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Summer of 19, You + Me: Based on the Hit Song By Dan + Shay

Daniel Sanford (Main Male Protagonist)
Callie Redcliff (Main Female Protagonist)
Kayden Moore (Male Supporting)
Cheyenne Eatenson (Female Supporting)
Thomas Sanford (Father of Daniel)
Amanda Sanford (Mother of Daniel)
William Redcliff (Father of Callie)
Jennifer Redcliff Mother of Callie)

Daniel Sanford: Daniel is 19, born in 2000, he was born to be a singer. He and his boys start a
country band called Daniel and the Boot Scooters and often sing covers of famous country male
singers. He is destined for love, but learns he is a hopeless romantic. The summer of 2019, His
band gets invited to play a gig in Port Aransas Texas at a restaurant famous for its Dolphin
Tours. Little did he know that gig will change his life forever.

Callie Redcliff: Callie is 18. Fresh out of High School. She loves the beach, and her parents
practically own Port Aransas. They have the best little shop/restaurant/historical boat tour. While
she enjoys making little pirate adventures for kids, going to the souvenir stores every time she
gets paid to get a new swimsuit, she is missing something from her life. The summer of 2019, a
band comes to town, and she is offered to sing back up. Little did she know her life would
change forever.

When paths meet, things start to get romantic. Experience the love, heartbreak, and life learning
in this story. Based on Dan + Shay’s hit song, this story will captivate your heart.
I hate the Texas Panhandle. More than anything. I wanna get away from this place. You might
say “Well that’s where you’re from” but does it look like I give a shit? There’s no good places for
me and my band to play. The Texas Panhandle is the ugliest part of Texas. It’s a bunch of
rednecks who work on farms, and college students. The worst combination. I have a band, you
see, and we do cover songs. It’s Me and Kayden. I’m on vocals and guitar, and Kayden plays
the bass. They’d kill me if they found out I was shit talking, but I can’t help it. I’m 19. I don’t
wanna work on the family farm like they do. I wanna make it big. I hate this place. You know the
one thing I like about this place? The severe thunderstorms. I may be one of the hottest guys in
the panhandle, but I am such a geek when it comes to severe thunderstorms. There’s nothing
like watching a storm roll in from the bed of your truck and then hauling ass to the inside when
lightning strikes in the distance. It’s amazing. I love to hear the thunder crackle, and the hard
rain hitting the top of my 2017 Maroon F-150 Silverado, but sadly, the storms only happen in the
summer and late fall. Then it’s back to being the shittiest place ever. I hate being cold. I wanna
be somewhere where I can wear tank tops, and shorts every day. I love Port Aransas Texas. It’s
my favorite place to travel in the summer, of course in July, when there aren't ANY storms in the
panhandle. Just dry ass heat. In Port Aransas, I get the best of both worlds. The humidity by the
beach, and some kick ass thunderstorms. It’s soo pretty to see lightning strike the water. Every
once in a while, a waterspout forms. Those are the most epic things ever! Especially when
you’re on the top of the U.S.S Lexington and you see one form in the distance. Or when you’re
on Bob Hall Pier, just sitting at the very end watching the storm roll in. It’s beautiful. I know this
awesome place called Redcliff’s. They have a souvenir store, a restaurant, and a boat you can
go out on to see dolphins, the Lydia Anne (a lighthouse that still runs), and a sunken Spanish
ship. It’s amazing! I go every time I visit. I lay on my bed and think about all of this. It’s what I’m
doing now. I get up, go into my kitchen, and find that my phone is blowing up. Shit. It’s Kayden.
He’s calling me.
“Hello?” I say, grabbing a mug from a cabinet.
“Dude! I’ve been trying to call you for thirty minutes!’ he says, in an angry tone. “Stop
daydreaming.” I sigh.
“Sorry.” I say, filling up my mug with Dr. Pepper.
“Are we still having practice tonight? I need to know so I can tell Ryan and my dad. My dad has
been breathing down my neck about my summer plans. He needs to know now so he can hire
help if I’m gonna be with you all summer.”
“Oh um, Probably not. There’s a storm rolling in. I see it from my kitchen window.” I say, in awe
of the huge thunderhead that is coming from the west. “Make that a no, Kayden.”
