure (b). The
magnitude of the balancing masses mL and mM may be obtained as discussed below.

Step 1
Draw the space diagram with the angular position of several masses.

Step 2
Choose one of the planes, say L as a Reference Plane (RP). The distances of all the other planes to
the left of the RP may be regarded as negative (-ve), and those to the right as positive (+ve).

Step 3
Tabulate the data as shown in table below.

Step 4
Construct mrl polygon with suitable scale. Add the known vectors and considering each vector
parallel with space diagram. Then the closing vector will be mMrMlM.

The vector d’o’ on the mrl polygon represent the balanced couple. Therefore,

mMrMlM = vector d’o’

from this, the value of mM can be determined and angle of inclination,  of this mass can be

Step 5
Construct mr polygon with suitable scale. By adding the known vectors along with mMrM. The
closing vector will be mLrL.

This represent the balanced force. Therefore,

mLrL = vector eo

From this, the balancing mass mL can be obtained and angle of inclination, α can be measured.

For unbalance couple force,

F = mrl2
Exercise 2

1. Figure shows a shaft mounted with 3 wheels A, B and C of weights 8, 10 and 14 kg

respectively. The radius of rotation are; rA = 7 cm, rB = 6 cm and rC = 9 cm. To balance the
system, 2 masses L and R will be added. R has a mass of 12 kg and both masses L and R rotate
at a radius of 8 cm. The distance between plane LA = 20 cm, AB = 50 cm and BC = 30 cm.
i. The angle for L and R
ii. Length x in metres
iii. Mass L

20cm 50cm 30cm x


2. Find the mass and the angle at which it should be positioned in plane A and D at radius of
60 mm in order to produced complete balance of the system shown.

3. Figure shown a shaft carries four masses A, B, C and D of magnitude 200 kg, 300 kg, 400 kg,
and 200 kg respectively and revolving at radius 80 mm, 70 mm, 60 mm and 80 mm in planes
measured from A at 300 mm, 400 mm and 700 mm. While, Figure S3b shown the angles
between the cranks measured anticlockwise are A to B 450, B to C 700 and C to D 1200. The
balancing masses are to be placed in planes X and Y. The distance between Y and D is 200
mm. If the balancing masses revolve at a radius of 100 mm :
a) Draw a Mr polygon
b) Draw a Mrl polygon
c) Magnitudes of balancing masses at planes X and Y
d) Angular position of balancing masses

4. A three-cylinder engine has a crank shaft arrangement as shown in figure below. The
unbalanced forces acting on the crank 1, 2 and 3 are equivalent to masses of 35 kg, 32 kg and
33.5 kg, respectively at radius of 150 mm each. Shaft balance is to be obtained by placing
additional masses on the flywheel X at a radius of 250 mm and the gearwheel Y at a radius of
200 mm. Find a mass of X, Y and their positions relative to crank 1.

5. A shaft carries four masses, A, B, C and D. The distance between mass A and B are 300 mm,
and distance between mass A and D are 800 mm. The magnitude of mass A and mass D are
20 kg and 13 kg respectively. The radius for mass A, B, C and D are 150 mm, 200 mm,
190 mm, 200 mm respectively. The angle of mass B and mass D are 155° and 45° clockwise
from mass A. Draw a Polygon Mr and Polygon Mrℓ using given scale 1cm : 0.2 kgm2 and 1 cm
: 1 kgm. If the system are in dynamic balancing shown in figure below, Calculate:
a) The position of mass C
b) Magnitudes of mass B and C
c) The distance between mass B and mass C

6. A shaft carried 4 wheels A, B, C and D. The distance of those wheels from shaft axis are
rA=200 mm, rB =150 mm, rC =120 mm and rD =200 mm, while weight for the wheels are 10 kg
for A and 15 kg for D. Distance and angle between the wheels is shown on figure below.
Determine the mass and the relative angle of B and C referring to A.

