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The First Solar Car in Bangladesh

Apollo A1 never forget the first time you see one

Term Project
New car for Bangladesh Market


Jumana Rezwan
Lecturer. Brand Management
ULAB Business School

Axif M. Onik ID: 091011147

Ummay Sanjida MD. Subbirul Islam Masud Rana Foysal Ahmed

ID: 091011090 ID: 091011081 ID: 091011084 ID: 091011088

[25August 10]

Apollo A1 never forget the first time you see one

Apollo A1 never forget the first time you see one
Apollo A1

[ A1car construct for a greener future & our aim is to bring

about an historic transformation that will prepare the industry for the future ]

Apollo A1 never forget the first time you see one

Over view of Car industry:
The automotive industry worldwide has been affected by the
global economic crisis, but it also faces longer-term challenges, including more intense
competition and rising environmental expectations. Fuel prices are increasing and consumer
preferences are changing. The Government’s new car plan will help the industry adjust to a more
open trade environment and shift to producing vehicles and components with lower fuel
consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. It will help maintain employment and create new
job opportunities in emerging growth areas.

Apollo A1 too has a dream:

When dream are collective, the dream is a reflection of the
value and beliefs of a community. A1 shares in the power of collective dream. Because it is only
when we are united can a nation boldly step up & reach towards a better future. The power of
collective dreams gives us hope, brings us together.

Idea Screening:
Apollo introduced the Apollo A1 car to the first time in Bangladesh market
in this year, as the world’s first mass produced solar & fuel hybrid vehicle.

Apollo A1 combines two types of power- solar and Fuel to provide minimums fuel efficiency &
promote a clean environment.

The target market for the Apollo A1 is composed mostly of men/woman who is environmentally
conscious and lives in Bangladesh city areas. The target market considers other non-hybrid cars
before considering an Apollo A1, meaning that the market for hybrid vehicles is expanding to
buyers who might not be as concerned with the environment but who are more concerned with
easily use, available solar power, comfort, space & easily gone any where.

Apollo A1 never forget the first time you see one

Apollo A1 car management system avoid two types of errors.

First: A DROP-error occurs when the company dismisses a good idea. It is extremely easy to
find fault with other peoples idea.

Second: A GO-error occurs when the company permits a poor idea to move into development &
commercialization. An absolute product failure loses money its sales do not cover variable costs.

Apollo A1 management can rate the surviving ideas using a weighted index method like that in
table. The first column lists factors required for successful product launches & the second
column assigns importance weights. The third column scores the car idea on a scale from 0 to 1.0
with 1.0 the highest score. The final step multiplies each factors importance by the product score
to obtain an overall rating. When follow our car idea scores 0.69 which place it in the good idea

Apollo car (Product) idea Rating Device-

Relative Weight Product Score Product Rating

A1 car success Requirements (a) (b) (c = a × b)

Unique or superior product .40 .8 .32

High performance to cost ratio .30 .6 .18

High market dollar support .20 .7 .14

Lack of strong competition .10 .5 .05

Total 1.00 .69a

a Rating scale: 00-.30 poor, .31-.60 fair, .61-.80 good. Minimum acceptance rate .61

Source: International product Idea rating Device

Apollo A1 never forget the first time you see one

Apollo A1 car design:

1 2

3 4

5 6
Apollo A1 never forget the first time you see one

Apollo A1 never forget the first time you see one

Concept Development:
Apollo believes one country in good physical shape environment is
the main source to make next generation light future. Apollo Greener Future plan to attract new
investment. The world is changing. Bangladesh automotive industry must change with it. Global
warming, the emergence of low-cost competitors, and rising fuel prices have all altered the
landscape in which our vehicle and component makers operate. The recent deterioration in the
international economy has compounded these challenges. Our choices are simple; our industry
must either adapt to the new environment, or face extinction. That’s why Apollo invention new
car Apollo A1.

Let us illustrate concept development with the following situation:

Our company gets idea of introducing new car to add to solar because this time CO2 emission is
the main hazardous of environment. When our car concept develops this time always remind
three types of question.
1. Who will use the car?
2. What primary benefit should our car provide?
3. When mass market use this car.

By answering this question, Our Company can form several concepts.

