New Explicit Analytical Solutions of Equations For Heat and Mass Transfer in A Cooling Tower Energy System

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Research Article

Advances in Mechanical Engineering

2019, Vol. 11(12) 1–8
Ó The Author(s) 2019
New explicit analytical solutions of DOI: 10.1177/1687814019896147
equations for heat and mass transfer
in a cooling tower energy system

Qianjian Guo1, Xiaoni Qi2 , Peng Sun2 and Pengjiang Guo2

The aim of this article is to develop an accurate and fast analytical method for heat and mass transfer model in a cooling
tower energy system. Some algebraic explicit analytical solutions of the one-dimensional differential equation sets
describing the coupled heat and mass transfer process in a cooling tower are derived. The explicit solutions have not yet
been published before. The explicit equations of heat and mass transfer are expressed in elementary functions. By sol-
ving these differential equations in a cooling tower, the temperature distribution of liquid and gas, the moisture content
in the air can be obtained in each section over the vertical height of the tower. A comparison of analytical and experi-
mental results was given in this article, and good agreements were shown for the typical cases studied. The analytical
solutions can serve as a benchmark to check the results of numerical calculation.

Cooling tower, explicit analytical solution, heat and mass transfer

Date received: 2 June 2019; accepted: 20 November 2019

Handling Editor: James Baldwin

Introduction been studied numerically and experimentally by a

number of researchers.
A cooling tower is an essential device used for heat dis- The one-dimensional heat and mass transfer model
sipation in the industrial process1 (as shown in Figure based on the Merkel theory,2–4 effectiveness––number
1). In practical applications, prediction of performance of transfer unit (e-NTU) theory,5 and Poppe theory6
behavior of cooling towers by fast and accurate calcu- are widely applied in design calculation and perfor-
lating methods plays an important role in the effective mance analysis of wet cooling towers. One-dimensional
design and operation. The cooling process can be models only consider the heat and mass transfer in the
expressed by physical—mathematical models and basic vertical direction, and ignore the pressure drop in the
partial differential equation sets. But it is very difficult tower. The assumption simplifies the calculation and
or even impossible to obtain the analytical solutions provides a great convenience for the calculation of the
for these differential equation sets for arbitrary initial
and boundary conditions. Therefore, most solutions
are numerical ones for specific conditions. Because of 1
College of Mechanical Engineering, Shandong University of Technology,
the nonlinear relationship between the various factors, Zibo, China
almost all the researchers use the numerical method to 2
College of Traffic and Vehicle Engineering, Shandong University of
simulate the performance of the cooling tower. Technology, Zibo, China
Cooling towers have been used for a longtime. It is
Corresponding author:
well known that most of the natural phenomena are Xiaoni Qi, College of Traffic and Vehicle Engineering, Shandong University
inherently non-linear including these heat and mass of Technology, Zhangzhou Road 12, Zibo 255049, China.
transfer problems. Until now, cooling tower system has Email:

Creative Commons CC BY: This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License
( which permits any use, reproduction and distribution of the work
without further permission provided the original work is attributed as specified on the SAGE and Open Access pages
2 Advances in Mechanical Engineering