7. A rotating shaft carries four masses A, B, C and D with centre of masses is 96 mm, 120 mm,
192 mm and 144 mm respectively. The distance between planes A and B is 0.4 m, B and C is
0.6 m, C and D is 0.5 m. B, C and D is 10 kg, 5 kg, and 4 kg respectively. Determine the mass
of A and the angle position for all masses for system to be in complete balance.

8. Figure below shows three masses attached to a shaft. The shaft is supported by bearings at both
ends. The system is in static equilibrium.

By using the data given :

a) Complete the mrl table
b) Draw the space diagram, the mr and mrl polygon
c) Determine the unbalance couple for the shaft when it rotates at 180 rpm


The belt or ropes are used to transmit power from one shaft to another by means of pulleys
which at the same speed or at different speeds. The pulley rotating shaft is called driver. The
pulley intended to rotate is known, as follower or driven. When the driver rotates, it carries the belt
that grip between its surface and the belt. The belt, in turn, carries the driven pulley which starts
rotating. The grip between the pulley and the belt is obtained by friction, which arises from
pressure between the belt and the pulley.

Types of belt

The most common types of belt include:

a) Flat belt - The flat belt is mostly used in the factories and work shops, where a moderate
amount of power is to be transmitted, from one pulley to another, when the two pulleys are
not more than 10 m a part.

b) V - belt - The V-belt is mostly used in the factories and work shops where a great amount
of power is to be transmitted, from one pulley to another, when the two pulleys are very
near to each other.

c) Round belt - Generally made of rubber. This type of belt is generally used for light loads,
such as sewing machine or a vacuum cleaner

d) Timing / toothed belts - Timing belts are toothed belts that use their teeth for power
transmission, as opposed to friction. This configuration results in no slippage, and
therefore, the driving and driven shafts remain synchronized. Its more expensive to
manufacture due to complexity of the belt and pulley shapes

The power from one pulley to another may be transmitted by any of the following types of
belt drives:

a) Open belt drive

b) Crossed/closed or twist belt drive

Open Belt Drive

Open belt drive is used with shafts arranged parallel and rotating in the same direction.
From figure as shown below the driver A pulls the belt from one side (i.e. lower side RQ) and
delivers it to the other side (i.e. upper side LM). Thus the tension in the lower side belt will be
more than that in the upper side belt. The lower side belt (because of more tension) is known as
TIGHT SIDE whereas the upper side belt (because of less tension) is known as SLACK SIDE.

Crossed/Closed or Twist Belt Drive

Crossed belt drive is used with shaft arranged parallel and rotating in the opposite
directions. Figure below shows that the driver pulls the belt from one side (i.e. RQ) and delivers it
to other side (i.e. LM). Thus the tension in the belt RQ will be more than that in the belt LM. The
belt RQ (because of more tension) is known as TIGHT SIDE, whereas the belt LM (because of less
tension) is known as SLACK SIDE.

Length and Angle of Contact

1. Length of an open belt drive 1. Length of a cross/close belt drive

In open belt drive, both pulleys rotate in the same In cross/close belt drive, both the pulleys rotate in
direction. opposite direction.

r1 and r2 = radius of the larger n smaller pulleys r1 and r2 = radius of the larger n smaller pulleys
x = distance between the centres of two x = distance between the centres of two
pulleys pulleys
L = total length of the belt L = total length of the belt

2. Angle of contact, of open belt 2. Angle of contact, of cross/close belt

When the two pulleys of different diameters are A little consideration will show that when the
connected by means of an open belt, then the two pulleys are connected by means of a
angle of the contact or lap,  at the SMALLER crossed belt, then the angle of contact or lap, 
pulley must be taken into consideration. on both pulleys are same.

