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Bouazza Djamila Secondary School Academic Year: 2019/2020

Correction of Second Term English Exam

Second Year (SC / TM)
Questions Answers mark

Part one: Reading (15 pts.)

A) Comprehension 08 pts
01 pt
a ) a website article
2 a) false b) false c) true d) true 02 pts

a) there are two primary forces: the force of gravity and the force of buoyancy
3 b) No, the thing that determines floating or sinking is not the object’s weight but its density. 03.5 pts

c) A ship floats because its density is less than the water’s density.

4 Which(§)1 a ship his(§)2 Archimedes it(§)3 object 01.5 pts

B) Exploration 07 pts
Words definitions
1 a) buoyancy 2) The ability of an object to float when it is placed in water.
b) density 1) The degree to which molecules of a substance are tightly packed together.
02 pts
c) gravity 4) a natural force that causes the objects to fall towards the Centre of the
d) principle 3) a general scientific theory or law.

verbs adjectives nouns

to thicken thick thickness
to widen wide width
01 pt
2 To deepen deep depth

3 1-when the object’s density is less than the water’s density, then the object floats.
02 pts
2-Objects sink when the gravitational force is more than the buoyancy force.

A-If you drop a candle on a glass of water➚, it floats. ➘ 01 pt

B- If you heat ice, does it melt? ➚

5 Water and alcohol do not have the same density water is more dense than alcohol,
01 pt
because its molecules are tightly packed together than the molecules of alcohol. That is why
a candle a floats in water, but sinks in alcohol.
Part two: Written Expression (05 pts.)
Situation of Integration Assessment Grid:

Criteria Good Fair Poor
-All of the ideas are related to the -Some ideas are related to the -very little reference to the
Relevance topic. topic. (0.5pt) topic. (0.25 pt)
(01 pt) -Format: correct. -format: partly correct. -format: incorrect.
-ideas are well organized. -Some ideas are organized. -ideas are not
Coherence -Introduction/topic sentence -topic sentence/introduction. organized/difficult to follow
(01 pt) -supporting sentences/body. -no concluding sentence/ no -no introduction/no
-Concluding sentence/conclusion. conclusion. conclusion…
-All sentences are linked correctly -some sentences are linked -sentences are not linked
correctly. (0.5 pt) correctly. (0.25 pt)
Correct use -Correct use of tenses. -only some verbs are correctly -incorrect use of tenses.
of the -Different grammatical items conjugated. -incorrect use of
language necessary to develop the topic. -use of some grammatical items. grammatical items.
(01 pt)
-correct use of linking words. -use of few linking words. -no linking words.
-correct use of punctuation. -incorrect use of punctuation. Very limited vocabulary.
-appropriate vocabulary. -Inappropriate vocabulary. -no punctuation. (0.25 pt)
Excellence Creativity /originality / conciseness / explicitness
(02 pts)
Part one: Reading (15 pts.)
Read the text below carefully, then do the activities that follow.
Why does an object seem to weigh less underwater than above the surface? How is it that a ship
made of steel, which is obviously heavier than water, can float? These and other questions are
addressed by the principle of buoyancy.

In the third century B.C, the Greek physicist “Archimedes” discovered the principle of buoyancy.
His principle states that when an object is placed in water, there are two primary forces acting on it.
The force of gravity yields a downward force, and the force of buoyancy yields an upward force. The
gravitational force is determined by the object's weight, and the buoyancy force is determined by
the weight of the water displaced by the object. If the gravitational force is less than the buoyancy
force, then the object floats; otherwise, it sinks.

You might be tempted to say whether an object floats depends on how heavy it is. Well think
about ships, they can weigh thousands of tons, but still float. That is because floating or sinking is
not determined by the object’s weight, but by something called “density». Therefore, a ship floats
on the water’s surface because its density is less than the water’s density.

Adapted from:

A) Comprehension (08 pts)

1- Choose the correct answer. The text above is (01 pt.)

a) a website article b) a magazine article c) a Survey report

2- Are the following statements true or false? (02 pts.)

a) The Greek physicist Archytas discovered the principle of buoyancy.

b) When an object is placed in water, there is one primary force acting on it.

c) The gravitational force is determined by the object's weight.

d) If the gravitational force is less than the buoyancy force, then the object floats.

3- Answer the following questions according to the text. (03.5 pts.)

a) What are the forces acting on an object when it is placed in water?

b) Do you think that the object’s weight is the thing that determines floating or sinking? Justify.

c) Why does a ship float on the water’s surface?

4-what/who do the underlined words refer to in the text? (01.5 pts.)

Which (§) 1……………………………. His (§) 2…………………………… it (§) 3……………………………

B/ Text Exploration (07 pts.)

1-match words with their corresponding definitions. (02 pts.)

