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PICP™ Level 1 Workbook

Performing the Remedial Lifts

© Copyright 1982-2016, Poliquin Group

© Copyright 1982-2016, Poliquin Group. All rights reserved.

Notice: Before beginning any diet or exercise program, consult with your physician to ensure
that you are in proper health. No liability is assumed for any of this information being used.

© Copyright 1982-2016, Poliquin Group. All rights reserved.

Performing the Exercises
Dumbbell External Rotation- Elbow on Knee (9.8%)
Rotator cuff muscles, Decelerators of the humerus

This exercise is performed on an adjustable bench using a dumbbell. Plate mates may be used
for incremental weight progression.

To perform the Dumbbell Elbow on Knee External Rotation:

1. Place one foot on the bench so that the knee is bent at 90 degrees while the other foot
is flat on the ground.
2. Place the legs at a 90-degree angle.
3. The elbow is placed 2 in (5 cm) lower than the top of the shoulder on groove between
the kneecap and the VMO.
4. The torso is upright. Place the non-working hand behind the hips for extra support.
5. The torso and head should be at a 45-degree angle compared to leg angle.
6. Lower the weight while maintaining 90 degrees of elbow flexion.
7. The lift should immediately be disqualified if:
a. Full range of motion is not achieved
b. The shoulder internally rotates to lift the weight
c. The elbow comes off the knee
d. The bent knee internally rotates

Bent-over Trap 3 Raise (10.6%)

Trapezius (lower fibers), Shoulder stabilization

This exercise is performed standing with an adjustable bench using a dumbbell. Plate mates
may be used for incremental weight progression.

To perform the Trap 3 Raise:

1. Adjust the bench to a 60-75 degree incline
2. Place the non-working forearm on the top of the bench and rest the forehead on the
forearm. The opposite leg of the lifting arm is forward.
3. The body should be positioned at a 30-45 degree angle while maintaining a neutral
4. Retract the shoulder and raise the arm at a 45 degree angle.
5. The weight should go 15 degrees past the line of the body. You should see the ear
below the arm.
6. The lift should immediately be disqualified if:
a. Full range of motion is not achieved
b. The shoulder retracts towards the ear (Trap 1)
c. The arm swings back to lift the weight
d. The torso twists when lifting the weight

© Copyright 1982-2016, Poliquin Group. All rights reserved.

Powell Raise (10.6%)
Rhomboids, Scapular retraction

This exercise is performed on an adjustable bench and a dumbbell. Plate mates may be used
for incremental weight progression.

To perform the Powell Raise:

1. Lay on one side of the body and anchor the bottom foot to the bench. The bottom hand
is placed on the floor for support
2. Start with the arm overhead with the first two knuckles aligned with the ear.
3. Lower the arm while keeping the dumbbell aligned with the ear.
4. In the bottom position, the dumbbell is still in line with the ear and the arm remains
slightly bent.
5. The lift should immediately be disqualified if:
a. The arm bends excessively
b. The body swings forward or back to lift the weight
c. The dumbbell does not stay in line with the ears

Bent-over Lateral Raise (7.6%)

Posterior Deltoid, Extension and External rotation of the shoulder

This exercise is performed standing with an adjustable bench and a dumbbell. Plate mates
may be used for incremental weight progression.

To perform the Bent-over Lateral Raise:

1. Adjust the bench to a 60-75 degree incline
2. Place the non-working forearm on the top of the bench and rest the forehead on the
forearm. The opposite leg of the lifting arm is forward.
3. The body should be positioned at a 30-45 degree angle with the back neutral.
4. The arms hangs straight down and the elbow is slightly bent.
5. Retract the shoulder and raise the arm to the side.
6. The weight should go 15 degrees past the line of the body. You should see the ear
below the arm. The first two knuckles should be in line with the ear at all times.
7. The lift should immediately be disqualified if:
a. Full range of motion is not achieved
b. The arm travels back towards the hip when lifting the weight
c. The arm travels back forward at a 45 degree angle when lifting the weight
d. The shoulder retracts towards the ear (Trap 1)
e. The arm swings to lift the weight
f. The torso twists when lifting the weight

© Copyright 1982-2016, Poliquin Group. All rights reserved.

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