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Gestión de Formación Profesional Integral

Bilingualism Education
English Workshop

Programa de Formación: Gestión Contable y Financiera

Actividad: Describir situaciones del contexto actual y pasado.
Taller: Personal Budget _ No. 3
Objetivo: Relacionar el nuevo vocabulario con situaciones o hechos pasados.
Comprender textos en inglés y asociarlos con los términos dentro de un contexto específico.
Descripción del producto: Create a story in past and show the use of new vocabulary.

Desarrollo de actividades a evidenciar

Full name: Nohora Alejandra Cerquera Date: 11-09-2020


Past simple uses:

How do we use the Past Simple tense?

We use the Past Simple tense to talk about an action or a situation - an event - in the past. The
event can be short or long. Here are some short events with the Past Simple.

*Usamos el tiempo pasado simple para hablar sobre una acción o una situación, un evento, en el
pasado. El evento puede ser corto o largo. Aquí hay algunos eventos cortos con el pasado simple.

The car exploded at 9.30am yesterday.

She went to the door.
We did not hear the telephone.
Did you see that car?
What did she do?

Present Past future

Present simple: She goes to the library every day.
Past simple: She went to the library last week.

1. Questionnaire. Answer the following questions in simple past.

a. Where did you live last year?

last year I lived in Bogota

b. Did you work in the office last night?

if last night I worked in the office

c. Did you travel last year?

last year don't travel anywhere

d. What did you do yesterday?

yesterday I went home

2.Using and interactive wall (padlet). The apprentice will write a story (15 lines) talking about the past
using twelve sentences in English and all your creativity.

Example: I had I little dog, its name was ... we went for a walk … The weather was so cold and we
ran …

2.1 Socialization about the activity.

3.Lectura acerca de “ ¿Por qué presupuesto?”

 3.1 Reading article “ Why Budget” take from Accounting book.

Imagine wanting to build a house. Would you carefully draw up detailed plans that showed every part
of the structure that you wanted to build? Or would you gather a hammer, some nails, and some
pieces of wood and just start putting everything together? It makes no sense to build something
without a plan.

This principle is true in the business world as well. No one would try to run a business without a plan.
A great way to plan for the financial future is business budgeting. Businesses budget by setting
concrete goals built on realistic forecasts. Obviously, it costs time and money to develop such
detailed models. Managers must make educated guesses about how much they can invest in
budgeting. They must also decide whether to budget long term or short-term (also called near-term).

Despite the cost, budgeting is an essential business function. It serves as a yardstick for measuring
the company's performance. In other words, it can compare its goals to its accomplishments at the
end of a budget period. Budgeting also serves as a blueprint for the future. If a forecast predicts
economic decline, a company will tighten its budget. But if
this negative outlook is reversed and economic expansion is predicted, the budget may be expanded
to reflect a more positive outlook.

Taken from principles of account by Pearson education.

3.2 De acuerdo a la lectura anterior, responde las siguientes preguntas de forma larga si es el caso.

1. What does the writer want to do?

The writer wants to influence a planning before taking risks financial elaborations

2. What kind of tools do they are using together?

Time money and positive attitude

3. Business world people have to do a plan. a. models b. forescast c. plan

4. How do you define “budget”?

Advance calculation of the cost of a work or a service

5. Why is budgeting useful?

allows us to have control of our income and expenses in a period of time

3.3 Interactive quiz. Technical vocabulary.

4. Create a form to describe your personal Budget.

Crear y/o personalizar un formato de presupuesto del hogar en inglés utilizando el vocabulario
propuesto y agregar su información: Ejemplo de formato.
4.1 Quiz past simple-Questions, affirmative and negative form.

one quizizz

two quizizz

Vocabulary Bank

Housing: accommodation for a family (flat, apartment).

Expenses: something that cost money.
Groceries: daily products (food, milk, eggs…)
Savings: amount of money saving.
Revenue: (government, public income)
Borrower: person who borrows money.
Insurance: medical, house, car protection.
Liability: financial responsibility.
Webgrafia material de apoyo:

Low –Wong Yee Yong. 2017. Principles of accounts. South Asia. Singapour. Pearson longman.

Webgrafia material de apoyo:


Notebook, pc, others. Google docs

Google Classroom Videos
Materials Zoom_ Google meeting
Personal computer Leaning guide
Interactive quiz
Check list
Form in excel

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