Words definitions
a) buoyancy 1) The degree to which molecules of a substance are tightly packed together.
b) density 2) The ability of an object to float when it is placed in water.
c) gravity 3) a general scientific theory or law.
d) principle 4) a natural force that causes the objects to fall towards the Centre of the

2-Complete the following table as shown in the example. (01 pt.)

verbs adjectives nouns

to thicken thick thickness
to widen ……………………… ……………………
…………………………. deep ……………………..

3- Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets. (02 pts.)

1-when the object’s density (to be) less than the water’s density, then the object (to float).

2-Objects (to sink) when the gravitational force (to be) more than the buoyancy force.

4- Mark the right intonation (➚) or (➘) in the following sentences. (01pt.)

A-If you drop a candle on a glass of water, it floats.

B- If you heat ice, does it melt?

5- Fill in the gaps with the right word from the list below. (01 pt.)

(molecules - density - sink - float)

water and alcohol do not have the same………………….... water is more dense than alcohol,
because its……………………..are tightly packed together than the molecules of alcohol. That is why a
candle………………….... in water, but……………………… in alcohol.

Part Two: Written Expression. (05 pts.)

Choose one of the following topics.

Topic one: the picture below represents an experiment that proves a scientific fact. Using the
following notes, write a short composition explaining why does the egg float on salt water and sink
on fresh water.

 Liquids/differ/density.
 Salt water/ more dense/tight/ molecules/egg float.
 Fresh water/less dense/loose/molecules/egg sink.

Topic two: Great minds tend to change the whole world with just one invention . Write a short
composition about an invention/discovery you think it has influenced humanity positively.

I believe in you, I trust in you, you are important and listened to.
2-complete the following table as shown in the example. (02 pts.)

adjectives adverbs nouns

happy happily happiness
beautiful …………………………….. …………………………..
………………………………. …………………………………. easiness

3-Fill in the gaps with one of the connectors provided below. (2 pts.)

(Whereas / although / in spite of)

a) being late, he did not apologize.

b) A newspaper is published daily a magazine is published weekly, monthly or


4- Re-write sentence “B” so that it means the same as “A”. (2pts)

A. The reporter said, “The majority of these informants like situation comedy.”
B. The reporter said that.........................................................................................................

A. The reporter asked the informants,” What is your favourite TV programme?”

B. The reporter asked the informants.....................................................................................

5- Circle the stressed syllable of the words below. (1 pt.)

Axiomatic - preparation - agrarian - proverbial

6-Fill in the gaps with the right word from the list below. (1 pt.)

Magazines Print media news topics

….………………………is the printed version of telling the news, primarily through newspapers
and………………………….. Through the years, print media evolved to include entertainment,
educational……………………….. and more, instead of only conveying ………………………….
Dear students,

I believe in you, I trust in you, you are important and listened to.

Whether an object sinks or floats in a certain liquid

depends upon the density of the object and the density
of the liquid. If the density of the object is greater
than the density of the liquid, the object will sink. If
the density of the liquid is greater than the density of
the object, the object will float.

3- In which paragraph does the researcher mention the purpose of his survey? (1 pt)


4- Read the text and put the following ideas in the order they appear in the text. (1 pt)
a- The researcher draws his conclusion. (………….…………)

b-The researcher introduces his informants. (…………………….)

c-The researcher announces the purpose of his survey. (……………………………)

d-The researcher reported the results. (……………………………)

5-Answer the following questions according to the text. (3 pts)

a-How many informants did the researcher ask?.....................................................................

b-Why did he decide to do a survey?............................................................................................

c)-What did the results of the survey show?...................................................................................

6-Who / What do the underlined words refer to in the text? (1 pt)

They § (2)…………………………………… them § (2)……………………………………

7-Copy the title you think is the most appropriate. (0.5 pt)

a-Students watching habits

b-Students leisure time

c-Students likes and dislikes

Wish you best of luck

Most people, without experimenting, think that the

heavier an object is the more likely it is to sink. Weight does not determine the answer to whether an
object will sink or float. An object's density determines whether an object sinks or floats.

Everything on earth is made of molecules. If the molecules are packed closely together, the object is
called dense. The more spread apart the molecules are, the less dense an object is. The objects which
have molecules packed more tightly together will sink. Examples are a paper clip and a penny. Those
whose molecules are packed more loosely will float. Cork and wood will float.

The density of liquids is not always the same. Some are denser than others. In a container, corn syrup
will sink to the bottom below water. Oil will remain on top of both of these. It is the least dense of
the three. Corn syrup is the densest.
This explains why a rock will sink while a huge boat will float. The rock is heavy, but it displaces
only a little water. It sinks because its weight is greater than the weight of the small amount of water
it displaces.

A huge boat, on the other hand, will float because, even though it weighs a lot, it displaces a huge
amount of water that weighs even more. Plus, boats are designed specifically so that they will
displace enough water to assure that they'll float easily.

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