Level Up! Rulebook: Advanced Rules

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Level Up!

Advanced Rules

Original Designer:
Hermann Luttmann
3rd Edition Design:
Alan Emrich
Petra Schlunk
Tim Allen
Clark Miller
David Spangler

Graphic Design:
Noelle Le Bienvenu
Chris Magoun
Barry Pike III

Operation Support:
Deon Carrico
Grant Taylor
Noelle Le Bienvenu
Ian Wakeham
Karen Wolterman

Joshua Carreon, Delphine Echassoux, Avalon Emrich, Wes Erni,
Taylor Flynn, Kevin Fortuna, Nathan Hansen, Larissa Henderson,
Lines Hutter, David Kennedy, Florian Kumschier, Noelle Le Bienvenu,
Beata Madela, Thomas Madela, Noah Massaro, Ryan Mayes,
The Schlunk family (Dawn, Otmar, Torin, Elyra), David Spangler,
Shannen Spangler, Y. Michael Xu

Thanks to the Contributors to the

Director’s Cut Expansion:
John Angelo, Joseph Connell, Mark Fanning, Frank Gallagher,
Chris Hansen, Uwe Heilmann, Robert Miller Sr.,
Leevi Rantala, Aaron Rohrer, David Spangler,
Ben Thornton, Oliver Upshaw III

Chimp Name Contest Winners:

Robert Bruce, Ian Hardy, Tokhuah

Thank you to all of our Kickstarter backers!

22 ©©2015

Introduction Table of Contents

This rulebook teaches advanced gameplay levels to challenge you and your Introduction ..................................................................... 3
friends. If you haven’t played The Basic Game yet, please find The Basic Game Level I: Outbreak! .................................................4
Rulebook and start there. The Basic Game teaches the core systems that are part New Version of 6.3 Saving Rolls: ..........................................................................4
of each level of Dawn of the Zeds, 3rd edition. Rule 5.5 Heal Wounded Units (Action Phase)......................................5
The levels of play are designed to teach the game while increasing its difficulty. Rule 8. Infection Phase .................................................. 6
They provide new rules and/or components, and assume you have learned 8.1 The Infection Phase................................................................................................6
The Basic Game rules in addition to all the rules from any previous levels. 8.2 Unchecked Outbreaks ........................................................................................6
For example, if you play Level III: Brains!, you will also be using the components 8.3 Outbreak Procedure..............................................................................................6
and rules from The Basic Game, Level I, and Level II. If you are playing a Versus
game, use both the level’s rules and the appropriate Versus game rules. 8.4 Infection Level ( ) ...........................................................................................6

The levels are listed here in order of difficulty and complexity: Rule 9. Eat Phase ............................................................. 7
9.1 The Eat Phase ..............................................................................................................7
The Basic Game (see The Basic Game Rulebook) 9.2 Supplies Shortage ....................................................................................................7
Level I: Outbreak! (page 4 of this rulebook) Level II: Apocalypse! ...........................................8
Level II: Apocalypse! (page 8 of this rulebook) Rule 4.7 Chaos and Zeds Control .......................................................................8
Level III: Brains! (page 12 of this rulebook) Rule 5.6 Build Improved Defenses (Action Phase).............................9
Rule 7.2 Restore Order (Housekeeping Phase) .................................10
Level IV: Walking Zeds! (page 14 of this rulebook)
Rule 10. 4R Phase (Raiders, Rangers, Refugees, and
Level V: Director’s Cut! (page 18 of this rulebook) Rescuers!) ....................................................................... 10
Versus Game (page 18 of this rulebook) 10.1 4R Movement Procedure ............................................................................10
Each level of this game can be played solo or cooperatively with up to 4 Hero 10.2 Refugees....................................................................................................................10
players (the players representing the Heroes defending Farmingdale). You may also Level III: Brains! ................................................ 12
play each level with an additional player, the Zeds player, representing the Zeds for Rule 5.7 Research (Action Phase) .................................................................12
the Versus game. Rule 7.3 Infection Check (Housekeeping Phase) ............................13
Level IV: Walking Zeds! ................................... 14
Rule 11. The Tunnel Track.......................................... 14
Level V: Director's Cut! ................................... 18
Hold it right there, Recruit! You might have just stepped off the wrong Versus Game ......................................................... 18
bus! Basic Training is in The Basic Game Rulebook, and you have no business
reading this official training manual until you’ve learned how to handle the Rule 12. Versus Game................................................... 18
Zeds in Basic. You’re not ready to sport any swagger with this rulebook 12.1 The Basic Versus Game: .....................................................18
until you’ve had some practice looking into the Zeds’ glowing orange eyes 12.2 Versus Level I: Outbreak! .................................................19
and know how to shoot directly between them. So if this is your first trip to
the rodeo, get back to The Basic Game Rulebook! 12.3 Versus Level II: Apocalypse! ..........................................19

Once you’ve passed Basic, and you'll know it when the time comes, this 12.4 Versus Level III: Brains!........................................................19
is the field manual for you. Here I will train you in the finest Marine 5.8 Arrest (Versus Action Phase Levels III
traditions about the brutal world of intense-Zed-ified survival if you’re to through V) ......................................................................................................................20
be of any real use to the good citizens of Farmingdale! 12.5 Level IV: Walking Zeds!.....................................................21
Now, I want you to know, that no gamer ever won a war by dying as Zeds' 12.6 Level V: Director's Cut!.......................................................21
chow from moronic maneuvers and dilettante decision-making. They won
it by reading the dang rules manual and putting together a plan that takes The Basic Game & Level Up
best advantage of their assets and responding quickly in a crisis. And make Quick Reference Chart................................................ 22
no mistake about it, Shavetail, it’s a crisis you face, and when I’m through
with you, you’ll be up to the challenge! You'll be chewing
nails and crapping ammo by the time we're done...

Developed PetraSchlunk
Emrich 33

Level I: Outbreak!
Level I: Outbreak! is the first level of advanced gameplay in Dawn of the Zeds, 3rd edition. When you are ready for more
challenge and variety than The Basic Game offers, this is your next stop.
The Outbreak! level includes more of the game's systems, such as tracking the Z.E.D. (Zombie Epidemic Disease) Infection
Level, spawning new Zeds via Outbreaks, as well as Healing and Foraging for Supplies.
The Outbreak! level rules include all The Basic Game rules, in addition to the new rules added here.
In this level you will be paying attention to instructions that include ( for Infection and Infection Level; see Rule 8) and
( for Supplies; see Rule 9).
The Sequence of Play (see Rule 1) for the Outbreak! level begins with the Infection Phase (see Rule 8).

The new ideas introduced in the Outbreak! level are:

• Infection is one of the ways that more Zeds appear in
Farmingdale (see Rule 8). It is represented by . The
impact it has on rules from The Basic Game are:
Outbreak! Sequence of Play
» Event cards showing or - mean that you
must increase or decrease your Infection Level by Turn over the next Event card
the indicated number of symbols Skip the 4R Phase
(see The A to Zeds Book, Rule 1.2). Infection Phase (see Rule 8)
» Hand-to-Hand combat causes ( from contact Eat Phase (see Rule 9)
with Zeds) (see The A to Zeds Book, Rule 6.1).
Zeds Phase (Rules 4 and 6)
• Supplies ( ) are used for Healing in this level as well
as during the Eat Phase (see Rule 9). Forage Actions can Action Phase (see Rule 5)
now increase Supplies as well as Ammo. Housekeeping Phase (see Rule 7)
• Super Zeds and Disease Spreaders appear in this level and
move the same way as other Zeds during the Zeds Phase.
» Super Zeds units count towards the 2 Zeds Stacking Limit.
» If you must place a new Zeds unit and have no more Regular Zeds, place a random Super Zeds unit, if
available, instead.
» Disease Spreaders are stack-free Zeds units; they may share spaces with other Zeds units but do not count
towards the stacking limit (see The Farmingdale Dossier).
• Healing is a new Action that generally takes place in the Hospital (see Rule 5.5). Player units may Move into the Hospital to
get healed. They may also go to the Hospital by passing their Saving Roll! This changes the Saving Roll rule completely:

New Version of 6.3 Saving Rolls:

Outside the Hospital: When a Player unit suffers its last Hit, roll one die (z):
• If the result is 1, 2, or 3, immediately place it in the Cemetery.
• If the result is a 4, 5, or 6, that unit immediately goes to the Hospital (see Rule 5.5). If there is an Empty Hospital
Bed (you may discharge a unit to “empty” a Hospital Bed), the unit is admitted:
EKG Marker » Place it in a Hospital Bed on its reduced-strength side.
» Place an EKG marker on it.
» Increase the Infection Level by 1 ( ; see Rule 8).
Hospitalized: When a Player unit in a Hospital Bed suffers its last Hit, or if it has to take 1 Hit and already has an EKG
Hospital Bed marker, immediately place it in the Cemetery.
Saving Rolls for Disease Spreaders: When a Disease Spreader takes a Hit, it must pass a Saving Roll to go to the Start space
of its track. If it fails the Saving Roll, return that unit to the box (i.e., it has been burned to prevent further spread of Zeds
disease). For these units, a high roll of 4, 5, or 6 (which is always better for the Hero player) sends the Disease Spreader to the
box, while a low roll of 1, 2, or 3 sends the unit to the Start space.

