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LA400 Senior Integrative Seminar

University Learning Objectives Worksheet

I. Communication and Problem Solving

Skill Example of specific assignment or activity


Partially Met

Use the X Not Met Tap learning a different skill

expressive arts as Taking SDA 100, I was able to learn multiple skills
a mode of inquiry in the discipline of tap dancing. Not only is tap
or expression dancing step and rhyme to music, but it also is a
form of inquiry into the human body and expression
as a unique person. I could express myself through a
tap by creating the eight-step count that always
shows me to show off the skills I learned in class and
allows me to practice these steps related to dance
routines and choreography. Learning a center of
gravity in dance-related to tightening of the
abdominal muscles and how to shift that weight
from one leg into a tapping sound and quickly
change from a power step to a light flick of the
ankle. Tap has been beneficial to help me express
my unique interests as a health science major and
have a better understanding of the art as a whole

Drawing of venous and arterial blood flow 

Art is more than just drawing. It is also a great way
to learn and apply visually pleasing information and
be a reference in multiple fields. In the Human and
Anatomy lab, we were tasked with understanding the
blood flow through the arteries and veins in the
human body. Determining the path one drop of
blood takes is difficult and can be confusing;
however, when adding images of the pathway, the
information becomes more apparent. I drew a
diagram of the blood flow that allowed me to
understand blood flow and why the blood is
traveling as it does. Drawing the pathways allowed
me to express my thinking process while also using
different inquiry modes to learn human anatomy.

Demonstrate X Volunteered with my local high school basketball
leadership, team 
negotiation, Playing sports, I was always a leader by example
relational, and and not with my voice. This past year I was able to
consensus skills help volunteer on my brother's basketball team. This
opportunity allowed me to be a leader vocally in
practice and an example on the court. Being a person
with eyes watching you for guidance made me
realize that my lifestyle needs to reflect what I talk
about in practice and what I believe as a person. I
learned whom to act older even though I am just a
little bit older than most of the students playing,
while I have also learned how to build relationships
by showing that you care for the players not just for
their skill and basketball but also as a human being. I
was able to get to know the players through team
bonding pizza and game night or by helping some of
the players with homework. Having this experience
allowed me to learn how to be a leader in a vocal
stance and build relationships with all ages.

Help lead our mission group for services projects in

While making a service trip to Pittsburgh, I was able
to take a leadership position under my youth pastor
as I was the oldest one there. I learned negotiation in
dividing our group into teams for different projects
while also learning their strengths and weaknesses
and what projects allowed for maximal effort and
caring for the community. I also learned consensus
decision making through active listening of the
community and what some needs. I also listened to
the group on how to make an impact for Christ in the
community. Learning these skills allowed me to
grow as a person and be prepared for life as a
healthcare leader

Use technological X
skills to access Rouse
information, While working in an assisted living facility, there are
organize multiple ways to track and retrieve medical
knowledge, and information. While working on a Medication cart,
communicate the electronic medical record system is a great tool
to organize knowledge of the medications and
dosage assigned to the residents. While working, I
learned the skill of using the computer system along
with the use of iPad. The facility had to make
medical records available to be sent to the
emergency room if an accident happens or if they
needed to go to the primary care physician for a
regular doctor's appointment. With this information,
it was essential to communicate with the correct
terminology and punctuality for the facility. I
learned many medical terms that allowed me to
share information with coworkers about a resident's
situation, and this communication allowed all of us
to give the best care for the resident.

Cell Biology 
In Cell Biology, we were tasked with critiquing an
article based on the scientific information given in
the peer reviewed article. Building skills in the
organization of the information from the article to be
broken down into sections and even different groups
of dependent and independent randomized study
groups. This paper also helped me learn how to
access other articles on the same topic and compare
the information and results to see if the date
followed statistical significance in the medical and
scientific community. While accessing and
organizing this information, we also had to discuss
and express our communication findings with the
professor and class and explain why we chose
specific points to correct in the paper and how the
article could improve.

