Executive Summary: Utopia Inn Is A Business Venture Which Proposes To Help Families, Business Personnel and Even

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Executive Summary

Relaxation and stress free care is a universal and basic human need and everyone, at

some point in their lives, will require some help in gaining access to these leisurely moments.

Utopia Inn is a business venture which proposes to help families, business personnel and even

couples who want to get away from too much company/ friends to make the right choice about

the quality of leisure they demand by getting their families and themselves amongst qualified,

experience and the very best service providers.

An analysis of the industry has shown that this business venture stands a very good

chance of surviving within the proposed market amongst the existing competition. With the

barrier to entry being low; the threat of substitution being nonexistent; the competitive rivalry

being high none the less, with Utopia Inn approach being so different from the existing

competitors; the suppliers’ power will not have any limitations see as we will have the greatest

significance of demands regardless of the two inns in close proximity, and the buyers’ power

being weak and non-existent therefore, bringing about a favorable business environment for

Utopia Inn.

On the legal aspect of the business, Utopia Inn will operate as a partnership business

structure which would be registered under the Registration of Business Names Act of 1934.

Utopia Inn has a responsibility under the Cybercrimes Act of 2010 to ensure its customers

privacy, confidentiality and integrity when the website is being used. Utopia Inn needs to abide

by laws outlined in the Labour Relations and Industrial Disputes Act when it comes to its

employees. Laws in Jamaica stipulate that a business should be properly registered through the

Companies Office of Jamaica. Utopia Inn will be regulated through the

Utopia Inn has strong vision and mission statements which is supported by its corporate

goals. The management team portrays strong academic, technical skills as well as work

experience to start this business venture and see it to success. Each partner will assume key roles

with supporting roles and will hire additional junior staff to aid with the daily tasks.

Utopia Inn will offer two services, Shuttle-bus tours around the island, a casino and

Lounge and accommodations all as one entity. The services are accessed through the website,

brochures and numerous social media pages. Utopia Inn eliminates all the work someone in

need of relaxation and stress free care would have to do making the services convenient for the

customers. This business venture has a lot of potential for growth in terms of expanding to new

areas and new services to offer.

The feasibility study conducted prior to this business plan revealed promising results for

this business venture. The study showed that there is an extremely high demand for the services

Utopia Inn intends to offer and the willingness of the potential customers to pay for each service

was also promising. There is no operation of any business without their calculated risks and

Utopia Inn has its share of potential risks, however, counter measures or rather contingency

plans were highlighted to alleviate and overcome these risks.

Utopia Inn will operate with minimal staff members mostly for providing guests with

proper services. Majority of the tasks will be undertaken by the partners themselves. Majority of

the recruiting and training will be to acquire service providers to provide the services to the

customers. Service providers will be staff members; therefore, payment will be made to them

based on the amount of work they did throughout each day.

The operations of Utopia Inn will take place in Port Antonio, Portland initially and

during its growth period we will branch out to other tourist based areas; local suppliers will

provide the start-up with the necessary amenities.

The target market includes individuals of ages 18-25 years and older. The pricing strategy

will reflect those cost the participants were willing to pay from the study done and will also

range in both value and cost based on the type of service and the value the customers perceives

to be provided with. The internet (social media) will be Utopia Inn’s primary source for

advertising and promoting but emphasis will also be place on other mediums to boost sales.

Utopia Inn will be financed mainly through the partners with secondary funding through

family and friends of the partners and a bank loan. Total funding amounted to $21,700,000.00.

The capital expenditure amounted to $10,000,000.00. An annual income statement revealed net

profits of up to $6,876,000.00 after GCT and operating with less than 100 customers requesting

throughout the year and our balance sheet amounting to $11,237,000.00This business plan will

provide details on all aspect of this business venture for a more intuitive analysis.

Industry Analysis
In the global business market there are many types of business industry. However the

Utopia Inn would be a part of the Hotel and Tourism industry. This sector is one of the ever

growing industry in Jamaica and as such Utopia will contribute in offering the services of a tour,

a casino and an inn. Our tour will fall under the Transportation sector while our Inn and all its

other attributes fall under the Hotel and Tourism industry.

The Hotel and Tourism industry in Jamaica is vastly populated with high scale hotels

with less focus on small all-inclusive inns. Utopia is aiming to capture a market which includes

working class persons along with their family and friends. Whilst we will face competition from

the small amount of inns in this market, Utopia will offer to customers a wonderful relaxing

setting at affordable rates. In making our business unique Utopia also offers a tour of the island

at reasonable rates to customers.

In the overview of the industry, we will also examine using porters five force the internal

factors affecting the business.

Industry Rivalry

Our business will face competition from two other major inns within the Hotel and

Tourism Industry in that of Jamaica inn and Sandals inn. The major competitive advantage that

Utopia would have over these inns is that we cater to low income earners because our rates or set

at a reasonable price that they can afford. Our level of advertising expenses however would be

higher than that of well established firms since Utopia is just emerging so a lot would have to be

place in promotion and advertising to give us that competitive edge. The competitive strategy

that utopia inn will like to employ is to offer lower prices that is affordable and lower that our

competitors. Our competitors however would have a higher degree of transparency than us since

our company is a new and emerging one.

Bargaining Power of Suppliers

Our degree of differentiation of inputs would be higher than that of our competitors

because we provide cuisines from vast amounts of cultural backgrounds and as such will need

unique raw materials to make these dishes. There will also be an impact of the inputs provided

by suppliers on the cost because suppliers often time based their cost on the availability and

distance taken to transport goods or services. There would be a small amount of substitutes in

our supply chain since our goods and services are unique. We would obtain majority of our

produce directly from our suppliers instead of going to retailers to purchase them which would

give us a strong distribution channel.

Bargaining Power of Customers

Information would be readily to our customers through our websites as well as in print

and other forms of media. Customers would not have any bargaining power on our rates or prices


Threat of Substitutes

In the Hotel and Tourism industry there will always be threat from substitute but the

services offered by Utopia inn will give us the competitive edge in the market.

Threat of New Entrants

There will always be the threat of new entrants this could impact us but with a stable

market share we can definitely overcome these threats. The services we offer will make us less

susceptible new entrants and as such we will always have a competitive edge.

