Mariana Tarawneh 21905321 Quiz 1

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Mariana tarawneh 21905321

quiz 1
Q1/ because of hıs A THEME AND AN AESTHETIC/ Donald Trump is a marketing genius..He spins straw into gold… He has the media on a
string. ..Tall buildings shout his name… The Trump brand, according to some observers.., is among the strongest in the world. /Trump look is
that distinctive hair/Architecturally he used the mırrors and a lot of golds he have his way to show the power and money that’s why he have a
good brand because heused to wear long, shiny red ties. So in the auther opinion is to have a good brand its mean to have a good look and
that’s what he made in his architecture life It aims to project wealth that many citizens cannot dream of
he said
(Trump looks miles away from the architecture
Imitation of Washington, D.C., a city that was deliberately kept low rise in its midst, which
Neoclassical public buildings evoke stability and trustworthiness through self-control) From the White House to the monuments, the
American capital is designed to eschew Europe
Autocratic excesses, which display the message of simplicity, democracy and equality - specifically
Unlike brand new in town

Trump's design aesthetic is fascinatingly out of line with America's past and present/note that the interiors of the apartments his company
actually sells bear no resemblance to the one he lives in. But that doesn't mean his taste comes from nowhere./ Trump's apartment projects a
kind of power that bypasses all the boring checks and balances of collaboration and mutual responsibility and first-among-equals. It is about a
single dominant personality. This, of course, is a startlingly un-American idea. The Trump look is miles from the architectural tradition of
Washington, D.C., a city kept deliberately low-rise in its center, and whose neoclassical public buildings evoke stability and trustworthiness
through their restraint
• Q2 /Remarkably similar
• The interface is huge and impressiveand it's ugly on the inside
• Significantly large rooms.
The antiques themselves are very dull and worn out
• There are over-sized rooms, which are clearly incorrect looking at details and
historical proportions
• I will design in a way that I will show the power of the decttartos but in the spaces
and the furniture its doesn't need to be from big brand and from gold
its will show the power of architecture in his home in classical way or simple but it
have a lot of meaning not by gold and wasted spaces
I will show the power and the money with a good architecture not by marbles and

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