2020-11-3 Community Update-2200 Block Panama Lane

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Greg Terry, Chief of Police

Robert Pair, Sergeant

Public Information Officer

For Immediate Release November 3, 2020

On November 1, 2020 at about 5:53 p.m., the Bakersfield Police Department received
several emergency phone calls from witnesses to a physical altercation in the 2200
block of Panama Lane in the City of Bakersfield.

Three Bakersfield Police officers responded, with the first unit having arrived at 6:01
p.m. Responding officers observed two groups of approximately ten subjects each,
involved in a heated confrontation. No physical altercation was observed by responding
officers. Based upon numerous prior incidents, several involved persons from each
group were known by name by officers. During the course of their interaction, officers
were unable to locate anyone requesting medical aid or who identified themselves as
the victim of “bear spray.”

Based upon prior experiences dealing with the ideological groups, officers insured the
groups were separated so that the violence could not escalate. Information was
obtained that possible criminal offenses had transpired prior to their arrival and both
groups eventually left the area. The primary goal of the responding officers was to
deescalate the altercation, and obtain enough information to facilitate an investigation
into the events that transpired.

Based upon prior assault, doxing, and harassment investigations regarding both
groups, investigators have obtained the identities of most of the involved parties. An
investigation into what occurred, including the genesis, actions of involved parties, and
the actions of officers involved is currently underway. The investigation will include
reviewing the totality of unedited video evidence, including social media, business
surveillance and body cameras.

Once all of the facts are known the investigation and its results will be forwarded to the
Kern County District Attorney’s office for review.

The Bakersfield Police Department understands the public’s frustration and perception
of the events captured on the viral videos. We are committed to providing fair and
impartial service to our community. Prior to the events captured in the video the
Bakersfield Police Department has met with the various group leadership several times
T h e B a ke r sf i el d Po l i c e De p a rt m e nt p a rt n e r s w it h ou r co m m u ni t y t o p rot e c t
th e l iv e s an d p rop e rt y o f th e pe op l e w e se rv e .

Co m p a ss io n • A cc o unt ab i l i ty • P ro f es s i on al i s m
in an effort to avoid any violence and establish dialogue.

A thorough investigation is being conducted, and any identified criminal activity will be
presented, in its entirety to the Kern County District Attorney’s office for filing.

Anyone with information regarding this investigation is encouraged to call the

Bakersfield Police Department at (661) 327-7111.

You can now send an anonymous tip to the Bakersfield Police Department. Access the “Submit an Anonymous
Tip” link on the Bakersfield Police Department homepage (www.bakersfieldpd.us) from your computer or internet
enabled mobile device. The tip, which can include photographs and video, is sent to the police department and
the sender remains completely anonymous. The same anonymous information can be sent by accessing

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