cooling performance of the wet cooling tower is ana-

lyzed. Al-Waked and Behnia19 carried out the 3D
numerical calculation of natural ventilation counter-
flow cooling tower based on the computational fluid
dynamics (CFD) general software Fluent, and the
influence of ambient side wind is analyzed. Based on
3D numerical calculation, the influence sensitivity of
the side wind on various filling of cooling tower is stud-
ied based on 3D numerical calculation by Dreyer
et al.20 In view of the complexity of the calculation, the
3D numerical calculation mostly analyzes the influence
of the environmental side wind on the performance of
the cooling tower.
As mentioned above, a large amount of literature on
cooling towers has been reported. Many researchers
have done a lot of work on the performance of cooling
tower through experimental tests and numerical simula-
tion. But the experimental study needs the right place
and a large amount of test funds. It takes a lot of time,
Figure 1. Schematic of a counter-flow wet cooling tower. manpower, and material resources. Almost all theoreti-
cal studies are based on various numerical techniques.
With the development of computer technology, numeri-
performance of the cooling tower. Kloppers and cal simulation research method is favored by people,
Kröger7 analyzed the one-dimensional Merkel model, but it needs to be verified for the correctness. This is
e-NTU model, and Poppe model. It pointed out that the reason why the first objective of this work is to ela-
the Poppe model is relatively accurate, and the Merkel borate an exact solution to predict the cooling behavior
model and the e-NTU model only consider the chang- of the cooling tower system. Analytical solutions for
ing of two parameters: water temperature and air basic equations have significant meaning and irreplace-
enthalpy. able function. An analytical solution is useful to predict
The two-dimensional model considers that the air the performance of cooling tower systems. The exact
flowing is in a two-dimensional axisymmetric state in solution obtained can be used as a reference to validate
the tower. The governing equations of air and water are the numerical simulations and other approximate meth-
solved based on the numerical method8 so as to analyze ods. It will be helpful to get fast and accurate evalua-
the radial variation of air temperature and cooling water tion of model equations to develop advanced control
temperature. Caytan9 uses the finite difference method strategies. The analytical solution can be very intuitive
to solve the two-dimensional partial differential equa- to express the physical law and working process of the
tion of the air and water flow in the wet cooling tower. cooling tower, but it is a common method for research
Majumdar et al.10 treated the circulating water as one- of cooling tower working process. This makes the solu-
dimensional flow, and air as two-dimensional steady tion of the set of equations challenging, often calling
flow. The two-phase gas–water heat transfer intensity for a numerical solution.
and two-dimensional distribution of airflow were calcu- In this article, based on the shortcomings of the tra-
lated and analyzed. The literatures11–14 conducted two- ditional model of heat and mass transfer in wet cooling
dimensional analyses on two-phase heat and mass trans- towers, the analytical solution of heat and mass transfer
fer in counter-flow wet cooling towers. in wet cooling towers is completed. Until now, there
Radosavljevic15 and Radosavljevic and Spalding16 have been no precise analytical solutions for cooling
conducted two-dimensional axisymmetric and three- towers. In this article, an analytical solution to the ordi-
dimensional (3D) numerical models based on the alge- nary differential equations under different conditions
braic turbulent model. They analyzed the air flow are solved based on proper simplification, and the solu-
inside and outside the wet cooling tower; however, heat tions of the heat and mass transfer equations will be
and mass transfer coefficient in the water distribution obtained by the elementary function. The explicit ana-
area, the filling area and rain zone are selected by lytical solutions were derived for the coupled partial
empirical formula. Based on the finite element theory, differential equation set describing cooling process in
the 3D numerical calculation program of wet cooling cooling towers. Therefore, some algebraic explicit ana-
tower is developed in Razafindrakoto and Denis17 and lytical solutions of basic one-dimensional cooling pro-
Fournier and Boyer,18 and the influence of the environ- cess equation set are derived and given in this article to
mental and the meteorological conditions on the enrich the cooling tower research.
Guo et al. 3

temperature water, the water will transfer the heat to

the air in the form of convection. In the cooling tower,
the droplet diameter and the thickness of the liquid film
are very small. Generally, the internal thermal resis-
tance is ignored, and the internal temperature is
assumed to be the same. As can be seen from the above,
the temperature difference is the driving force of con-
vective heat transfer. For the convective mass transfer,
the single film theory of water evaporation indicates
that when air contacts with water, there is a thin air film
surrounding the water droplet. As shown in Figure 2,
the air film is considered to be saturated, and its tem-
perature is equal to the water temperature. The vapor-
ized water molecules first enter the saturated air layer,
Figure 2. A schematic diagram of the heat transfer of the then the molecules in the saturated air layer continue to
saturated vapor layer. diffuse into the air, and the water vaporizes continu-
ously into the saturated air layer. The speed of evapora-
tion depends mainly on the diffusion rate, because the
evaporation of water to the saturated air layer can be
completed instantaneously, and the speed of diffusion
depends on the difference between the vapor pressure
of the saturated air layer and the atmosphere.
In order to take into account both of the accuracy
and convenience of the model, the following assump-
tions are used in the model of coupled heat and mass
transfer in a cooling tower:

1. It is assumed that there is a layer of saturated

air film on the surface of the water film, and the
temperature of the air film is equal to the tem-
perature of water, and the relative humidity is 1,
as shown in Figure 2.
2. When the water temperature is constant, the
moisture content and enthalpy of the saturated
air film are all in a stable state.
3. Lewis number reflecting the relationship
between the heat transfer coefficient and the
mass transfer coefficient is 1, that is
hM = hH =cpa .

