Buenos Días Cual Es Tu Nombre

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El entrevistador debe hacer preguntas relacionadas

con la información personal como nombre, edad,

ciudad natal, estado civil, ocupación, formación
académica, pasatiempos, experiencia laboral,
cualidades personales, habilidades y debilidades
relacionadas con un trabajo.
Buenos días cual es tu nombre

1.Good morning, what is your name?

Rta:Good morning my name is Angi Estefani
Baron Suarez
2.ok Angi nice to meet my name is Nelson Cepeda
¿ how old are you?

Rta:I am 19 years old

Where are you from?
Rta: i am from Enciso santander
4. ok Angi what is your marital status?
Rta: I am married
5. What is your job
Rta: I help my husband in his computer business
what is your academic training
at the moment I only have my bachelor's
what are your hobbies

rta: to music and watch televisión

what are your skills and weaknesses related to
a job.

My skills in terms of work is that I learn quickly

and I look for a way to find a solution to the
problem that arises and my weaknesses is that I get
very stressed when something is not turning out as I
expected and I despair.
what is your work experience?
Rta: Well, I don't really have much experience, just
because I have collaborated with my husband for 2
years and I learned the customer service part
10.ok Angi we will review your answers and in the
next few days we will be calling you

rta: ok
thank you very much

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