FINAL Prog - Plan

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I. Title of the Program:“Children Having Children” teenage pregnancy

II. Rationale
Data collected by the students revealed that 40 adolescent (16-19 years
old) students of Lyceum of the Philippines University found out to be pregnant
for the SY 2010-2011 second semester. In 92 percent of these teens, the
pregnancy was unplanned, and the majority, 78 percent, did not even use
contraceptives the first time they had sex. Many of them were even clueless
that even on a single intercourse, they could wind up pregnant.

Further reading revealed that Filipino teens get a higher exposure to sex
from the Internet, magazines, TV shows, movies and other media than
decades ago, yet without any corresponding increase in information on how
to handle the input. According to the 2002 Young Adult Fertility and Sexuality
Study by the University of the Philippines Population Institute (UPPI) and the
Demographic Research and Development Foundation, 26 percent of our
Filipino youth nationwide from ages 15 to 25 admitted to having a premarital
sex experience. What’s worse is that 38 percent of our youth are already in a
live-in arrangement.

Former Labor Undersecretary Susan Ople has urged the Department of

Labor and Employment (DoLE) and the leaders of the call center industry to
pursue awareness campaigns in workplaces to stem the rise of HIV/AIDS in
the Philippines.

Official records at the Department of Health (DOH) showed the number of

HIV cases rose to 709 in 2009, compared to the 528 recorded the previous
year. With 675 respondents from 22 call centers in Metro Manila and Metro
Cebu, showed a significant number of call center workers has contracted
diseases through non-romantic but regular sexual engagements.
The program is designed to address the cases of teenage pregnancy in
relation to reproductive health education. Its focus is on prevention of teenage
pregnancy and to provide support and guidance support and guidance
designed to avoid negative outcomes associated with teenage pregnancy and

III. Goals and Objectives

After a month of school-based nursing interventions, the students of
Lyceum of the Philippines University will be able to increase their knowledge
regarding reproductive health.

After a month of school-based nursing interventions, the students of
Lyceum of the Philippines University would be able to:
1. Acknowledge the rapport being established by the school nurses in
organizing the program including their purpose.
2. Verbalize understanding on reproductive health specifically on various
contraceptive methods through posters that will be place on different college
3. State the significance of reproductive health bill utilizing and reading the
pamphlets that will be available upon visiting the school clinic.
4. Decrease in the incidence rate of teenage pregnancy.
5. Appreciate the scope of reproductive health bill in the provision of special
attention to reducing the incidence of teen-age pregnancy and other
adolescent reproductive health problems

IV: Description
The program is mainly a health teaching utilizing posters, pamphlets, and videos
to facilitate learning on the target groups in a more creative way.
The posters contain pictures and topics on how to use various contraceptive
methods. It will be place on the bulletin boards of different college departments and
hallways where the students can see this accessibly.
The pamphlets are available on the school clinic where the students can get their
copies upon coming in and out of the clinic. The pamphlets will facilitate the learning
of the students regarding the factors, risks and harms of early exposure to premarital
sex even without using any contraceptives. It contains simple words and guided
pictures in able to reach out all the level of intellect of the target group.
The video will be played via projector just after the entrance on the main gate. It’s
a compilation of a teenage mother and aborted baby pictures with captions and
background music sang by Rivermaya entitled “Anak” will surely capture the hearts
of every students passing through that area.

V: Obstacles to the Program Implementation

Non-governmental organizations including Lyceum of the Philippines University
are pushing for the enactment of a Reproductive Health bill. That piece of legislation
would uphold the use of artificial contraceptives and institutionalize sex education in

But the influential Catholic Church’s opposition to it has put it on hold.


Dr. Junice Melgar said: “Unfortunately, even sexuality education is being

challenged and opposed by conservative forces in the Philippines. Whether we like it
or not, whether parents approve it or not, the young people are getting all source of
information from the Internet, from their peers, etc.

“And if there’s no authoritative voice that tells uniformly on a standard basis

what’s the harm, what are the risks, how can young people avoid the risk of early
pregnancy? Then the risks to young people will stay as is, or could even increase the
incidence of teen pregnancies in the country.”

In line to the statements above, large amount of fund is needed to achieve the
goal of the group and for the plan to be carried out. Student nurses will not be able
to monitor the on-going learning process of the subjects due to time constraints and
vast number of students that’s why participation of different departments,
organizations, faculty and staffs will be highly appreciated upon the implementation
of the program.