Ratio of Driving Tension and Power Transmitted


1. Ratio of driving tension 1. Ratio of driving tension

T1 = Tensions in the belt on the tight sight 2β = angle of groove

T2 = Tensions in the belt on the slack side β = half angle of groove
= angle of contact in radians
μ = coefficient of friction

2. Power transmitted by a belt 2. Power transmitted by a belt

Power, P = (T1 – T2) v Power, P = (T1 – T2) v

v = velocity of the belt v = velocity of the belt

where; v1 = v2 where; v1 = v2

Tork of driving pulley = (T1 – T2) r1 Tork of driving pulley = (T1 – T2) r1

Tork of follower pulley = (T1 – T2) r2 Tork of follower pulley = (T1 – T2) r2

Initial tension in the belt, Initial tension in the belt,

Centrifugal Tension

Since the belt continuously runs over the pulleys, therefore, some centrifugal force is
caused, whose effect is to increase the tension on both, tight as well as the slack sides. The tension
caused by centrifugal force is called centrifugal tension. At lower belt speeds (less than 10 m/s),
the centrifugal tension is very small, but a higher belts speeds (more than 10 m/s), its effect is
considerable and thus should be taken into account.

Let, m = mass of the belt per unit length in kg

v = velocity of the belt in m/s
Tc = centrifugal tension

Tc = mv2

When the centrifugal tension is taken into account, the ratio of the driving belt will be:

for flat belt

for V – belt

Condition for the transmission of maximum power

For maximum power of transmission,


1. (a) Find the necessary length of belt to drive a pulley of 500 cm diameter running parallel at
a distance of 10 m from the driving pulley of diameter 70 cm. This system is an open
belt drive.

(b) A belt used to drive a pulley of 750 mm diameter with 675 rpm. Angle of contact is 140
and coefficient is 0.32. Maximum tension of belting allowed was 600 N. Calculate the
power to be transmitted.

2. Two pulleys, one 450mm diameter and the other 200 mm diameter are on parallel shaft 1.95 m
apart and are connected by a crossed belt. Find the length of the belt required and the angle of
contact between the belt and each pulley.

What power can be transmitted by the belt between the larger pulley rotates at 200 rev/min. if
the maximum permissible tension in the belt is 1KN, and the coefficient of friction between
the belt and pulley is 0.25?

3. A close belt drive connects two pulleys of 420 mm and 280 mm diameters, and distance
between two pulleys is 3 m. The larger pulley rotates at 200 rev/min and the maximum tension
in it is not exceed 1.7 kN. Coefficient of friction between belt and pulleys is 0.3. Calculate:
a) Angle of contact between the belt and each pulley
b) Length of the belt
c) Power transmitted by the belt

4. An open belt drive connects two pulleys with diameters 1.2 m and 0.6 m, on parallel shaft 3 m
apart. The belt has a mass of 0.56 kg/m and maximum tension is 1.5 kN. The driver pulley
runs at 300 rpm. The coefficient of friction between the belt and the pulley surface 0.3.
a) The initial tension
b) Power transmitted
c) Maximum power.

5. Two V shape pulley was connected with one V belt that has a 45o angle. The driven pulley is
250 mm, lap angle 110o and it rotate with 750 rpm. If the mass of the belt is 0.372 kg/m and a
coefficient of friction between V belt and V shape pulley is 0.32, calculate :-
a) A tension at each side of a belt when it transmitted 500W of power.
b) Torque at a shaft of a driven pulley

6. An open V belt with mass 0.8 kg/m connected one pulley with diameter 1.5 m and rotates at
200 rpm to another pulley that rotates at 450 rpm and contact angle of 165º. If the coefficient
of friction is 0.23 and the groove angle is 60º with 8.5 kW power that can transmitted,
a) tensions of the belting.
b) diameter of 2nd pulley
c) maximum power can be transmitted

7. A V belt with mass of 0.97 kg/m drive a pulley with groove angle 44 o. The diameter of the
pulley is 840 mm; the belt angle of contact is 150 o and friction co-efficient 0.33. Allowed
maximum tension for the belt is 800 N and velocity 10.5 m/s. Find:-
a) Power transmitted for that condition.
b) Maximum power that can be transmitted.
c) Speed of rotation in rpm at maximum power


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