Concept 1: Our target market upper & upper-middle class up to 60, 000 salaries per month who
want to quickly go any where without waiting any car station to loaded gas.
Concept 2: Bangladesh situation when any people car driving in high way road so this time not
available gas/fuel station, so our car provide two types of benefit one solar to easy use & also not
harm to the environment & fuel alternative emergency use to supply minimums fuel efficiency.
Concept 3: Apollo A1 car first time introduce solar car in Bangladesh because it’s not harm to
the environment & people can easily gone any where without preparation. Our plan to expand
green industry. There has been a revolution in consumer preferences in Bangladesh. Reduce for
fuel-efficient, low-emission vehicles have grown dramatically. Apollo A1 try to makers around
in Bangladesh are moving to greener vehicle technologies.

Apollo A1 never forget the first time you see one

Market Analysis:

Apollo A1 finds that solar energy car .This car designing an initial
marketing Analysis for introducing the car to the market. The market strategy statement consists
of parts.

Apollo A1 target Market

Those seeking new technologies, who were early adopters in the market place. We focus Upper
middle class & upper-upper class customer.

The target market for the Apollo A1 is composed mostly of men/woman who is environmentally
conscious and lives in Bangladesh city areas. The target market considers other non-hybrid cars
before considering an Apollo A1, meaning that the market for hybrid vehicles is expanding to
buyers who might not be as concerned with the environment but who are more concerned with
easily use, available solar power, comfort, space & easily gone any where.

The products planned, distribution and marketing budget for the first year:

The Energy car will be offer two type of colors- Black & White and will have air-condition and
extra petroleum power operated. It will sell at a retail price of 26, 00, 000 BDT including custom
duties with 12 percent off the list price to dealer. Dealer who sell more than 15 cars per month
will get an additional discount of 5 percent on each sold the month. Advertising budget 50 lac
BDT during the first year.

Marketing mix

Product (car): Our car (product) Apollo A1 solar energy car is always provides environmentally
sustainable transportation and save operating cost for the customer. Ergonomically designed with
a streamlined centre console the Apollo A1's instruments and controls are visible at a glance.
They provide all the information you need about the car's operations and performance. Clear,

Apollo A1 never forget the first time you see one

unobstructed visibility Look through the large opening in the D-shaped steering wheel and you'll
have a clear view of the car's combination meter. The striking intensity of the bright illumination
makes the instruments and controls especially easy to read. There's no excuse for not seeing the
gauges especially with the bright white illumination on the 2 dial high-tech Positrons meter this
is fitted on all models except the Ascent sedans. Radio and air conditioning controls have also
been placed higher up the centre console so that you can glance at them quickly without taking
your attention off the road.

Price: In order to get some idea on which needs are the most important in Bangladesh, a total of
96 people have been interviewed on their perspectives on the importance of physiological needs,
safety needs, love (belonging), esteem, and self-actualization. These 96 people represented three
social classes: lower class, middle class and upper class. Each class was further divided into two
groups (lower and upper), resulting in a total of six class categories:

1. lower-lower class,
2. upper-lower class,
3. lower-middle class,
4. Upper middle class,
5. lower-upper class, and
6. upper-upper class.
Each of these six classes was represented by exactly 16 people.
When we valuation of A1 car price this time also observe society physiological needs, safety
needs, love (belonging), esteem, and self-actualization because when just indicate income level
so if I focus one rickshaw puller per day income 2000 (august 2011 survey) as a result indicate
middle class but he not full fell every need so society prospective he indicate lower class people.
Bangladesh City Data result basis Upper- middle class income level BDT 60, 000 to 1, 00, 000 &
Upper-upper class income level 1, 00, 000 +. Apollo A1 car selling price are BDT 26 lac, that’s
why we division buy our car two class of people Upper middle class & upper-upper class.

We want to precedence our customer so A1 also provide Discount, Credit terms & Payment
period facility.

Apollo A1 never forget the first time you see one

Place: Apollo A1’s automotive sales distribution network is the in Bangladesh. Apollo A1 will
Provide owns 19 of these dealers and the remainder is independent. Apollo believes that this
extensive sales network has been an important factor in its success in the Bangladesh market. A
large number of the cars sold in Bangladesh purchased from salespersons who visit customers in
their homes or offices. Apollo will expect this trend to continue, and accordingly, plans to
improve its sales activities such as customer reception and meticulous service at showrooms to
increase customer satisfaction.