VI: Program Duration/ Timeframe

“Children having Children” teenage pregnancy

Gantt chart
Activities February 2011
02 0 0 05 0 1 1 12 1 1 18 1 2 24 2 26
3 4 9 0 1 6 7 9 3 5
 Data gathering – review
the students’ health
 Interview the health care
staff about their services
rendered to the area, the
problem that needed to
be address, and their
 Conduct survey on the
students who visit the
library regarding
reproductive health
 Formulate a program
plan regarding teenage
pregnancy and
reproductive health.
 Revision of the program
 Initial presentation and
collaboration to the
school physicians and
 Editing of the posters
and pamphlets needed
for the implementation.
 Presentation of the
program plan to the
clinical instructor for final
revision prior to
 Approach the school
doctors ( dr. Shirley S.
Codamon; dr. Carmelita
C. Crisologo ) for the
program approval
 Meet with
Mr.LizandroFerrer, Dean
of Students’ Affairs Office
for the program
 Endorsements to the
receiving group all the
tasks that need to be
 Collaboration with the
different college
organizations, faculty
and staffs for the well
penetrated program to
the whole university
addressing all the
students enrolled in the
 Fund raising for the
printing of posters and
pamphlets for the
spontaneous flow of the
 Collaborate to the M.I.S
department for the set-up
and video operation
(Monday and Thursday
for the whole month of
February). Starting on
the 9th day of the month.
 Proper placement of the
posters to the different
bulletin boards of every
college departments for
the widespread of the
 Pamphlets are made
available on the following
areas: school clinic,
reserve area of the
library, and to the 2 main
gatesof the university
 Endorsement to the
receiving group, all the
weakness and strengths
of the program.
 Review the incidence
rate of the teenage
pregnancy consulting the
school clinic.
 Conduct a survey to the
students visiting the clinic
regarding the information
dissemination, the
completeness of the
topics included on the
pamphlets and posters.
 Tallying of the results of
the surveys and
feedbacks done by the
 Data analysis, conclusion
and recommendations.
 Final presentation of the
whole program proper

Schedule of Activities

1st week 2nd week 3rd week 4th week

Assessment and Implementation Phase Evaluation Phase
Planning Phase
• Data gathering – • Collaboration with the • Review the
review the students’ different college departments, incidence rate of the
health records organizations, faculty and staffs teenage pregnancy
• Interview the for the well penetrated program to consulting the school
health care staff about the whole university addressing clinic.
their services rendered all the students enrolled in the • Conduct a survey
to the area, the problem institution. to the students visiting
that needed to be • Fund raising for the printing the clinic regarding the
address, and their of posters and pamphlets for the information
clients. spontaneous flow of the program. dissemination, the
• Conduct survey • Collaborate to the M.I.S completeness of the
on the students who visit department for the set-up and topics included on the
the library regarding video operation 8hours/day; pamphlets and posters.
reproductive health 2x/week (Monday and Thursday • Tallying of the
• Formulate a for the whole month of February). results of the surveys
program plan regarding Starting on the 9th day of the and feedbacks done by
teenage pregnancy and month. the students.
reproductive health. • Proper placement of the • Data analysis,
• Revision of the posters to the different bulletin conclusion and
program plan. boards of every college recommendations.
• Initial presentation departments for the widespread of • Final
and collaboration to the the program. presentation of the
school physicians and • Pamphlets are made whole program proper
nurses. available on the following areas:
• Editing of the school clinic, reserve area of the
posters and pamphlets library, and to the 2 main gates of
needed for the the university campus.
implementation. • Endorsement to the
• Presentation of receiving group, all the weakness
the program plan to the and strengths of the program.
clinical instructor for final
revision prior to
• Approach the
school doctors ( dr.
Shirley S. Codamon; dr.
Carmelita C. Crisologo )
for the program approval
• Meet with
Mr.LizandroFerrer, Dean
of Students’ Affairs
Office for the program
• Endorsements to
the receiving group all
the tasks that need to be

 Schedule of Activities in Lyceum of the Philippines University school clinic

February 2,2011 February 3,2011 February 4,2011 February 5, 2011

(Wednesday) (Thursday) (Friday) (Saturday)

