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1. Choose the correct answers.

1. Frozen food is hot / cold / warm.
2. Many people put olive oil on salads / tea / cake.
3. We make crisps with tomatoes / nuts / potatoes.
4. Crisps / Carrots / Watermelons are salty.
5. Orange juice / Rice / Beef is a type of drink.
6. Sweet food has got a lot of milk / sugar / olive oil.
7. A lemon / Popcorn / A biscuit is sour.
8. Salad / Ice cream / A carrot is very fattening.
9. Strawberries / Chips / Fizzy drinks are fried.
10. People often eat peppers / baked beans / chicken cooked or raw.

2. Complete the sentences with the words below. There are more words than you need.
between • oven • mirror • spicy • bakery • yacht • windy • underground • warm • oily
blankets • lightning

1. There’s a …………………… in the bathroom.

2. It is a cold and …………………… day.
3. Mr Green goes to work on the …………………… .
4. Dad wants to sail a …………………… to Greece.
5. You can buy bread at a …………………… .
6. I don’t like fried food. It’s usually …………………… .
7. Our school is …………………… a library and a bank.
8. I’ve got two …………………… on my bed.
9. I love stormy weather. Look at the …………………… !
10. Please put some potatoes in the …………………… .
3. Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Continuous.
1. James …………………… (prepare) lunch now.
2. What …………………… you …………………… (put) in the oven?
3. They …………………… (sail) on a yacht at the moment.
4. …………………… Diana …………………… (study) for the maths exam?
5. I …………………… (not make) chicken for dinner.

4. Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the P. Simple or Continuous.
1. We …………………… (not sleep) at the moment.
2. Take a coat. It …………………… (rain) outside.
3. Jill …………………… often …………………… (not call) her friends.
4. I …………………… (want) to go home right now!
5. Look! Steve and Claire …………………… (swim) in the river.

5. Choose the correct answers.

1. There aren’t much / many / some players in the team this year.
2. Is there an / any / a orange juice in the fridge?
3. How many / Any / How much salad do you eat?
4. It isn’t healthy to eat a lot of / much / a chips.
5. Lee wants an / some / many sugar in her coffee.

6. Add a word to each group. Use the words below.

jar • damage • rubbish bin • cardboard • recycle

1. pollute, destroy, ……………………

2. paper, carton, ……………………
3. glass, bottle, ……………………
4. throw out, waste, ……………………
5. clean up, plant, ……………………

7. Write sentences with the words below. Use the Past Continuous.
1. Lucy / plant / trees / at 6.00 in the morning / !
2. you / practise / the piano / at 5.00 / ?
3. we / not / chat / at midnight / .
4. what / you / plan / at 1.30 / ?
5. Tom / carry / cans / to the bin / at 9.30 / .

8. Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the Past Simple or
Past Continuous.
1. Jake …………………………… (use) his computer when he ……………………………
a mouse.
2. It …………………………… (not start) raining while I …………………………… (ride) my
3. Where …………………… Gloria …………………………… (sit) while she
…………………………… (watch) TV?
4. We …………………………… (not hear) any thunder while we ……………………………
(drive) home.
5. Ellen …………………………… (take) the cans and Mike ……………………………
(carry) the bottles to the recycling bin yesterday.

9. Brainstorm ideas about your favourite meal. Answer the questions.

1. What is your favourite meal?
2. When do you usually have it?

3. Where do you have the meal?
4. Who prepares it?
5. Why do you like it?
10. Write the past,participle and meaning of these verbs

1. Beat________________________________________________________
2. Become_______________________________________________________________
3. Blow__________________________________________________________________
4. Burn__________________________________________________________________
5. Buy___________________________________________________________________
6. Catch__________________________________________________________________
7. Dig____________________________________________________________________
8. Choose_________________________________________________________________
9. Draw___________________________________________________________________
10. Do_____________________________________________________________________
11. Drink___________________________________________________________________
12. Drive___________________________________________________________________
13. Eat____________________________________________________________________
14. Fall____________________________________________________________________
15. Feed___________________________________________________________________
16. Feel____________________________________________________________________
17. Fight____________________________________________________________________
18. Find____________________________________________________________________
19. Fly_____________________________________________________________________
20. Forget__________________________________________________________________

11. Complete the sentences with the comparative form of the adjectives
1. My sweater is ……………………………… (warm) my jacket.
2. The new fashion designer is ……………………………… (creative) the
old one.
3. The long earrings are ……………………………… (silly) the short ones.
4. The bikini is ……………………………… (small) the swimsuit.
5. Kevin’s sunglasses are ……………………………… (unusual) Barbara’s.

12. Complete the sentences with the superlative form of the adjectives

1. Those high heels are ……………………………… (nice) shoes in the shop.

2. Jacques designed ……………………………… (amazing) dresses in the
fashion show.
3. Are platform shoes ……………………………… (bad) type of shoes for
your feet?
4. I didn’t wear my coat because it was ……………………………… (hot) day of
the year.
5. The blonde model is ……………………………… (attractive) model in the
13 . Complete the box with the words below:
orange  milk  rice  biscuit  egg  lemon  sugar  meat  hamburger  juice

Countable Uncountable

14. Complete the sentences with always, usually, sometimes or never.
Make the sentences true for you.
1. I …………………. do my homework in the morning.
2. My friends …………………. have lunch at school.
3. I …………………. get up at 8.00.
4. My mum …………………. drives me to school.
5. My friends and I …………………. go to the cinema at the weekend.

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