44 ©©2015

New Rules for Level I: Outbreak!

Rule 5.5 Heal Wounded Units (Action Phase)
Wounded Player units might be sent to the Hospital (see Rule 6.3) or they can move there (from Town Center) on their
own. Only when a Player unit is in a Hospital Bed space, can you spend an Action to heal that unit.
All Heal Actions decrease the Infection Level by 1 (- ; see Rule 8). You can perform only one Heal Action on a given unit
per game turn. It takes time to heal. You may, over enough turns, heal a unit to full health.
Heal Action Procedure in the Hospital:
1. Spend 1 Action to remove 1 Hit from a wounded unit in a Hospital Bed. Hits are removed in the reverse order that
they are applied (see Rule 6.2).
2. The first Heal Action on a unit admitted to the Hospital after making its Saving Roll removes its EKG marker.
3. Lower the Infection Level by 1 (i.e., - ); it cannot go below 0.
4. You may immediately discharge a just-healed unit (even when it is not yet fully healed) or let it remain in the Hospital.
Discharging Units from the Hospital:
• You may discharge non-comatose units (no EKG markers) directly to Town Center . The EKG marker gets placed on a unit when it
• You may discharge any unit by sending it to the Cemetery (i.e., eliminating it). takes its last Hit (symbolized by an on that unit)
• Discharging a unit is a free Action and may be done at any time and multiple and passes its Saving Roll (see Rule 6.3). The EKG
times per turn; it is not restricted to the Action Phase. marker symbolizes the last Hit that was lost.
Healing Outside the Hospital
Some units, such as The Savior Corps and Mr. Johnson, can heal units outside of the 2 2 2
Hospital. You may heal any unit that fits the criteria; these units can even heal themselves!
Admitted to 1st Heal Action 2nd Heal Action
Taking Damage in the Hospital Hospital

When a Player unit is in a Hospital Bed and suffers its last Hit, or if it has to take 1 Hit
and already has an EKG marker, it is immediately placed in the Cemetery. 4 4
Comatose Units: Units with an EKG marker cannot perform any of their usual
3rd Heal Action 4th Heal Action
Actions nor can you take advantage of any of their special abilities.

Hospital Movement and Spaces

• The Hospital and all its spaces are connected directly to the Town Center.
• Non-comatose units can freely move into and out of Hospital spaces using
a Move Action. Comatose Units
• Player units that pass their Saving Roll (see Rule 6.3) are immediately
rushed (placed) into a free Hospital Bed. Example
• Hospital Bed spaces are each restricted to a maximum of one unit.
• If none of the Hospital Beds are available when a unit arrives in the
Hospital, then you must either: 2
a. send that newly arriving unit to the Cemetery or 2 1
b. immediately discharge one unit from the Hospital to the Cemetery
or Town Center to make room for the newly arriving unit. If Deputy Schmidt is in the Hospital with
an EKG marker, you cannot use his Initiative
Action to heal him. Similarly, if the Mayor has
an EKG marker, your units will not get the
2 +1 to their Forage die rolls nor can they zip
through Town Center for 0 Movement Points
until the marker is removed.

Developed PetraSchlunk
Emrich 55

Rule 8. Infection Phase

This is the first Phase in each game turn for the Outbreak! level! I ain’t no medic, but everything
When instructed during play, change the Infection Level (symbolized as ) you learned as a kid about
by moving the Infection Level marker the indicated number of spaces along the “cooties” is true. Each time you
Infection track (e.g., “+ ” or occasionally simply means advance the Infection have a close encounter of the
Level marker by 1 space along its track to the next-higher number). A higher green-skin kind, there is always
Infection Level has an increased risk of causing a Zeds Outbreak! someone who doesn’t get the
word and picks up an infection
– and we’ve got more of that
8.1 The Infection Phase going around now than
The section of the Current Event card is for the Infection Phase. During Minnesota has
this phase: mosquitoes.
1. Check for Disease Spreaders: Inspect the map for any Disease
Spreaders (see The Farmingdale Dossier). These are represented by
standee units. For each one that is in play and not on its track's Start
space, increase the Infection Level by 1.
2. Examine the Infection ( ) Section of the Current Event Card:
• If it says, “No,” an Outbreak does not occur ( for now) and this Phase is over.
• If it says, “zz,” make an Outbreak Roll. Roll two dice and compare the sum of the dice to your current
Infection Level:

Disease Spreader » If your roll is higher than the Infection Level, no Outbreak occurs and this Phase is over.
» If your roll is equal to or lower than the Infection Level, an Outbreak occurs: reduce the Infection Level by
the amount of your roll (- zz ). There are fewer infected people around as they turn into Zeds! Then,
follow the Outbreak Procedure (see Rule 8.3).

8.2 Unchecked Outbreaks

! Automatic Unchecked Outbreaks of Zeds will occur when the Infection Level marker reaches the last space of its track!
When this occurs, first complete what caused the Infection Level to rise. This might be a combat, for example. Then:

Use this Memory 1. Make an Outbreak Roll: zz and reduce the Infection Level by the amount of this roll. (- zz )
marker to remind 2. Follow the Outbreak Procedure below, except instead of placing a new random Regular Zeds unit, place a new
you what you random Super Zeds unit, if one is available. Consult The Farmingdale Dossier for specific information about the
were doing before Super Zeds unit that you selected.
the Super Zeds
Outbreak! 8.3 Outbreak Procedure
1. Make a Fate draw (see Rule 2) to determine where the Outbreak occurs; this is the Fated track.
2. Where?: A new Zeds unit will be placed on the Fated track's Village space which is closest to Town Center.
3. Place New Zeds: Draw a Zeds unit from the Zeds Cup or a Super Zeds unit from the Super Zeds Cup ( for
Unchecked Outbreaks), and place it on the closest Village space (as determined in the Where? step above), showing its
full-strength side. Apply the stacking limit if necessary (see Rule 4.6).
4. Fight: If that space is occupied by a Hero or Civilians unit, an immediate Zeds attack ensues (see Rule 6).
5. Plot Twist: Resolve the Fate card's Plot Twist.

8.4 Infection Level ( )

The Infection track shows the current Infection Level value – lower is better for you and higher is worse. In addition to
events on cards, certain game activities increase or decrease the Infection Level:
The Infection Level value is increased:
• each time a Hand-to-Hand combat occurs (regardless of who initiated it).
• each time a unit makes its Saving Roll and gets admitted to the Hospital (only).

66 ©©2015

Outbreak Example
During the Infection Phase, the Current Event card shows a zz. You roll a 1 and a 4 to get
an Outbreak roll result of 5. You compare this perilously low result to your Infection Level,
which is currently at 6. A Zeds Outbreak occurs.
First, you reduce the Infection Level by 5 (- ) (the result of your roll), placing
the Infection marker on the “1” space of its track.
Next, draw a Fate card. Your Fate draw states that the Highway track is “Where?”
this Outbreak occurs.
On the Highway track, the only place for a new Zeds unit is the Village of
You reach into the Zeds Cup and draw a Zeds unit to place in Ingeburg. Since
you have a Civilians unit there, Hand-to-Hand fighting ensues (per
Rule 6), which ironically also increases the Infection Level!
If the Fate card reads “Play this Card,” conduct the Fate card’s Plot
Twist. ighway
Where? H
When that is done, proceed to the Eat Phase. eterm ination
Grim D

• each time a Disease Spreader is on a non-Start space on a track during the Infection Phase; this is +1 Infection
Level per Disease Spreader per turn!
The Infection Level value is decreased:
• - each time a Heal Action is performed.
• - zz (-Outbreak roll ) each time an Outbreak occurs (see Rules 8.1 and 8.2).

