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The two maps depict the changes which are going to be taken place in the layout of the sports

centre of a university in the future in comparison with the present time. Overall, although the
central part of the sport centre is mainly going to remain unchanged, the building is planned to be
expanded and more facilities are aimed to be built.

As regards the eastern part, the outdoor courts area is planned to be roofed and adjoined to the
primary building to make way for the enlargement of the gym and the construction of some other
facilities as follows. Two dance studios will be erected in the northeast and east part of the
building and a sports hall is also planned to be constructed in front of them and next to the
seating area. Another striking change is the erection of a changing room and a cafe in the
southeast area and the left of the entrance, respectively.

If we look at the opposite side, it could be seen that the west outdoor courts are also going to be
knocked down to enlarge the sport centre. While a large portion of this added area is going to be
occupied by a leisure pool, a changing room and a sports shop are also aimed to be put up in the
southwest and south zone of that.

Ava Khajeian/AC

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