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The Timoshenko System

The Timoshenko type system: free of second spectrum

The Timoshenko system in Thermo-Elasticity of type III free of second spectrum
Exponential decay

On the Nature of Timoshenko system in

Thermo-Elasticity of type III at light of second

Sebastião Martins Siqueira Cordero

Federal University of Pará - Abaetetuba - Pará - Brazil

VII International Syposium of Apleid Mathematics

5 de julho de 2017

On the Nature of Timoshenko system in Thermo-Elasticity of

The Timoshenko System
The Timoshenko type system: free of second spectrum
The Timoshenko system in Thermo-Elasticity of type III free of second spectrum
Exponential decay


1 The Timoshenko System

2 The Timoshenko type system: free of second spectrum

3 The Timoshenko system in Thermo-Elasticity of type III free of sec

4 Exponential decay

5 References

On the Nature of Timoshenko system in Thermo-Elasticity of

The Timoshenko System
The Timoshenko type system: free of second spectrum
The Timoshenko system in Thermo-Elasticity of type III free of second spectrum
Exponential decay

Beam models

In 1921 Timoshenko [1] gave the following system of coupled Hyperbolic


ρutt = κ(ux + ϕ)x in (0, L) × (0, +∞) (1)

Iρϕtt = Elϕxx + κ(ux + ϕ) in (0, L) × (0, +∞) (2)

Soufyane (1999) proved, at first time, that the dissipative Timoshenko system
wich viscous damping acting on angle rotation is exponentially stable if and only
if the wave speeds are equal. This is only a mathematical result because in
practice the wave speeds are not equal.
A. Soufyane, J. Rivera, R. Racke, M. L. Santos, D. S. Almeida Júnior, J. Ferreira,
C. A. Raposo, L. Fatori, Ma To Fu, Márcio Jorge, M. Cavalcanti, V. Cavalcanti, I.
Lasiecka, J. Soriano, H. Sare, F. Dell’oro, V. Pata, S. Messaoudi, B. S. Houari, F.
Ammar-Khodja, A. Benabdallah, A. Kasimov, M. Sepúlveda, O. Vera,...

On the Nature of Timoshenko system in Thermo-Elasticity of

The Timoshenko System
The Timoshenko type system: free of second spectrum
The Timoshenko system in Thermo-Elasticity of type III free of second spectrum
Exponential decay

Beam models in thermo-elasticity

In 2002, J. Rivera and R. Racke proved that the Timoshenko system with the law
of Fourier acting on angle rotation which is given by

ρ1 ϕtt − κ(ϕx − ψ)x = 0 in (0, ∞) × (0, 1) (3)

ρ2 ψtt − bψxx + κ(ϕx + ψ) + βθx = 0 in (0, ∞) × (0, 1) (4)
ρ3 θt − δθxx + γψtx = 0 in (0, ∞) × (0, 1) (5)
ϕ(0, t) = ϕ(1, t) = ψ(0, t) = ψ(1, t) = θx (0, t) = θx (1, t) = 0 ∀t > 0, (6)

decays exponentially if and only if,

κ b
ρ1 ρ2

The criticism on law of Fourier is the infinity velocity of signals propagation giving
a non-physical condition for this hypothesis. The hypothesis in
thermmo-elasticity of type III can be use to overcome this non-physical condition
as well as the law of Cattaneo.

On the Nature of Timoshenko system in Thermo-Elasticity of

The Timoshenko System
The Timoshenko type system: free of second spectrum
The Timoshenko system in Thermo-Elasticity of type III free of second spectrum
Exponential decay

Thermo-elasticity of type III

In 2008, Salim A. Messaoudi, Belkacem Said-Houari. Energy decay in a

Timoshenko-type system of thermoelasticity of type III. J. Math. Anal. Appl.

ρ1 ϕtt − K(ϕx − ψ)x = 0 in (0, ∞) × (0, 1) (7)

ρ2 ψtt − bψxx + K(ϕx + ψ) + βθx = 0 in (0, ∞) × (0, 1) (8)
ρ3 θtt − δθxx + γψtx − kθtxx = 0 in (0, ∞) × (0, 1) (9)
ϕ(0, t) = ϕ(1, t) = ψ(0, t) = ψ(1, t) = θx (0, t) = θx (1, t) = 0 ∀t > 0 (10)

The authors proved that the above system is exponentially stable if and only if
the wave speeds are equal.