Propose new X Attended a global warming rally 

solutions to We live in an imperfect world, and with being
current issues imperfect, we have many issues that need to be
resolved. In Environment and Society, we discussed
solutions to fix biomedical waste accumulation on
our planet. Some solutions we researched were more
biodegradable containers to decompose easier and
replenish the earth and research different treatment
and lifestyle medicine that would reduce testing and
specific procedures that would reduce waste in
hospitals. These solutions are only a few to help save
our planet for future generations and still take care of
people who have medical needs.

Created a club in high school to help those who need

to make connections 
Other issues in life are mental health. Mental health
takes a toll on everyone, and there are hobbies or
safe places we all go to renew our mental health. As
a junior in high school, I was a co-founder of a club
called impact. This club allowed Christians and all
students and staff to come and have good
conversations about being kind and loving neighbors
while also being a safe place for students who do not
have a good network of people in their lives. This
club was a great experience and is still carried on
since I graduated in 2017. I am grateful for that
opportunity and the ability to help others feel loved
for who they are as a person.

Express X Research paper for Alzheimer's disease 

arguments or In Composition and Culture 2, we were tasked with
main points a research paper. I chose to write and argue about
clearly, in written Alzheimer's disease and what causes brain atrophy.
and oral Once this paper was written, arguing that beta-
communication alanine protein is mutated causes plaques, leading to
the brain tissue deteriorating, causing memory loss. I
then had to argue my point and explain my research
at the celebration of writing that allows students to
share their projects and research they have done in
communication that is engaging and beneficial to the
community. I then created a Quizlet to help the
listeners gauge their understanding of my
presentation. All of them went out of that
communication with a better understanding of the
body's brain and biochemistry.
The debate in medical genetics 
Another task in Medical genetics was to argue the
point on in vivo genetic splicing. I was to debate the
harmful effects of enhancing athletes' genetics can
lead to an impact on society and sports. My
counterpart argued the other side of the issue. I
showed that genetic enhancement could lead to equal
athleticism, leading to boring sports, and each
person's uniqueness in the world, along with the risk
of enhancement that the lack of knowledge we have
of the effects of limited human testing. This debate
can improve my skills in arguing points and facts
civilly and respecting others that have a different

option than I did.

Transfer X Making decision making on how I should live my

knowledge and life 
values into sound An example of me transferring knowledge and
decision-making values into decision making can be seen through
being raised in the protestant church. I was always
raised that I should never lie or cheat. In learning
this knowledge as a child, I was able to transfer it to
making sound decisions not to cheat on difficult
exams, and it also taught me to work hard and be
honest about what I earn in life.

Working at a day camp

While working at a day camp over the summer, I
was able to take the knowledge I learned as a child.
Watching my parents discipline me and support me
gave me sound guidance on how to be a counselor
that the kids could trust and know that I have their
safety as an interest throughout the day. For
example, I had a camper who broke a rule of
climbing on the table and started to climb other
objects. I had to take him and have him sit in
timeout, which I made based on his safety, but I
could also have a conversation with him and explain
why that was not the right decision. At the end of
summer, his parents told me he was a different kid at
home and listened better. I was grateful for being
able to make the right decisions and then helping
others make them.

II. Historical, Cultural, and Global Awareness

Skill Example of specific assignment or activity

Partially Met

Not Met

Communicate in X Took three years of Spanish in high school 

a second While in high school, I was available to take three
language at the years of Spanish to earn college credits. Through these
introductory courses, I was able to learn how to speak Spanish with
college level classmates and in class. Twice a week in Spanish

three, we had to speak only Spanish for the whole
class to practice what we were working on and
building on from Spanish one vocab to Spanish 2
grammar. I was also able to use this practice in helping
my dad learn some Spanish before he left on a mission
trip with our church to the Dominican Republic. These
skills are useful, especially in the healthcare field,
where I will meet all people of different races and

Had to use Spanish at a basketball camp in Virginia 

Also, the summer before my senior year, I went to a
basketball camp in Virginia. I was faced with
situations where I needed to use Spanish to
communicate with other campers and even employees
of stores and restaurants. While using my high school
skills, I was able to make connections with other
campers and learn about their culture and values.
Speaking another language opens many opportunities
to learn and have unity in our country by
understanding every person who lives here.