SWOT Analysis


Reliability – Utopia inn will be reliable in that we will continually provide a relaxing setting to

our customers at an affordable rate they can all afford. At Utopia inn we will endeavor to keep

our promise of giving customers a tour of the island while enjoying the tastes of different

cuisines and an awesome experience in our elegant gaming lounge and casino.

Competence – At Utopia our staff are selected from the best Universities on the island and such

will make us fully competent in delivering service and quality. Our selection process will go

through stages in order to obtain the best of the best in our company. The games offered at our

gaming lounge/casino is of high quality and our tour services will be offered by JUTA tours

which is one of the best on the island.

Openness – Here at Utopia we will seek to create a very transparent environment by keeping

everyone abreast about what is going on within the organization. The management of Utopia Inn

will keep in constant dialogue with staff to ensure that their working environment is up to

standard so they can deliver high quality service.


Location – In highlighting location as one of our weakness this is as such because Portland does

not have a lot of vehicular traffic compare to that of a St. Ann or Kingston so it would be hard to

attract passing customers. Many tourists often visit the Island for our beaches, one of the

drawbacks to our location is that Portland does not have a lot of beaches and that would account

for some shortfall.

Availability of resources – In order to make our different cuisines we need unique raw materials

from all over. A slow supply or shortage can have an impact on the services we offer and this is a

weakness in our operations.

Lack of financial help and guidance – If our business is not financially sound this could be a

weakness because we would be spending more than what we are earning which will lead to us

ending up in bankruptcy.


Filling a niche – The aim of Utopia Inn is to fill a gap in the market, this gap is aim towards

satisfy the need of low income earners to obtain a tour of the island while getting a relaxing

feeling at our inn. Our inn is also equipped with a casino and gaming lounge.

Network Marketing – Proper network marketing can also seek to find business potential or

potential customers we seek to cater for. This will lead to full growth of Utopia Inn in the


Investment In Technology – Expansion in the online environment, in order to facilitate access

to a wider market.


Low Demand – Reduction in demand for our services will results in less persons using our

services and as such our expenses will outweigh our profits. This will then result in possible

closure or losses.

Competition – The major threats to emerging businesses in these day age is that of competition.

The competition will always seek to capture your market segment so measures will have to be

put in place to keep on top.

Government regulations – Government bodies set up a system where business have to pay a

portion of their earnings back as taxes. High tax rate can drive a business into the ground and

also regulations that are set up can lead to marketing restrictions.

Legal Constraints, Statutory Requirements and Regulatory Bodies

In every business there are legal constraints in establishing a business or offering a

service. The most common legal constraints includes licensing, registration or permits for the

business, legal constraints as it relates to employment for instance hiring a child is illegal

(persons under the age of 18), deciding on the legal structure of the business is very important.

The legal form of Utopia Inn is that of a partnership with 6 members as partners, each members

must sign a partnership deed which is the legal document outlining the different duties and

contributions of each partner along with share of profits. Other regulatory bodies include The

Jamaica Intellectual Property Office for appropriate patents and copyrights and the Tax

Administration of Jamaica is responsible for the issuing of Tax Compliance Certificates. This is

used as proof that payments of tax liabilities and wage related statutory deductions are up-to-


SLEPT Analysis

Social Factors – The social needs of consumer such as pattern of behavior, tastes and lifestyles

is ever changing and has such the business would have to evolve around these changes to meet

the demands of our customers. We should also study the social situation of our potential

customers so as to satisfy the need of a new and emerging market.

Legal Factors – There is an ever changing Government system and which comes different laws

and regulation business must follow else there will be the problem of law suits and such. The

management of Utopia Inn will then put measures in place to ensure that there is constant

monitoring of the changes in laws that might have an impact on the services provided. These

laws and regulations should not limit the services but should be followed while seeking to

continue the deliverance of service to customers.

Economic Factors – The constant changing in the exchange rate will have a significant impact

on our business since most of our produce would be imported to make our unique cuisines this

would have direct impact on the prices of our services offered and as such reduction in

customers which led to low revenues.

Political Factors – The development of freedom in trade along movement of persons would lead

to greater competition as more persons would be able to source raw materials to tap in to our

market share.

Technological Factors – The developments in technology will lead to more ways to market our

business and as such it would be cheaper to market businesses on social media and on other

platforms which will also lead to increase in competition.

Organization and Management

Vision Statement

Our vision at Utopia Inn is deliver the best service to our customers; thus, giving them

the most exciting, fun-filled, tranquil and enjoyable vacation experience ever.

Mission Statement

To be the most hospitable Inn by creating heartfelt and memorable experiences for our

guests, vast opportunities for team members, high value for our owners while providing a

positive impact on surrounding communities.

Corporate Governance

Influencing and mentoring the management of Utopia Inn will be an advisory board or

committee. The advisory board does not have authority to vote on corporate matters or bear

legal fiduciary responsibilities. Board members would be selected and voted into duty careful

based on characteristics such as willingness to give time, loyalty to the business,

ambassadorship, experience, communication skills and understanding of his/her responsibilities.

The roles of this committee are as follows:

 Act as a resource for executives/owners/management

 Encourage the development of a governance framework that enable sustainable growth of
the company
 Monitor business performance
 Aid in networking for the improvement of the business
 Provide unbiased insights and ideas from a third party point of view
 Encourages the development of a governance framework to enable sustainable growth.

Corporate Goals
Our business goals for Utopia Inn are outlined as follows:
 To provide our guests with an extraordinary service.
 To successfully recruit and train the most competent staff.
 Resolve guest problems and never saying no without offering an alternative.
 To become the most preferred hospitality brand in our region.
 Continuously, assess and improve our service to meet the needs of our customers.

Managerial Competence
This refers to where our business meets the needs of our customers and the company’s

objectives by using available resources efficiently, maintaining professionalism and provide

superb customer service at their highest standards.

All managers at Utopia Inn will be required to have these set of competencies:

1. Proficient communication skills – The ability to listen and respond to employee concerns

and conflicts by adapting to their personality style to provide everyone with a satisfactory


2. Understand Multigenerational Workforce – Effective managers understand the needs of

the different generations and adapt accordingly.

3. Provide performance feedback – Helping all employees to develop their full potential by

issuing positive and constructive criticisms.

4. Focus on employees’ career development – Providing opportunities for employees to

learn and grow thus, achieving a low turnover for the business.

5. Maximize Leadership strengths – Consciously creating opportunities for both an

employee and the manager to capitalize on their own strengths.

