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1 Right Forms of Verb

Classification of verb

Bare infinitive
To infinitive

Non-Finite verb
Participle past

Gerund/ verbal

Transitive verb
(Action verb)

Intransitive Verb
Principle verb
(Action verb)

Linking verb/
copular verb (Non-

Finite verb
To Be

Primary Auxiliary To Have

To Do

Auxiliary verb Modal Auxiliary


Causative verb •(Have, Get, Help, Make, Let) fell, feed, teach, inform, remind, raise, show, lay etc.

Cognative verb •Ex. I slept a sound sleep. He ran a race. I dreamt a beautiful dream .

Emphatic verb •EX. I do help you. He does love you.

Impersonal verb •Ex. It snows in the winter. It rains in the morning

Inversion of verb •EX. seldom could she understand her fault, while taking to others. ( seldom, rarely, never, hardly)

Non-conclusive verb •( sense: see, hear, feel, taste, smell, sound) ( Emotion: admire , adore, appreciate,like, love,hate,)

Group verb/ phrasal verb •( verb +preposition/Adverb)

Md. Akul sheikh;

BSS & MSS, University Of Dhaka;
cell: 01680156667; email: |
2 Right Forms of Verb

Right forms of verb

Marker Tense Example
- Often, regularly, usually, Present Indefinite Tense - My uncle visits sea beach
sometimes, always, very Sub (3rd Person singular) + regularly.
often, generally, ordinarily, verb (s/es) - People always like the good
normally, daily, every day Sub (others) + verb persons.
- universal truth (চিরন্তন সত্য) **( verb এর শেষে y থাকষে এবং - The earth moves round the
Habitual fact (অভ্যাসগত্ কর্ম ) sun.
y এর আষে consonant থাকষে y - A good student learns his
ইত্যাচি বু ঝায় ত্াহলে sentenceটি
উষে শেষে ies বসষব। শে সকে lessons regularly.
Present Indefinite Tense হয়।
verb এর শেষে ss, sh, ch, x, o
থাষক তাষের শেষে es শোে হে।
Now, at this moment Present Continuous Tense - She is singing a song now.
- (Sub+ am/is/are+ verb1+ing
Just, just now, already, yet, Present Perfect Tense - We have already finished
ever, recently, lately - (Sub + has/have + verb3 + our homework.
Extension) - Haven’t you solved the
problem yet?
‘Since’ বা ‘ for’ এর পষর সমে উষযেখ Present Perfect Continuous - It has been raining for two
থাকষে Tense hours.
- (Sub + have/has + been + - We have been living in
verb1+ing + Extension) Dhaka since 1986.
Yesterday, Last (night, day), Past Indefinite Tense - Last week he went to
once, ago, long since, long - (Sub + verb2 + Extension) Dhaka.
ago, last week, last year, last - Once upon a time there was
month, that day, day before a lazy king.
Future Indefinite Tense - We shall arrange a study
Tomorrow, next day, next (Sub + shall/will + verb1 + tour next month.
week, next, coming days Ext.) - Our English Teacher will
discuss Gerund in the next

Md. Akul sheikh;

BSS & MSS, University Of Dhaka;
cell: 01680156667; email: |
3 Right Forms of Verb

Use of Verb1 + ing

To বেততত অন্ে Preposition/ possessive - My brother is fond of visiting historical

pronoun (yours, mine, ours) + (Verb+ing) places.
- Complete your homework before leaving
the class.
- I will wait for your coming.
Addicted to, accustomed to, get used to, be - Avoid all your friends who are addicted to
used to, with a view to, look forward to, smoking.
devoted to, owing to, object to, admit to, - I have minimized my daily expenses with a
confessed to + (verb+ing) view to buying a new motor bike.
While + (verb+ing)/ continuous tense - While walking in the garden, I saw a super
big python.
- All of my family member started shouting
while I was reading an interesting story.
can’t/couldn’t help, mind, would you mind, - Would you mind giving me a pen?
worth+ (verb+ing) - He could not help helping the poor.
{NB: can’t/couldn’t but + verb1} {I cannot but cry to listen the story.}
Advise, admit ,allow, appreciate, avoid, - I don’t enjoy playing cricket.
Consider, deny, delay, dislike, enjoy, - We will admit overeating.
Imagine, practice, permit, postpone, resist, - Manager considers paying tk 500 daily.
resent, reject, risk, resume, recall, resist,
report, suggest, start, stop, understand +
Sentence-এর শুরুষত subject- এর স্থষে verb - Speaking is an art.
থাকলে (verb+ing)

USE of Verb1
Let, had rather, had better, would better, do - I let the other boys use my skates.
not, does not, need not, did not, did never + - I had better go home by this time.