Analyze the X Western cultures and how water defines how a society
impact of history, In western cultures, I learned how early civilizations
geography, and formed because of a water source. In the class, we had
socio-cultural a paper to pick a civilization and see the differences
dynamics on between our society today and their society based on
global geography and socio-cultural impact. I wrote about the
interactions from Spartans and how their way of life differed from ours
a variety of here in the states by geography as they lived on an
disciplinary island separated from Greece to be their nation and
perspectives country practices that governed and made its own
culture away from the other Greece nations. We have
similar cultures in the state as we are all under the
same laws and regulations and have similar values
about how we should live life and how to be a
prosperous nation. Sociocultural we differ in values
such as what is essential to the nation. For example,
we all agree that education is essential, and we send all
our children to be educated in the school system,
whereas the Spartans sent all children to be trained
soldiers for their army boys and girls.

Western cultures 2 

In western cultures 2, we saw a socio-cultural
difference in how science was published, and the
credit given to the men in the late 18 to early 1900s. In
today's society, science credit is given to those who
make a breakthrough in research. In the past, credit
was given to the males only though women were a big
part of that scientific discovery. We did a project to
discover one female scientist and what role they
played in history in class. I used Marie Curie, who
discovered Polonium and Radium that are both
elements on the periodic table. Her discovery
allied us to have scientific breakthroughs,
especially with radium and radiation for cancer
treatment. Learning from our past is a significant
way to excel and create new technology to further
society, especially from the best scientists.
Whether they are male or female, they should be
given credit for their hard work, and we continue
to grow this culture in our nation today

Analyze current X Christian Ethics

and historical
events through In Christian Ethics, we had discussions of controversial
the lens of issues such as abortion and the death penalty. We
spirituality and discussed how the moral beliefs of Christians affect our
faith views on these issues and how we should stand against
issues that go against what the Bible commands. In our
midterm paper we had to take a stand on an issue of this
magnitude. I chose to discuss abortion and how that is an
infringement on the right of life and should not be
allowed. Using the Catholic Social Teachings, we see that
there are principles that relate to the Bible such as the
dignity of human life, common good, and rights and
responsibilities. These issues show that it is our job to
protect those without a voice and protect their rights as
human beings. Over all Christian faith does shape the
moral and ethics we have and show us how to apply them
in all situation and use in creating guidelines such as CST
and even the laws we have in place in our United States

Assess privilege X Sociology 

and oppression In sociology, we experimented with a worksheet based
from the on race, class, gender, culture, and morals. When
perspective of filling out the form and adding all the points
culture, race, associated with each category, it explains the

class, and gender privileges I had as a white straight male. Before this
experiment, I never thought of being a certain way
gave me the privilege. However, with all the hate in
this world, I see that my privilege can give me a voice
to speak about racial inequality and how I can help
those who live in fear and show them the love of
Jesus. Since this course, I have been listening to others
and teaching me about my privilege as a white straight
male and how I can help them in their fight for

Socioeconomic status has two working parents.

Another privilege I have is that both of my parent’s
work, allowing me to go to college and earn an
education. In SLA 400, we talked about poverty and
how even though a single mother works are still
imperfect and cannot provide the same things in life as
my family has. We see more oppression like this in
healthcare and the prices of healthcare. I wrote a
research paper using Catholic Social teaching to help
find how to relieve healthcare oppression on our poor
and how to make it more affordable through catholic
social teachings. This paper opened my eyes to the
corrupt world we live in and going into healthcare. I
hope that I can help change that culture. 

III. Multiple Modes of Inquiry

Skill Example of specific assignment or activity

Partially Met

Not Met

Generate and X Statistics 

analyze numerical In my summer statistics course, we had a project to
and scientific data analyze the standard deviation of any topic we chose. I
chose to look at the number of kids at the day camp. I
worked to see how many of them ate breakfast in the

morning for a week. I asked the parents' permission,
but I did not tell the kids that might skew the data.
After a week of my study, I found that the standard
deviation was two above the mean under a bell-shaped
curve. Using this data, I analyzed the number of kids
who did not eat breakfast because they did want to or
because they ran out of time. This experiment allowed
me to read, organize, and analyze data from a small
sample size.

