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PD Notes

Kagan Activity

7 Key Concepts
 Teams
 Class Buikding
 Team Building
 Management
 Social Skills
 Principles
 Structures

Team Breakout Structure – How students will be paired

1A 2B
3A 4B

Do not use the phrase social distancing, use physical distance, but social closeness

A lot of this semester will be focused on

 Self-Knowledge
 Self-Control
 Self-Motivation
 Empathy
 Relationship Skills

Different types of collaboration

Pair Share
 Easiest
 1-3 Sentences each

Rally Robin
 Back and Forth
 Constant

Time Pair Share

 Have set time to share
o If partner doesn’t fill time, the other partner should ask question to spark more

Overall volume might be louder because of how distant they have to be

Both Record Rally Robin

 Both have pencil and paper – both share

Both record consensus

 Both come up with answers and agree upon them
o What is agreed upon is what gets written down

Rally Coach
 A – Solve and Explain outloud
o Get an ok
o Record answer
 B – watch and listen
o Give and ok or coach
o Praise (be specific)
 Could then switch roles and do activity again

Have to be careful that you aren’t just having students repeating answers without demonstrating

Ask them a related question or ask them to explain the process of finding the answer

“If you’re able to do this you will be able to solve this”

Mix – Pair – Share

Stand up – Hand up – Pair Up

Quiz – Quiz – Trade

Social Skills
 Greet
 Praise
 Part

Do not want to reinforce guessing

Each student has their own cards, don’t trade – just ask a new question

Principles PIES
 Positive Interdependence
 Individual Accountability
 Equal Participation
 Simultaneous Interaction

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