Rule 9. Eat Phase

Supplies ( ) represent subsistence resources (food, water, clothing, etc.), plus basic building, medical, and research materials.
They are occasionally lost during the Eat Phase and by events, but you can acquire more through successful Forage Actions (see Rule
5.3), unit special abilities, and rare fortuitous events.

9.1 The Eat Phase

Examine the Eat section of the Event card Needy Units: Supplies consumption will
• “0:” This Phase is over; proceed to the Zeds Phase be light early in the game, when everyone
must fend for themselves. But eventually, the
• “1:” Subtract 1 Supply (- ); proceed to the Zeds Phase Hospital (and, later, the Refugee Camp) will fill
• “2:” Subtract 2 Supplies (- ); proceed to the Zeds Phase with people, and their Supplies consumption
• “z:” Eat die roll: Roll a die and compare it to the total number of Player needs are your responsibility!
units in Hospital Beds. If your roll is less than or equal to this number,
subtract 1 Supply; if it is greater than this number, this Phase is over.

9.2 Supplies Shortage

Whenever you must consume a Supply and have none, that's bad. Apply 1 Hit (see Rule 6.2), for each Supply you are
short, to any Player units of your choice. The unit must have at least 1 Hit left (no fair tagging someone on life support in the
Hospital!). Apply Hits until you have applied one for each Supply you are short.
If you apply a Hit to a unit that has only 1 Hit left, make a Saving Roll, as usual (see Rule 6.3). However, if that unit was already
in a Hospital Bed, immediately place it in the Cemetery instead (see Rule 5.5).

Emrich 77

Level II: Apocalypse!

The Apocalypse! level presents a slightly richer and more brutal storyline than the Outbreak! level, while expanding the
game's core systems and mechanics to include: the 4R Phase, complete with Raiders, Rangers, Refugees, and Rescuers
(National Guard) units; a new Action for building Barricades and a Strongpoint; as well as the new element — Chaos!
Apocalypse! level rules are the same as in the previous levels, with the addition of the new rules described here.
The Sequence of Play (see Rule 1) for the Apocalypse! level, and all subsequent levels, begins with the 4R Phase (see Rule 10).

The new ideas introduced in the Apocalypse! level are:

Chaos is a marker left in named spaces by Zeds units (see Rule 4.7). Its effects on earlier rules are:
• If you must place a Chaos marker and you do not have one, you lose the game (see The A to Zeds Book, Rule 1.3)
• Chaos spaces stop most units (except Zeds) from moving and conducting Actions, including Character Actions.
• Chaos spaces are the preferred entry points for
new Zeds and Super Zeds units when there is an
Outbreak. New Zeds are always placed on the Chaos Apocalypse! Sequence of Play
space closest to Town Center in preference to Village
spaces (see The A to Zeds Book, Rule 8.3). Turn over the next Event card
Building Barricades is a way to give a 2 Terrain shift to any 4R Phase (see Rule 10)
track space (see Rule 5.6); this greatly improves the defenses of Infection Phase (see Rule 8)
any Player units on that space. It also adds a Goodbye Event. Eat Phase (see Rule 9)
• Goodbye Events can only occur when a Zeds unit Zeds Phase (Rules 4 and 6)
leaves a space to move towards the Town Center. A
retreat (moving back 1 space) does not trigger a Action Phase (see Rule 5)
Goodbye Event (see The A to Zeds Book, Rule 4.4). Housekeeping Phase (see Rule 7)
• A Barricade is destroyed when a Zeds unit leaves its
space on its way towards Town Center (see Rule 5.6).
Villagers begin the game in Village spaces, do not count towards the stacking limit, and cannot do anything. However, when
their homes are occupied by Zeds units, they become Refugees and move 1 space towards Town Center (see Rule 10.2 and
The A to Zeds Book, Rule 4.3).
Refugees are fleeing Villagers and cannot retreat or fight. The only thing they can do is move 1 space towards Town Center
as part of a Move Action. They also move during the new 4R Phase in this level. Refugees do not count towards the stacking
limit. Refugees units make a Saving Roll if they are devoured by a Zeds unit (see Rule 10.2) or suffer 1 Hit from any cause.
During the Eat Phase, compare your Eat die roll to the total number of units in Hospital Beds plus the number of Refugees
units in the Refugee Camp; if the die roll is less than or equal to this number, you lose 1 Supply!
Raiders are units that appear on Start spaces and fight everything in their path (except for Villagers and Refugees). When
they are forced to retreat, they move toward their track's Start Space.

New Rules for Level II: Apocalypse!

Rule 4.7 Chaos and Zeds Control
Chaos spaces represent hostile areas filled with stray Zeds, looting, fires, and other breakdowns in order. This sort of anarchy
is dangerous; if Chaos gets out of hand, then Farmingdale is not going to be worth saving!
Whenever a Zeds, Super Zeds, or Disease Spreader enters an undefended named space or occupies a named space (however
briefly) after it wins a battle:
• The named space becomes a Chaos space: Immediately place a Chaos marker there,
only if it does not already have one.
Although Zeds do not cause Chaos in unnamed
spaces, other circumstances can! If a rule or • Zeds do not cause Chaos in Start or unnamed spaces. Unnamed spaces are track
card text says to place Chaos somewhere, do so, spaces with only a number, but no sign with any sort of name.
even in an unnamed space or even if the space • If you must place Chaos and you have no Chaos markers left, you lose the game
already has a Chaos marker! (see The A to Zeds Book, Rule 1.3).

88 ©©2015

Chaos & Control Example

Zeds Controlled

All the named spaces on this track are now Chaos spaces! e spaces
nits “c ontrol” th re
eds u s whe
ntrol: Z or space
Zeds Co tly occupy and/
they cur haos marker.
there is a

Effects: A Chaos marker in a space has the following effects:

• A Chaos space is considered Zeds controlled.
Exceptions: Pickles and Horatius can freely
• Blocked: Player units must stop moving when they enter a Chaos space. Zeds move through Chaos spaces, but do not restore
units are unaffected by Chaos spaces. order (see Rule 7.2). Refugees can also move
• Unable to Act: Once in a Chaos space, a Player unit cannot perform any further freely through Chaos spaces and do not restore
Actions (including spending Character Actions and even moving out of the space!), order (see Rules 7.2 and 10.2).
although it can defend itself from an attack or retreat if defeated. Otherwise, it
is stuck there, usually until the Housekeeping Phase (when Chaos is removed; see
Rule 7.2). If there are multiple Chaos markers in a space, it will take several turns Fleeing
before that unit has fully removed Chaos and can act freely again.