Promotion: While we maintain our business focus taking the nation remains our top priority.
Thus our relationship with Bangladesh is built on a partnership, which strives to achieve
common economic & social goal.

Our social investments are consolidated in three main focus are namely.

 Environment: The main goal of A1

 Healthcare: Almost half of the country population lives below line & are deprived from
primary healthcare. So Apollo A1 provide free health care service for economically
disadvantage pregnant mother & Organizing eye care service for rural living people.
 Education: Apollo A1 CSR education initiative is to provide access to education &

A1 use the various aspect of marketing communication that is the communication of information
about the car with a goal of generating a positive customer response. Apollo A1 use TVC for the
advertising. After Sales Promotion A1 provides two year car servicing cost will 20 percent
discount for customers and car washing.

Apollo A1 never forget the first time you see one

Apollo A1 Element’s:

Our Apollo A1 brand Elements try to maintain must be chosen with the six general criteria of
memorability, meaningfulness, likability, transferability, adaptability & protect ability in mind.

Memorability: A1 Believe Brand elements should inherently be memorable and attention-

getting, and therefore facilitate recall or recognition. That’s why we use Apollo A1 because
Apollo the god par excellence of the Greeks identified with the sun and all that we owe to it in
the shape of inspiration modern every people know this thing.
Meaningfulness: Our Apollo means God of sun/light (Greek) because our car main power solar
energy that’s why indicate Apollo A1 name.

Logo Design: Try to reflect Apollo name focus on the logo & also reflect staring wheel & logo
design indicate smiling sun that protects the environment.

Adaptability: Apollo try to focus some different to customer that’s why logo indicate one smiling
sun to light every place & protect environment happily. Because this A1logo easier it is to update
it to changes in consumer values & opinions.

Protectability: Apollo A1 car every system are unique & first time solar + fuel car in the world
so we can legally protected internationally.
Our car design different than other car because these car terraces cover solar sticker & insight
decoration luxury different than the other car.

Apollo A1 never forget the first time you see one

Building Customer-Based Brand Equity:

Following is an example of using the pyramid

applied to A1. (Consumer Base).

Salience: “I need a car to get around town/Transportation. Apollo A1 (Solar + Fuel) car.

Imagery: Distinct look versus other car’s / hybrids.

Performance: Higher fuel economy lower emissions’.

Feeling: I am a good & responsible world citizen.

Judgment: The car drives as well as a fuel & also solar powered engines.

Resonance: Price is the best choice if you care for the environment.

Apollo A1 never forget the first time you see one

Business Analysis:

We hope when our organization management properly develops A1 car

concept & marketing strategy. Apollo to prepare sale, cost & profit projection to determine
whether they satisfy organizational objective. If we do the concept can move to the development

We use two types of Business Analysis_

1. Estimating total sales.

2. Estimating cost & profits.

Estimating total sales: Apollo A1 car is one of the infrequently purchased product so its show
exhibit replacement cycles dictated by physical wear or obsolescence associated with changing
style, features & performance but A1 by now not sale in market so clearly don’t know its
estimating total sales.

But we judge A1 infrequently purchased product either follow _

Apollo A1 never forget the first time you see one

Estimating cost & profits: We illustrate a five year projection of sales, costs & profits for the
Apollo A1 car.

We show projected five year cash flow statement__

Year 0 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5

1. Sales revenue 0 500 650 830 1190 1370
2. Cost of goods sold 0 165 214.50 273.90 392.70 452.10
3. Gross margin 0 335 435.50 556.10 797.30 917.90
4. Development cost - 150 0 0 0 0 0
5. Marketing cost 0 335 260 332.80 476 548
6. Allocation overheads 0 50 65 83 119 137
7. Discount
Contribution -150 - 42.50 83.70 92.30 115.60 116.50
8. Supplementary
contribution 0 0 0 0 0 0
9. Gross contribution -150 -50 110.50 140.30 202.30 232.90
10. Net contribution -150 -50 110.50 140.30 202.30 232.90
11. Cumulative discounted
Cash flow -150 -192.50 -108.80 -16.50 99.001 215.60

Apollo A1 Projected Five Year Cash flow Statement

Row 1 shows projection sales revenue over the five periods. The company expects to sells 193
car BDT 500 million in the five year. Behind the projection is a set of assumption about the rate
of market growth the A1 market shear & factory realized price.