General Chemistry Laboratory 

In the General chemistry lab, we had to find the heat
produced by three objects using a coffee cup
calorimeter. We did a dissolution reaction with NaOH
and water to see the heat released in the form of an
exothermic reaction and an acid-base reaction. The
data was collected using a temperature heating probe
that graphed out the temperature change. Data were
used to calculate the heat released. As a value and find
how many kilojoules were absorbed by the system. I
then had to analyze an unknown metal alloy and find
the heat specificity to see how much heat the metal can
absorb. The hot metal was placed in the calorimeter.
Water and the probe to see the temperature absorbed
by the surroundings or the water. It took the change in
temperature and mass to find the heat capacity that
lined up with a metal alloy in one of the tables. This
allowed me to find out what the unknown metal is.
Finding values from the data is a valuable skill,
especially in healthcare, as I must read graphs of an
electrocardiogram to see and understand the waves
and their

Locate and X Comp and culture research paper

analyze In composition and Culture 1, we had to make a
expressive media multimodal presentation on a research topic. I chose
to gain concussion and the science of why they happen,
information or especially after having one my senior year of high
comprehend the school. In searching and finding sources through
significance of an Griffin Gate and Ebsco host, I was able to find peer-
issue or an event reviewed articles and even some plotted data
expressing these types of plays that concussions are
more susceptible to happen in football. Using this
information, I then created a PowerPoint. I organized
the information into an intro discussing concussion in
general, then leading into football and preventing such

dangerous plays with a safer technique for tackling
defense and how to take a hit as an offensive player.

Sports Nutrition research paper 

In Sports nutrition, I had to research a nutrition-related
topic to how it affects athletes. I chose intermittent
fasting and the effects on the human body. I
researched media of peer-reviewed articles and the
Cleveland clinic website to explain intermittent fasting
and its effects on overweight and obese people
compared to healthy weight individuals. This data
showed how intermittent fasting is a negative impact
on athletes and should not be used. I learned how to
locate and analyze this information by reading and
using scientific journals.

Organize and X Organized statistical evidence of football injuries to

manage help keep our high school program 
resources in a In my senior year of high school, our football team
creative way to was under probation for numbers and would even be
achieve impact taken away from our school if our numbers did not
increase. After the season, there was a strong interest
in playing football with 25 players to 50 players.
However, the team was still threatened to be taken
away because of the number of injuries. There would
be a school board meeting in May to determine the
fate of the program. As a form player, I wanted to save
the program as it is an outlet and a safe place for
students. I asked all four football programs in our
county for their injury data of when it happened, how
many players, repeated injuries, what kind of injury,
and the team's size. I learned how to take this data and
manage my resources to make a creative graph on a
tri-fold poster board for that school board meeting.
Explain in that meeting that our program had the
lowest injury number of one concussion.
In comparison, other schools averaged around four
concussions and five injuries related to strains and
pulled muscles. However, showing the data impacted
the school board as it shifted two members to vote and
keep the program while the others did not. We lost our
football team, but I was still able to impact using data
and facts.

Organized mission trip to help clean up parks and

make them usable again for the community 
Another example is in the service trip I went on in
Pittsburgh with my church. We had to come up with
some creative ideas to help the community. While
cleaning up garbage on the streets, I asked the
community members how we could make a difference.
Collecting the data of their responses, I made a bar
graph on my laptop to show our group the most
beneficial action to make the community happier and
safer. Showing that the community would like the
central park cleaned up for the children to have a safe
place to play and cleaning up contraband from the
drug dealers to make them not want to come back to
that area. We then spent two days cleaning and
painting the park to bring it back to life. We were able
to impact the community, and I learned a valuable skill
of organizing data in a creative way to make an impact
in the community.

Find, evaluate, X Applied information about

and apply In Medical Genetics, we had to write an outline of a
information genetic disease. I chose a mutation on factor 5 that
causes more blood clots in the body. To describe and
explain the rare mutation, I learned what sources to
use, such as using peer-reviewed articles that fall in a
5 to 10-year time frame. Using this information, I was
then able to evaluate the information to describe the
type of population at a higher risk for the mutation.
Such as males over 50 are at a higher risk than women
at the same age. I then applied this information to talk
about possible treatments and preventions such as
early testing procedures, yearly check-ups, and blood
thinner if you do have the factor 5 mutation.

