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What Others Say About Kevin Kaiser
“I don’t see how I could have survived these last five years
without Kevin. It’s been incredible to partner with him.”
Ted Dekker, New York Times Bestselling Author
“Kevin understands how creativity and commerce collide like
no one else I know."
Ben Arment, Author of Dream Year
“While you are still thinking about it, Kevin is probably doing
it. He is the rare individual who is brave enough to cross into
uncharted territory."
Andy Peterson, President, Different Drummer
“I can’t imagine not having Kevin on my team—formally, or as a
fellow artist digging in the trenches. With years of experience
and unbound creativity, he has a genius for navigating the
forefront of an ever-changing world.”
Tosca Lee, New York Times Bestselling Author

Un-copyright Notice
This entire field guide is un-copyrighted.
That means I put it in the public domain, and release my
copyright claim on what you’re about to read.
There’s no need to email me for permission—use my content
however you want.
Email it, share it, reprint it with or without credit, blog about it,
change it, improve it, burn it, print it out and use it to clean your
windows or line your puppy’s crate.
It’s all good to me.
Attribution is appreciated but not required. This belongs to you
Only one thing is required: if anything I write or say impacts
you, please apply it to your own life and then pass it on to
someone else.
Kevin Kaiser
*Thanks to Leo Babauta who inspired this decision.

Here’s a third person bio, for those who need official things.
Kevin Kaiser is an author, entertainment industry veteran, and
marketing strategist who believes in the power of storytelling.
He has advised international bestselling authors, Grammy®
winning musicians, and have helped them reach an estimated
20 million people in recent years.
His work and perspectives have been featured in numerous
places, including Writer's Digest, Entrepreneur, Wall Street
Journal, and at numerous trade and creative conferences.
He is also a professional ghostwriter and has collaborated with
New York Times bestselling authors on numerous projects,
which have recently reached over a million readers.
In 2014, he stepped down from his role a Senior Brand Manager
at Creative Trust to focus on writing and to launch, an online community that teaches creative
entrepreneurs how to do what they love by connecting with
1,000 True Fans who love them back.
It's quite likely that he will never grow up. Like, ever.
Twitter: @1KTrueFans Email:


Right now you’re probably thinking this tiny thing that you’ve
downloaded is too ambitious for its own good...and you’re
I’m sure the man in the rabbit suit gave it away.
Some believe it’s impossible to discover why you were born, let
alone do work that’s meaningful.
I’m not one of those people. I used to be cynical.
Used to be.
Around the time my daughter was born I realized that cynicism
is too easy. It’s a choice to see life as a spectator sport.
Don’t get me wrong. I’m a skeptic and always have been. I’m
not someone who believes in instant success or one size fits all
formulas and 10 Step programs to riches and glory.
We have the self-help industry for that.
Life’s grandest mysteries are wild and refuse to be caged in
sound bites and bullet points.
Still, I have no doubt that there are timeless principles that
anyone can use as a compass to find the True North we’re all
searching for…
A meaningful life by living out our calling.
I know because I’ve experienced it firsthand.
My life today is radically different than it was ten years ago.
I haven't gotten super rich or famous, but I:
• Live a debt-free, joyful life,
• Discovered how to do work that I love and am uniquely
talented to do, and
• Reclaimed control of my time and freedom
It sounds hokey. Believe me, I know. But I would be lying if I
didn’t say that my life underwent a real and seismic shift when I
began learning and applying what I’m about to share with you.
Just ask my family and friends.
I would also be lying if I didn’t admit that my journey included a
complete crisis of faith, wrestling with profound depression and
self-doubt, and lots of failure along the way.
That was part of my journey, but minuscule in comparison to
the peace and fulfillment I enjoy today.
Just imagine how your life would be different if you lived from a
sense of your true calling, if you could be who you were made
to be—authentically, truthfully, and without shame or fear.
Imagine what that would mean not only for you, but your
family…your community…our nation…planet earth.
That’s why I’ve compiled these principles into this tiny field
guide and am giving it away for free.

This information is worth sharing. First of all, it’s not mine to

claim or keep, and I don’t claim to be a guru, sage, or Jedi
I simply believe that awesome and unexpected things happen
when you give more than you take, and I also believe I’m
supposed to share this with someone.
Maybe you.

There are no strings attached. If this doesn’t resonate with you,

that’s okay. No harm, no foul.
But I’m confident there’s something in this course that you’re
meant to see...otherwise you wouldn’t be reading this.

I believe it’s possible to unlock your unique genius, and that

you already have what you need to discover what that is.
And, if you’re ready, I’d like to help you see that and start living
it. I won’t even make you wear the rabbit suit. Promise.
Are you in?