Row 2 shows the cost of goods sold which around 33% of sales revenue. We focus this cost by
estimating the average cost of labor, ingredient & packaging per case.

Row 3 shows the expected gross margin the different between sales revenue & cost of goods

Apollo A1 never forget the first time you see one

Row 4 shows anticipated development including product development cost, market research cost
& also manufacturing cost.

Row 5 shows the estimating market costs over five year period to cover advertising, sales

Raw 6 shows the cost of executive salaries, light & so on.

Finally row 11 shows the cumulative discount cash flow, the accumulation of the annual
contributions in raw 10. Two things are of central interest. First the maximum investment
exposure, the high loss the project can create. The company will be in a maximum loss position
of BDT 192.50 million & a possible payback period of three & a half years.

We use other financial measures to evaluate the merit of a new product proposal. We also use
breakeven analysis which estimates how many units we try to must sell to break even with the
given price & cost structure. Apollo management department believe sales could easily reach
the break even number, it is likely to move the project into product development.

Product Develops:
Our A1 companies focus on incremental innovation. Because we believe
incremental innovation can allow companies to enter new markets by tweaking product for new
Our car are 100% environmental friendly not harmful to the environment. Because Bangladesh
some city Dhaka, Chittagong are air pollution level raise day by day so when you see the
polluted result you see this city are not people be alive after 10 year late, that’s why our car
development to the future plan biases because Apollo always try to realize people insight claim
& also how to generate sustainable progress to present up-coming generation.

Brand name: Our Apollo A1 brand names try to maintain must be chosen with the some general
criteria of memorability, meaningfulness, likability, transferability, adaptability & protect ability
in mind.

Apollo A1 never forget the first time you see one

Brand Name Guidelines:
Brand awareness: Our car environment friendly because these cars are solar & also not harm full.
We have to make it stronger more innovative, more productive, more competitive and more
export-focused. That’s what A New Car Plan for a Greener Future aims to do.
A New Car Plan for a Greener Future is a plan for reinventing the Bangladesh car industry. It is
about preparing the industry for a low carbon future and making it indispensable to global
markets and supply chains. It will ensure that car-making goes on contributing to Bangladesh

Brand association: We spicily focus When any buyers buy A1 car customer emotional response
& reaction to the brand because buyers believe he/she the part of develop green future to the next

Characters: We use special types of Apollo A1 symbol, one that takes on human or real life
characteristics because every people believe & respect god that’s why use Apollo name /sun

Slogans: Our car slogans is

“Apollo A1 never forget the first time you see one”


Anti-lock brakes: ABS brakes automatically sense when a tire has stopped rotating under
extreme braking, and will modulate the brake pressure to allow the tire to rotate. This increases
the vehicles ability to turn while braking.

Stability control: Stability control automatically senses when the vehicles handling limits have
been exceeded and reduces engine power and/or applies select brakes to help prevent the driver
from losing control of the vehicle. Front-impact airbags for the driver and passenger have been
designed to protect the head during a frontal crash.

Apollo A1 never forget the first time you see one

Side impact airbags: Side impact airbags for the front seats have been designed to protect the
torso during a side impact collision. Overhead airbags are used to protect the occupant's heads in
the event of a side collision or rollover.

Pretension: Seatbelt pretension automatically tightens seatbelts to place the occupant in the
optimal seating position during a collision. Anti-whiplash head restraints actively react to rear
collision forces and cradle the occupants head in an effort to reduce the likelihood of a whiplash

Security system: The vehicle is equipped with an ignition disable device that will prevent the
engine from starting if the correct original manufacturer key is not used.