“But are you wanting to practice everyday?” he says again, getting frustrated. I can’t help it. This
thunderhead is huge. It’s dark grey.
“Daniel. DANIEL. DANIEL????” He yells again.
“What? Sorry, I don’t know. I’ll let you know tomorrow.”
“If you get me in trouble Daniel I swear i will-” I hung up. I love Kayden, but that man drives me
insane. We’ve been friends since diapers. I continue to watch the storm roll in. It’s getting close.
I love this part.
Can I just say, I love this weather! It’s 80 degrees, and I need a tan. I immediately go to my
dad’s store and find a cute, but classy black bikini. I love living in Port Aransas. It’s always
warm, except for that one week in January. I love sitting on my dad’s boat and basking in the
sunlight. I should be tan already, but It’s hard when you have fair skin. This will be my summer, I
just know it. I slip into my bikini, and head outside. My friend, Cheyenne is waiting for me. She
always wears the best clothes. Today, she has on a lime green bikini, and a pink bottom.
“Girl, you gotta tell me where you got that super cute swimsuit!” I say, practically squealing. She
probably went to Houston like she always does when her dad gets paid. Her parents got
divorced when we were sixteen. It was a total case of her dad getting tired of her mom, and
going out and cheating. It took a toll on her, but Daddy gives her a thousand dollars when he
gets paid. At least she uses it on clothes, and not on things that she shouldn’t. “I actually got it in
Corpus.” she said, giving me a hug. I hug back.
I put my sunglasses on, and sat down. Luckily we have our seats facing the ocean. I like to look
out at the ocean when I feel sad, which has been more often than not. It probably because
Cheyene got a boyfriend over the weekend, and here I am, crushing over the lifeguard who is
married and has a kid already. It’s hard for me though, since I am homeschooled. I liked it more
than being public schooled. I can sit in my spot with my canned Dr. Pepper and my laptop, and
listen to the waves while I read Emily Dickinson poems. But I don’t have to worry about that
now. I graduated last week, and it’s been great. I will be taking a few courses online to study in
Social Media Marketing and Influencing. It’s my dream to be a YouTuber, doing Makeup
Tutorials, Beach Vlogs, and some beauty hacks. My momma says that I could become a
makeup artist, and do makeup for quinceaneras and weddings, but I’d rather have a camera
and film myself. If people asked, then yes, I’d do it, but not for now.
“How is Sam?” I ask her, rolling my eyes.
Call me The Gulf Coast, because I am very salty about the situation, but I’m very supportive.
“He’s good, actually. He got a job at Hollister. That's where I got this.” She smiled, and took a
sip of her sweet tea she got at my dad’s shop.
“Oh, that's cool.” I say, looking back out at the ocean.
I sigh, and smile. I wanna cry, but I keep my game face on. Who needs a boy when you have
the beach, right?
“You’ll find him, Cal. I know it.” She said, putting her hand on mine.
“Mister right is out there. Who knows, he could be in Amarillo watching a storm roll in, drinking a
beer, and holding a shotgun.”
“Ha!” I laugh.
“You’re funny. People from Amarillo are rednecks, and you know that.” I say, finally calming
down. Call me selfish, but my type is way higher than that. I want a guy who has abs, and who
dresses nicely. Not someone in a cowboy hat who smokes has a thick accent.
“Remember that one summer when we took a road trip to California, and we decided to go
through Amarillo, and our car broke down so we had to stay the night? I didn’t think I could ever
be so bored!” I say, cackling. It’s true.
Cheyenne and I went to California for a month with a few friends and my mom, and we went up
to I-40 because it was a straight shot, and our car broke down right south of Amarilo. We had to
stay the night, and it was boring. The only thing that amazed me about it was in their downtown,
there’s a street that has hanging lights all down it. It was instagram worthy.
“Yeah, and we went to their mall and found that cute makeup palette?” Cheyenne replied,
putting her sunglasses on.
“I still have that one, I don’t use it very often.”
It’s a palette that is in the shape of a scallop. It’s very mermaid-esque. It’s cute but I don’t ever
wear it unless I’m dressing up as a mermaid for one of my dad’s special events. I smile at
“What if he is though?”

