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Journal template of Case report


The names of all authors1
name of institution of each author

Corresponding author:
Name :
Address :
Phone and fax number :
Email address :

An unstructure abstract should be performed for case report. Abstract sholud consist
Introduction (What does this case add), case presentation (The main symptoms of the patient, the
main clinical findings, the main diagnose, interventions, the main outcomes), and Conclusion
(What were the main “take-away” lessons from this case). The abstract should be limited to a
maximum of 250 words, typed in single-space and written in font Times New Roman size 11.
Keywords : provide a list of 3–10 keywords


Abstrak disajikan dalam bentuk abstrak tidak terstruktur dengan jumlah maksimal adalah 250 kata.
Abstrak harus mencakup pendahuluan, deskripsi kasus (gejala, pemeriksaan klinis, diagnosa utama serta
intervensi yang diberikan dan luarannya) dan kesimpulan. Abstrak ditulis dalam spasi 1, tulisan Times
new roman berukuran 11.
Kata kunci : berisi 3-10 keyword

Should contain definition and background of the problem, or experience of other people's
writing briefly about the same issues and the interests of the case, reason for reported

Case description
If theres any image or table, author should follow the guide lines or see the journal template for
original article. Describe the relevant patient information, physical examination findings,
piagnostic methods, therapeutic intervention,follow-up and outcomes.
Patient information : consist of demographic information (eg, age, gender, ethnicity,
occupation), main symptoms of the patient (his or her chief complaints), medical, family, and
psychosocial history—including diet, lifestyle, and genetic information whenever possible, and
details about relevant comorbidities including past interventions and their outcomes.
Diagnostic methods : include laboratory testing, imaging, questionnaires, diagnostic
challenges (eg, financial, language/cultural), diagnostic reasoning including other diagnoses
considered and prognostic characteristics (eg, staging) where applicable.
Follow-up and outcomes: Summarize the clinical course of all follow-up visits including
Clinician and patient assessed outcomes, Important follow-up test results (positive or negative),
intervention adherence and tolerability (and how this was assessed), and adverse and
unanticipated events.
The strengths and limitations of the management of the case, The relevant medical
literature, the rationale for conclusions (including assessments of cause and effect, and the main
“take-away” lessons of this case report. Review of Literature should be appropriate and closely
related to the case. Rooted in the study of literature is made, then made a summary as a basis for


Consist of Conclusion and also suggestion. Conclusion should be the answer of research
problem, unequivocal statement. Suggestion should be logical and appropriate.

Conflict of Interest
Authors should made a conflict of interests disclosure statement or a declaration that they
do not have any conflicts of interest. Authors should disclose at the time of revision any financial
arrangement they may have with a company whose product is pertinent to the submitted
manuscript or with a company making a competing product. Such information will be held in
confidence while the paper is under review and will not influence the editorial.

Anyone (individual/company/institution) who has substantially contributed to the study
for important intellectual content must be acknowledged. Acknowledge only persons who have
made substantive contributions to the study.

It is the authors’ responsibility to check all references very carefully for accuracy and
completeness. References must be one-spaced, in size 11 and numbered consecutively as they
are cited. References should be in Vancouver style (superscripted Arabic numerals). References
first cited in a table or figure should be numbered so they will be in sequence with the references
cited in the text at the point where the table or figure is first mentioned.  The minimal number of
references should be 15 and 85% of them should be recent (published during the last 10 years).
Authors is recommended to use reference management software Mendeley®.

Examples of correct references :

Journal Article with Individual Author

Sloan NL, Winikoff B, Fikree FF. An ecologic analysis of maternal mortality ratios. Studies in
Family Planning.2001;32:352-5.
Journal Article with Organizational Author
Diabetes Prevention Program Research Group. Hypertension, insulin, and proinsulin in
participants with impaired glucose tolerance. Hypertension. 2002; 40(5):679-86.
Journal Aricle from Internet
Goodyear-Smith F and Arroll B. Contraception before and after termination of pregnancy: can
we do it better? The New Zealand Medical Journal 2003;116(1186)
<>, accessed Aug 7, 2007.
Book named by Editor as Author
Lewis G, ed. Why mothers die 2000–2002: the confidential enquiries into maternal deaths in the
United Kingdom. London: RCOG Press, 2004.
Books Written by Individuals
Loudon I. Death in childbirth. An international study of maternal care and maternal mortality
1800-1950.London: Oxford University Press, 1992.
Books Written by Organization
Council of Europe, Recent Demographic Developments in Europe 2004,Strasbourg, France:
Council of Europe Publishing, 2005.
Article from Buletin
Ali MM, Cleland J and Shah IH, Condom use within marriage: a neglected HIV intervention,
Bulletin of the World Health Organization 2004;82(3):180–6.
Paper Presented at the Scientific Meeting / Conference
Kaufman J, Erli Z and Zhenming X, Quality of care in China: from pilot project to national
program, paper presented at the IUSSP XXV International Population Conference, Tours,
France, July 18–23, 2005.
Chapter in Book
Singh S, Henshaw SK and Berentsen K, Abortion: a worldwide overview, in: Basu AM, ed., The
Sociocultural and Political Aspects of Abortion,Westport, CT. USA: Praeger Publishers, 2003.
Data from Internet
U.S. Bureau of the Census, International Data Base, Country summary: China, 2007
<>, accessed Aug 12, 2007.
Lamsudin R. Algoritma Stroke Gadjah Mada (Disertasi). Yogyakarta: Universitas Gadjah Mada,
Paper in Newspaper
Banzai VK, Beto JA. Treatment of Lupus Nephritis. The Jakarta Post 1989; Dec 8; Sect A.5(col
Ectasia. Dorland’s Illustrated Medical Dictionary.27th ed. Philadelphia: Saunders, 1988;527.

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