2 4
Rule 5.6 Build Improved Defenses (Action Phase)
Player units can improve the defenses of a space by placing a Barricade, Strongpoint,
or Minefield marker there.
Barricade: Any Player unit (including Defiant Civilians, but excluding Pickles, Horatius, Refugees, Where are the damned Seabees
and Villagers) can place a Barricade marker in its space by spending 1 Action and 2 Supplies for when you need them?
materials. You cannot perform this Action if you do not have enough Supplies. It looks like you’ll have to build
Effect: A Barricade marker turns that space into a 2 terrain type for defending Player and your own improved defenses,
Raiders units in Hand-to-Hand combat (see Rule 6.1). There is no point in building a Barricade Bunker Brain. Now, I believe in
in a Town space, as it is already a 2 terrain type and only the single best Terrain shift applies in offense and taking the fight to
combat. the Zeds, but you can’t attack
Restrictions: The following restrictions apply: everywhere on a shoestring, and
that’s why we’ve got Barricades
• Only one Barricade OR Strongpoint is allowed per track. to help you hold
• Once placed, a Barricade cannot be removed except by a Zeds unit (of any type) exiting your ground
that space to move towards Town Center (see Rule 4.4). when pressed.
• A Zeds unit retreating from such a space does not destroy a Barricade.
Strongpoint: Only Colonel Kingman can place the single Strongpoint marker (a heavily fortified position)
in his space by spending 1 Action and 3 Supplies. This functions just like a Barricade but turns that space into a 3 terrain type for
defending Player and Raiders units. Once placed, the Strongpoint marker is never removed; it is a permanent terrain feature.
Minefield: Only Colonel Kingman can place the Minefield marker (a field of explosives and anti-personnel mines) in his
space showing its full-strength side by spending 1 Action, 2 Supplies, and 1 Ammo. You cannot perform this Action if you do
not have enough Supplies and Ammo. The Minefield can only be placed once during a game.
Effect: A Minefield marker makes a Gunfire attack against a Zeds unit or mob immediately when it enters its space 3
(see Rule 4.4), before anything else happens. The Strength of that attack is the indicated Strength on the Minefield
marker. After its first use, flip the marker to its reduced-strength side. It is capable of making one more Gunfire
attack against the next Zeds units to enter its space. When it has made this second, lower-Strength Gunfire attack, it
is discarded permanently from the game. Minefield, and

Developed PetraSchlunk
Emrich 99

Rule 7.2 Restore Order (Housekeeping Phase)

After resetting all Action markers (see Rule 7.1), check every space that has both a non-Zeds unit and a Chaos marker (see Rule 4.7):
• If the non-Zeds unit there is a Hero (other than Pickles and Horatius), Civilians (any kind), Raiders, or National
Guard unit, remove 1 Chaos marker from that space.
» Refugees units do not restore order (nor do Pickles and Horatius).
» You cannot remove more than 1 Chaos marker per space each turn.
• Increase the Infection Level by 1 ( ) for each Chaos marker removed.
At the end of the Housekeeping Phase, that turn is over and you begin a new turn by revealing the next Event card.

Rule 10. 4R Phase (Raiders, Rangers, Refugees, and Rescuers!)

This is the first Phase in each game turn if you are playing Levels II through V!
4R stands for Raiders, Rangers, Refugees, and Rescuers. During this Phase, you move these units in this order. The
movement in this Phase is free and costs no Actions.

10.1 4R Movement Procedure

1. Raiders: You must move any Raiders units 1 space towards Town Center and resolve any Hand-to-Hand combat
immediately. These special units fight every unit they encounter except for Refugees and Villagers, which they can
stack with and ignore. When they fight Zeds, they count as a Player unit on the Combat Table. When they fight
Player units, they count as Zeds units on the Combat Table, but the defending side receives any appropriate Terrain
shift X . See The Farmingdale Dossier for more details.
2. Rangers: You may move the Rangers unit 1 space in the direction of your choice for free if this unit is in play,
1 In Hand-to-Hand 5 immediately resolving any Hand-to-Hand combat (see The Farmingdale Dossier).
3. Refugees: You must move as many different Refugees units of your
choice as indicated by the Current Event card's 4R value
(i.e., 0, 1, or 2) 1 space each toward Town Center.
» If you have fewer than that number of Refugees units on
tracks, then you must move all that you have.
» If a move would force a Refugees unit into a Zeds-occupied space, the Refugees unit does not move.
10 4. Rescuers (The National Guard): You may move the National Guard 1 space in the direction of your choice for free if
this unit is in play, immediately resolving any Hand-to-Hand combat (see The Farmingdale Dossier).

10.2 Refugees
Wanna know what I think about Villagers Become Refugees
the National Guard? You can set
your watch by them, ‘cause Defiant Villagers units are immobile until their space becomes Zeds controlled (see Rule
they’re always late! Still, they’re 4.7). This typically occurs when a Zeds unit has won a fight on their Village space and Defiant

the vanguard of the real military now occupies that space. When that happens, immediately flip the Villagers unit to
to follow and your eventual show its Refugees (fleeing) side and move it 1 space closer to Town Center.
rescue; so late or not, they’re the Villagers do not count towards the stacking limit (see Rule 5.2), cannot take any Actions, never take
light at the end of the tunnel. In damage, and are never eliminated; they become Refugees and flee instead. These displaced folks have
the meantime, those yahoos become refugees and begin their terrifying ordeal to the hoped-for safety of Town Center.
should have enough firepower About Refugees Units
and rescue types to put things
right on their way into These are special Player units:
Farmingdale, so quit bellyaching • They are stack free: they do not count toward a space's stacking limit of Player units, except in
and count your blessings! the Hospital.
• They cannot fight or retreat.
• They ignore Chaos and cannot restore order (see Rule 7.2).

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• They are devoured should they ever occupy the same space as a Zeds unit without any defending unit to protect them.
» When devoured: Increase the Infection Level by 2 ( ) and make a Saving Roll to see if the Refugees
unit goes to the Hospital or gets eliminated (see Rule 6.3).
» Devouring is not a “win.” This affects Brains! cards.
» Villagers units are not devoured; instead, they retreat and become Refugees units (which can be devoured
when those Zeds move again!).
• Refugees receive frequent free moves during the 4R Phase. You can also move Refugees units by performing Move
Actions on them in the Action Phase (see Rule 5.2). They move 1 space per Move Action. However, Refugees can
never conduct other normal actions such as Forage, Heal, Gunfire, etc.
• You can never voluntarily move them into a space with a Zeds unit.
Deliver Us from Zeds
When a Refugees unit reaches Town Center:
1. Increase the Infection Level by 1 ( ).
2. Place that Refugees unit in the Refugee Camp (which has no stacking limit).
a. Refugees units in the camp enhance your epilogue.
b. Equip Refugees: Later, if you are desperate, you can equip one encamped Refugees unit per Action
Phase as a free Action: Remove a Refugees unit from the Refugee Camp and Equip it by placing it
in the Cemetery, taking one Regular Civilians unit of your choice from the Cemetery (only), and
placing it showing its reduced-strength side in Town Center. Flip the Equip Refugees marker to its
Spent side as a reminder that this Action is no longer available for this turn.

Refugees Movement & Arrival Example

Mayor Hernandez 2
Fleeing Fleeing Fleeing Civic

Keys to the City:
Add one (+1) to all Forage die rolls made in a Town or
Town Center space.

Traffic Control: Fleeing

Entering Town Center costs a moving unit 0 Movement Points.

The Citadel:
Once per Action Phase, he may spend his Citadel Action
marker to give a unit in Town Center a free Gunfire attack
(it still costs 1 Ammo) with a 1. Place the Citadel marker
on this card to keep track of when you have used this ability.
Motivational Speech:
Once per game, he may spend his Motivational Speech
Action marker to give a powerful, gripping speech. Every
other Player unit in a Town space, inspired by it,
immediately receives 1 free Action. Place the Motivational
Speech marker on this card to remind you about this ability.

During the 4R Phase, after having completed the Raiders and Rangers Steps, the Current Event card indicates “1” free Refugees move
is available. You select a Refugees unit on the #2 Suburbs track space and advance it to its #1 space (the Farmingdale Suspension Bridge)
just outside of town.
Needing more fighting units badly, during your Action Phase, you opt to spend 1 Action to move that Refugees unit again, this time
to the #0 space in town (Suburbia). Since Mayor Hernandez is in play, his Traffic Control ability (see his Hero card) says that Town
Center can be entered for 0 Movement Point cost by any moving unit; thus, whoosh!, that Refugees unit makes it to Town Center and
enters the Refugee Camp!
Its arrival increases the Infection Level by 1 ( ).
You decide to Equip these Refugees ( flipping the Equip Refugees marker to show its Spent side): you place this Refugees unit in the
Cemetery and take the 4-strength Regular Civilians unit out of the Cemetery, placing it directly in Town Center with its reduced-strength
(2-strength) side showing.

Developed PetraSchlunk
Emrich 1111

Level III: Brains!

The Brains! level introduces Science Heroes and Research which can lead to the discovery of the Z.E.D. Antidote and
even the Super Weapon!
Brains! level rules are the same as in the previous levels combined, with the addition of the new rules described here.

