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Examen National du Brevet de Technicien Supérieur

Session de Mai 2019
- Corrigé - 1
Centre National de l'Évaluation, des Examens et de l’Orientation
Toutes les filières du BTS Industriel
Filières: (DSI - SRI - MCW - SE - ELT - ESA - CPI - MA - MI - MPC - AV - AIG - Durée : 02h
Bâtiment - Energétique - Productique - Mouliste)
Épreuve de: LA LANGUE ANGLAISE Coefficient: 10


Answer Key and Marking Scale A. Rewrite the sentences: 3 pts/ 1 pt

I-Comprehension: 14 POINTS 1-If .......hadn’t
overcharged............wouldn’t have
A. True / False: 2 points: 1 point each complained
1. False. Differences between people have 2-.......will be designed.
a tendency.......................misunderstanding. 3- launching/ that they (should) launch
2.False: Some signs of injustice are implicit
B. Give the correct form of the words:
B.Answer these questions: 3 points 3points/ 1 point each

1. a. Complaints against employers.............. 1-applying

under these acts. 0,50pts 2-higher
b. legal action ..............anti-discrimination 3- returned
employment laws.0,50pts
2. it their employers fail to tackle ................ C. Matching : 4 points / 0,5 each.
.............................further harm. 1pt
3. fines, lawsuits, .........against the 1-D 2-E 3-F 4-H 5-G
company.1pt 6-B 7-A 8-C

C.Complete the chart: 3 points/1 pt each D. Sentence completion : 4 points/ 1point

1- protect their workers........ the workplace. 1- deadline 2- negotiate
2-take the proper measures......... behaviour. 3- outlets 4- currency
3- Create
D.Word meaning: 3 points/ 1 pt each. III. Communication: 12 points
1- responsibility 2-applicant 3- tackle A-Accept any appropriate answer. 4
E.Word reference: 3 points /1 pt each. points.
1- employers. 2- person’s 1.(How) Can/ May I help you
race.......disability 2. He is in a meeting/not available
3- unjust behaviour
3. Can I take / would you leave a
4. Thanks for calling . Goodbye
B-Writing: 8 points.

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