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INTRODUCTION GRAMMAR @ Girelothe correct answer, a, b, or c. 1 My sister car. a hasn't b don'thave ©doesn'thave 2 ____MrrS. Roberts live here? a Does bls € Do 3 Mydad at the university. a teachs b teaches € teach 4 to the movies with Katie tonight. I've bought the tickets. ago b ‘mgoing go ‘mgoing 5 | back from New York this morning. a flied b flown ¢ flew 6 He didn’t the vacation very much. a enjoy b enjoyed € enjoys 71 working, a took b was taking € were taking 8A I'm thirsty, B ____get you a drink. alam b lamgoing to € Iwill ‘a shower when the water stopped 13 What do you remember? A. Ihave a new phone, B I'msure you last one. alllose b ‘relosing € lose it, just like your ‘A Would you like something to eat? B No, thanks, lunch, a I've already had b | already have had « I've had already Have you ever to Paris? a been b gone € went The traffic is than it used to be. a badder b worse € more bad Ithy Apple juice isn’t as he b than that ‘orange jul alas 18 20 What you do if there was a snake in your room? a will b would € did Ill catch the 6:00 train if ‘work early. a finish b will finish € finished You drive much than me, a slowly b slowlier © more slowly If|_____ you, I'd look for a new job. abe bam € were My bike aisstolen b wasstolen ¢ stole last week. We were too late. When we arrived at the train station, the train a already left _b had already left « has already left Liam told Alice that he her. a loved b love ¢ was loving INTRODUCTION GRAMMAR Don't make these mistakes! @ Read about Roberto, Then look at the bold phrases and correct them, Use contractions where possible. My name's Roberto. ‘Ihave 32 years old and I'm from Chile. ‘im 32 21'm born in Santiago, which is a beautiful city, and live there all my life. I'm married. My ‘wife name's Emil She's from Santiago, too. $We don’t have some children. We live with Emilia’ parents in their apartment, and | ‘get them along with very well, but we'd like having our own place with a spare room for friends ‘to stay. "We look for an apartment right now. | work for a financial company and "Emilia is translater. We both work very hardly, often ten hours a day, but luckily we "don't have do any housework Emilia's parents are retired, so “they take care the house of. | don't have "many free time, but when I have the chance | “enjoy te play sports ~| often go running in the park near the apartment, 1 use to play tennis, but now I have a full-time job, “1 don't have ‘enough. I'm learning English because I need it for my job. My writing is OK, but “I want get better at speaking, "I have to speaking to alot of clients in English and "I make often mistakes. Next summe ®1 geing te go to the US, maybe to New York or Boston, for do a Business English course. SVN) Write a similar paragraph about yourself, where you live, your work and / or studies, your hobbies, and why you are learning English.

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