Apply information based on the environment

We live in an imperfect world, and with being
imperfect, we have many issues that need to be
resolved. In Environment and Society, we discussed
solutions to fix biomedical waste accumulation on our
planet. Some solutions we researched were more
biodegradable containers to decompose easier and
replenish the earth and research different treatment
and lifestyle medicine that would reduce testing and
specific procedures that would reduce waste in
hospitals. These solutions are only a few to help save

our planet for future generations and still take care of
people who have medical needs. Being able to apply
the information to society and come up with methods
to change our world for the better. These are just some
of the ways that I could apply information to current
issues facing today's society.

Interpret X Using stats and sociology to base an argument of

quantitative and human interaction 
qualitative In sociology, we had to interpret qualitative and
information to quantitative data about dating culture. Using the
present a logical statistics on how men and women both think of what a
argument based first date should be and how to be prepared for the
on supporting date. Men thought dressing up nicely, and a lunch date
data was ideal, while women also thought dressing
excellent was important but preferred a dinner date
instead. The data showed about a fifty-fifty mix. In the
qualitative, we shared our opinions about dating
culture and what we think about the scenarios. I agreed
with lunch as it was a good ice breaker and seemed a
little bit informal. Using this information, we were
able to debate and discuss why the dating culture is the
way it is in the United States.

Used bacteriophages to learn of DNA sequences 

In scientific inquiry, we took bacteria and injected
them with a virus known as a bacteriophage. Using the
virus, we could encode the DNA sequence through
many lab denaturation techniques to discover the
bacteriophage's genome. Using DNA genome reading
software, we determined certain bacteriophage traits
and discussed our findings through an electronic
poster in class.

IV. Self Reflection and Assessment

Skill Example of specific assignment or activity


Partially Met

Not Met
Demonstrate X A Christian ethic view with philosophical principles
ethical decision- In Senior Seminar, we were asked to demonstrate
making ethical decision-making through the lens of our future
grounded in profession. In our paper we had to review the code of
philosophical ethics and then describe an area that could be broken
inquiry by not using good decision making. In the physician
assistant code of ethics, a significant violation is
confidentiality; HIPAA is also a law that protects a
patient's confidentiality. To look at this problem
through a philosophical inquiry by thinking about the
patient not just as an object but as a person and how
not keeping their medical information secure that it
can cause mental harm, which is a significant error in
medicine. The Hippocratic oath says do no harm to the
patients. Using these philosophical principles, I made
sound ethical decisions on fixing this area in the code
of ethics and improving confidentiality for the

Philosophy and the role it played with the why we are

here on the planet 
Another example is the human person's philosophical
principle by why we are on earth and what our purpose
is. In Christian ethics, we discussed God's will and
how our goal is to live and fulfill his will. A
philosopher said that we are to grow closer to God,
which is our purpose in life. However, there are many
ways to become closer to God than just being very
religious. Living to his will also means helping the
needs of others; in Mathew 25, Jesus describes when
he was in need and how we helped him. By doing this,
we help the least of these. Ethical decisions are made
by putting others before our selfish ambitions and
being a positive impact on God's kingdom. In
Christian ethics, we were asked an essay question on
our final to explain why the philosopher made this
statement and what we could do to further his point.
As a Health Science major, I talked about helping
people in medical need no matter the circumstance and
showing the ethical decision to do no harm and show
all the patients the love of Christ. I learned valuable

decision making through Christian ethics and
philosophy and applying them to the medical field to
become a better healthcare worker and person in life.