On the Nature of Timoshenko system in Thermo-Elasticity of

The Timoshenko System
The Timoshenko type system: free of second spectrum
The Timoshenko system in Thermo-Elasticity of type III free of second spectrum
Exponential decay

Thermo-elasticity of type III

In 2012, M.L. Santos, J. Rivera and D.S. Almeida Júnior proved the the
Timoshenko system with the law of Cattaneo is exponentially stable if a
particular relationship between coefficients hold. More precisely, they showed
that the system given by

ρ1 ϕtt − K(ϕx − ψ)x = 0 in (0, ∞) × (0, 1) (11)

ρ2 ψtt − bψxx + K(ϕx + ψ) + δθx = 0 in (0, ∞) × (0, 1) (12)
ρ3 θt + qx + δψtx = 0 in (0, ∞) × (0, 1) (13)
τqt + βqx + θx = 0 in (0, ∞) × (0, 1) (14)

is exponentially stable if and only if

τ ρ1 δ2
ρ1 b
χ= τ− ρ2 − − = 0.
ρ3 κ ρ1 κ ρ3 κ

On the Nature of Timoshenko system in Thermo-Elasticity of

The Timoshenko System
The Timoshenko type system: free of second spectrum
The Timoshenko system in Thermo-Elasticity of type III free of second spectrum
Exponential decay

Timoshenko considered (for equilibrium between forces) that

ρIψtt − Mx + S = 0, (16)

But, from d’Alembert’s principle (observed by Elishakoff (2010)), we have

−ρIϕttx − Mx + S = 0, (17)

where M = EIψx is the bending moment and S = k ′ GA(ϕx + ψ) is the

transverse shear force.
Truncated version of the Timoshenko type system which is free of the infinity
velocity of wave propagation know as second spectrum.

ρ1 ϕtt − κ(ϕx + ψ)x = 0, (18)

−ρ2 ϕttx − bψxx + κ(ϕx + ψ) = 0. (19)

On the Nature of Timoshenko system in Thermo-Elasticity of

The Timoshenko System
The Timoshenko type system: free of second spectrum
The Timoshenko system in Thermo-Elasticity of type III free of second spectrum
Exponential decay

Dissipative Timoshenko system in thermo-elastic of type III (without second


ρ1 ϕtt − κ(ϕx + ψ)x = 0, (20)

−ρ2 ϕttx − bψxx + κ(ϕx + ψ) + µψt = 0. (21)
ρ3 θtt − δθxx + γψtx − κ1 θtxx = 0, (22)

whith boundary conditions of Dirichlet-Neumann-Dirichlet

ϕ(0, t) = ϕ(L, t) = ψx (0, t) = ψx (L, t) = θ(0, t) = θ(L, t) = 0, t ≥ 0. (23)

On the Nature of Timoshenko system in Thermo-Elasticity of

The Timoshenko System
The Timoshenko type system: free of second spectrum
The Timoshenko system in Thermo-Elasticity of type III free of second spectrum
Exponential decay

The energy of system:

Z L γρ1 ρ2
Z L γρ2
E(t) := |ϕt |2 dx + |ϕtt |2 dx + |ϕxt |2 dx
2 0 2κ 0 2 0
Z L γκ
Z L ρ3 β
+ |ψx |2 dx + |ϕx + ψ|2 dx |θt |2 dx
2 0 2 0 2 0
+ |θx |2 dx. (24)
2 0

Energy dissipation law:

E(t) = −κ1 β |θtx |2 dx ≤ 0, t ≥ 0. (25)
dt 0

On the Nature of Timoshenko system in Thermo-Elasticity of

The Timoshenko System
The Timoshenko type system: free of second spectrum
The Timoshenko system in Thermo-Elasticity of type III free of second spectrum
Exponential decay

Lemma -1: Let (ϕ, ψ, θ) be a solution of system (20)-(23). Then we have, for all
ǫ1 > 0,

F1 (t) ≤ −γρ1 |ϕt |2 dx + 2ǫ1 Cp γκ |ψx |2 dx + C(ǫ1 ) |ϕx + ψ|2 dx. (26)
dt 0 0 0

Lemma-2: Let (ϕ, ψ, θ) be a solution of system (20)-(23). Thew we have

Z L ρ2 κǫ2
F2 (t) ≤ (Cǫ2 + Cǫ6 )κ1 |θtx |2 dx + ( + bǫ3 )γ |ϕx + ψ|2 dx
dt 0 ρ2 0
+ (ǫ5 + ǫ4 )γρ2 |ϕtx |2 dx + (Cǫ3 CP + ǫ4 − 1)γb |ψx |2 dx
0 0
+ Cǫ4 βρ3 |θt |2 dx + Cǫ5 δβ |θx |2 dx (27)
0 0

where ǫi > 0, white i = 2, 3, 4, 5.

