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28th of October

Like/ As/ As if/ As though

Let’s buy something nice for his birthday, like a new iPod. (for
Oh, she looks just like her mother! (to look like)
When you are upset, you sound like your grandfather. (to
sound like)
Hmm, today I don’t feel like doing anything. (to feel like +V-ing)
Like As I said, we are going to start our lesson soon. AS + S + V
(As we discussed/ as we agreed, as he mentioned)

My father works as an engineer. (as + job)

As we agreed, let’s go ice skating. (as + S + V)
He acts as if nothing happened. (as if/ as though + S + V)
She reacted as though everything is fine.
You look as though you are worried.
You look like you are worried. (in colloquial En, it’s acceptable,
but in formal or written English, we need to use as if/ as

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