The new ideas introduced in the Brains! level are:

Hospital Staff Office and Laboratory spaces are now
accessible, but only to Science Heroes who confer unique
benefits in the Hospital (see their Hero cards) and who allow Brains! Sequence of Play
for Research in the Laboratory. These spaces are restricted to a Turn over the next Event card
maximum of 1 Science Hero each.
4R Phase (see Rule 10)
Research is a new Action that can be spent on Science Heroes
in the Laboratory to develop an Antidote that decreases the Infection Phase (see Rule 8)
Infection Level every turn and the Super Weapon that can be Eat Phase (see Rule 9)
customized to your unique fight against the encroaching Zeds. Zeds Phase (Rules 4 and 6)
Action Phase (see Rule 5)
New Rule for Level III: Brains! Housekeeping Phase (see Rule 7)

Rule 5.7 Research (Action Phase)

An important new venue for your efforts opens up with the
ability to Research. You may discover the cure to Z.E.D. as well DPC Commission
This card sets up in the Research
as an innovative Super Weapon which greatly improves your Discard pile.

odds in your fight against the Zeds. In addition, whether you You can begin researching the
cure for Z.E.D.s.
discover the cure or not greatly impacts the end-game narrative
and the fate of the world! As ground zero for the outbreak of the Zombie
Epidemic Disease (Z.E.D.s), downtown Farmingdale's
Research uses a Research deck with the DPC Commission card prestigious High School of the Sciences' laboratory
was quickly annexed by the Department of Plague

starting the game as the first Current Research card in the ontrol as a field station dedicated to com ating t is
sco rge and finding an antidote

Research Discard pile. Next Research

3 4 5 6+
The bottom of the Current Research card always shows what
is necessary to advance Research in terms of the results of a Research Discard Pile (DPC Research deck (Early Research
Research die roll and any Supply cost. A Research advance Commission is always the first on the top, Late Research on
turns over the next card in the Research deck and places it in Current Research card) the bottom)
the Research Discard pile as the new Current Research card.
1. Performing a Research Action: You can only perform a Research Action if there is Next Research

a Science Hero in the Laboratory space. 5 6+

a. Spend 1 Action; Example: A die roll must be 5

b. Spend 1 Supply if the bottom of the Current Research card indicates any or greater and a Supply must
be spent in order to advance
Supply cost; Research.
c. z and:
i. If the result is greater than or equal to one of the indicated success results on the bottom of the Current
Research card, then turn over the top card of the Research deck and place it face up on the Research
Discard pile. This is now the new Current Research card.
ii. On any other result: There is no effect and that Research effort was wasted.
d. Follow any instructions on the new Current Research card immediately, if possible.
e. You may attempt to Research as long as your Actions and Supplies hold out, but once you have made a
successful Research die roll and turned over a Research card, you may not make any more Research attempts for
that turn. This does not prevent further Research advances from an Event or Plot Twist, however.

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2. The Antidote: If you discover the Antidote, replace the Infection marker with the Antidote marker (the other side of
the Final Component). The Antidote decreases Infection by 1 (- ) at the end of every Housekeeping Phase!
3. The Super Weapon: It is possible to develop a Super Weapon through diligent research. If this is the first
component you develop, place the Super Weapon marker on the Super Weapon box and select a Component for
the Super Weapon from among the following options:
• Zeds Knuckles: 1 for all your Hand-to-Hand attacks.
• Hypo “Z” Gun: 1 for all your Gunfire attacks.
• Double Phosphor Rounds: For all your Gunfire attacks: If the Gunfire attack causes 2 or more Hits in damage,
all Zeds units in the targeted space must retreat (see Rule 6.4).
• Gas Grenade: Spend 1 Action to launch an attack on an adjacent space, distributing a total of 4 Hits as evenly as
possible over any Zeds units on that space, including Disease Spreaders. It also adds a Chaos marker to that space
even if the space is not named. If the space already has a Chaos marker, simply add another Chaos marker to that
space. Remember that only 1 Chaos marker can be removed from a space per turn (see Rule 7.2).
• Zeds Treats: Any time Player units (only) defend against Zeds' Hand-to-Hand attacks,
they inflict 1 extra (+1) Hit after combat on the attacking Zeds unit or mob. You can’t have enough better
Place the appropriate marker by your Super Weapon to remind you that you have the Component ways to kill Zeds, and that’s the
you selected. These components do not get spent like other markers, but remain in effect as long as gospel according to Hauser.
you have them in play. Seems like the eggheads at the
The only units with access to the Super Weapon are: Laboratory are hatching up
some new toys for us to play
• All Civilians units with, and then you can be like a
• Hero units (including Pickles and Horatius) kid with a new BB gun for
• The National Guard, but only after it has arrived in a Town or Town Center space Christmas – just don’t shoot your
eye out!

Rule 7.3 Infection Check (Housekeeping Phase) Oorah!

After resetting all Action markers (see Rule 7.1), and Restoring Order (see Rule 7.2), decrease
Infection by 1 (- ) if the Antidote has been discovered.

Developed PetraSchlunk
Emrich 1313

Level IV: Walking Zeds!

The Walking Zeds! level presents a much more challenging storyline. Few players can regularly survive this level of gameplay
intensity. It introduces an extra track, the Tunnel track; Zeds are climbing up from underneath Farmingdale now!
Fortunately, it also introduces the Red Diamond Security Guards to help keep Tunnel Zeds out of Town Center.
Walking Zeds! level rules are the same as in the previous levels combined, with the addition of the new rules described here.

The new element introduced in the Walking Zeds! level is:

The Tunnel Track is on Side “B” of the map and is a new way
for Zeds to reach Town Center. Its impacts on earlier rules are:
• Stacking Limits for Zeds in the Tunnel Walking Zeds! Sequence of Play
(see The A to Zeds Book, Rule 4.6): Turn over the next Event card
» Catacombs Spaces: Unlimited Zeds 4R Phase (see Rule 10)
» Tunnel Start and Town Center Basement Infection Phase (see Rule 8)
Spaces: 2 Zeds units maximum Eat Phase (see Rule 9)
» All Other Tunnel Spaces: 1 Zeds unit maximum Zeds Phase (Rules 4 and 6)
• Stacking Limits for Player units in the Tunnel Action Phase (see Rule 5)
(see The A to Zeds Book, Rule 5.2):
Housekeeping Phase (see Rule 7)
» Tunnel track spaces (except the Town Center
Basement) are restricted to a maximum of one Hero
or Civilians unit at the end of each Move Action.
» Catacombs spaces can hold an unlimited number of Player units.
• Long-Range Gunfire attacks are not allowed into or in the Tunnel track (see The A to Zeds Book, Rule 4.4).
• Outbreaks in the Tunnel place new Zeds and Super Zeds on the Start space when there is no Chaos in the Tunnel.

New Rules for Level IV: Walking Zeds!

Rule 11. The Tunnel Track

Level IV: Walking Zeds! introduces the “B” side of the map and the Tunnel track. This fifth track is “below ground” where
the other four tracks are all “above ground.” This is an important distinction for several events and to help you visualize the
special rules which follow for the Tunnel track.
Named Spaces: The Tunnel track has no Village space. The named spaces on the Tunnel track include:
The last underground • Chromotechnics Lab (#7)
movement I participated • Dr. Marteuse's Office (#4)
in involved a latrine, but
there is far worse than • Security Guard Post (#2)
that coming out of the • Town Center Basement (#0)
tunnels around The two Catacombs spaces (#3 and #5) are not considered named spaces; they never receive a Chaos marker during
Farmingdale (if you can the normal course of a Zeds unit moving into the space (see Rule 4.7), nor do they give any Terrain shift (see Rule 6.1).
imagine that). I hope
whatever crag-brain loser Tunnel Constraints: Apply the following for the constricted Tunnel track:
who dreamed up this • Single File: Only 1 Zeds or Player unit can occupy most numbered Tunnel spaces. The two Catacombs
Red Diamond dungeon spaces (#3 and #5) have unlimited stacking. The Start space and Town Center Basement have a normal
mess is on the breath of stacking limit of 2 Zeds or Player units.
some green-skin • No Long-Range Fire: All Gunfire attacks are limited to adjacent spaces only.
right now.
• Petra's Angels and the National Guard are strictly above-ground units and thus cannot enter the Tunnel
track at any time (see The Farmingdale Dossier).