6. To advocate organizational changes necessary for developing and keeping a high

achieving workforce.

Organizational Structure
The organizational structure for Utopia Inn is a new structural design which focuses more

as a team based model. According to chron.com, team-based organizations vary from

traditionally hierarchical to directive organizations. Instead of having a supervisor or manager

focus on facilitation, a general meeting can be held or in each department which allows for the

manager and their respective employees to focus on or devise a method in achieving the goals

together. This team based type of structure entails characteristics such as trust building,

empowerment, goal setting, autonomy, team accountability and shared leadership.

Organizational Chart

Tashoia Wright

Executive Assistant-
Desiree O’Connor

HR Manager – Accounts Manager-

Usheen Ewbanks Jordan Payne

Definition of the Business
Business Concept

The business idea was abstracted on the basis that everyone will require relaxation and

stress free care services at some point, be it for couples with children, senior citizens or their or

business persons. It was recognized that all three services were important to families and

individuals and therefore, it was decided among the partners to combine all three under one

entity. Families and individuals seeking the care services will be required to access the website if

they are oversees are local, and provide a bit of information as to the service they require, state

the time in which you will arrive in the country and view our background information. All of

these activities will be accomplished through the website.

Service providers will be recruited through the advertising of the website across the

internet. Recruitment will also be done through email, a

natural Marketing Manager- promotional channel, and Maintenance Manager-

social Hugh Sinclair media Facebook, Twitter Travis Bryan

and blogs. Additionally, we

will use print advertising in the local newspapers to get across to potential service providers. The

recruitment program will subsequently lead into a training program, three week for those who

are proven qualified and experienced while new and less qualified service providers will have a

more extensive training program for five to six weeks depending on the improvement during

trainings. Service providers will be required to provide basic service including cleaning, room

services for guests or the elderly and in relation to housekeeping they will be required to clean

the interior and immediate exterior if necessary and doing laundry. Any service outside of these

will attract additional cost to the client. All payment will be made upon arrival to the Inn which

will make the necessary payments to the service providers based on the services provided

throughout the month. All service providers will be bounded by legal contracts which will instill

services of the highest quality and representation as an extension.

The Business Model Canvas
Key Partners Key Activities Value Proposition Customer Relationships Customer Segments
 JUTA Tours & JTB  Our key activities  Intimate Vacation Inn  Get Customers  We are creating value
are our key partners. require advertising  Unique Cultural through: Advertising for our external
 Our key suppliers will through television, Experience & Promotions. customers.
be local suppliers. radio, JTB (Jamaica  The Inn will help to  Keep Customers  Our most important
 Our key partners will Tourist Board), and provide the customer through: Discounts & customers will be
provide licensing of Social media. with relaxation. Membership. international
the business, perform  We plan to lease and  The business also aims  Grow Customers: customers.
the tours and renovate a property in to be an affordable Employees to  We cater to retirees,
advertise. Portland. accommodation. Customers Relations couples, working class
and Customers to people and small
Business. families.

Key Resources Channels

 Our key resources will  Our segments want to
be Land, Labor, be reached through
Capital and social media,
Entrepreneurship. newspaper, television,
radio & our website.
 Social Media and our
website work best and
are most cost efficient.

Cost Structure Revenue Streams
 Labor, Lease and Renovation (Set Up Cost) will be the most  The pricing tactics include: Price Penetration, Discounts &
important costs inherent to the business. Membership.
 Labor and Renovation would be the most expensive of the three  Revenue Model: Inn, Tours, Casino, Investors (JUTA, JTB etc.)

Current Offering

Utopia Inn will currently offer three relaxation services, shuttle-bus tours of the island,

casino and gaming lounge and accommodations, to its valued customers in the Portland region.

These services will be accessible to families, business personnel and couples in need of leisure

time via the Utopia Inn website. These offerings will be the proposed solution to help families,

business personnel and couples gain quality relaxing, and family time. Utopia Inn will offer

reliability, convenience and reputable services to its clients at a price that is affordable. Utopia

Inn will also offer discounts of up to 25% to its customers for extended services and bundling of

any two services. In addition to the added value that Utopia Inn will offer, there is also a

membership service which will be available to all clients. This membership service will provide

client with text messaging and instant messaging updates of what is happening during the



In this initial phase of Utopia Inn, the intention is start small in relation the basic services

that we offer and the geographical locations in which the services will be offered. The intention

is also to gain full control of this initial segment within two to three years. After this period, the

plan is to expand the services to other locations with Negril and Montego Bay being the

preferred initial expansion regions. The long term plan is to offer this service to every tourist

location in Jamaica and is projected to occur within five to ten years into the business operations.

Jamaica is small enough to accommodate such a rapid expansion with specified period and the

expansion should not be costly as all the necessities would have already been in place, such as

the website which will be available worldwide. The major consideration would have to be staff

expansion and seeking service providers within the individual regions to provide the guest

services. These expansions will allow growth in Utopia Inn’s clientele and service providers and

subsequently, the amount of service requests.

Utopia Inn intends to offer additional services as a means of expanding the business

venture. These additional services include spa treatments and horse-back riding along the

shoreline. For the horse-back riding service, trainers will be made available to families to assist

in preparing a child or other family member for an excursion/a gallop. For the spa treatment

service, persons will be made available to assist clients for seaweed facials, mud baths,

manicures and pedicures and even massage. These additional services will be considered after

the initial two to three year phase of the business venture.

These plans for projected growth provide an opportunity for Utopia Inn to expand its

market share and consequently increase sales and eventually profits. The major aim is to attract

new and maintain existing customers by providing quality, efficient and effective services and

Utopia Inn also aims to deliver an intimate vacation inn with a unique cultural experience while

we are creating value for our external customers.

Purpose of the Business Plan and Justification of the Business

Utopia Inn aims to deliver an intimate vacation inn with a unique cultural experience, we

are creating value for our external customers. Our international customers are most important to

our business. However, we do cater to our local market, retirees, couples, working class people

and small families. Our team here at Utopia will be the equity investors of the business from start

up, but will later on be partnering up with Jamaica Tourist Board and JUTA tours. Utopia Inn’s

aim and main objective is to become one of the most visited vacationing Inns in our country. To

accomplish this, the business has to become very successful as it relates to economic

development, customer service and personal gain and this can be done through proper planning

and the designing of a Business Plan. A business plan will act as a blueprint in how our

hospitality service will be executed in order to gain economic, social and personal benefits.

