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A 23-YEAR-OLD man has been arrestedfor allegedly impersonating as apolice

officer andissuing fakeCovid challans inAshok Vihar. According to police, the

accused, Upender Singh, who was wearing a police uniform, allegedly issued
fake challans to two persons for violating social distancingnorms. Later,
whenasecurity guard at the entrance asked Singh's name and rank, he left the
spot. Theguardgotsuspiciousandimmediatelycalled thelocalpolice. DCP
(Northwest) Vijayanta Arya said, “We formedateam
andseveralraidswereconducted inthearea.Theaccusedwasthen
identifiedandapprehended.We found the fake police uniform and also four
registration plates which he wasusing on his Swift car.” During questioning,
Singh said he didn’t have a job and wantedtohelphisfamily.“When he heard
about police issuing challans at public places for
violationofCovidnorms,hewentto Mukherjee Nagar and bought a
policeuniform.Hethenposedas a police officer and came to Ashok Vihar... He
took Rs 1000 fromtwopeople,”saidanofficer. The Delhi Police have
deployedafew personnel from each districtto issue challans at
publicplacessincethelockdown. Officers said they have issued a
totalof4,83,575challanstilldate for spitting, violating social distancingandfor
notwearingface masks.

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