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Catacomb Spaces: The two Catacombs spaces (#3 and #5) are special because:
• They are not named spaces.
• There is unlimited Zeds and Player unit stacking in these spaces, but Zeds Mobs (see Rule 4.6) are never formed on
a Catacombs space.
• When the Tunnel track is activated, Zeds units attempt to exit Catacombs spaces one at a time, in order from
strongest to weakest.
• Any unit (Zeds or Player) can freely enter a Catacombs space or retreat into or out of a Catacombs space when
required to do so.
» If a Player unit enters a Catacombs space where multiple Zeds units are present, it must fight them, one at
a time, in any order the player decides, until either every Zeds unit there is eliminated or retreated, or that
Player unit is eliminated, sent to the Hospital, or retreated.
» If a Zeds unit enters a Catacombs space where multiple Player units are present, select which unit to defend
with and conduct combat there normally (with normal Hits and retreats; see Rule 6.4). If the Player unit
must retreat, all non-Zeds units on that space retreat as well.
• When activated to move out of a Catacombs space, units must always z on
the Catacombs table (see below) to see if they are successful navigating their
way out. They make this effort regardless of whether or not there is room for
them on their target space. They are wandering about and might get lost. If
there is no room for them on their target space, they do not move forward. The Catacombs: The Tunnel track’s
Catacombs are quite vast and confusing to
• Red Diamond Clearance: Units with the Red Diamond symbol ( ) do navigate without getting lost. Sometimes
not get lost and never have to roll on the Catacombs table (see below). people (and Zeds) never come out!
The Catacombs Table (This is the exception to the Rule that Low is Bad and High is good)
• 1, 2, or 3 = That unit moves normally, if able.
• 4 or 5 = That unit remains on the Catacombs space.
• 6 = Follow the Lost! Procedure (see below).
The Lost! Procedure
1. z again (this is the Lost! Roll).
2. Place the lost unit on the z space of the Tunnel track (i.e., if you rolled a 2, it would emerge from the Catacombs on
the #2 space of the Tunnel track).
a. If the die roll result would place it back in its starting Catacombs space, that unit is lost forever and
immediately eliminated without any Saving Roll; a Player unit lost forever is placed directly in the Cemetery.
b. If the die roll result places the unit on any other space:
i. Apply the stacking limit (see above or the The A to Zeds Book, Rules 4.6 and 5.2), if necessary.
ii. Conduct any Hand-to-Hand combat; the “lost” unit is the attacker.
iii. If the lost unit is placed farther back in the Tunnel track, it may not move again during the Tunnel
track’s current activation unless that is part of its normal movement, such as moving an extra space as a
Fast Zeds unit or Were-Zeds (see The Farmingdale Dossier).

You gotta be careful in those tunnels, Gung-Ho. Intel reports that the catacombs are worse than any hospital corridors you’ve
ever seen, and my XO, Mrs. Hauser, reports that green-skins are popping up here and there all around the Farmingdale area thanks to
the underground access they’re wandering into. This makes establishing a front line tricky, because those rotting Zeds could just pop
up from the ground behind you!
The tunnels are a rotten place to visit, but plenty of Zeds live there, and it’s going to take a major effort to clear them
out. Corkscrew and blowtorch tactics worked in the Pacific, but expect hand-to-hand fighting in these tunnels!

Developed PetraSchlunk
Emrich 1515

Tunnel Movement Example

This Zeds Phase includes a Double Activation of the Tunnel track.

1. The closest Zeds on that track to Town Center is a 4-strength Zeds unit in the Catacombs #3 space. To try to leave this space, it
must make a Catacombs roll. It succeeds and leaves the Catacombs, but before it can enter Kingman’s space it must roll again as
part of a Hello Movement Event (see The A to Zeds Book, Appendix II and Rule 4.4) because Colonel Kingman has a Defensive
Perimeter. The Zeds unit succeeds in that die roll as well and enters the #2 space of the Tunnel track. Because the Minefield is on
this space, there is another Hello Movement Event! This time the Zeds unit is barraged by a 7-strength Gunfire explosion. It takes
2 Hits and the Minefield marker is flipped over to show its reduced-strength side since it has been used once (see Rule 5.6). Finally,
the 4-strength Zeds unit attacks Colonel Kingman who wins, inflicts 2 more Hits on the Zeds unit, flipping it to its reduced
2-strength side with a 1-Hit marker, and forces it to retreat back to the Catacombs #3 space.

2. The next closest Zeds on the Tunnel track is the Ravagers Super Zeds on Dr. Marteuse’s Office space. The Ravagers attempt to
move into the #3 space. Before they can do so, they must roll against Kingman’s Defensive Perimeter! They succeed. As there is no
stacking limit in Catacombs spaces, there is room for the Ravagers.
The next closest space, the Catacombs #5 space, contains a 6-strength Zeds unit, the Leapers unit, and the Were-Zeds unit!

3. The strongest unit moves first, so the 6-strength Zeds make a Catacombs roll. They succeed and enter Dr. Marteuse’s Office.

4. The Were-Zeds go next; they make a Catacombs roll even though they cannot leave because the Office space is full (with a stacking
limit of 1). They are wandering around and in danger of getting lost. The Were-Zeds roll a 6, so they do get lost! They roll again to
discover where they will appear. The result is a 6, so they should reappear on the #6 space of the Tunnel track. However, this space
is already full; applying the stacking limit, the Were-Zeds move back to the Chromotechnics Lab. The Were-Zeds cannot move
forward again, even though they normally move two spaces, because they are blocked by the unit in the #6 space.

5. Now it’s the Leapers turn to make a Catacombs roll. They roll a 4, so they remain where they are and do not get lost.

6. Finally the 4-strength unit on the #6 space advances into the Catacombs #5 space. The Were-Zeds that were placed in the
Chromotechnics Lab are in the next space, but they do not move because they have already moved during this activation.

That was only the first activation! The Tunnel track now activates again.

1. On the #3 space of the Tunnel track, the stronger, 2-strength Zeds unit gets to move first. It makes a Catacombs roll but gets lost.
It rolls again and the Lost! roll result is 3. When a Lost! roll places a unit back in its original space, that unit is eliminated instead.

2. Now, it’s the Ravagers turn. They roll a 1, succeeding with their Catacombs roll, but they must now attempt to move into
Kingman’s space. They have to roll again against his Defensive Perimeter. This time they don’t make it and have to stay in the

3. The next closest unit is the 6-strength Zeds unit in Dr. Marteuse’s Office. They roll against Kingman’s Defensive Perimeter and do
succeed, so they enter the Catacombs #3 space with the Ravagers. In the #5 space, we have the Leapers unit and a 4-strength unit.
Stronger Zeds units will move first, but these two are tied.

4. Selecting the Leapers unit to go first, it makes a Catacombs roll. It fails and remains where it is.

5. The 4-strength unit now also makes a Catacombs roll and succeeds, moving into Dr. Marteuse’s Office space.

6. Finally, the Were-Zeds on the #7 space move forward 2 spaces (they get a double movement), re-entering the Catacombs #5 space.

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At the beginning of the Zeds Phase...


4 1 4

1st Activation
W 4 W
4 2
1 2 1 2
6 5 2 3

Result of 1st Activation


6 1
4 2 3

2nd Activation

4 2

6 1
4 4 3
5 6
2 3
Lost &
Result of 2nd Activation Eliminated


W 4

Developed PetraSchlunk
Emrich 1717

Level V: Director's Cut!

The Director's Cut! level presents the ultimate storyline pressure and sweeps in every last bit of zombie apocalypse horror we
could fit into the box. This is a good time to revisit your decision and pick an easier level. Your chances of winning are very
slim; you have been warned!
Director's Cut! level rules are the same as in the previous levels.

Versus Game
Rule 12. Versus Game
In the Versus game, an actual Zeds player represents Dr. Marteuse and his “Un-Zed” henchmen! The opponents playing as
the normal Player units are the Hero players.
The Special Rules for this version of the game are introduced by the level in which they first appear. Just as for the other
levels, all rules up to and including the level you are playing apply.