We here at Utopia Inn, have observed how critical tourism is to our Jamaican economy,

and throughout the Caribbean, Jamaica is ranked in the top 3 most visited countries. We aim to

boost Jamaica to number 1 most visited country and also aim to boost the tourism industry

overall. Our business aims to partner up with JUTA tours. We also hope to attract new investors

to help us with the expansion of Utopia Inn, having numerous Inns across the island providing

convenience for our customers and opening jobs for our locals. Our business plan will determine

how best to attract these other investors and how to become a competitive hospitality service

here in Jamaica.

Utopia seeks to provide a wonderful and exquisite cultural experience, comfort and

relaxation, perfect for vacations or one night stay overs. Utopia Inn offers all a casino lounge and

gaming arcade, also a tour across Jamaica. Our tours aim to give tourist a deep journey

throughout the country, allowing them to have an amazing social experience with our locals.

This tour will be crucial to the Utopia brand, as it sets us apart from numerous competitors. Our

business plan will show how important these added features (casino lounge and tours) are to the

business, and also have an insight into what else our customer’s desire.

As it relates to personal benefits owning your own business is hard work and takes a lot

of planning and supervising, a business plan is a good way to keep track of the objective,

progress and growth of the business, as well as establishing an organizational structure so tasks

are distributed smoothly throughout the business. It also plays a vital role in keeping tabs on the

revenue stream, sales trend how much money is being spent and how much is being earned so as

to not suffer loss.

Business Feasibility

Utopia inn intends to offer an Inn, casino and scenic tours to our potential and actual

customers. In the initial stage of the research this idea was pitched to friends, fellow school

mates and family who was intrigued about the business idea and was eager to learn more about

the business idea. Our business idea of an inn is not popular however the idea was generally

accepted. Respondents also offered the suggestions as to where they wanted to visit on these

tours, the location and so on. The feasibility study revealed that 88% of the participants would

considered spending a vacation at our intimate cultural inn. In essence, it’s evident that persons

are definitely interested in the business services we offer.

Analysis of Demand

Based on the information obtained from doing the feasibility study it was evident that

there is a demand in the market for our unique service being offered as 37% of respondents will

visit the utopia inn on special occasions and another 32% will visit randomly. This is mainly

because our services are affordable and this will beneficial in developing a good customer

service relationship.

Analysis of Potential Customers

Utopia Inn would include both males and females within the age group of 18-25 with the

majority being female. Hence, our potential customers will represent approximately 52% persons

of the population who will be visiting our inn and utilizing the services we offer.

Credibility of Survey Results

It’s crucial to indicate that the information gathered was obtained from primary research

instruments namely questionnaire and interviews which determined that the survey is credible.

Our findings were as accurate as possible because we issued ninety five questionnaire and gather

additional informational information through secondary sources on our competitors. However,

this proved that the business concept was in fact feasible.


There is some amount of risk that is involved with the business operation. Therefore, we

will focus on two major namely the market risk and business of Utopia Inn.

Market Risk

These are factors that will affect the performance of business and these include:

 Research and Development –research information should be relevant as this investment

can prove costly and can lead to waste and missed opportunities.

 Pricing- a high price means that the product or service is of superior quality and this

might be risky if the product or service being delivered does not measure up to the price.

And charging a low price may signify that the product or service is of a low quality or

develop a poor quality.

 Target Market- targeting the wrong type of customers can be detrimental to the business

as they will not be profitable and they will miss out on the opportunities the other

segments offer.

 Promotion – promotion can be risky if the business chose the wrong medium to reach its

target audience as well it can be expensive to advertise. It may offend the target audience

as well which lead to a bad reputation of the company and its brand.

Business Risk

This is the possibility a company will have a lower than anticipated profits or experience

a loss rather than making a profit.

 Strategic Risk: this is a possible source of loss that a business might incur from making

poor business decision or doing a business from an unsuccessful business decision.

 Compliance Risk: this is where the business can face legal penalties when it’s to fails to

act in accordance with the industry regulations and laws policies or practices.

 Operational risk: these are possible loss that the business will face due to inadequate or

failed procedures systems or policies.

 Some other possible business risks include natural disaster, inflation, and high interest

rate and so on.

Risk Management and Contingencies

In order to manage the strategic risk we would have to get a deep understanding of the

key business strategies of the organization and communicate risk management plan to build

understanding of risk and how they are managed. For operational the business continued to be

closely monitor and reviewed and ensure that duties and task are assigned to the right people to

reduce an individual from taking advantage of the business processes and practices. For

compliance risk is put in place policies to ensure that all documentations are maintained to

maximize our effort in maintaining compliance. In terms of market risk which generally

unknown and cannot be predicted but proper planning and monitoring of processes and practices

can prevent risks. Other risk will be mitigated by ensuring that our property is covered by

disaster recovering plan and risk management including insurance coverage and that the right

market assessment is done regularly for the sustainability and success of the business.

Environmental impact

A business should take into consideration the environmental impacts it would have in the

business or company. These would include potential and actual presence environmental

condition which may include waste or physical damage. However, this business may be faced

with solid waste problems which may results in possible environmental damage. However, we

will seek to implement measures to reduce this issue by using recycling bottle bins to collect and

distribute back to the company for recycling. We may face improper disposal of garbage but our

business will put in the necessary control measures to alleviate the problem.

Human Resource
Human resource management is very essential within the operations of a

business/company. The human resource department is to develop and build the organization by

achieving its corporate objectives and recruiting staff members that are most competent to

complete the task at hand. The founders of Utopia Inn recognized that there was a need for a

relaxing atmosphere where people could go to unwind and enjoy Jamaica’s nature filled

environs. This has given the human resources department at Utopia Inn a critical task of

providing this atmosphere by recruiting the most competent and experience professionals to meet

this requirement.

Sourcing and staffing considerations

In ascertaining qualified employees for Utopia Inn we would advertise employment

vacancies to agencies such as Glad Helpers, to educational institutions such H.E.A.R.T training

institute and online recruiting. Once the recruiting has been completed the selection process

would then be carried out to identify the most suitable and qualified persons for interviews. The

selection process would include performance simulation tests, reviewing applications and

conducting interviews.