For a cooling tower, it is assumed that the cross-

sectional area is A and the height is L, as shown in
Figure 3. A control segment of cooling tower. Figure 3.
The mass transfer at the air–water interface due to
the difference in vapor concentration in the discrete
Physical model and basic equation set height dl is

In the cooling tower, hot water rejects waste heat to the  dmw = ma dw = hM ðwsw  wa ÞAM dl ð1Þ
air through the evaporation of water and the contact
heat rejection. After absorbing heat, the air temperature where mw is the water mass flow rate, kg=s; ma is the
and humidity increase, the density decreases. The heat air mass flow rate, kg=s;hM is the mass transfer coeffi-
transfer between water and air has two main forms, cient driven by the difference of vapor concentration,
namely, the convective heat transfer and convective kg=(m2  s); wa is the humidity ratio of moist air,
mass transfer (i.e. evaporation). When the low tempera- kg=kg; wsw is the humidity ratio of saturated moist air
ture air flows through the surface of the higher at water temperature, kg=kg; AM is the mass transfer
4 Advances in Mechanical Engineering

area per unit height, m2 =m; and dl is the discrete where

height, m.
The sensible heat transmitted from the saturated air hM AM i
K1 =
at the air–water interface to the main air in the discrete ðm w c w Þ
height is hH AH
K2 =
ðm w c w Þ
dQH = ma cp dta = hH ðtw  ta ÞAH dl ð2Þ ð7Þ
K3 =
where cp is the specific heat capacity at constant pres- ma
sure, kJ=(kg  8C); hH is the convective heat transfer hH AH
K4 =
coefficient between air and water, kW=(m2  8C); AH is ma ccp
the heat transfer area per unit height, m2 =m; ta is the
air temperature, 8C; and tw is the water temperature, According to the assumption of Lewis relationship
8C. hM = hH =cpa , K3 = K4 .
The latent heat transmitted by the saturated air from
Boundary conditions: tw (0) = two , wa (0) = wi ,
the gas water interface to the mainstream air in the dis-
ta (0) = tai , and dw = ktw + e. All the coefficients and
crete height is
boundary conditions are positive.
dQM = ihM ðwsw  wa ÞAM dl ð3Þ Substituting equation (13) into equation (9-b) and
(9-c) yields
where i specific enthalpy, kJ=kg. 8 0
The total heat transmitted to the air is > W = ðkK1  K3 ÞWa + K2 ta + MK3 ðaÞ
< a
  t0 a = ðkK1 ÞWa + ðK2  K3 Þta + MK3 ðb Þ
ma cpa dta + idw = ½hH ðtw  ta ÞAH + ihM ðwsw  wa ÞAM dl :
Wa (0) = bk , ta (0) = c ðc Þ
The heat loss of water in the cooling tower    
wa K1 K2
Wa = , M =a  b c ð9Þ
dQw = ðmw dtw + tw dmw Þcw ð5Þ k K3 K3

where cw is the specific heat capacity of water, The coefficient determinant of the unknown quantity
kJ=(kg  8C). on the right side of equation (14) is
 kK1  K3 K2 
 = K32  K2 K3  kK1 K3 ð10Þ
Analytical approach  kK1 K2  K3 
Because the basic equations of the heat and mass trans-
fer in the cooling tower is three-variable ordinary differ- The solution of equation (8) is discussed according
ential equations, it is difficult to be solved by the usual to formula (10):
method. In this article, the exact solution of the air and
water state in each section of the cooling tower based 1. As K32  K2 K3  kK1 K3 = 0:
on some assumptions is obtained, which provides a the-
oretical basis for future research. (a)
As K32  K2 K3  kK1 K3 = 0 and
kK1 + K2  2K3 = 0 (in practical, this
condition is impossible)
Methodology for the exact solution of the heat and Through mathematical operations yields
mass transfer equations
It can be obtained from equations (2)–(5) ðK 2  K 4 Þ 2 2
T= K3 Ml