12.1 The Basic Versus Game:

Zeds Pressure Events
Zeds Movement Pressure ( ): Only the Hero players contribute to . For example, if there are 3 Hero players, the 2
strongest Zeds units or Zeds Mobs will be moved per . The Hero players choose which units move in the event of a tie.
Zeds Placement Pressure ( ): Only the Hero players contribute. For example, if there are 3 Hero players, 2 new Zeds
units will be added per . The Hero players choose which tracks get new Zeds in the event of a tie.
Sequence of Play
This proceeds normally, with the Zeds player taking over during the Zeds Phase.
Event cards or Fate cards that create a tie, where the players normally get to choose what happens, are Hero players' choice.
Zeds Phase
The Zeds Phase works differently when there is a Zeds player. The Zeds player receives a number of Zeds Actions each turn
and then spends them during this Phase to thwart the Hero players in an effort to win the game.
1. Determine Zeds Actions Available: On the Current Event card, count the number of track activations listed in the
Zeds Phase. That is the number of Zeds Actions that the Zeds player receives that turn, with the restriction that this
value is never less than 1 and never greater than 4. If the Zeds Phase says “ALL,” the Zeds player receives 4 Zeds Actions.
Zeds Action Marker Use the Zeds Action marker on the Zeds Actions track to keep track of Zeds Actions.
For Example: The Nuk'lr Meltdown card is the Current Event card, and for the Zeds Phase it lists “ .” This is a
total of three track activations, so the Zeds player receives three Zeds Actions this turn.
2. Spending Zeds Actions: The Zeds player may spend Zeds Actions to perform any of the following
At last, an “intelligence” behind • Activate any Track for 1 Zeds Action: This is a normal track activation for all Zeds units on the track
the Zeds for a real meeting of the (see Rule 4.1). All resulting Hand-to-Hand combat occurs normally when a Zeds unit triggers it.
minds. I want you to remember • Activate a Track a Second Time for 1 Zeds Action: Normally, a track can only be activated once
everything that I taught you, per turn. If there is 1 Double Activation (the same icon twice) of a track on the Current Event card,
from rolling high to talking however, the Zeds player can elect to activate any track a second time during that turn (see Rule
smack, and use it to the best 4.1). You can activate a different track for a second time than the ones shown on the Event card.
effect. This is a pure test of wills,
Soldier. Remember what a • Spawn of the Zeds: Draw 1 Regular Zeds unit and place it on any Start space. It costs 1 Zeds
rotten time your opponent is Action to place the first Zeds unit on a Start space (i.e., there are no Zeds there to begin with) and
having, and don’t let 2 Zeds Actions to place a second Zeds unit on a Start space which already has a Zeds unit. This
your morale action can be performed multiple times per Zeds Phase, as long as the Zeds player has sufficient
crack first! Zeds Actions to pay for the new units.

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Lock a Track: Once per Zeds Phase, the Hero players may discard 1 “Hold for Later” Fate card (without applying its
effect) to prevent 1 entire track from being activated at all during the Zeds Phase.

Applying Hits: The Hero players decide which Zeds units take Hits when they do damage to a Zeds Mob.
Action Phase
The Hero players never receive fewer than 1 Event Action per turn, regardless of what the Current Event card states.
The Hero players win when all Phases of the last Event card are resolved.
The Zeds player wins as soon as a Zeds unit enters Town Center.

12.2 Versus Level I: Outbreak!

What's New on this Level:
Zeds Phase
The Zeds player may spend 1 Zeds Action to:
• Heal Zeds: Remove 1 Hit marker (any kind) from any single Zeds or Super Zeds unit. If there is no Hit marker on
a Zeds unit, it cannot be Healed.

12.3 Versus Level II: Apocalypse!

What's New on this Level:
The Zeds player can now win when Chaos must be placed and there are no Chaos markers left, or when a Zeds unit enters
the Town Center.

12.4 Versus Level III: Brains!

What's New on this Level:
Anti-Civilians Units: These are new units in this level. They are a type of Un-Zeds unit.
Un-Zeds Units: The Anti-Hero (see rule 12.5) and Anti-Civilians units are collectively called Un-Zeds units. The Zeds
player can acquire only one of these units in a Level III: Brains! game, but up to 4 of them in Levels IV and V.
Un-Zeds are human units. They are not Player units but they act like Player units and they:
• Can freely move through other Un-Zeds or Player units; enjoy the Mayor's Traffic Control; stack together in
Town Center, etc.
• Are stopped by Zeds units and Chaos spaces; they must combat Zeds (which causes ); they do remove Chaos
markers during the Housekeeping Phase.
• Can stack with Player units (at their own risk, see Rule 5.8). The stacking limit is the same (see Rule 5.2) so each
normal space can hold up to 2 units (whether they are Player units or Un-Zeds units, or 1 of each), while most
Tunnel spaces do not allow stacking.
• Do not cause the game to end if they are in Town Center (only Zeds units do that).
• Are not Science units and therefore cannot enter Hospital or Laboratory spaces unless such an exception is noted
on their card.
• Do not count as Zeds units for any purpose.
Un-Zeds Saving Rolls: When an Un-Zeds unit takes its last Hit, roll a die (z):
• If the result is a 1, 2, or 3, place it on the Start space of its track.
• If the result is 4, 5, or 6, place it in the Cemetery.
Anti-Civilians Units: These units operate similarly to Heroic Civilians units, even receiving an Un-Zeds Saving Roll (see
below). They are not ever considered to be Civilians units and may not be used when a card or Event specifies “any Civilians.”

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Zeds Phase
The Zeds player gets additional options for Zeds Actions:
• Un-Zeds Ability: Many Un-Zeds unit abilities are performed “as a Zeds Action,” meaning that they cost 1 Zeds
Action to perform.
• Move Un-Zeds: In addition to performing special abilities as Zeds Actions, Un-Zeds may spend 1 Zeds Action
to move in the same way as Player units do (see Rule 5.2). The number of spaces the Un-Zeds unit may move is
marked on its card. However, Un-Zeds may also move forward 1 space for free at the proper time when the Zeds
player activates their track.
• Bail: When the Current Event card has a 4R value of 2, the
Zeds player can spend 1 Zeds Action to release 1 Un-Zeds unit
from Jail. Place the released unit directly on any available named
space of the Zeds player's choice, observing normal stacking
limits (see Rule 5.2).
Un-Zeds Character Actions: Some Un-Zeds have Character Actions. These Actions are explained on the unit's card and
have an associated Character Action marker that gets spent, instead of spending a Zeds Action, to use this ability.
Un-Zeds Movement during Track Activation: During a track activation, Un-Zeds may, but are not required to, move 1
space for free towards Town Center, at the appropriate time, as Zeds units do. Un-Zeds already in Town Center do not
benefit from this free move.
Un-Zeds in Jail: When an Un-Zeds unit is in Jail, it cannot exert any of its effects, spend its Character Action marker, or do
anything except use a Zeds Action to make Bail. If the Un-Zeds unit has already spent their Character Action during a turn,
before getting Arrested, that Action's effects remain until the end of the turn.
When an Un-Zeds unit is in the same space as any Zeds unit (this includes Super Zeds and Disease Spreaders), a normal
Hand-to-Hand combat ensues, including increase and appropriate Chaos placement.
Who Defends: When a Zeds unit or Zeds Mob attacks a space containing one Player unit and one Un-Zeds unit, the Hero
player rolls a die (z) to determine which unit defends in that space:
• On a 1, 2, or 3: The Hero players' unit must defend.
• On a 4, 5, or 6: The Zeds player's unit must defend.
Only the defending unit can take damage. Excess Hits are lost.
Regardless of which unit defends, if the battle is lost, both units must retreat.
Defensive Terrain: Un-Zed units take advantage of Terrain shifts normally when defending against a Zeds unit's Hand-to-
Hand attack.
Retreat Direction: Un-Zed units retreat towards Town Center, just like Player units.
Gunfire Attacks: Un-Zed units cannot conduct Gunfire attacks.