7:00- 8:30 7:00-9:00 7:00-9:00 7:00-10:30

Log book of ward Checking for the Arranging the clinic Assisting the
admissions, blood integrity and and sorting all the school doctor on
pressure, completeness of documents that clients’
intramurals were all the necessary needed to be consultations.
arranged. school clinic’s sweep.
supplies and
8:30- 10:00 equipment. 9:00-2:00 Assisting clients
(students and LPU
Medical cards, 9:00-10:30 Assisting clients
staffs) on their
dental cards and (students and LPU
Giving of the health needs.
physical and staffs) on their
laboratory results to
laboratory health needs. 1:30-3:00
the freshmen’s.
assessments were
2:00-4:00 Video presentation
attached together 10:30-1:30
on reproductive
in preparation for Medical cards,
Assisting to the health and teenage
enrolment. dental cards and
clients’ needs. pregnancy
physical and
1:30-2:00 laboratory 3:00-4:00
Assisting clients assessments were
Lunch Weekly report
(students and LPU attached together
staffs) on their 2:00-4:30 in preparation for 4:00-8:30
health needs. enrolment.
Medical cards, -Indirect patient
12:00-1:00 dental cards and 4:00-7:30 care (paper works)
physical and
Lunch break Indirect patient care -Assisting clients
(students and LPU
1:00-2:00 assessments were Checking for the
staffs) on their
attached together completeness of
Giving medications health needs.
in preparation for medications and
and ward
enrolment. documents. -Medical cards,
dental cards and
4:30-7:30 7:30-8:30
3:00-5:00 physical and
Assisting clients Emergency laboratory
Weighing of the
(students and LPU treatment done to a assessments were
CITHM students in
staffs) on their patient who fainted attached together
line with their OJT.
health needs. from her class. in preparation for
6:00-8:30 enrolment.
Indirect patient care
(paper works)

VII: Organizational Structure

Clinical Instructors, school nurses, and
attending physician

School-student nurse

Program plan Budget Head Implementation Evaluation and

Head Head Monitoring Head

Roles and responsibilities:

1. Clinical Instructor – would be responsible for guiding the RLE groups in

Planning and Implementing the Program Plan and giving Instructions while on
the Area.
2. RLE/Group Leader – would be responsible for all the Communication needed
for the Implementation of the Program Plan. Monitoring and Ensuring the
Progress of the 5 Committees.
3. Physical Set-up Head – would be responsible for the Arrangement of the Venue
and Ensuring that all needed materials for the Program are ready and Available.
Monitoring his members for the Progress of the Set-up of the Venue.
4. Program Plan Head – would be responsible for making the Program Plan that
will be implemented in the Area, which Includes: a) Program Proposal b) Module
with Strategy c) health Teaching.
5. Implementation Head – will be responsible on the flow of the program proper,
leading the respondents for the activities prepared and ensuring that the host will
be showing lively
6. Evaluation Head – will be responsible for the evaluation and monitoring part
after the program has been conducted.

I. Budget Proposal And Sources of Funds

- The budget for the program will be generated from the group funds and fund
raising that will be done by the receiving groups. The materials needed for the
program is a pamphlets and posters whichcontain the health education program
prepared by the group. A video save on a cd will also be a part of the teaching
strategy in disseminating the topic. The breakdown of expenditure is clearly
computed and stated below.


Computation for colored pamphlets

 1 page cost 5peso, if 1 pamphlets has 3 pages the total amount to

pay per pamphlets is 15Pesos
 5(per page) x 3(pages per pamphlets) = 15/pamphlets
 For example:
15/ pamphlet x 100 students = 1500 pesos on 100 pieces pamphlets

II. Financial Analysis:

This study/program is not profit designed/oriented.

III. Monitoring, Evaluation, and Sustainability Plan:

Monitoring, evaluation and sustainability plan works hand in hand from the 1 st
week to the 4th week of the program. The sustainability plan oversees the
implementing group by the 2 nd and 3rd week of the program. It doesn’t stop until
the evaluating group on the 4 th week already came up with their final output of the
totality of the program “Children are having children- teenage pregnancy”.

Evaluation would be through set of questions given to the students who

visit the school clinic regarding the flow of the program and the completeness of
the topics included on the pamphlets and posters given to them.

Suggestions and recommendations were also entertained for the

betterment of the conduction of any program particularly in attaining an optimum
health and well-being.

Lyceum of the Philippines University

College of Nursing

Muralla St. Intramuros, Manila

“Children’s Having Children”

Teenage Pregnancy

A program related to reproductive health

Submitted by:

Ganadin, Faye Elizabeth O.

Quizon, Estrella M.

BSNIV-II; Group 5

Submitted to:

Mr.Exequiel Naculangan RN, MAN

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