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C O L O S S I A N S / / / 1 : 3 - 12

We always thank God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, when we
pray for you, 4 for we have heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and of
the love you have for all the saints 5 because of the hope reserved for
you in heaven. You have already heard about this hope in the word of
truth, the gospel 6a that has come to you.

It is bearing fruit and growing all over the world, just as it has
among you since the day you heard it and came to truly appreciate
God’s grace. 7 You learned this from Epaphras, our dearly loved fellow
servant. He is a faithful minister of Christ on your behalf, 8 and he has
told us about your love in the Spirit.

For this reason also, since the day we heard this, we haven’t
stopped praying for you. We are asking that you may be filled with
the knowledge of his will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding,
so that you may walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him:
bearing fruit in every good work and growing in the knowledge of God,
being strengthened with all power, according to his glorious might,
so that you may have great endurance and patience, joyfully 12 giv-
ing thanks to the Father, who has enabled you to share in the saints’
inheritance in the light.


a: Knowledge of His will (v. 9)

–  Knowledge gained through a first-
hand relationship. One of a Chris-
tian’s first responsibilities is to know
God and know what He requires.

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F E L LO W B E L I E V E R S ?

If you need to call the president of the United Pray for Other Believers
States, the White House switchboard number is // Colossians 1:3-6a
202-456-1414—just don’t expect to actually talk
T o

to the president. In Colossians, Paul gives us one of the most

important passages in Scripture about prayer
P ray

That hasn’t always been the case. The White and what it should look like in our lives. He
House originally had just one phone—and it showed us the importance of prayer to the life
was down the hall from the executive office. If of the church. This passage gives us three ways
you called the White House in 1893, President we can pray for the glory of God and the health

Grover Cleveland answered the call personally. of the church.

It’s a quaint picture in light of today’s smart
C o l o s s i a n s

phones. In 1893, the United States was on 1. Pray with thanksgiving for
the cusp of being a formidable player in world other believers.
politics, but anyone with a phone could call and “We always thank God, the Father of our Lord
talk to the president himself. Jesus Christ, when we pray for you.” Far too
Long gone are the days when the president many believers take God’s unfathomable gift of
might pick up the phone, but that’s not the case prayer and only use it when they get into trouble
or maybe before a meal. For Paul, though,
1 : 3 - 1 2

with One far more powerful. We have a direct

line to the sovereign, all powerful God and prayer was a regular, consistent part of his daily
Creator of the universe, a connection we often walk with Christ.
take for granted. God calls us to talk to Him— Paul gave thanks for the church because of
He invites us to talk to Him. It’s called prayer, their “faith in Christ Jesus.” He had heard of
a wonderful privilege God has given us to talk their love for one another and the hope that they
directly to Him. had—a hope rooted and founded in the truth

80 YOU

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TH E P O I NT: Commit to pray for the salvation and spiritual growth of others.

