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Principles of Fashion Design Project

Balance - Emphasis - Harmony - Proportion - Rhythm - Scale
30 points
Due: _______________

In this project, you will investigate a designers work and how they incorporated
principles of design in their work. Use the following website to choose what
designer you will be doing your project over:

**after each step check with teacher before you begin on the next!

Step 1: Pick Fashion Designer

After you choose your designer, go to Click on Fashion Shows and
browse designers. Choose a collection (ex.: spring 2018)

Step 2: Choose photos from collection _____

Choose 6 similar looks from that line. Copy and Paste them into a google doc
and share with Ms. Sears, so she can print them.

Step 3: Explain principle of design in look ____

Each photo will represent a different principle of design, so with each photo you
will need text to explain the different principle used in the look. You will type on
a google doc, in a professional font, the explanation of principle. Share doc with
Ms. Sears and she will print.

Step 4: Putting the Poster together _____

Once everything is printed, put a border around images and text by gluing on a
different colored sheet of paper. Cut out and put together in a visually pleasing
way on your board.

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