Apply Catholic X How does poverty affect me?

social teaching In the Senior Seminar, we discussed poverty and how
to the analysis of it affected my life directly or indirectly and looked at
contemporary examples in class to understand poverty. The forms it
social issues takes in the United States and other parts of the world.
Seeing the amount of poverty in the world, we had to
write a paper on what poverty meant to us and what
Catholic Social Teaching says about the poor's
treatment. I learned that we should take care of the
poor in any way that we are called to by God. By
helping the least of these, we are helping Jesus
according to the Bible. Through my paper and
research, I also learned that poverty could not be
solved by just handing out money and getting people
to live. Education is the fundamental principle that
will help alleviate poverty, and we should turn the
money programs into education programs. (see paper)

Catholic social teaching on the environment 

In Senior Seminar, we discussed the care for God's
Creation and how we should be stewards of the land
and take care of the planet to show respect to God for
the gift he gave us. In the paper we discussed how
Catholic Social Teaching talks about God's creation
from the planet and even to people as part of God's
creation. In today's society, we take advantage of our
resources and do not give back to them. In order to
restore the balance imbalance, we need to give as
much as we take. Catholic Social Teaching shows that
the environment is a gift and should be protected. We
also had to view the political parties' views on the
environment. I found that they are both on end and
need to find a compromise in the middle of the aisle.
Learning about CST's environment gave me a new
perspective and reflection on how I should be living
my life.

Recognize the X Faith religion and society comparing the three main
value of diverse religions 
spiritual and In recognizing the value of diversity in spirituality
religious and religion, perspectives were taught and practiced in

perspectives Faith Religion and Society. We discussed the
difference between the three significant religions of
Judaism, Islam, and Christianity. In looking at the
diversity of religions, especially in Islam and
Christianity. Topics such as prayers, religious
scripture, worship, rituals, holidays, and even culture
were compared. In prayers, Islam has specific times
and prayers that must be followed correctly to show
respect compared to Christianity that prayer can be
done anywhere and take any shape and form. Another
difference is the scripture, such as the Koran and the
Bible. That have different authors and views on Jesus
and who he is as a person. Although knowing the
diversity of religion shows our differences, it also
builds our strength of unity. For example, the shooting
at squirrel hill and how the Muslims helped the Jews
comforted them in compassion and kindness; We
should follow this example and be kind and loving
even though we have different opinions and beliefs.
Learning these differences can provide a more
peaceful world to live in and show and celebrate our
differences in one unified culture.

Integrate the X Giving back to the community by the labor of love

practice of Over the past three years, I have been able to volunteer
charity with the and participate in the Labor of Love. I have helped in
skill of justice cleaning up a monastery for Catholic Nuns by cleaning
up the yard. We pulled rocks and mowed along with
weed whacking and pulling weeds out of a flower bed.
The best part was being able to pick apples from the
apple tree so that they had fresh fruit to can and make
pies. My second year was cleaning a church in
Greensburg. We started by cleaning all the wooden
doors and trim to make it clean and polished. We then
went to organize their storage closest and rearrange the
material for the staff to reach the cooking supply and
put up the decoration of past holidays on top that
needed to be reached with a step ladder. In my third
year, I went and made paracord bracelets for our
country's servicemen and women. Giving back to the
community and our country in this way allows me to
represent Seton Hill University and show the love of
Christ to others. I learned and practiced these charities
in action shown above, and they have made me into
the person I am today.
Volunteering at church for vacation bible school 
Another volunteering experience where I practiced
charity was at Warren Alliance Church Mega Sports
Camp, where I volunteered as a counselor and leader
for group discussion and prayer. I took the campers to
the stations they needed to be at from the chapel to
their sports and snack break. This camp was one
weeklong, and I watched them grow in their sports and

Exercise X Voting 
responsible I have been able to exercise my freedom of
freedom and responsibility and engage in civic duty based on an
civic informed value system of moral beliefs and political
engagement candidates' facts. I have been a registered voter for
based on an four years now, and I have read about all the
informed value republican candidates and found the best candidate for
system me that was Ben Carson. I also view one party and
look at the democratic side as well to see what points
were similar and if I agreed with any of their stances.
Not only is it my duty at the federal level, but I am
also involved in researching local and state
representatives in order to make an informed decision
based on my personal beliefs. Using voting as my
voice in the United States is my civic duty so that our
elected officials perform the American people's will.

Volunteering in the community to help make our

country better 
Over the years, I have been blessed with giving back
to my community in multiple different ways. For
example, I have walked our streets and cleaned up
trash. Help fundraisers by a car wash, yard work, and
even parking cars at our local fair. These tasks allow
me to learn work ethic and also be able to engage with
my neighbors and other community members. This
engagement allows me to grow the relationship and
make our community safer and more robust.


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