In the initial stages Utopia Inn would have the marketing and operations manager who

would be based at our office to monitor the overall operations and do some promotion and

marketing of our services. The administrative staff would be used for the bookings and general

administrative duties. Our auxiliary staff would consist of bar tenders, maids, gardeners, chefs

and bell boys. The tour guides and drivers who would carry out the transportation of our

customers will be made available by JUTA Tours. Being a small enterprise the finance and

assistant manager would be responsible for the accounting and collections of payments.

Arrangements for training and evaluation

Whenever a new staff member is employed at Utopia Inn an orientation session will be

conducted in order to ensure that employees are aware of their roles and responsibilities. It will

be ensured that they become acquainted, with the work unit they are a part of and the

organization as a whole. Training will be provided in the form of apprenticeship where necessary

to ensure that each staff is equipped to offer quality service to our customers. Periodic evaluation

will be conducted to assess employees’ performance so as to ensure that their duties being

carried out are aligned with their qualifications and job title and further training will be provided

in areas of deficiencies.


Utopia Inn will provide compensation packages for all staff members, by determining a

cost effective pay structure that will attract and retain competent employees and provide

incentives to encourage them to work hard. Managers and the Administrative assistants will be

compensated on a monthly basis according to the salary scale set by the Ministry of Finance.

Support staff will be paid fortnightly salary set by the Ministry of Finance salary scale and in

accordance with minimum wages. Employees will be allowed to collect tips from customers,

breakfast, lunch and dinner will also be provided each day for every employee. Once the Inn

starts generating adequate revenue, boarding accommodations will be constructed for our


Operational considerations

Utopia inn is located in the calm cool nature filled hills of Portland Jamaica. This location is

the ideal location for our customer’s bout locals and from overseas to visit and truly enjoy

Jamaica’s beauty and to experience the true Jamaican culture to the fullest extent.

Technical requirements

At Utopia Inn the receptionist will be our first point of contact and will be present in the

lobby area to welcome our customers. Customers are expected to make contact with the

receptionist through phone calls, email and face to face contact to make bookings for rooms

ahead of their arrival. Once a booking is made arrangements will be made to transport our

customers to the Inn. The customer will be picked up at a major town of their choice. Upon a

customer’s arrival they will be required to make their payments for their accommodations and

choose the scenic tour that they want to traverse. Customers who journey to the inn without

making bookings will also be accommodated and treated with the same courteous

professionalism that Utopia Inn plans to offer. Package deals will be offered to our regular

customers and during seasonal periods.

Equipment required and suppliers

Utopia inn is a service business the main equipment needed or computers, telephones and a

software system for our customer database. Affordable desktops will be ordered through amazon

and shipped to Jamaica. Office phones will be ordered through flow internet service.

Arrangements will be made for the software to be installed on all computers. Other equipment’s

needed would be stoves, refrigerators, deep fryers, utensils, glassware and pots for our restaurant.

Chairs beds, tables, sofas and other furniture’s will be needed for the rooms. Gaming machines

will also be needed for the casino which will be purchased on amazon. Meats and poultry will be

supplied by our partners CB chicken and Rainforest sea foods. Resources such as buses and

couches for transportation will be provided by JUTA Tours. Further upgrades and improvements

will be made in the future after the company starts making profit.


The national water commission will provide the Inn with clean water for our facilities and

the Jamaica Public service, being the sole distributor of electricity in Jamaica will be the Inn’s

provider of Electricity. Flow Cable Company will provide internet services and WI-FI services

for each room. IGL will supply the Inn with cooking gas for our restaurant.

Opening hours

Utopia inn will be open for 24 hours each day, so that customers can always be

accommodated also for passers-by who may just need a room for the night. Our scenic tours will

be between the hours of 6:00 am until 6:00 pm each day Sunday-Sunday.

Marketing Arrangements

Target Market

Utopia Inn seeks to target tourist and locals that visit Jamaica annually for vacations or

just need a break from their busy life. We cater to retirees, couples, working class people and

small families. The tourism industry is one of the biggest industries in Jamaica, stopover arrivals

in January 2017 were 185,873, an increase of 3.5% over the 179,559 recorded in January 2016

according to Jamaica Tourism Board. Our customers are mainly between 18-25 years old and 25-

35 years of age respectively, who mainly average income earners are (60%) and (25%) high

income earners.

Market Mix


Utopia Inn would use price penetration as its most suitable pricing strategy to break into

the tourism market. Price penetration where initial prices are set low so as to attract customers to

the new hospitality service we are offering. Utopia’s basic package price would be 250USD,

which would eventually increase as the name of Utopia Inn grows. Special prices for season and

membership will also be included.


In order for Utopia Inn to be frontline and top choice for vacationers we have to strongly

employ the use of several mediums to promote our business successfully. Having stated our

target audience being between the ages of 18-25years, Internet and social Media will be heavily

utilized. Advertisements on popular websites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Google

search. Cable and Local TV will be essential for our local audience, since not everyone has

access to internet. Frequent advertisements on TVJ and CVM can help to endorse the business

and provide information to customers. Radio and Newspapers will also be utilized as another

medium, radio playing short exerts of clips advertising the business and appealing articles in the

Gleaner or Observer.


Utopia Inn offers an inn, gaming lounge/arcade and a scenic cultural tour. The inn offers

a warm home, cozy feeling; one will get a true utopian experience while enjoying the delicacies

offered by our wonderful array of cuisines and dishes. Our scenic tour is also key service we

provide, taking you to place across the island where one can enjoy true and rich Jamaican

beverages while site seeing, having random stops of interesting places. Another amazing service

we offer, our bonus feature, is the gaming lounge and arcade. Bonus cause the casino is always a

fun and relaxing way to spend time, giving people a chance to make some money on vacation.

Also, while these adults spend time trying to earn some cash, there will be an arcade to keep their

kids occupied.


Utopia Inn will be established in Port Antonio, Portland, in close proximity to other

tourist attractions such as Folly Ruins and Folly Lighthouse and has an amazing view of the

Navy Island. Also, Utopia hopes to give the feeling of being hidden from the rest of the world,

situated in a calm and quiet countryside engulf by palm trees and other greenery as shown in our


Extended Marketing Mix


The human resources are a crucial factor to the development of Utopia Inn. Being in the

hospitality field, customers’ service will be top priority, so selecting staff is crucial, great

communicator with interpersonal skills, a friendly manner will be needed to deliver quality

service to our customers. Having a number of guests weekly a level maintenance will have to be

done as to keep the Inn looking up to par as new clients arrive. A proper technical staff along

with a high working rate of ancillary workers will be needed to keep Utopia Inn’s image and as a

top-class Inn.