5.8 Arrest (Versus Action Phase Levels III through V)

The Arrest Action is available for the Hero players in the Versus game only. It is first used in Level III (Brains!) to arrest
Un-Zeds units (see Rule 12.4):
When a Player unit is in the same or an adjacent space as an Un-Zeds unit (see Rule 12.4), as an Action, they may attempt to
Arrest that unit:
• Spend 1 Action;
• Roll a die (z):
» On a 5 or 6: Place the Arrested unit in Jail. While a unit is in Jail, it cannot use any of its abilities or exert
any of its effects.
» On a 1, 2, 3, or 4: There is no effect.
• A Military or Law Enforcement unit (check the unit's card) can successfully Arrest on a die roll result of 4, 5, or 6.
• This is the only Action a Player unit can take in a Chaos space.

2020 ©©2015

12.5 Level IV: Walking Zeds!

What's New on this Level:
Setup Notes
Anti-Civilians must be placed above ground (although they can move into the Tunnel later), while Anti-Heroes can be
placed on any track.
Note: Dr. Marteuse enters play via his Event card, The Doctor is In! Make sure it is part of the Event deck. Set his unit
and Anti-Hero card aside until The Doctor is In! card is revealed.
Anti-Hero Units: These Un-Zeds units operate as Hero units do, even receiving a modified Saving Roll (see Rule 12.4).
They are not ever considered to be Hero units and may not be used when a card or Event specifies “Hero unit.”
Zeds Pressure Events
and are conducted as normal; however, if Dr. Marteuse is in play (on the map but not in Jail, on a Start space, or in a
Zeds-occupied space), the Zeds player resolves all tied results for and . For example, the Zeds player may select which
of a pair of strongest Zeds units will move in , or which track with fewest Zeds receives a new unit for .
Sequence of Play
Event cards or Fate cards that create a tie where the players normally decide what happens become Hero players' choice or
Zeds player's choice, depending on Dr. Marteuse:
• Dr. Marteuse on a non-Zeds-occupied track space: Zeds player resolves the tie.
• All other conditions (including when Dr. Marteuse is in Jail, on a Start space, or in a Zeds-occupied space): Hero
players resolve the tie.
However, Fate cards showing “Player's Choice” are still the Hero players' choice.
Zeds Phase
Reinforcements: At the beginning of the Zeds Phase in Acts III and IV, (i.e., the first card in Act III, the first card in Act IV),
the Zeds player may select a new, random Un-Zeds unit and place it on any named space (this does not include the Hospital
or Laboratory) observing normal stacking limits (see Rule 5.2). Anti-Civilians must be placed above ground (although
they can move into the Tunnel later), while Anti-Heroes can be placed on any track. Place the corresponding card and any
associated Character Action markers in front of the Zeds player.
Bail: This works the same as before (see Rule 12.4), but if an Anti-Hero makes bail, it may be placed on any named space,
while an Anti-Civilians unit is restricted to above-ground tracks.
Note: Applying Hits to Zeds units/mobs and selecting Zeds targets in the Catacombs are still the Hero players' choice.

12.6 Level V: Director's Cut!

There are no new rules for this level.

Developed PetraSchlunk
Emrich 2121
4R Phase (Rule 10) The Basic Game & Level Up
1. Raiders units must move 1 space towards Town Quick Reference Chart
Center fighting everything in their path. Sequence of Play
2. Rangers units may move 1 space in a 1. Turn over the next Event card
direction of your choice which can result in 2. 4R Phase (see Rule 10)
Hand-to-Hand combat.
3. Infection Phase (see Rule 8)
3. Refugees units must move 1 space towards Town 4. Eat Phase (see Rule 9)
Center, if possible. The maximum number of
5. Zeds Phase (Rules 4 and 6)
Refugees units that can move is indicated on the
Current Event card. 6. Action Phase (see Rule 5)
7. Housekeeping Phase (see Rule 7)
4. Rescuers (National Guard unit) may move 1
space in a direction of your choice which can
result in Hand-to-Hand combat.

Infection Phase (Rule 8)

1. for each Disease Spreader that is not on a
Start space.
2. Check for Outbreak (if zz,, roll two dice and
compare to Infection Level). Zeds Phase (Rule 4)
3. If Outbreak: • Move or place Zeds on each track shown on the
» Reduce Infection Level by Outbreak roll Event card:
» Make a Fate draw to determine which » If there are no Zeds units on the track,
track gets a new Zeds unit on closest place a new Zeds unit on its Start space.
Chaos space, Village space, or » Otherwise, move all Zeds on that track. If
Start space (Tunnel only) there is more than 1 Zeds unit on a space,
Resolve the Fate card’s Plot Twist. they move together:
- Move the Zeds units on the first track
shown 1 space forward in order from
closest to Town Center to farthest
from Town Center.
- Check for Hello/Goodbye
Eat Phase (Rule 9)
Movement Events (see Rule 4.4).
1. Check Eat - Resolve any Hand-to-Hand combat
2. Subtract 1 or 2 Supplies or z if necessary and (see Rule 6).
compare the result with number of filled Hospital - Place Chaos if appropriate
Beds plus Refugees in the Refugee Camp. (see Rule 4.7).
» Place or move Zeds units on all tracks in
the order in which they are listed on the
Event card.

In a V e r su s g ame, on
ck :
Lock a Tra e H e r o player ma
ha s e , th a rd to
p er Z e d s P fo r L ater ” Fate c
H o ld
discard 1 “ r e tr ack from b
e n ti se.
p r e v e nt a n
d u r in g th e Z e d s Pha
ta ll
activate d a
Action Phase (Rule 5) Use Player and Event Actions for normal Heal Action (Rule 5.5)
In any order: Actions: • Maximum of 1 Heal Action per
Spend Character Actions • Move unit per turn
Spend Player Actions (may trigger Hand-to-Hand combat) • Spend 1 Action (and 1 Supply
Spend Event Actions if necessary)
• Forage
( Minimum of 1 in Versus Game) • Remove 1 Hit (may automatically
• Gunfire Attack discharge healed unit)
Spend Free Actions
• Heal • -
• Discharge units from the
Hospital (unlimited) • Build
• Equip Refugees (1/turn) • Research
• Arrest

Housekeeping Phase (Rule 7)

1. Discard the Current Event card
2. Reset ( flip) Action markers
3. Remove 1 Chaos marker in each space with a non-Zeds unit
Zeds Player Zeds Phase (Rule 12) (except Refugees Pickles, and Horatius); for each Chaos marker
• Place a new random Un-Zeds unit at the
removed, increase
beginning of Acts III and IV. Anti-Heroes may be
placed on any named space; Anti-Civilians may 4. - if the Antidote is discovered
be placed on any above-ground named space. 5. - if Elwood Berra is in play
• Zeds Actions = # track icons: min = 1, max = 4;
Spend 1 Zeds Action except where noted:
» Activate 1 track; Un-Zeds units may
move 1 space towards Town Center during
this activation.
» Place a new Zeds unit on a Start space. Combat (Rule 6): See Player Aid
This will cost 2 Zeds Actions if there is
already 1 Zeds unit on that space (not
counting Disease Spreaders). Fate Draw (Rule 2)
» Activate 1 track a second time only if 1. Draw Fate Card
the Current Event card has a Double
2. Determine Where? for the Event or Outbreak
» Heal Zeds: Remove 1 Hit marker 3. Complete the Event or Outbreak
from any Zeds or Super Zeds unit. 4. Play This Card (Plot Twist) or Hold for Later
» Move Un-Zeds unit up to their 5. Resume Play
Movement Allowance.
» Make Bail (4R must = 2) for an
Zeds Pressure (Rule 3)
Un-Zeds unit in Jail.
: Move 1 Zeds unit or Zeds Mob ( from strongest to weakest) per
» Use an Un-Zeds special ability
extra player.
(that they can do “as a Zeds Action”).
: Add 1 new Zeds unit per extra player to Start spaces of tracks with
• Spend Zeds Character Actions (markers).
fewest Zeds.
• Notes:
» Un-Zeds in Jail: Cannot act (except
Bail) or use any ability.
» If Dr. Marteuse is on the board (not in
Jail, in a Zeds space or on a Start space),
Zeds player decides all ties in , ,
and various Event and Fate cards.

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