Biography - Howie Mandel

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On November 29th, 1955, a lovable stand-up comedian was born in his hometown, Toronto, Ontario.

name was Howard Michael Mandel, and here´s how he went from being expelled from three high school
due to his pranks and silly antics, to one of the most successful comedians on the platform today! It
started on a business trip to Los Angeles in 1979, when he decided to test his talents at Comedy Stores
amateur night. Little did he know he would impress a television producer who will hire him to make his
first debut on a comedy game show called Make Me Laugh.

His fame only seemed to sky-rocket from there. He was bombarded with offers, and even landed a role in
the TV show St. Elsewhere around the young age of 27. He continued stand-up comedy and began to
branch off to voiceovers, sitcoms, movies, and even became a show host if the hit television show Deal
or No Deal. From there he earned his first Emmy Award nomination in for his work, and only continued
to grow and expand as a comedian, creator, and individual.

Like any creator however, Howie Mandel had his lows, but what makes him significant is the motivation
he had to keep thriving after his passion. His struggle with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and
Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD/ADD) has made him as even more inspirational
Canadian. His gig on Deal or No Deal ¨Here´s the deal; don touch me" which promotes fist-bumping in
place of high-fiving or hugging has carried on with him even to the show America´s Got Talent and
through his career. He continues to use his voice and his platform to spread awareness and bring attention
with mental research and how difficult it is to cope with. He is open about his struggles and anxieties with
therapy and has donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to Mental Research Institutes. What makes
Howie Mandel such a creative and aspiring Canadian is his realness with not only his fans, but his media
too; and his determination to not only better himself, but also the world he inhabits.

The success of any stand-up act comes out of life experience.

We were a very small circle of writers. Everybody brought to the table their own life experience.

I think the solution to making this world better is if we would just be healthy, mentally.


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