Utopia Inn offers many ways to make bookings, online services are provided as well as

walk in 24/7. Upon booking a room, you are informed about the tours that we provide across

Jamaica, showing the schedule time and place and additional price that the tour requires. Casino

and Arcade are free to enter anytime.

Physical Evidence (Physical Environment)

The physical evidence of the Utopian experience and service will be ease of booking and

settling in to relax and unwind, giving you a cultured experience with our tours and cuisines and

courteous Jamaican customer service all while affording a comfortable accommodation.

Financial Considerations

Capital Expenditure Budget

Utopia Inn
Capital Expenditure Budget
Details Price Quantity $
per Unit

Mattress 30,000 60 1800000

Bed Frame 50,000 60 3000000
Television 30,000 60 1800000
Chairs 1,500 60 90000
Entertainment Centre 50,000 60 3000000
Accessories     60,000
Kitchen Equipment     250,000
Total     10,000,000

Working Capital

Utopia Inn Working Capital
Details $ Total
Purchases 500,000
Owners Salary 450,000
Employees Salary 300,000
Advertising 60,000
Utilities 50,000
Supplies 20,000
Telephone 7,000
Accounting 30,000
Legal fees 10,000
Loan payment 150,000
Maintenance 20,000
Travel expenses 20,000
Total working Capital 1,617,000

Start-up Cost

Utopia In Start Up Cost
$ $
Capital Expenditure 10,000,00
Pre-paid Expenses
Insurance 3,500,00
Grand Opening Advertising 500,000
Legal Fees 100,000
Accounting Fees 100,000
Employees’ Wages 800,000
Total Prepaid expenses 5,000,000
Lease 850,000
Utilities 300,000
Tax 300,000
Total deposits 1,450,000
Building and Renovation
Construction/Renovation 5,000,00
Lease Household improvement 250,000
Total Location Cost 5,250,000

Total Capital 21,700,00


Sources of Funding

Utopia Inn
Sources of Financing
Personal Capital $ $
Tashoia Wright 2,000,000  
Hugh Sinclair 1,500,000  
Jordan Payne 1,000,000  
Travis Bryan 1,000,000  
Usheen Ewbanks 1,000,000  
Desiree O'Connor 1,500,000  
Total   8,000,000
Family and Friends $  
Family Member 900,000  
Family Member 900,000  
Family Member 900,000  
Family Member 1,000,000  
Family Member 1,000,000  
Friend 1,000,000  
Friend 1,000,000  
Friend 1,000,000  
Friend 1,000,000  
Total   8,700,000
Bank Loans    
National Commercial Bank 5,000,000  
Total   5,000,000
Grand Total   21,700,000

Sales Budget
Utopia Inn Sales Budget
Details January February March April May June July August September October November December Total
Expected 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60
sales in

Selling 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250

Total Sales 15000 15000 15000 15000 15000 15000 15000 15000 15000 15000 15000 15000 180000

Cash flow Statement

Utopia Inn Cashflow Statement for year ended Decemeber 2019

January February March April May June July August September October November December Total
Sales Receipt 2,000,000 1,920,000 1,900,000 1,500,000 1,900,000 1,920,000 2,200,000 2,500,000 1,900,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 2,300,000 23,040,000

Operating Expenses
Purchases 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 6,000,000
Owners' salary 450,000 450,000 450,000 450,000 450,000 450,000 450,000 450,000 450,000 450,000 450,000 450,000 5,400,000
Employees salary 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 3,600,000
Lease 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 2,400,000
Advertising 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 720,000
Utilities 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 600,000
Supplies 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 240,000
Telephone 6,647 6,647 6,647 6,647 6,647 6,647 6,647 6,647 6,647 6,647 6,647 6,647 79,764
Accounting Fees 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 360,000
Loan Payment 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 1,800,000
Maintenance 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 240,000
Travel Expenses 20,000 20,000 25,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 22,000 25,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 35,000 267,000
legal fees 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 120,000

Total Disbursement 1,816,647 1,816,647 1,821,647 1,816,647 1,816,647 1,816,647 1,818,647 1,821,647 1,816,647 1,816,647 1,816,647 1,831,647 21,826,764

Cashflow 183,353 103,353 78,353 -316,647 83,353 103,353 381,353 678,353 83,353 -316,647 -316,647 468,353 1,213,236

Income statement

Utopia Inn Income Statement for the year ended December 2017
January February March April May June July August September October November December Total
Sales 2000000 1920000 1900000 1500000 1900000 1920000 2200000 2500000 1900000 1500000 1500000 2300000 23040000
Cost of sales 500000 500000 500000 500000 500000 500000 500000 500000 500000 500000 500000 500000 6000000
Gross Profit 1500000 1420000 1400000 1000000 1400000 1420000 1700000 2000000 1400000 1000000 1000000 1800000 17040000

Owners' salary 450000 450000 450000 450000 450000 450000 450000 450000 450000 450000 450000 450000 5400000
Employees salary 300000 300000 300000 300000 300000 300000 300000 300000 300000 300000 300000 300000 3600000
Lease 200000 200000 200000 200000 200000 200000 200000 200000 200000 200000 200000 200000 2400000
Advertising 60000 60000 60000 60000 60000 60000 60000 60000 60000 60000 60000 60000 720000
Utilities 50000 50000 50000 50000 50000 50000 50000 50000 50000 50000 50000 50000 600000
Supplies 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 240000
Telephone 6,647 6,647 6,647 6,647 6,647 6,647 6,647 6,647 6,647 6,647 6,647 6,647 79764
Accounting Fees 30000 30000 30000 30000 30000 30000 30000 30000 30000 30000 30000 30000 360000
Loan Payment 150000 150000 150000 150000 150000 150000 150000 150000 150000 150000 150000 150000 1800000
Maintenance 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 20000 240000
Travel Expenses 20000 20000 25000 20000 20000 20000 22000 25000 20000 20000 20000 35000 267000
Legal fees 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 120000
Depreciation 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 24000
Prepaid insurance 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 120000