After sale Services: When buyer buy Apollo A1 car this time our company provide One day
training service in the driver how to drive this car because Apollo A1 believe safety is the main
part of customer life movement. Our supply target area are Dhaka, Chittagong & Sylhet because
this area people buying power high than the other part.
Apollo car provide free one year car wash facility because we try to when buyer buy a car this
time buyer are not buy a car this time buy a little dream so we know how can a dream make

Purport some key reason to Apollo A1 car failure:

When we sell car in Bangladesh market this time we saw in the south Asia context, a study based
on a sample of 112 new product launched success rate in a benign competitive market was about
53% & the success rate of new products with new brand name about 36%.
So Bangladesh context misinterpreted market research, overestimate, high developing cost, poor
design, incorrect positioning, inefficient advertising or wrong price, insufficient distribution
support is any time decreases shear or failure our car market so to pick up the problem & try to
solve it.

Apollo A1 never forget the first time you see one

At list we face problem when faces shorter A1 car life cycles because when our car market are
successful this time rivals are quickly want to copy it. So try to overcome this problem or search
for alternative position. Like_
 Market developing positioning & understand of consumer need.
 Technical development like attractive design
 We believe organization employees are the main soul a company success that’s why
developing Strong organization support.
 Properly follow macroeconomic factors.

Test Marketing:
The main focus ultimate way to test a new consumer is to put it into full
blown test markets. So we choice a few representative cities & the sales force try to sell the trade
on carrying the produce & giving it good shelf exposure. We use on a full advertising &
promotion campaign similar to the one it would use in national marketing. We are also measure
the impact of alternative marketing plans by varying the marketing program in Dhaka,
Chittagong & Sylhet cities.
When we track Bangladesh Seven (7) Division so we try to convert population to samplings
because our not possible to distribute all area first time.

Apollo A1 management faces several decisions in Bangladesh prospective:

1. How many test cities.
2. Which cities.
3. Length of test
4. What information to collect.
5. What kind of action to take.

Decision 1: We have selected three cities & also tag on the grater chance of test market
interference by competitions.
Decision 2: Our select Division is Dhaka, Chittagong & Sylhet.

Apollo A1 never forget the first time you see one

Decision 3: We suitably test market test length few months to a year because time limitation &
political some barrier.
Decision 4: We pursue how to distribution this car:
 Competitor’s market shear like another car Brand (TOYOTA).

 Customer buying power, attitude, usage & satisfaction.

 Consumer panels will indicate which people are buying which brand & their loyalty &

switching rate.

Controlled test marketing:

A1 track the number of dealer & geographic locations it wants’ to
test. We have to try to pick up sample of consumer take interviewed later to give idea & how to
impression of the car.
We avoid use own sales force, give trade allowance on buy distribution because we believe test
marketing no information on how to sell the trade on carrying the new car (product).
We want to focus A1 car benefit & its features to competitor’s scrutiny.

Apollo A1 never forget the first time you see one

Product life cycle of Apol1o A1:

The Product Life Cycle (PLC) has Five Stages:

 Product Development
 Introduction,
 Growth,
 Maturity,
 Decline.

Product development:  Apollo A1 companies focus on incremental innovation. Because

we believe incremental innovation can allow companies to enter new markets by
tweaking product for new customer.

Our car are 100% environmental friendly not harmful to the environment. Because
Bangladesh some city Dhaka, Chittagong are air pollution level raise day by day so

Apollo A1 never forget the first time you see one

when you see the polluted result you see this city are not people be alive after 10 year
late, that’s why our car development to the future plan biases because Apollo always
try to realize people insight claim & also how to generate sustainable progress to
present up-coming generation.

Introduction: Apollo A1 car introduce as a new technology, energy efficient and

friendly environment. We focus Upper middle class & upper class customer.

The target market for the Apollo A1 is composed mostly of men/woman who is
environmentally conscious and lives in Bangladesh city areas.
The Energy car will be offer two type of colors- Black & White and will have air-
condition and extra petroleum power operated. It will sell at a retail price of 26, 00, 000
BDT including custom duties with 12 percent off the list price to dealer. Dealer who sell
more than 15 cars per month will get an additional discount of 5 percent on each sold
the month.

 Competition: We will introduce a energy saving car, which is totally new for
Bangladeshi customer. So we have to struggle to setup/survive in our business market

 Marketing Objective: Expand the market share Apollo A1 Brand like foreign
country impact people.

 Distribution: Our Head Distribution Point will be d at Dhaka, which is

controlled First 3 Divisional Distribution Point. And Divisional Distribution
Point controlled General Distribution Point or general dealer.
 Promotion: For CSR activity we are consolidated in three main focuses are
namely, Environment, Healthcare and Education.