I get in my truck, and fasten my seatbelt. I drive off, heading west where I see the thunderhead
pouring rain. It’s thundering, and I smile. I love it when thunder is so loud you can feel the
vibrations. It’s so pretty to see the front of the storm, so pretty that it looks like a painting. I feel a
rush of energy burst out of my body. “This storm.. it’s beautiful..” I say to myself, in awe of the
storm’s beauty. I could see the colors from the storm mixing. I see a patch of light green from
the hail, grey from the rain, and a sense of dark blue. Then you have the typical brown from the
Texas dirt. I park my truck close by, and call Kayden. I’m sweating. You see, in Texas, the
storms bring humidity, which means heat. Luckily, I’m wearing a tank top, and some swim
trunks. Kayden answers me, and looks at me with a weird sense of disgust on his face. “Daniel,
what the hell?” He says, still with that disgusted face. “Why are you in a tank top?” he asks.
“Uhm, Kayden. Do you not know what is over your house right now? A huge ass thunderhead.” I
say, overly excited. “I’m wearing swim trunks, but thats-” I was interrupted by a large flash and a
roar of thunder. I scream a little, and then laugh. Kayden laughs at me, so I flip him off. “What?
You sound like a kid in a frightening candy shop.” He laughed. “One more insult and the shirts
coming off.” I threaten with a giggle. For some reason, Kayden has always been jealous of my
body. Kayden is a twig. No, I mean, this boy weighs a hundred and thirty pounds. I could use
him as a bench press. I always offer him a gym pass, but he always tells me that gyms are for
ignorant guys who like to show off, and that if God wanted him to have muscles, God would
have given him muscles. I don’t understand that. If God wanted him to have muscles, why is he
jealous of me? “Fine, fine. I’ll stop. Where are you?” He asks as he runs outside. “Wow… this
storm is beautiful!” By now, Kayden is amazed. “I’m by the gas station. You know that one
where-” He cuts me off. “Yes, yes I know and I don’t wanna talk about it.” he interrupts me. This
gas station has a certain memory in it. When Kayden and I were seniors, we both kind of
questioned our sexuality. Us being best friends made us wonder if we were more than best
friends, more like soulmates. So one night after a party, we pulled into the gas station, and one
thing led to another, and it made things awkward. I know now that I am full on straight, and I
know now that Kayden and I are best friends. Kayden wouldn’t talk to me for a month after that,
but luckily his parents intervened and got us back to being best friends. “Wanna come by? We
can go storm chasing like we used to!” I say, overly excited. “Yeah, just come pick me up.”
Kayden mumbles, looking around. I can tell he’s still a little disgusted by the memory. “I could
take you by the mall, and we could walk around…. and maybe play hide and seek in
JCPenney’s.” I suggest. Not long ago, Kayden and I went to the mall, because there isn’t
anything else to do in Amarillo, besides going to the park. We had a great time, and honestly,
it’s the first time I’d seen him smile genuinely. “Fine, but you have to buy me something.”
Kayden said, smirking. He smirks because he knows I’ll buy him something. My parents give me
five hundred dollars each month for working at the local company. We sell custom t-shirts for
Family Reunions, Companies, and the local theatres. Sometimes even, the theatre kids buy
custom show t-shirts. The company is called Route 66 Tee’s, even though we don’t have our
building close to Route 66. “Fine.” I say, giggling. “Maybe we’ll meet our girlfriends.” I say again,
clearly joking. I joke a lot about Kayden finding one, because I know I’ll be the first one to get
one, considering he doesn’t want one right now.

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