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below show the layout of a university’s sports center now, and how it will look after redevelopment.

The civic promotion programs for a university sports center are provided comparatively, as the area
will be enhanced to a contemporary place with a variety of recreational facilities in the future.

Overall, the urban planning constructions are more likely to change the previous structures into a
more modern one. It is noticeable that the most remarkable alteration will occur in extending the
center’s boundary. Although a range of leisure facilities would be superseded by two current
outdoor courts. The pool located in the central part would not transform into the plan.

The most considerable modification will take place in expanding the border area. To clarify, those
two outdoor courts on the left and right sides would be demolished. While, the main pool with 25-
meter depth and some surrounding places such as changing rooms, seating, and reception area will
remain untouched at the same place. The gym in the northern part of the center is going to be
widened to the eastern side and the innovative leisure pool in the western part will be dedicated to
the students for swimming.

It can be observed that the left outdoor courts would be obliterated in the schedule. To compensate,
a big sports hall is going to be constructed next to the seating area. Besides, two dance studios will
be built in the eastern part of the map. On both sides of the main entrance, a cozy café and the
sports shop would be considered in the plan to meet the dweller's demand for purchasing sporting
equipment and food. Two extra changing rooms would be provided in a new plan.

Neda Mansouri


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