Remote Learning Guideline 4: Objective

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Remote Learning Guideline 4

The Students will be able to work collaboratively to research, write, describe and report
creative accomplishments/ artistic achievements in a given century by using fine-arts terms.

The activities proposed in this guideline will help you do 2 activities for the theme Importance
of Landmarks. First of all, you will have search for information about a landmark and complete
the sheet “A Survey of World Landmarks”. Second, you will have to be prepared to hand in a
short news report audio about it at the end of the session. This work must be carried out
collaboratively during this session. This activity will help you work in small groups and reflect
upon the importance of some of the most famous landmarks in the world

Date: July 6 t h , 10 am
This activity will be carried out as independent.

Based on the 30 minutes’ presentation via zoom, in which you discussed the
importance of landmarks and the concept of hyphens and numbers was
introduced, you must carry out the following tasks or activities in groups during
40 minutes (independent work). Later, you will share your findings with your
classmates via WhatsApp group .

Procedures or timetable
During this independent session, you must carry out the following tasks or activities:

Date Task or activity

Select 1 of the world's most famous landmarks from a list given. No landmark should be
repeated by groups.

Group Landmark Group Landmark

Group work XXX The Leaning Tower of Pisa The Great Wall of China
Date XXX Versailles The Colosseum
Oct 22nd XXX The Golden Gate Bridge Angkor Wat
XXX The Empire State Building XXX Karnat Temple
XXX Mount Rushmore XXX Opera house
The Great Pyramid of Giza XXX St. Basil's Cathedral
Taj Mahal Western Wall
XX Stonehenge

2. RESEARCH INFORMATION. click on the landmark selected (see list in blue), and
research information about it. Write information in the Classroom Activity Sheet: A
Survey of World Landmarks that is below. During 40 minutes, each group will work
independently and use information from their activity sheet to create a big landmark
information card.
A Survey of World Landmarks
What is the name of the landmark?

Where is the structure located? Explain how

the location is important to the structure.
When was the structure built? How long did it
Collaborative Work take to build?
Date Why was the structure built? Does it still serve
Oct 22nd the same purpose?

Who were the powerful people behind the

building of the structure? Who physically built
the structure? For whom was, the structure
What does the structure look like? What
characteristics or features make this structure
stand out as a landmark?
How does the structure reflect the culture?
How was the structure built? What materials
were used? Was special technology used?

Using the information gathered from the previous activity, groups you
Collaborative work will take turns presenting their findings to their classmates through a
Date news report audio. You may use one of the following links or any other
Oct 22nd you may have at hand:
If we get some time, at the end of the session, you will have a discussion around the
following questions
1. For what different reasons, do people build awe-inspiring structures?
Group work 2. How have characteristics, or features, of landmarks remained the same
Date throughout history? How have they changed?
Oct 27th 3. Discuss landmarks in different parts of the world. How are they alike? How are
they different?
4. The Egyptian pyramids and other structures have withstood the test of time.
What modern-day structures do you think will be around in the year 3000?
5. What do you think is the most important characteristic that landmark
must have? Explain.

Not evident Very evident
0 1 2 3 4 5
0 1 2 3 4 5 Do I say what my group will talk about?
0 1 2 3 4 5 Does the presentation explain how the location is important to the structure?
0 1 2 3 4 5 Does the presentation tell when the structure was built? In addition, how long it
took to be built?
0 1 2 3 4 5 Does the presentation include information about why the structure was built, and
if it still serves the same purpose?
0 1 2 3 4 5 Do you mention in the presentation who were the powerful people behind the
building of the structure, who physically built the structure, and for whom was the
structure built?
0 1 2 3 4 5 Does the presentation include information about what the structure look like, and
the characteristics or features make this structure stand out as a landmark?
0 1 2 3 4 5 Do you mention how the structure reflects the culture, how the structure was
built, what materials were used, and what technology used?
0 1 2 3 4 5 Do You make yourselves understood? Are you fluent enough?

0 1 2 3 4 5 Are there no grammatical errors and vocabulary is rich and varied?

0 1 2 3 4 5 Is your pronunciation good enough?


  Presents all information Presents all relevant Is missing some of the Omits required
relevant to the topic in a information in a generally relevant information elements and/or
Organization clearly organized organized manner. and/or information is presents information in
manner. presented in a disjointed an unorganized fashion.
Demonstrates full Is at ease with expected Is uncomfortable with Does not have grasp of
knowledge by answering answers to all questions, information but is able to information and cannot
Content all questions with without elaboration answer only simple answer questions about
explanations and questions subject
Uses correct and or Is not aware of his/her Mispronunciation is Student mumbles,
precise pronunciation, pronunciation mistakes, frequent and causes incorrectly pronounces
and or if necessary, self- but these do not interfere some difficulty for the terms, and speaks too
Pronunciation corrects his/her or cause some listener. quietly for a majority of
pronunciation mistakes difficulty for the listener.   students to hear.
(Speech is often
Makes himself/herself Is understood but speaks Pauses considerably No or little
understood in short with long pauses and uses before most words and communication
  sentences, though basic connectors but is has a limited ability to Not ratable language
Fluency and pauses, false starts and repetitive link simple sentences
Coherence reformulation are
evident. Links words with
basic connectors
  Most structures and Some errors in structures Many word choice + Constant word choice +
Grammar & vocabulary studied in and vocabulary studied in grammatical errors grammatical errors
Vocabulary class are correctly used class, and occasionally interfere with prevent comprehension
and don’t interfere with interfere with comprehension
comprehension comprehension

Desinged by Adriana Valencia- Revised by English 2 Team

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