Total Expenses 1328647 1328647 1333647 1328647 1328647 1328647 1330647 1333647 1328647 1328647 1328647 1343647 15970764

Income/Loss 171353 91353 66353 -328647 71353 91353 369353 666353 71353 -328647 -328647 456353 1069236

Balance Sheet

Utopia Inn Balance Sheet as 31 December 2017

Non-Current Assets
Fixed Assets 10000000
Provision for Depreciation 500,000
Net Book Value 9,500,000

Current Assets
Cash 1617000
Prepaid Expenses 120,000
Total current Assets 1737000
Total Assets 11,237,000

Current Liabilities
Telephone 79,768 79,768

Non Current Liabilities

Long Term Loan 5,000,000 5,000,000

Owners Equity
Tashoia Wright 2000000
Hugh Sinclair 1500000
Jordan Payne 1000000
Travis Bryan 1000000
Usheen Ewbanks 1000000
Desiree O'Connor 1500000
Total Owners Equity 8000000
Retained Earnings -1,842,768
Total Current Liabilities 11,237,000

Projected Income Statement

Utopia Inn Projected Income Statement
Details 2017 2018 2019
$ $ $
Sales 23,040,000 25,804,800 26,726,400

Operating Expenses
Owners Salary 6,000,000 7,500,000 8,500,000
Employee Salaries 2,500,000 2,650,000 2,950,000
Lease payment 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000
Advertising 500,000 500,000 500,000
Utilities 800,000 800,000 800,000
Supplies 150,000 150,000 150,000
Telephone 100,000 100,000 100,000
Legal fees 50,000 50,000 50,000
Maintenance 100,000 100,000 100,000
Traveling expenses 200,000 200,000 200,000
Insurance 3,000,000 3,500,000 3,500,000

Total Expenses 16,400,000 18,550,000 19,850,000

Income/Loss 6,640,000 7,254,800 6,876,400

Implementation Schedule
Implementation Schedule
Milestones Start Date Duration End Date

Feasibility Study Administered May/10/2017 14 May/24/2017

Business Plan Created May/26/2017 4 May/30/2017

Initial Capital Contribution May/30/2017 5 Jun/4/2017
Acquiring a loan from Bank Jun/6/2107 1 -
Lease Property for Inn Jun/8/2017 1 -
Renovation/Modification of Inn Infrastructure Jun/10/2017 20 Jun/30/2017
Purchasing of Appliances/Bedding/Design Jul/2/2017 3 Jul/5/2017
Contact Lawyers Jul/4/2017 1 -
Register & Insure Business Jul/7/2017 3 Jul/10/2017
Advertise as a new Inn Jul/12/2017 16 Jul/28/2017
Final Touches to Inn on Property/Rooms/Etc. Jul/15/2017 5 Jul/20/2017
Contact JUTA for set-up of Tours Jul/16/2017 2 Jul/18/2017
Interview and Hire Employees Jul/20/2017 20 Jul/30/2017
Obtain 100 Reservations within 1st Month Jul/23/2017 30 Aug/23/2017
Grand Opening Aug/20/2017 1 -
Maintain Customer Relationships with our first Aug/20/2017 31 Sept/20/2017
set of guests
Analyze guest concerns and satisfaction Sept/25/2017 5 Sept/30/2017
Assess Business Growth Oct/30/2017 16 Nov/15/2017
Continuous Development of Business Nov/15/2017 -

5-May 25-May 14-Jun 4-Jul 24-Jul 13-Aug 2-Sep 22-Sep 12-Oct 1-Nov 21-Nov

Feasibility Study Administered

Business Plan Created
Initial Capital Contribution
Acquiring a loan from Bank
Lease Property for Inn
Renovation/Modification of Inn Infrastructure
Purchasing of Appliances/Bedding/Design Specs
Contact Lawyers
Register & Insure Business
Advertise as a new Inn
Final Touches to Inn on Property/Rooms/Etc.
Contact JUTA for set-up of Tours
Interview and Hire Employees
Obtain 100 Reservations within 1st Month
Grand Opening
Maintain Customer Relationships with our first set of guests
Analyze guest concerns and satisfaction
Assess Business Growth
Continuous Development of Business

Gantt chart


Please read the questions below and place a tick in the box to the answer of your choice and write
on the lines provided below where necessary.

1. Have you ever vacationed in Jamaica?


2. Would you consider spending a vacation or a weekend getaway at an intimate cultural inn
within Jamaica?



3. Tick the features below which you would like to be included in the all-inclusive
package. (You may select more than one)

Shuttle service

Gaming lounge

Casino gaming

Local scenic tours

Other – (Please explain)

4. Where would you consider to be an ideal location for this Inn?

In a mountainous area

North Coast

An ocean front view

A calm, cool nature filled environment

5. Would you be willing to try different cuisines/dishes?

6. What kind of cuisines would you prefer?

Others – (Please Specify) _________________________
7. What price would you be willing to pay for such an experience?
$200 USD
$250 USD
$300 USD
$350 USD
$400 USD
8. How often would you visit this Inn?
Special occasions
9. Which season would you mostly likely to visit this Inn?

10. Would you like to experience an interactive visit to a local community?

11. If yes, name any one specific place you would like to visit.

12. What is your gender?

13. What age group do you belong?
18-25 years
26-35 years
36-55 years
56 and over

14. What is your occupation?

15. Which income bracket do you belong?

Average income
High income
Low income

16. How many persons are in your household?


Floor plan and legal documents

View of the ocean from the Inn’s property.

View of the Inn’s Lobby Area/ Front Desk.


Travis Bryan
Colegate District
Ocho Rios P.O
Saint Ann
Tele: 1876-587-9459
Career Objective: To become a competent individual with the adequate skills and knowledge to
decimate any Electrical problems that may arise in the field of Electrical Engineering.
University Of Technology (2016-present)
Brown’s Town Community College (2013-2015)
Ocho Rios High School (2008-2013)
Breadnut Hill Primary School (2003-2008)
Cole Gate Basic School (2000-2003)
Caribbean Examination Council Advanced Proficiency (CAPE) (2014-2015)
Communication Studies
Caribbean Studies
Physics I
Physics II
Electrical and Electronic technology I

Electrical and Electronic technology II

Pure Mathematics I
Pure Mathematics II

Caribbean Examination Council General Proficiency (CESC) (2013)

Integrated Science
Social Studies
Electrical Technology
English Language

Outstanding achievements: Awarded eight (8TH) position in Jamaica in the (CAPE) Electrical
and Electronic Technology unit one (1) examinations. (2014)
Awarded third (3rd) position in the Caribbean, (CAPE) Electrical and Electronic Technology unit
(2) examinations. (2015)

Mattcorp Power Solutions Ltd. (As an electrician)

Voluntary Service:
Breadnut Hill Primary School (assistant teacher)
St. Ann’s Bay Public Hospital (assisted the hospitals biomedical Engineer with the repair of
medical equipment.)