of the gospel that had come of His Son, Jesus Christ. After
to them. all, God “wants everyone to
be saved and to come to the
Paul was giving us an example knowledge of the truth” (1 Tim.
of how we are to live our lives. 2:4). God’s desire is for us
We should pray about our to come to Him and grow in
needs, the needs of those we the truth of the gospel. When
love, and those close to us. we pray in line with His will,
We should also pray for and He responds!
remember what God is doing
in the lives of other believers. 2. Pray for those who DIGGING DEEPER
And with those prayers should minister and spread the EPAPHRAS,
come thankfulness for how gospel. SERVANT OF GOD
God is at work.
The second way we can
WHEN HAVE YOU BEEN pray for the glory of God and Epaphras (1:7) apparently served
ENCOURAGED BY THE the health of the church is as the leader of the Colossian
connected to those whom church. Paul brought him up
God uses to help us grow in once more later on in this epistle
Christ. Paul did not explicitly (Col. 4:12-13). He also men-
Pray for Workers mention praying this way, but tioned Epaphras in his letter to
of the Gospel his reference to Ephaphras Philemon (Philem. 1:23). Paul’s
// Colossians 1:6b-8 remarks about Epaphras painted
reminds us of the important
role others play in ministry. We a picture of a leader who had
The gospel was “bearing
should pray for those God is committed himself wholeheart-
fruit and growing all over the
using to accomplish His work edly to the Lord. He expressed
world.” Paul acknowledged
in our lives. his commitment with his abiding
that the gospel had grown
concern for people to be saved
“among you since the day Ephaphras ministered to those and for believers to grow in
you heard it and came to truly in Colossae while in their Christ. Notice, Paul described
appreciate God’s grace.” The presence but also continued him as a fellow servant. Like Paul,
church’s faith was growing, to minister to them through he had entrusted his life to Christ
increasing, and bearing fruit. his prayers. “Epaphras, who is and had given himself to serving
God loves to answer prayers one of you, a servant of Christ Him with complete obedience.
that align with His heart and Jesus, sends you greetings.
will for our lives. “This is the He is always wrestling for you
confidence we have before in his prayers, so that you can What impresses you the
him: If we ask anything stand mature and fully assured most about Epaphras?
according to his will, he hears in everything God wills” (See vv. 3-8.)
us” (1 John 5:14). One thing (Col. 4:12).
that aligns with His heart and
will is for Christians to bear
fruit and increase in the gospel

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© 2020 LifeWay Christian Resources

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T o
P ray
C o l o s s i a n s

Think of those who shared Pray for Spiritual WHAT’S THE RELATION-
the gospel with us. They did Growth of Believers SHIP BETWEEN PRAYER
so from a life dependent on // Colossians 1:9-12 AND GOD’S WORK IN US
God through prayer. The AND THROUGH US?
people who shared the gospel 3. Pray for the spiritual
with us were themselves growth of other •  ray they would live
1 : 3 - 1 2

also recipients of other believers. lives worthy of and

people’s prayers and ministry. pleasing to Christ. God
The third way we can pray is pleased when we bear
People asked God to protect
for the glory of God and the “fruit in every good work.”
them, grow them, and give
health of the church is how Our good works don’t
them wisdom. You’ve been
and what we pray for those save us but result from
blessed through a historical
in the church family. This our saved relationship
chain of prayers!
passage breaks down the with Christ. Paul advised,
This ought to change us and prayer requests this way: it pleases the Lord
move us to pray for others when we’re “growing
•  ray they would
who minister and serve. Pray in the knowledge of
be filled with the
for leaders and teachers in God.” As we grow in
knowledge of God’s
ministry to be bold, for their understanding God’s
will. To “be filled” means
protection, and that they character, we live out our
controlled by. If we’re
never lose their love for Jesus. understanding through
filled with and controlled
Pray God empowers you and the fruit we bear.
by the Holy Spirit (Eph.
makes you bold, so you bring
5:18), we should pray •  ray they would be
the good news of Jesus Christ
that believers will let fully strengthened by
to others.
God’s plans fully control God. We must ask God
WHAT ROLE DOES PRAYER them by understanding to work in others’ lives
PLAY IN FULFILLING THE God’s truth and applying so they find strength
GREAT COMMISSION? His truth. in Him. Believers need

82 YOU

© 2020 LifeWay Christian Resources

TH E P O I NT: Commit to pray for the salvation and spiritual growth of others.

the strength for “great endurance and DID YOU KNOW?

