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THE DAILY positivity rate rose to 12.

69% on Sunday as Delhi reported 5,664

new Covid-19 cases from 44,623 tests conductedinthelast24hours.With 51 more
deaths reported, the death toll increased to 6,562.
Thereare34,173activeinfections in the city, out of which 20,732 are under home
isolation and 6,461 in hospitals. This is the fifth day in a row that the city has
reported over 5,000 new cases. Over the last week,atotalof32,882newcases have
been added to the total infectioncountofthe city. Addressing the issue of the
recent spike in cases in the national capital, Delhi Health Minister Satyendar
Jain Sunday said“aggressivecontacttracing” was the primary reason for the
suddenincrease innumbers. “If a person tests positive, then their entire family
and the people in contact with them have to be tested, asaresult of which more
cases of Covid-19 were recorded. Earlier, only sixseven contacts of
apositivepersonwere traced,now this numberhascrossed15,”theminister said.
“Aggressivecontact tracingis the immediate cause forasudden spike in numbers
because random testing hasn’t recorded asmany cases,”he added.
Jainalsosaidthatonly40per cent of Covid-19 beds were occupied in the capital.
“We still have around 9,500 beds available inhospitals,”he said.
Stressingontheneed towear masks,Jainfurther saidthatitis "impossible to wipe
off" Covid19 through a lockdown as the virus has "spread through the
community". He said people shouldtreatwearinga facemask as a vaccine. A
totalof47,25,318testshave been conducted in the national capitalsofar–
2.48lakhtestsper millionpopulation.Thecumulative positivity rate was 8.30 per
cent. The average death rate for thelast10daysstandsat0.83per cent.

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