To + verb1 - We have come here to see his ailing mother.

(Advise, demand, prefer, require, ask, insist, - He insisted that I stay at home.
Propose, stipulate, command, Suggest, decree, - The office requires that we complete our
order, request, urge, move, recommend) + work timely.
that + sub + verb1(base form) - I recommend that you wake up early.
Don’t/doesn’t/didn’t + verb1 They didn’t want him as their king.

Md. Akul sheikh;

BSS & MSS, University Of Dhaka;
cell: 01680156667; email: |
4 Right Forms of Verb

USE of To + Verb1
Agree, desire, hope, plan, attempt, claim, - He agreed to do
decide, demand, expect, intend, prepare, tend, - He desires to go to Disneyland.
fail, learn, pretend ,want ,wish, warn, - I want to work
threaten, refuse, need, forget, hesitate, offer, - He failed to understand
seem + To + Verb1
To express objective of a work (to+verb1) - They came here to dissolve the dispute.
(to answer why?)
(Nouns with To-infinitives) - They gave him an opportunity to escape.
Ability, attempt, chance, desire - He was annoyed by her refusal to answer.
failure, need, opportunity, refusal, wish - I have no desire to be rich.
- There is no need to shout.
(Adjectives with To-infinitives) -Unfortunately, I was unable to work for over
Able, unable, anxious, due, eager, keen, a week.
likely, unlikely, ready, prepared, willing, - I'm really tired. I'm ready to go to bed.

USE of Verb3
Sentence এ To be/ Become/ Having/Get/ - The thief ran away having seen the
Being/ Getting থাকষে + verb3
- The Principal desired the notice to be hung.
Have/ has/ had + verb3 - I have completed my assignment.
Passive voice always takes –v3 - This work was done by him.

Zero conditional If + Present Tense + Present - If we boil water, it turns
(Sub + verb1 + extension) Indefinite into vapor.
Present conditional If + Present Tense + Present - If he runs in the rain, he
(Sub + will/can/may + verb1 Conditional will catch cold.
+ extension)
Past conditional If + Past Indefinite Tense + - If I were a doctor, I could
(Sub + would/could/ might + Past Conditional treat the poor.
verb1 + extension
Past perfect conditional If + Past Perfect Tense + Past - If they had started earlier,
(Sub + would/could/ might + Perfect Conditional they would have reached
have+ verb3 + extension) there in time.
**Had + Sub + verb3 +… + - Had I been a teacher, I
Past Perfect Conditional would have talked the real
story to my students.

Md. Akul sheikh;

BSS & MSS, University Of Dhaka;
cell: 01680156667; email: |
5 Right Forms of Verb

USE of Singular & Plural Verb

Each, every, everyone, anyone, any, many a, - Every mother loves her child.
everybody, everything, anybody, nobody, no - One of the students is/was very brilliant.
one, nothing, anything, something, someone, - Each of the boys was present yesterday.
one of, either, neither ইতোতে verb singular হে
Time, Distance, Money, Place, Titles, Names - Sixty cents is/was enough for him.
বুঝাষে subject শেখষত plural হষেও verb-এর - Twenty miles is not a great distance now a
singular number হয় days.

Sentence ‘It’ দ্বারা শুরু হষে পরবততী verb - It is difficult to do.

- It is you who have done this
singular হে।
As well as, with, along, including, together, in -Rahim as well as his brothers is singing well.
addition to, accompanied by প্রভৃতত দ্বারা েু তি -The teacher along with their students was
busy that day.
Subject েু ক্ত থাকষে প্রথম Subject অন্ু োেী Verb
বলস ।
Sentence েতে Introductory ‘There’ দ্বারা শুরু হে - There was a big river beside our village.
- There were a lot of work left for us.
এবং তারপর singular number থাষক তাহষে
there- এর singular verb হে। আর েতে there-
এর পষর plural number থাষক তাহষে plural verb

As if/ As though Present Tense + As if + Past -The man speaks as though he
Indefinite Tense were a leader.