On the Nature of Timoshenko system in Thermo-Elasticity of

The Timoshenko System
The Timoshenko type system: free of second spectrum
The Timoshenko system in Thermo-Elasticity of type III free of second spectrum
Exponential decay

Now we are in position to proof the theorem-?? in orde to do this, we define the
Lyapunov functional L as follows.
L(t) := N1 E(t) + N2 F1 (t) + N3 F2 (t), (28)
where N1 , N2 , N3 are positive constantes to be fixed and the fonctionals F1 and
F2 are guiven in Lemmas (2) and (2) respectively, we can conclude that there
exists a positive constant N0 > 0 such that
L ≤ −N0 E(t), ∀ t≥0 (29)
where E(t) is given in (24). Now, using the fact that L(t) is equivalent to E(t)
we get
L(t) ≤ −ηL(0) ∀ t ≥ 0, (30)
for some positive constant η. Thus, integrating the above inequality over (0, t),
we arrive at
L(t) ≤ L(0)e−ηt ∀ t ≥ 0, (31)
Therefore, we obtain the desired result as consequence of the equivalence
between L(t) and E(t).

On the Nature of Timoshenko system in Thermo-Elasticity of

The Timoshenko System
The Timoshenko type system: free of second spectrum
The Timoshenko system in Thermo-Elasticity of type III free of second spectrum
Exponential decay

Questions to solve

Dispersion analysis on classical thermo-elasticity o type III in order to see if the

second spectrum is ellimated.
Existence and uniqueness of solution by semigroup or Faedo-Galerkin method.
Polynomial decay with optimal rate.

On the Nature of Timoshenko system in Thermo-Elasticity of

The Timoshenko System
The Timoshenko type system: free of second spectrum
The Timoshenko system in Thermo-Elasticity of type III free of second spectrum
Exponential decay

Timoshenko, S.P.: (1921) On the correction for shear of the differential equation
for transverse vibrations of prismatic bars. Philosophical Magazine. 6 (41/245),
Soufyane A. Stabilisation de la poutre de Timoshenko. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris,
S´erie I-Mathematique 1999; 328(8):731?734.
Salim A. Messaoudi and Belkacem Said-Houari. Energy decay in a
Timoshenko-type system of thermoelasticity of type III. J. Math. Anal. Appl,
C. A. Raposo, J. Ferreira, M. L. Santos, N. N. O. Castro, Exponential stability for
Timoshenko system with two weak dampings. Appl. Math. Letters, 18:535?541,
Quintanilla, R.: (2003) Slow decay for one-dimensional porous dissipation
elasticity. Applied Mathematics Letters. 16, 487-491;
L.H. Fatori, J.E. Mu?noz Rivera and R. Nunes Monteiro. Energy decay to
Timoshenko?s system with ther- moelasticity of type III. Asymptotic Analysis 86
(2014) 227?247

On the Nature of Timoshenko system in Thermo-Elasticity of

The Timoshenko System
The Timoshenko type system: free of second spectrum
The Timoshenko system in Thermo-Elasticity of type III free of second spectrum
Exponential decay

Jaime E. Mu?noz Rivera, Reinhard Racke. Mildly dissipative nonlinear

Timoshenko systems?global existence and exponential stability. J. Math. Anal.
Appl. 276 (1) (2002) 248?278.
M. L. Santos, D. S. Almeida J´unior, J. E. Muñoz Rivera. The stability number of
the Timoshenko system with second sound. J. Differential Equations, 253(2012),
L.H. Fatori, J.E. Mu?noz Rivera and R. Nunes Monteiro. Energy decay to
Timoshenko?s system with ther- moelasticity of type III. Asymptotic Analysis 86
(2014) 227?247
Elishakoff, I.: (2010) An equation both more consistent and simpler than the
Bresse–Timoshenko equation. Advances in Mathematical Modeling and
Experimental Methods for Materials and Structures, Solid Mechanics and Its
Applications. Springer, Berlim. 249–254.
Graff, K.F.: Wave motion in elastic solids. Dover Publication, New York.

On the Nature of Timoshenko system in Thermo-Elasticity of

The Timoshenko System
The Timoshenko type system: free of second spectrum
The Timoshenko system in Thermo-Elasticity of type III free of second spectrum
Exponential decay


On the Nature of Timoshenko system in Thermo-Elasticity of

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