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Gibb’s Reflective Cycle


I was able to pass the requirements on time and this includes the individual case studies
and home visit plans one to three. Though it does not just end there, we are assigned to
defend our home visit plan that we gathered and collected from our families. The collected
data that we spent our time and sweat on was not that easy but was quite enjoyable. The
only thing left to do was to defend the home visit and wait the call of our instructor. The
way of defending the home visit plan we made was through one-on-one call but the day
ended but I received no calls or messages perhaps we do not need to defend it anymore
because time left for the clinical rotation was already used or our clinical instructor just
decided not to defend it anymore because we did the home visit plan well already, or our
clinical instructor will be rescheduling the home visit plan defense. I did not experience nor
saw in person how the upperclassmen defend their own visit plan. It led me to search up
through the internet on how nursing student defend their home visit plan, the information
was too short and there were only few videos and some are not even close to a home visit
plan. The thought of it left me feel different kinds of feeling.


I felt extremely relieved and happy after finishing the individual case studies and the home visit
plan one to three. Though that feeling was taken and was replaced with nervousness because
we were then assigned to defend the home visit plan we made. And it made me much more
nervous that it will be through a one-on-one call with the instructor. I guess that most of us feel
this way when presented with new challenges, I also felt embarrassed because every time I feel
nervous my hands and feet gets cold, but sometimes I just laugh it off to shake of the
nervousness or tension in my body. I felt happy and relieved because I received no calls or
messages, even my classmates did not received any calls or message as well, though I thought
that the clinical instructor might just reschedule the home visit plan defense, so I did not have
high hopes that the defense would be cancelled. The situation left me somehow distressed for
not having updates, though our clinical instructor was approachable from the start, I did
hesitate to message because I might be defending the home visit plan first. Though I was
certain that I wanted to finish it already to be relieved.

Given the situation I felt guilty for being happy that there was no defense that happen. I felt
happy for I have much time to do other assessments. Though I felt disturbed for every time I
needed to check on my messenger or neo for possible rescheduling of the defense or I might
just receive a call and did not notice at all. I felt nervous and it is like a natural reaction of our
body’s way of preparing us for what is about to come, which is usually something that is
outside our comfort zone. And we should just accept that it is a completely natural experience
can help keep our nerves in check . In the following activities I may develop a habit of wishing that it might
be postponed but be always prepared.


On reflection, I realized that I should expect that there might be another requirement and of
the same topic so I can divide the topics wisely. The reason I chose this topic because I
generalized the first GIBBS reflection and now lack topic to be reflected upon. I should have also
asked my classmates or the instructor. Though it still ended well for the clinical rotation. And it
does not just end because of how our clinical instructor had us actively participating and
enjoying the lesson but on how our clinical instructor was open with the questions or for
clarifications. The rapport has been built between the teacher and student. Though the main
focus for the future is to always expect for a new assessment and should be able to manage
time well to avoid interlaces between other requirements or assessments.


To what I have experienced, the actions I did developed my self-esteem every after conferences
and realized that its okay to feel anxious and nervous for the first time, we should accept that
kind of feeling. And it came up to a realization about the school community environment and
specifically student-teacher rapport is a major factor in how the students and teachers perform.
And that said I would more likely respond the same way or how I previously acted to the
situation to achieve that certain outcome once again.
Action Plan

In the following clinical exposures, I will ensure that I build up a relationship with colleagues
and my clinical instructor. And intend to improve and be bravely enough to speak for my
questions to be clarified enough. Also, to be understanding to each other and bear peace in
mind no matter how hard problems may be and to always look at the brighter side of the
situation. Mostly to spend my remaining time to topics that I have not yet mastered.

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