Past Indefinite + As if + Past - He talked as if he had

Perfect Tense known nothing.
Since Present Tense + Since + Past - Four years have passed
Indefinite Tense since I met you.

Past Indefinite + Since + Past - Four years passed since I

Perfect Tense had met you.
Before Past Perfect Tense + Before + - We had reached the station
Past Indefinite Tense before the train arrived.

Md. Akul sheikh;

BSS & MSS, University Of Dhaka;
cell: 01680156667; email: |
6 Right Forms of Verb

After Past Indefinite Tense + After - We reached the station after

+ Past Perfect Tense the train had arrived.
-It is time / It is high time/ - I fancy I flew among the
fancy + (subject)+ Past stars.
Indefinite Tense - It is time you changed your
bad habit.
*It is time / It is high time +
To+ Verb1 -It is high time to read.
Lest …… Lest + sub + should/ - Run faster lest you should
might + verb1 + Extension miss the bus.
- He will work hard lest he
should get fired.
Sub + verb + so that/ in order - He reads attentively so that
that + sub + can (present)/ he can stand first in the final
could (past) + verb1 + Ext. examination.
-He worked hard in order that
he could build his good
Sub + verb + so…. that + sub - The weather was so freeze
+ can’t(present)/ that we couldn’t start our
couldn’t(past) + verb1 + Ext. mission.

As soon as + Past indefinite + - As soon as we started for

Past indefinite college, the rain started.
No sooner had +sub + verb3+ - No sooner had I reached
than + Past Indefinite Tense home than she left.

Hardly had +sub+ verb3+ -Hardly had I finished writing

before + Past Indefinite Tense before the teacher ordered to
stop writing.
Scarcely had +
sub+verb3+when+ Past Scarcely had the police
Indefinite Tense reached when the man died.
Would that Would that + Sub + could + Would that I could be a poet
verb1 + Extension. like Nazrul.
If only If only+ subject+were/could - If only I were a poet.
be+ object - If only I could be a poet.

Md. Akul sheikh;

BSS & MSS, University Of Dhaka;
cell: 01680156667; email: |
7 Right Forms of Verb

Causative verb
Have/Get something Done Have/Get + something + v3 -He had/got his hair cut.
-I had/got the leak in the rope
-Did you have/get the TV
Have/ make/ help someone Have/ make/ help +someone - I will have my assistant call
Do something +v1 you with the details.
- I had the handyman fix the
- Don’t make her cry.
- The teacher make him work
-Could you help me carry my
- Milk can help you fall asleep.
Let someone/something Do Let+ someone/something - She let the kids stay up past
something +v1 midnight.
- I let the chicken burn in the
Get someone TO DO Get+ someone+ To+ Do+ - I can never get my wife to cook
something something dinner.
- can you ever get your sisters to
stop fighting?

Md. Akul sheikh;

BSS & MSS, University Of Dhaka;
cell: 01680156667; email: |
8 Right Forms of Verb

1. Read the text and fill in the gaps with the correct form of verbs as per subject and
Many events of great importance (a) —— (take) place during the last century.
Significant advances (b) —— (make) in the field of science and technology. Many
European colonies (c) —— (gain) independence. The movement for democracy (d) —
— (become) prominent in many parts of the world. Two world wars (e) —— (break)
out in this century. It also (f) —— (witness) the misuse of automatic energy. Two cities
of Japan were completely (g) —— (destroy) as a result of the dropping of atom bombs.
However, the emergence of Bangladesh as an independent nation (h) —— (become) a
momentous event. After a bloody war of nine months Bangladesh (i) —— (bear). Now
we (j) —— (hold) our heads high in the community of nations.

2. Read the text and fill in the gaps with the correct form of verbs as per subject and
Parents (a) —— (be) blessings of God to us. When a child (b) —— (bear), their joys (c)
—— (know) no bounds. They (d) —— (start) (e) —— (think) (f) —— (nurse) and (g)
—— (bring) their children. They (h) —— (remain) safe under the custody of their
presents since birth. Parents never mind (i) —— (take) pains for the upbringing of their
off-spring. We (j) —— never (offend) our parents.

Md. Akul sheikh;

BSS & MSS, University Of Dhaka;
cell: 01680156667; email: |

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