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Submission Guidelines

Please refer to the following set of guidelines before submitting your manuscript for consideration for publication in
Phytopathology®, Plant Disease, MPMI®, Plant Health Progress, Phytobiomes Journal, and PhytoFrontiers™.

Initial Submission
 A single PDF may be uploaded as the “Main Tables
Document”, for initial submission. Include all text  All tables cited in text in order of appearance. Tables placed
formatted as outlined in this guide, as well as all tables on separate numbered pages after Literature Cited section.
and figures, including captions.  Explain any nonstandard abbreviations in table footnotes.
Upon final acceptance, text files for main document Submit tables as text, not as images.
will be required, as well as high resolution image files
for all figures. Figures
 First letter of first word of label is capitalized; all others are
lowercase, except proper nouns.
 Figures must be prepared for same-size reproduction.
Content Consistent font style and sizing is used for all figures.
 Significance and originality of work are shown.  Figures are submitted as separate files in .tif, .eps, or .jpg
 Discussion relates work to other published material and format (preferred, rather than embedded in the text file)
addresses strengths and weaknesses of research. upon final submission; they may be embedded in the main
 Major conclusions are supported by results from repeated document file or PDF for initial submission only. Include
experiments. Reproducibility of results is described captions for figures, placed on a separate numbered page
explicitly. following tables.
 Objectives are clearly stated in opening paragraph.
 Opening paragraphs include a succinct evaluation of the e-Xtras
topic, including all relevant literature citations.  You may upload a single PDF for this file designation.
 If authors feel the paper would benefit from a language- Consider adding the title and any text you feel the
editing service, APS has partnered with Charlesworth
Author Services; APS authors will receive a 10% discount on reader will find useful in addition to all the
services offered. This should be done prior to submission supplementary images, captions and tables with titles
and is the responsibility of the author. Other similar services in the single PDF. Files such as videos or large .xlsx files
are available, by searching the web for “Scientific Editing”. will need to be uploaded as separate files as they
 Manuscript has not been published previously or cannot be included in the single PDF. Include titles for
simultaneously submitted elsewhere.
other file types such as video clips or data files, on a
 Manuscript has been critically reviewed by colleagues
before submission. separate page at the end of the main document. Files for
e-Xtras should have the file designation of e-Xtra in the
Format file upload step.
 Line-numbered pages 8 1/2 × 11 inches, double-spaced
(including tables and figure captions). Typescript is 12 point
san serif type.
 First author’s name, page number, and journal name on
each page
 Title does not exceed 150 characters and spaces. Includes Supporting Material
host, pathogen or disease, and phenomenon, as  Proof of all “in press” citations.
appropriate. Do not use both common and scientific names  Copies of personal communication for verification.
for organisms. Permission granted for copyrighted material.
 Author name(s), affiliations, and addresses given in a  Voucher cultures and specimens deposited in recognized
separate paragraph. Please refer to the new format for all collections. Accession numbers obtained for nucleotide
APS journals. sequences.
 Corresponding author’s name and e-mail address given  Statement of author contributions are required for MPMI®
before the abstract. and Phytobiomes Journal and optional for Phytopathology™,
 Abstract limited to 250 words in one paragraph. Plant Disease and Plant Health Progress.
 Keywords included after the abstract.  Photographs, drawings, or diagrams, from an article, or
 Use sections as described in Organization of Materials. related to an article, may be submitted for consideration for
 Acknowledgments are provided after the text. Funding the journal cover for Plant Disease and Phytopathology™.
details will be supplied in the Manuscript upload and do not Such figures should be labeled and include a caption.
need to be included in this paragraph.
 All citations should be double-checked for accuracy and
completeness and listed in alphabetical order by authors' sur-
names and cited in the text by the author-year method.
H:\Dosuser\Publications\Resources\Journals\APS Journal Editorial instructions and procedures

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