8 dtw ðlÞ ðK2  K3 Þ b

>  ðkK1 + K2 Þtw ðlÞ =  K1 wa ðlÞ  K2 ta ðlÞ (a) + ðK2  K3 Þ C  + MK3 l + C ð11Þ
< dl K2 k
dwa ðlÞ
> dl + K3 wa ðlÞ = K3 ðwsw ðl ÞÞ ðb Þ
: dta ðlÞ (b) As K32  K2 K3  kK1 K3 = 0 and
dl + K4 ta ðlÞ = K4 tw ðlÞ ðcÞ kK1 + K2  2K3 6¼ 0, the solution to
ð6Þ equation (8) is solved as follows
Guo et al. 5

ðK2  K4 ÞK32 M ðK 2  K 3 Þ Table 1. Experimental data at industrial cooling tower.21

T= l+
K2 ðkK1 + K2  2K3 Þ ð2K3  kK1  K2 ÞK2
  Cooling tower parameter Experimental values
K2 C  ðkK1  K3 Þ + MK3
k A 180 m2
H 0.6 m
ðK2  K3 ÞK3 M
 +C twi 40°C
K2 ðkK1 + K2  2K3 Þ2 two 29.7°C
ðK2  K3 Þ tai 25.5°C
+ C0 exp½ð2K3  kK1  K2 Þl tao 30.7°C
K2 wai 0.0190 kg H2 O=kg air
ð12Þ wao 0.0290 kg H2 O=kg air
mw 450 kg=s
2. As K32  K2 K3  kK1 K3 6¼ 0, the solution to equa- ma 650 kg=s
tion (8) is solved as follows

D = C1 expðr1 lÞ + C2 expðr2 lÞ + N Based on the above discussion and comparison, the
T=  ðkK1 K3 r1 Þ
expðr1 lÞ 
C1 ðkK1 K3 r2 Þ
expðr2 lÞ + N C2
following conclusion can be obtained: the outlet para-
K2 K2
  meters and parameter distributions of cooling towers
C1 = p1ffiffiffi bk  N  ðkK1  K3  r2 Þ + K2 ðC  N Þ
calculated by means of the analytical solution of this
b  article are in good agreement with the experimental
C2 = p1ffiffiffi K2 ðC  N Þ +  N  ðkK1  K3  r1 Þ
D k results. In the typical case, most of the average and
ð13Þ maximum relative errors are far less than 10%. Because
the analytical model only needs several steps to calcu-
late the correlation coefficient and constant to get the
Results and discussion accurate analysis result, the model can directly and
quickly calculate the changing rules of liquid, gas, inter-
Milosavljevic and Heikkilae21 tested the performance
face temperature, and moisture content in the air along
of the cooling tower. Different filling materials are used
the vertical height of the tower. Therefore, the validity
at the top and at the bottom of the cooling tower. The
and practicability of the analytical model are obtained.
filling heights are 0.6 and 1.8 m, respectively. Since the
information detail about the bottom filling is not given
in the article, we will only compare the experimental Analysis on heat transfer process
results at the top with the analytical solution. Table 1
gives the measurement data from Milosavljevic and Figure 7 shows the temperature distributions of air,
Heikkilae.21 water, and temperature difference in the cooling tower.
The comparison was made under typical operating From 0.6 to 0 m away from the bottom of the cooling
condition investigated experimentally in Milosavljevic tower, the air temperature is lower than the cooling
and Heikkilae.21 The basic parameters are shown in water temperature, and the temperature difference of
Table 1. The performance and outlet parameters of the heat transfer in the cooling tower decreases gradually.
cooling tower are predicted by the analytical method in The temperature difference of heat transfer is in the
this article. Results comparisons are presented in Table range of 4.4°C–11.2°C. From the point of view of heat
2, where relative errors for the outlet parameters were transfer, the lower the air temperature, the greater the
defined as the differences between the analytical and difference of heat transfer temperature in the tower, the
experimental data to the overall changes of the corre- more conducive to the reduction of cooling water
sponding variables. The parameters profiles obtained temperature.
by different methods are demonstrated in the figures.
Figures 4–6 show the profiles of air humidity, air tem-
perature, and water temperature along the tower,
Analysis on mass transfer process
respectively. Figure 8 shows the distribution of the partial pressure
From Table 2, it is easy to find that the relative distribution and the mass transfer driving force in the
errors by the analytical method are generally less than cooling tower. From 0 to 0.6 m away from the bottom
10% except for two cases in water temperature. In the of the cooling tower, the partial pressure of water
cases that the inlet water temperatures are high, the vapor in the air is lower than the saturated vapor pres-
errors in the linearization of air saturation humidity at sure of water, and the mass transfer driving force in the
the water surface is great. This leads to increased rela- cooling tower is in the range of 0.624–0.927 kPa, which
tive errors by the analytical model. decreases gradually. From the mass transfer point of
6 Advances in Mechanical Engineering

Table 2. Comparison of analytical results with experimental data.

