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Product A hand roller machine that used to flatten the dough with abilities

Description which are adjustable roller which can adjust the thickness of the
dough , easy to use, light weight and environmental friendly.
Key Business  Develop an environmental friendly product.
Goal  Finish this project within the scheduled timetable.
 Develop a product with high quality.
 Finish the project within the specified guideline and follow
the customer requirement.
 Develop a high quality product with low costing.
 Finish the project by achieving the project triangle which are
minimize the time , minimize the cost with quality outcome
and all the members follow the job scope.
Target Market Primary market
 Small entrepreneur
 Household
 Chefs and trainers
Secondary market
 Café and restaurant
 Bakery
 Culinary training centre
Assumptions  Easy to use
 Hand-held operations
 Adjustable gap between roller to come out with variety of
thickness of dough.
 Use of suitable material for food industrial product.
Constraints  Should be followed customer requirement.
 Design with safety as a priority.
 Materials that been use might be corrosion.
 Hard to find suitable material.
Stakeholders Internal stakeholder
 Production and manufacturing
 Marketing and sales
 Suppliers
 Investor

External stakeholder
 Purchasers and users
 Workers and officer
 Guest in the office
 Small and bigger office
 Retail outlet
Table 1: Mission statement for “ Dough Roller machine”

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