Statements of Financial Position From The Airbus (Consolidated Balance Sheet) Assets Non-Current Assets

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Statements of Financial Position from the Airbus

(Consolidated Balance Sheet) 2014 2015 2016

€m €m €m
Non–current assets
Intangible assets 12,758.0 12,555.0 12,068.0
Property, plant and equipment 16,388.0 17,193.0 16,918.0
investment in property - - -
Investment accounted for under the equity method 3,391.0 1,326.0 1,608.0
Other investment and other long-term financial assets 1,769.0 2,492.0 3,655.0
Other non-current assets 2,408.0
Non-current contract assets - - -
Non–current other financial assets - 1,096.0 976.0
Non–current other assets - 2,166.0 2,358.0
Deferred tax assets 5,717.0 6,759.0 7,557.0
Non-current securities 5,989.0 9,851.0 9,897.0
Total Non-Current Assets 48,420.0 53,438.0 55,037.0

Current assets
Inventories 25,355.0 29,051.0 29,688.0
Trade receivables 6,798.0 7,877.0 8,101.0
Current portion of other long-term fincial assets - 178.0 522.0
Current contract assets - - -
Current other finacial assets - 1,402.0 1,257.0
Current other assets 4,325.0 2,819.0 2,576.0
Current tax assets - 860.0 1,110.0
Current securities 3,183.0 1,788.0 1,551.0
Cash and cash equivalents 7,271.0 7,489.0 10,143.0
46,932.0 51,464.0 54,948.0
Assets held for sale 750.0 1,779.0 1,148.0
Total Current Assets 47,682.0 53,243.0 56,096.0
Total Assets 96,102.0 106,681.0 111,133.0
Non–current liabilities
Non-current provisions 10,400.0 9,871.0 10,826.0
Long-term financing liabilites 6,278.0 6,335.0 8,791.0
Non-current contract liabilities - - -
Non-current other financial 14,038.0 13,313.0
Other non-current liabilities 23,038.0 15,256.0 16,567.0
Deferred tax liabilities 1,130.0 1,200.0 1,292.0
Non-current deferend income -
40,846.0 46,700.0 50,789.0
Current liabilities
Current provisions 5,712.0 5,209.0 6,143.0
Short-term financing lianilities 1,073.0 2,790.0 1,687.0
Trade liabilities 10,183.0 11,763.0 12,532.0
Current contract liabilities - - -
Current other finacial liabilites - 5,021.0 5,761.0
Current other liabilities 29,791.0 28,086.0 28,452.0
Current tax liabilities 738.0 908.0 1,126.0
Current deferend income - -
47,497.0 53,777.0 55,701.0
Disposal group of liabilities as held for sale 680.0 231.0 991.0
Total liabilities 89,023.0 100,708.0 107,481.0
Total Assets and Liabillities 7,079.0 5,973.0 3,652.0

EQUITY attributable to equity holders of the parent

Capital stock 785.0 785.0 773.0
Reserves 7,489.0 9,800.0 7,732.0
Share premium - -
Retained earnings - -
Accumulated other comprehensive income - 1,205.0 - 4,316.0 - 4,845.0
Treasury shares - 8.0 - 303.0 - 3.0
Equity attributable to equity holders of the parent 7,061.0 5,966.0 3,657.0
Non–controlling interest 18.0 7.0 - 5.0
Total equity 7,079.0 5,973.0 3,652.0
Total Equity and Liabillities 96,102.0 106,681.0 111,133.0

Airbus - Consolidated Income Statement

2014 2015 2016

Revenues £60,713.00 £64,450.00 £66,581.00

Cost of Sales -£51,776.00 -£55,599.00 -£61,317.00
Gross margin £8,937.00 £8,851.00 £5,264.00
Selling,administrative and other expenses -£2,780.00 £2,873.00 -£2,977.00
Research and development expenses -£3,391.00 £3,460.00 -£2,970.00
Other income £330.00 £474.00 £2,689.00
Other Expenses
Share of profit from investments accouinted under the equity
method £895.00 £1,070.00 £252.00
Other income from investments
Profit before finance result and income taxes £3,991.00 £4,062.00 £2,258.00
Interest Income £142.00 £183.00 £247.00
Interest Expense -£462.00 -£551.00 -£522.00
Other financial result -£458.00 -£319.00 -£692.00
Total finance costs
Finance Result -£778.00 -£687.00 -£967.00
Income Taxes -£863.00 £677.00 -£291.00
Profit for the period £2,350.00 £2,698.00 £1,000.00