Apollo A1 never forget the first time you see one

Growth: In this stage our growth will increase and lower additional costs will also
increasing. This stage is just previous for maturity level. To achieve maturity level we
have to continue our growth rate. Primarily we assume that, our sales growth rate will
increasing above 15% per year. At the same time, we have to continue our growth.

To attract new customer group, we will design new model and develop our technology.
Our promotional activity, CSR etc. will increase until our company reached in a cash
cow position. Because this is the easiest way to go to customer as nearly.

 Rising profits: profits will be increases according to growth of sales.

 Early adopters are targeted: to continue our growth stage we will focused young

 Growing competition: our competitions will increase, because our competitor

may launch same kinds of product. 

 Marketing Objective: We will try our best to be market leader in Bangladesh. 

 Price: We will increase or decrease our Car price based on inflation and
additional feature.

 Distribution:  we will increase the number of dealer.

Apollo A1 never forget the first time you see one

Maturity: When a product slowdown in sales growth because the product has achieved
acceptance by most potential buyers. Profit stabilized or decline because of increased

When our product will reach the stage when those convinced people are buying the
product this will indicate that our product is at its mature part. This convinced people
are like people who had their concern by word of mouth.

After the maturity level, Decline will begin. So manager have to decide an alternative
strategy to continue or eliminate his business.

 Cost: there is no extra promotional cost. Number of customer is large amount so

per customer cost will be low.

 High profits: in this stage sell will be highest and also profit.

 Competition begins to decline: if there is any competitor comes with the baby
food in market then our product sell will be decreases.

 Product – We will strongly eliminate old model car, whose are burden to this
company. .

 Price – price will be change.

 Distribution – We will reach in every district though dealer.

Apollo A1 never forget the first time you see one

 Sales Promotion – Customer will get a screech card, By this card customer can
get confirm discount rate 10,000 TK to 100,000 TK. Every year we also arrange a
refuel draw. Lucky 1 customer will get after sales service for life time in this car,
1 customer will get 2 year extra after sales service and one get attractive gift by
our company.

 Marketing Objective:  Continue leadership position to a long term.

Decline: When the sales are decline and profit also decline, then company or brand in a
decline stage. This stage is the last stage of whole product life cycle.

Manager may choose one strategy out of 4,

1. Offensive turnaround strategy

2. Fortify and defend strategy

3. First exit strategy and

4. End game or slow exit strategy

We may chose “Fortify and defend strategy”. Under this strategy, we will use variation
of our present stage and fight heard to keep sales, market share, profitability and
competitive position.

 Price – Price will be decrease to attract new customer.

Apollo A1 never forget the first time you see one

 Distribution – Same channel.

 Advertising – Advertisement in an efficient way.

 Marketing Objective: to increase sell and offer same brand car with different

Branding Objective:

A1 Branding objective to hold the completive advantage in the market place based on
market mechanism with the legal and social frame work aims to attain the mission
reflected by our vision. A1 want Branding worked to build an off- deck mobile platform

Branding Strategy:

A1 Brand Strategy is large scale future oriented plans for interacting with the
competitive environment to achieve company objective.

Automobile industry Category

New Existing

Apollo A1 never forget the first time you see one

New car
New Flanker Brand

ist Franchise Extension Line Extension

Prices Strategic:
The final key to a successful value-pricing strategy is to understand exactly how much
value consumers perceive in the brand and thus to what extent they will pay a premium
over product costs. Well we will try to present new technological car in Bangladesh
market that will definitely meet our customers’ expectations. We will try to make a
balance of the value that we are giving & the prices that we are charging so that it meets
customer’s perceived value.
A1 Brand believe price is the one revenue generating element of the traditional
marketing mix & price premiums are among the most important brand equity benefits
of building a strong brand. So our A1 brand is new but tries to build our brand better
position in Bangladesh compotator market.

Brand Value chain/Stage:

Apollo A1 never forget the first time you see one

Program Quality:
Clarity: A1 car brand construct for a greener future & also about an historic
transformation that will prepare the industry for the future.