patience,” that only comes through The African-American community has
Christ’s strengthening, “according to his a variety of traditions that exemplify the
glorious might.” importance of prayer and spirituality. Most
of these traditions arose out of slavery
•  ray they would give joyful thanks to
P and the segregation that followed. Church
God. We should pray that other believers services usually involved a devotional pray-
never lose sight of God’s work and role in er. The prayer would request for God to
their lives. This awareness leads us to live ease the burdens of the people, and the
with gratitude toward Him. congregation would respond in agreement
Imagine what your church would look like if with the words like, “Yes, Lord,” “Have
each follower of Christ lived in that way. These mercy, Lord,” and “Amen.” Here is a portion
images should drive our prayers for one another. of a prayer for God’s mercy:
The church grows, and God is honored as the We have gathered in this place this
church commits to pray for one another with morning, allow your spirit to fill our very
that kind of specificity and power. being. Most gracious and loving God, we
God blesses the church powerfully when remember the struggles of our people,
prayer is central and as important as what black people, people of African descent,
the church does. We know that the church in your people and thank you for your grace,
America is facing challenges. But one thing is your love, and your mercy.14
clear: The church is strengthened and Christ
is honored when His people pray unceasingly
for one another and when we make such prayer
a priority. Let’s become people committed to
coming before the Lord in prayer.

This lesson is an important reminder of the necessity of prayer. God wants to hear our gratitude,
petitions, concerns, and intercession for others. While private prayer is important, public prayer
encourages other believers to pray. Consistent and specific prayers for other believers helps them
live out God’s call for their lives.

• This week, find out when your church comes together in prayer and invite your family and
friends to join you to pray for all believers to become powerful prayer warriors.
• Carve out an extended time of prayer where you can sit quietly and talk to God without the
demands of your next appointment.

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© 2020 LifeWay Christian Resources


1. P R O V E N L O V E sus had with Peter. He said not even death or hell

// 1 JOHN 4 : 20
could defeat the church, because of the solid foun-
The world’s kind of love elicits us to love those who dation on which Jesus built His church. This act
love us first. However, God loves us unconditionally was Jesus’ way of loving and defending His church.
despite our sins against Him. The apostle John If Jesus loved the church, then we should love
reminded us that God doesn’t want us to love like the church. We should do our part to serve it
the world. He wants us to love those who are right and not tear it down.
in front of us the same way that He loves us. When
we do, we demonstrate clearly our love for God, 4 . N O B U L LY I N G A L L O W E D
who loves everyone in the world (John 3:16). / / J E R E M I A H 2 0 : 13
Prove that you love God by loving His chil- My older sister would not allow anyone to mess
dren. If you can’t, ask God for His kind of love with me. She used to fight those who bullied me.
to fill your heart. Between the two of us, I was the weakest, so I was
grateful to have a big sister who protected me. God
2 . W I S E PA R TN E R S H I P S is the One who protects the weak from evildoers.
/ / P R O V E R B S 18 : 1
He will not allow anyone to hurt any of His children,
When someone dislikes committing to anything especially those who are weak. Our response to
or anyone, that person usually wants things to go His protection should be to give Him the praise
his or her way. Stubbornly, more often then not, he that He is due.
will decide to go it alone when he does not get his Praise God that even though we are weak, we
way. This action stems from an unwillingness to
have the victory. God is our Protector; He is
make even the smallest sacrifices to get along with
our strength. Praise Him!
others. Solomon’s godly counsel informs us that
separating yourself from God and other believers
isn’t wise. It makes no sense to go against Solo- // P SALM 75 :1
mon’s wise advise, because the need for God and
When people do something nice for you, thank
each other is evident at every turn in everyday life.
them. If it is something unexpected and unde-
Even though it may be difficult to deal with
served, you will most likely tell others about it. God
other believers, for the sake of God and His has done a lot of wonderful things for us, and we
love, we should make a concerted effort to owe Him praise. These wonderful and undeserved
work together. blessings are so good that we should not keep
what God has done to ourselves. We should tell
3. THE SOLID ROCK everybody about our God who does all things well.
/ / M A T T H E W 16 : 18
Then we should worship and thank God for
You would not want to be married to a spouse who who He is and what He has done. Praise God;
didn’t defend you. For example, you would want He is worthy of all our praises.
your spouse to respond defensively to a negative
comment about you because of the love he has for
you. The church is the bride of Jesus, and He loves
His church. Matthew recounted a conversation Je-

84 YOU

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