Attrituble to:
Equity owners of the parent

(Net Income) £2,343.00 £2,696.00 £995.00

Non-Controlling interests £7.00 £2.00 £5.00

Earnings per share

Basic £2.99 £3.43 £1.29
Diluted £2.99 £3.42 £1.29

Other Data 2014 2015 2016

Number of Ordinary Shares
Share Price
Dividends per Share
2017 2018 2019
€m €m €m

11,629.0 16,726.0
16,610.0 16,773.0
3.0 3.0
1,678.0 1,693.0
4,204.0 3,811.0

- 65.0
2,980.0 1,108.0
2,295.0 888.0
3,598.0 4,835.0
10,944.0 10,662.0
53,941.0 56,564.0

31,464.0 31,891.0
8,358.0 6,078.0
529.0 489.0
- 789.0
1,979.0 1,811.0
2,907.0 4,246.0
914.0 1,451.0
1,627.0 2,132.0
12,016.0 9,413.0
59,794.0 58,300.0
202.0 334.0
59,996.0 58,634.0
113,937.0 115,198.0

10,153.0 11,571.0
8,984.0 7,463.0
- 15,832.0
6,948.0 8,009.0
17,190.0 460.0
981.0 1,318.0
199.0 40.0
44,455.0 44,693.0

6,575.0 7,317.0
2,212.0 1,463.0
13,444.0 16,237.0
- 26,229.0
2,185.0 2,462.0
29,193.0 5,288.0
1,481.0 732.0
935.0 626.0
56,025.0 60,354.0
106.0 432.0
100,586.0 105,479.0
13,351.0 9,719.0

775.0 777.0
2,826.0 2,941.0
7,007.0 5,923.0
2,742.0 134.0
- 2.0 - 51.0
13,348.0 9,724.0
3.0 - 5.0
13,351.0 9,719.0
113,937.0 115,198.0

2017 2018 2019??

£66,767.00 £63,707.00
-£59,160.00 -£54,920.00
£7,607.00 £8,787.00
-£2,439.00 -£2,435.00
-£2,807.00 £3,217.00
£981.00 £1,656.00

£333.00 £330.00
£3,421.00 £5,048.00
£189.00 £208.00
-£517.00 -£440.00
£1,477.00 -£531.00
£1,149.00 -£763.00

-£1,693.00 -£1,274.00
£2,877.00 £3,011.00

£2,873.00 £3,054.00
£4.00 -£43.00

£3.71 £3.94
£3.70 £3.92

2017 2018 2019??

Boeing Financial Statements
Consolidated Statements of Operations 2014 2015 2016 2017
Income statement
Revenue 90762 96114 94571 93392
Cost of Sales 76752 82088 80790 76066
Gross Profit 14010 14026 13781 17326
Operating Profit 7473 7443 5834 10278
Net Profit 5446 5176 4895 8197

Inventories 46756 47257 43199 44344
Trade Receivables 7729 8713 8832 10516
Total Current Assets 67785 68234 62488 65161
Total Assets 99198 94408 89997 92333

Total Equity 8790 6397 877 1713

Total Non-current Liabilities 33691 37599 38986 35652

Trade Payables 10667 10800 11190 12202
Total Current liabilities 56717 50412 50134 56269

Interest Expense 333 275 306 360

Other Data
Number of Ordinary Shares 736,700,000 695,000,000 642,800,000 610,000,000
Share Price (average for 5 days preceding 1 March) 128.092 152.942 117.13 177.864
Dividends per Share 0.73 0.91 1.09 1.42
2018 2019







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