Relevance: This Brand related to the Greener Future plan & also one country people
demand. A1 Brand tries to shares in the power of collective dream. Because it is only
when we are united can a nation boldly step up & reach towards a better future. The
power of collective dreams gives us hope, brings us together.
Distinctiveness: A1 never forget the first time you see one. A1 car Brand first solar/fuel
car in Bangladesh & world.

Consistency: a new car brand plan for a greener future.

Customer Mindset:

Apollo A1 never forget the first time you see one

Brand awareness: our brand name is so relevant to our brand “Apollo A1” it’s a new car
technology in Bangladesh market & A1 main purposes reduce CO2 & also green
environment. A1 provide green environment for the next generation.

Brand association: our Brand is fully associates with our targeted customer. because our
Brand is for the people who has who might not be as concerned with the environment
but who are more concerned with easily use, available solar power, comfort, space &
easily gone any where. So we are here to associates our product with our targeted
customers and fulfilling their needs by satisfying with our Brand & services. We have
strong, favorable and unique point of parity which is our A1 car first solar car & have
strong point of differences by promote clean environment.

Brand attitude: our A1 car quality is best. Though we are giving solar & Fuel to provide
minimums fuel efficiency & promote a clean environment so there is no doubt about
our car quality and getting satisfaction signal from the customers. We are giving new
technology A1 car in Bangladesh market because we think our brand will get positive
judgments and feelings and images.

Market Place Condition:

Competitive reactions: Our A1 solar car technology is new & also promotes a green
environment. Though we don't have any competitor yet but in future may come others
brands with same type of solar car. So we will be prepared from before and will take
some backup plan for welcoming our competitors. Our effective market investment,
competitive advantages and perceived quality is our strongest part of our brand which

Apollo A1 never forget the first time you see one

will help to compete with our competitors. & we can take some strategies like, car
technology, line extension, brand extension etc.

Channel support: We have full channel support of 3 divisions (Dhaka, Chittagong &
Shylet) & have lots of dealers throughout the country. So we believe we have strong
channel support for capturing the market place & compete with our upcoming
competitors. We think that channel support is the big support for capturing market.

Customer size and profile: our main customer is the target market for the Apollo A1 is
composed mostly of men/woman who is environmentally conscious and lives in
Bangladesh city areas & the parents who are in the Upper-middle & Upper class
income which is between 60,000 + & we believe first time our market is so small but
huge customers demand.

After fulfilling all the market conditions now we can capture the market & increase the
market share for increasing market share we can expand our business or can go for
brand extension.

Channel Distribution:

We distribute our channel a point of different ways. Our Head Distribution Point will
be established at Dhaka, which is controlled First 3 Divisional Distribution Point. And
Divisional Distribution Point controlled General Distribution Point or general dealer,
which is situated almost near the people. Then Distribute other Division.


Head Distribution Point

Apollo A1 never forget the first time you see one
Dhaka (Saver)
Divisional Divisional Divisional
Distribution Point Distribution Point Distribution Point
Dhaka Chittagong Sylhet

General General
Distribution Distribution
Point Point

Media Plan:

Advertising can be defined as any paid form of mass communication & promotion of
ideas, goods, or services by an identified sponsor. Advertising plays an important and
often controversial role in contributing to modern human life & also brand equity.
On the other hand Sales promotions can be defined as short-term incentives to
encourage trial or usage of a product or service.

Apollo A1 never forget the first time you see one

We will follow some strategies for the promotion & marketing of our Brand in both city
areas. Those few strategies are shown below in brief:
 We will build a new consumer group who will concern environment & also
concern adopts new life style facility.
 A1 use magazine, print advertisement.
 A1 use the various aspect of marketing communication that is the
communication of information about the car with a goal of generating a positive
customer response. Apollo A1 use TVC for the advertising. After Sales
Promotion A1 provides two year car servicing cost will 20 percent discount for
customers and car washing.

A1 Launching:

When we successful & complete all the above strategies, we believe we will be able to
launch our A1 car Brand named “Apollo A1” (never forget first time you see one) in the
market without any uncertainty. We think If this A1 Brand, comes to the market at this
point, success is must as for recession & other economic issues, prices of all necessary
product has risen too high. But when we built our Brand customer mind set, it’s not
forgettable to the consumer/buyers.

Apollo A1 never forget the first time you see one

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