Height of the tower Analytical results Experimental results Relative errors

L (m) tw (°C) ta (°C) wa (kg/kg air) tw (°C) ta (°C) wa (kg/kg air) etw (%) eta (%) ewa (%)

0.00 29.39 25.50 0.0190 29.70 25.5 0.0190 –3.01 0 0

0.03 29.64 25.40 0.0196 29.57 25.23 0.0198 0.68 3.27 –2.00
0.06 29.92 25.51 0.0198 30.21 25.44 0.0200 –2.82 1.35 –2.00
0.10 30.25 25.64 0.0201 30.42 25.66 0.0202 –1.65 –0.38 –1.00
0.13 30.62 25.79 0.0204 30.63 25.87 0.0208 –0.10 –1.54 –4.00
0.16 31.03 25.96 0.0207 31.28 26.08 0.0211 –2.43 –2.31 –4.00
0.19 31.48 26.14 0.0211 31.70 26.51 0.0215 –2.14 –7.12 –4.00
0.23 31.98 26.34 0.0215 32.13 26.72 0.0219 –1.46 –7.31 –4.00
0.26 32.53 26.57 0.0219 32.55 26.89 0.0221 –0.19 –6.15 –2.00
0.29 33.12 26.81 0.0224 33.19 26.93 0.0228 –0.68 –2.31 –4.00
0.32 33.77 27.07 0.0229 33.83 27.57 0.0229 –0.58 –9.62 0.00
0.35 34.47 27.35 0.0235 34.46 27.79 0.0237 0.10 –8.46 –2.00
0.39 35.22 27.65 0.0241 34.89 27.85 0.0239 3.20 –3.85 2.00
0.42 36.04 27.98 0.0248 35.53 28.21 0.0243 4.95 –4.42 5.00
0.45 36.90 28.33 0.0255 36.38 28.64 0.0247 5.05 –5.96 8.00
0.48 37.83 28.70 0.0262 37.02 29.06 0.0264 7.86 –6.92 –2.00
0.52 38.82 29.10 0.0270 37.86 29.27 0.0272 9.32 –3.27 –2.00
0.55 39.88 29.53 0.0279 38.82 29.70 0.0279 10.29 –3.27 0
0.58 40.99 29.98 0.0288 39.67 30.13 0.0287 12.81 –2.88 1.00

Figure 4. Experimental and analytical comparison of humidity

Figure 5. Experimental and analytical comparison of air
profiles along the cooling tower.
temperature profiles along the cooling tower.

view, the lower the air humidity, the greater the mass tower are derived. The explicit equations of heat and
transfer driving force, the more conducive to evapora- mass transfer are expressed in elementary functions.
tive cooling of cooling water. The model can directly and quickly calculate the chang-
ing rules of liquid, gas, interface temperature, and
moisture content in the air along the vertical height of
Conclusion the tower. Simple analytical equations can be used to
The explicit solutions have not yet been published calculate cooling tower performance without any
before. This article has developed accurate and fast numerical integrations. The comparison of the analyti-
analytical method for heat and mass transfer model in cal results with the experimental data shows that there
a cooling tower. Some algebraic explicit analytical solu- is a good agreement between them. Moreover, the anal-
tions of the one-dimensional differential equation sets ysis on heat and mass transfer driving force along the
describing heat and mass transfer process in a cooling cooling tower has been given. This article provided a
Guo et al. 7

quick and accurate method in rating and design calcu-

lations of cooling tower performance.

Declaration of conflicting interests

The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with
respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this

The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial sup-
port for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this
article: This paper is supported by National Natural Science
Foundation of China (grant nos 51806128 and 51879154),
Shandong Provincial Natural Science Foundation of China
(grant nos ZR2018LE011 and ZR2019MEE007), and SDUT
Figure 6. Experimental and analytical comparison of water
and Zhangdian District Integration Development Project (no.
temperature profiles along the cooling tower.
118239). These supports are gratefully acknowledged.

Xiaoni Qi

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