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[ CITATION MarcadorDePosición1 \l 3082 ][ CITATION REV20 \l 3082 ]

Capital market, amazon, Microsoft and alphabet have a value of around 1 billion dollars in
shares and together with the market capitalization of large technology companies would
add up to and exceed around 6 billion dollars.
2 months ago, apple became the first company to hit the US stock market to trade around
$2 trillion on the stock market, as Wall Street investors overlooked the challenges to the
apple ecosystem and bet more on the world now called porstcoronavirus .
Apple shares had an increase of 57% sofar this year 2020, compared o what was presented
in it is quarterly in July.
These stocks movements reflect a great growth and thus confidence in it’s investors in the
change generated in apple directed mainly to the sals of it’s iphone cell phones and services
for users, as well as the change in institutional investors during this great coronavirus
pandemic, apple surprised to the greats of Wall Street to see that their online sales of
iPhone, iPad, and mac were great, due to the closure of their face to face stores.
Its sales exceed the gross domestic product of countries like Portugal and Peru.
[CITATION INV20 \l 3082 ]

In this graph we can see the movements that the apple company has had in the United
States stock market in the months of May, use, July, august, September and as of October
15 of 2020.
We can see the growth that surprised the Wall Street in the month of August where they
managed to exceed 2 billion dollars.

Apple becomes the first capitalized company in the world

The market capitalization of the apple company has not stopped growing since in august
when it just launched it’s iPad 2 it reached an average of 341,5 billion dollars, this
capitalization exceeded that of the Exxon company, which is a large oil company, a year
later the sum of it is capitalization doubled.
Movement of apple shares September and October

[ CITATION EST20 \l 3082 ]

in this graph we can realize that in these months despite the pandemic, Apple is shares
continue to rise and despite the fact that today they fell a bit but it was not so much the
weight of the fall, with this we can that Apple it continues to grow little by little in the stock

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