Two Elements, One Experience

This “field guide” isn’t a normal book in the bookish sense of

the word.
If the typical personal development book is a Venti, skinny,
five pump, soy vanilla latte, this is a straight shot of espresso
on the go.
It’s minimal by design because (a) most books could be one
third the length and (b) what we’ll cover is simple, though not
easy to always apply.
This is a practical, five day mini-course for exploring your
unique genius—your calling, if you prefer that term.
There are two elements:
ELEMENT 1: 30-Minute Foundations Video Workshop
Begin with the video workshop. Do not skip the video.
The written exercises and resources in this guide won’t make
sense without the foundational knowledge from the video.
You can access it by clicking here or by visiting this link:
ELEMENT 2: Five (5) Modules of Daily Exercises
Head knowledge becomes wisdom through experience. You
have to put this stuff into practice for yourself, otherwise it’s
completely worthless.
In this ebook you’ll find five practical exercises that are
organized into five modules. Each one is short—ten to twenty
minutes—and will help you apply each of the principles to your
own life.
Focus on only ONE module per day for five days. You’ll
benefit most if you take your time with each lesson. Turn off
your phone, find a quiet space, and be all in when you’re
doing these exercises.
I created this field guide first for myself, because I love simple
approaches to things. I also love to share simple things with
others who might find some encouragement in them.
So, welcome friend. I hope you find encouragement in what
I’ve made for you. I hope you unlock your unique genius and
find that place where your greatest passion collides with the
world’s greatest needs.
The world needs more people who are alive. Don’t you
agree? So let’s get to it.
1K True Fans Module 1 of 5

5 Keys to Discovering Your Calling

and Start Doing Work That Matters
By Kevin Kaiser 30 Minute Exercise

• Schedule thirty (30) minutes to watch or listen to the foundation video.
• View the view at or
• Listen to the MP3 included in your download bundle
• After viewing the video, continue to the exercise on the next page.

1K True Fans Module 1 of 5

What’s Past is Prologue—

Two Linchpin Questions
By Kevin Kaiser 10 Minute Exercise

In The Tempest by William Shakespeare, the character Antonio
wisely utters the phrase, “What’s past is prologue.”
In other words, every event in your life—the millions of seeming
coincidences and circumstances, relationships, and experiences that
comprise the personal story called you—has culminated in this very
Right now is all that matters. In fact, it’s all there is.
The past only exists as an echo in your imagination, a prologue to a story
which is unfolding, and can only unfold, in real time.
You’re reading this because you want the next chapter of life to be more
fulfilling than the last. You want it to matter. You want to take the next
step, but might feel overwhelmed or confused about the first step.
But today’s exercise is focused on pausing, and taking a look around you
before you take the next step. It’s about gaining some perspective, and to
help I’ll ask two questions you may not have considered in a while.
Print out this page and schedule ten (10) minutes of uninterrupted time
to focus on this exercise. Read each question below and answer
truthfully. Don’t overthink, your first instinct is usually right. After you’ve
answered these questions, keep this page. We’ll come back to it very
Q: What do you believe you’re better at than 10,000
other people?
Q: What do you think you’re supposed to do with that
unique talent and perspective?

1K True Fans Module 2 of 5

The Key to Unlocking

Your Creative DNA
By Kevin Kaiser 15 Minute Exercise

Doing what we most love transforms us on a profound level.
This transformation process is often induced by what may be
the single greatest indicator of our calling: the flow state.
Like I discussed in the introductory lesson, the flow state occurs when you
are doing an activity so intently that:
• Time seems to slow or fade completely,
• Your focus is singular and almost superhumanly intense,
• The work you’re doing seems effortless, and
• You find the work itself energizing and deeply satisfying.
Steven Kotler, author of The Rise of Superman: Decoding the Science of
Ultimate Human Performance, asserts that tapping the flow state is the
most impactful activity known to man because it changes human
neurobiology. We become, literally, different people.
Or, more accurately, we become a truer, more complete version of
In today’s short exercise—again, just fifteen minutes—I’ll ask you to clearly
identify and “unpack” this idea of flow state for yourself.
Print out this page and schedule fifteen (15) minutes of uninterrupted
time to focus. Read each question below and answer in writing as
truthfully as you can. Don’t overthink, your first instinct is usually right.
After you’ve answered these questions, keep this page.
Describe your most recent “flow state” experience. What were
you doing? What did it feel like?
Q: Have you experienced a flow state more than once
while doing the activity you described? (Circle one)
Yes No
Q: Think about that activity now. How often do you
find yourself thinking about how to spend more
time doing it?
Q: What fulfillment do you receive from that activity
that you can’t seem to find elsewhere?
Q: What are you doing when you feel like your most
authentic self? How is this particular activity part
of that, or not?