A/C Technician

Desiree O’Connor
River Head District
Petersfield P.O
Tele: 1-(876)389-4854
Objective: To become the go to business advisor.
Education: University of Technology, Jamaica
Frome Technical High School
Unity Primary

Qualifications: English Language

English Literature
Principles of Business
Integrated Science
Information Technology
Social Studies
Achievements: Honor Roll (2009)
Certificate of Merit (2008)
Voluntary Service: Mona Rehabilitation Centre
Petersfield Association of Club
Work Experience: Petersfield Association of Clubs (summer teacher)
Hardware Store (Cashier)
Petersfield High School (Intern to Dean of Discipline and Vice Principal)

Petersfield Vocational Centre

Hope Town Road, Kingston 6, Kingston
Tel: 1(876) 595-5513

Objectives: To work and grow in a professional environment where my knowledge, experience

and creativity can be put to the best use

Education: University of Technology, Jamaica

Bachelors of Business Administration
Knox College High
Spalding High School

Achievements: Associates Degree in Business Studies

Experience: National Youth Service Summer Job July 08-26, 2016

Ministry of Education work shop July 21-29, 2016

Activities: Career Enhancement Club

Junior Achievement Club
Inter School Christian Fellowship
UTech Job Fair (Volunteer)
Community Service Project

Huge Sinclair
Hope Town Road
Kingston 6
Tele: 1(876)453-2085
Objective: To obtain a high level of skills and experience in my area of work and contribute to

the organization.

Education: University of Technology 2014-present

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Information Technology

Glenmuir High School


Experience: I worked at the Best Dressed Feed Mill in the safety and environment department

for four consecutive summers where I assisted in carrying daily water treatment analysis and


Attributes: Information Technology related skills

Great communication skills

Watch football and play cricket

5b Lilford Ave
Kingston 6
Usheen Ewbanks
Career objective: work in the field of advertising

Qualification: Pending Degree in Communication Arts and Technology

Associates Degree in Video Production

Diploma in Draughting and Building Technology

CSEC 2010

Outstanding achievement: N/A

Extracurricular activities: Volunteer services Paint Jamaica

Jordan J. Payne
117 Barbican Road, Kingston 6, Jamaica
Jordanpn5@yahoo.com||1 (876) 550-9227


Career Objective: To pursue a highly rewarding career, seeking for a job in a challenging and
healthy work environment where I can utilize my skills and knowledge efficiently for
organizational and personal growth.


University of Technology, 2016 – present, Bachelor’s Degree Program (Bsc.)

Major: Industrial Engineering

Minor: Production and Operations Management

Caribbean Maritime Institute, 2014 – 2016, Bachelor’s Degree Program (Bsc.)

Major: Industrial Systems, Operations and Management.

Calabar High School, 2009 – 2014, Diploma

CSEC Passes

 Mathematics
 English Language A
 Physics
 Technical Drawing
 Spanish
 Geography

 Building Technology
 Social Studies
 Information Technology


1. Volunteering at The First Assembly of God, Ocho Rios, as a summer bible camp teacher.
2. Past Badminton Player for the Calabar High School at Constant Spring Golf Club (D
3. Member of the Caribbean Maritime track team.

Related Activities

 Member of: The Tourism in Action Club, Engineers Association of Jamaica Online.
 Past member of the Calabar High School’s Teens for Tech club.

Related Skills

 Able to operate engineering programs such as Solid Edge, Auto CAD, and also programs
in the Microsoft Office Series

 Work Experience: WINDALCO Jamaica, Ewarton Plant. Technical Assistant in the

Automation Lab. June 2015 – August 2015

Letters of commitment

Rain forest sea foods

77 Slipe Rd, Kingston


Dear Mr/Mrs

We would like to take this opportunity to introduce our company. We are Rain forest sea foods
distributors, a major distributor of sea food across Jamaica. We deliver fresh meat straight from
the sea to our customers.
We believe that the services provided by Utopia Inn have a very good potential to be successful
in the tourism sector. It is in this respect that we would like to extend our interest in forming a
partnership with your company for three years. We believe that our services can well compliment
your service in further promotion of Utopia Inn and improve total customer satisfaction.

At your request I can send you our company's introductory profile in PDF format for your
perusal, or you may peruse our website at www.rainforestseafoods.com. Should you be interested
in this cooperation or have any questions in this regard, please feel free to give us a call at
(06 39269127) or send us an email at rainforestseafoods@gmail,com.

Thank you very much, and we hope to receive your favourably response soon.

Best regards,
Brian Jardim
Managing director rain Forrest seafood’s

Juta Tours and limousine service

49 Lady Musgrave Rd,


Dear Mr/Mrs

We would like to take this opportunity to introduce our company. We are Jamaica union of
travellers association (JUTA) tours, one of Jamaica’s leading shuttle services. We provide
Jamaican sight-seeing tours to some of the more popular tour destinations throughout the island
of Jamaica. Jamaica sight-seeing tours have a fully qualified and experienced tour guide/drivers
available at all times to answer your questions and to provide you with the highest quality of
service available during your tour.
We believe that the services provided by Utopia Inn have a very good potential to be successful
in the tourism sector. It is in this respect that we would like to extend our interest in forming a
partnership with your company for six years. We believe that our services can well compliment
your service in further promotion of Utopia Inn and improve total customer satisfaction.

At your request I can send you our company's introductory profile in PDF format for your
perusal, or you may peruse our website at www.jutatourskingstonjm.com Should you be
interested in this cooperation or have any questions in this regard, please feel free to give us a
call at (866) 865-1059 or send us an email at info@jutatoursltd.com.

Thank you very much, and we hope to receive your favourably response soon.

Best regards,
Managing director JUTA Tours


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