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Pr: Good afternoon ma'am

Ps: Good evening ns

Pr: What mother feels right now

Ps: My leg aches just after falling in front of the house

Pr: Alright mom, please enter the examination room, yes, to do the inspection

PS: Fine, thank you

Pr: We will clean the wound first, mrs, and we will cover the bandage for a while, then after
finishing, you can do outpatient care at home, mrs

Ps: Fine, thank you

Pr: When treating at home I recommend that the wound should not be exposed to water first,
mrs. and you can change the bandages in 3 days, mrs. After a week, you can come back for

Ps: Is there a medicine ns.

Pr: Later you will be given medicine.

there is an antibiotic drug 3x1 a day

For pain 3x1 a day

For inflammation 2x1 a day

Everything is drunk after a meal yes mrs

Ps: Good ns.Thanks for the advice

Ps: You're welcome, I hope you get better soon

2. Pr: Miss, I prescribe the medicine

saya kasih obat untuk lambung diminum 3 x 1 sehari sebelum makan ya bu.

Untuk mendorong 3x 1 sehari selama makan

dan saya menyetujui

- hindari makanan pedas

- minum 9 gelas air setiap hari

- Jangan pergi bekerja selama 3 hari

- Kembali untuk memeriksa kondisinya setelah seminggu

Ps: Terimakasih ns

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