1K True Fans Module 3 of 5

It Takes a Tribe to Help

You See Your Genius
By Kevin Kaiser 10 Minute Exercise

None of us discovers our best and truest self alone. Even the
most fiercely independent person is shaped by and reliant on
the relationships in her life.
This is especially true when it comes to identifying our talents and
passions. Those we trust most have a unique vantage point that we will
never have—a vantage point that brings our genius into focus.
The truth is, we all have blind spots, which often exist due to low self-
esteem or an inability to see how talented we really are.
We often sell ourselves short and, in so doing, place unneeded limits on
what we can do or are willing to pursue.
In the first two exercises, I asked you to identify your passions based on
your own perspective. Today, I’ll challenge you to set your opinions
aside…and simply listen to what those in your life have to say.
What you learn may surprise you. It may confirm what you believe and
encourage you beyond belief. It may also cause you to see yourself in a
new, and unexpected, light.
Select two or more trusted people in your life who have known you for
more than two years, and have a good sense for your character and
They could be co-workers, friends, or family. What’s most important is
that they be willing to offer unvarnished honesty.
After you’ve chosen them, draft a simple email that asks their opinion
about your unique talents and passions. Don’t mention what you believe
your talents are or lead them in any particular direction.
Simply ask the question.
On the next page I’ve created a sample to help kickstart the process.
Feel free to edit it or not use it at all.
A sample email:
Subject: A very important question for you
This will probably be the strangest email you get all day. It’s definitely the
most important one I’ll send. : )
I’m working through a course on identifying my unique talents. I’d like to
ask you: What do you think I’m better at than 10,000 other people?
I’ve always respected your advice and perspective, and would like to hear
what you think might be my unique talents.
Can you take a few minutes to think about it, and then hit reply and let me
know? It would mean a lot to me.

1K True Fans Module 4 of 5

Resistance is a Compass
Pointing You to True North
By Kevin Kaiser 15 Minute Exercise

We all know Resistance intimately. It’s that gut level feeling that
sinks into our bones when we know what we should do, or are
called to do, but shrink from it out of fear.
But Resistance can be the most accurate indicator of what you should do
next. It acts as a compass pointing toward your genius, to True North.
Why is that?
At the core of who we are, most of us believe that our value as humans is
directly connected to our work. We believe that we are our work and if
others reject it, they are also rejecting us.
And to avoid that possibility, our subconscious goes into overdrive to find
clever ways to procrastinate. If you never put the work into the world, no
one can reject you.
You don’t have to be a servant to fear. In fact, you can turn the tables
completely and use it as a means to show you what to do next.
In today’s exercise, I’m going to show you how.
Resistance thrives most when we keep our struggles to ourselves. Out of
fear, we shrink back and refuse to take action today because it’s easier
to stay small and hidden.
Today, you’re going to be a human guinea pig. We’re going to see what
happens when you step into the light. (Hint: Awesome things, that’s
what.) Complete the exercise below and check them off as they are
List one activity you’ve procrastinated on out of fear and Resistance.
Now list what the simplest next step is in completing that activity. It
might be writing a 250 word article, or making a phone to have an
uncomfortable conversation. The step should be small and specific.
Next, call a friend and share what you wrote in Steps 1 and 2.
Confess that you’ve been avoiding it out of fear. Tell them you don’t
want fear to hold you back anymore, that you’re committed to
completing the next step within the next 24 hours, and that you
want them to contact you in 24 hours. Then go do it.
If you don’t have someone you can contact, email me and I’ll be that
person for you.
1K True Fans Module 5 of 5

Bringing It Full Circle—

Two Linchpin Questions
By Kevin Kaiser 15 Minute Exercise

We end this five part exercise where we began: with the two
linchpin questions posed at the start.
Now that you’ve explored concepts like using flow and desire to pinpoint
your passions, then confirming them by allowing other peoples’
perspectives and Resistance to point you to True North, how would you
answer these questions:
Q: What do you believe you’re better at than 10,000 other
Q: What do you think you’re supposed to do with that
unique talent and perspective?
Now what?
I want to congratulate you, first, on taking the time to explore
what it is that makes you come alive. It’s a lifelong process, but
being intentional about it puts you in the minority of those who
want to live on purpose.
If this course was helpful to you in any way, do me a one small
Email me and let me know. My personal email address is:

I would love to hear from you and promise to respond to you
personally. If you take the time to reach out, so will I.
I also want to extend an invitation to you. I run a small
community for like-minded people passionate about turning their
passion into their life’s work.
If that sounds interesting to you, visit
You’ll find insights and tools that I’ve developed over nearly
twenty years of helping entrepreneurs make a living doing work
that matters.
Twice a year I also host an eight-week course that teaches
creative entrepreneurs step-by-step how to turn their calling
into a business and:
• Get noticed in a crowded world,
• Generate passive income doing what you love,
• Create freedom to travel and control your time, and
• Do it with 1,000 True Fans…not millions.
The 1K True Fans Blueprint is a limited enrollment course that
opens again soon. I hope you can join me.
These strategies have generated tens of millions in sales for
others, and an annual six figure income for my family. They’re
100% real-world, proven techniques, and not some scammy get
rich quick system.
It’s not for everybody, but it might be for you. If you think it
might be, click here to be notified when enrollment opens.


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