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Kathmandu University Medical Journal (2005), Vol. 3, No.

4, Issue 12, 431-437

Review Article
Recent advances in the management of epilepsy: A review
Bhattacharya SK1, Rauniar GP2, Das BP3
Professor and Head, 2Professor, 3Additional Professor, Department of Pharmacology, BP Koirala Institute of Health
Sciences, Ghopa, Dharan, Nepal

Epilepsy is a complex disorder affecting brain function having a variety of contributing factors. The genetic
predisposition plays a key role in the genesis of epilepsy. The already existing antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) provide
effective control of majority of patents with different types of seizures. In some refractory cases and in those patients
who can not tolerate the conventional AEDs, there is an urgent need to provide relief by controlling the seizures
adequately. Various newer approaches in the rational management of seizures have been evolved during the recent
years, based on different mechanisms of action and side effects profile. A brief account of these newer treatment
modalities have been incorporated in this review in order to enlighten the readers about the possible beneficial effect
of this regimen vis a vis the limitations of such use.

Keywords: Neurotransmitter imbalance, defective gene, newer antiepileptic drugs, plasma levels, newer

I t has now been well established that epilepsy is not

a single disorder1 but a group of disorders of
central nervous system characterized by paroxysmal
4. BDNF: (Brain derived neurotrophic factor):
activates its receptor in the hippocampus
during epileptogenesis.
cerebral dysrhythmia manifesting as brief episodes
(seizures) of loss or disturbance of consciousness, Causes of epilepsy
with or without characteristic body movement About 40% of patients with epilepsy have a genetic
(convulsions), sensory or psychiatric phenomena; component towards it aetiology3.
when a person has two or more seizures, he is
considered to have epilepsy. It is a common Genetic factors:
neurological disorder affecting about 0.5% of the More than 500 genes are involved in epilepsy and
population2, in which cluster of neurons sometime persons susceptibility to seizures may be triggered by
signal abnormally. During a seizure, neurons may fire following factors:
as many as 500 times a second, compared to the 1. defective gene for ion channels
normal rate of about 80 times a second. 2. progressive myoclonus epilepsyÆ cystatin
B protein gene missing
Various hypotheses have been put forward for the 3. Lafora body disease Æ gene that helps
genesis of epilepsy: break carbohydrate is missing
1. Abnormality in brain wiring: may occur 4. genes mediating resistance to various
during brain development leading to antiepileptic drugs (AEDs).
abnormal neuronal connections.
2. Imbalance of neurotransmitter: The spread
of seizure activity may be mediated either
by increase of excitatory neurotransmitter
(mainly glutamate) or by decrease of activity
of inhibitory neurotransmitters like GABA
(Gamma- aminobutyric acid and possibly
3. Disruption of cell membrane surrounding Correspondence
neuron: important for molecules to move in Prof. S.K. Bhattacharya
Head, Department of Pharmacology,
and out of membranes and how cell BP Koirala Institute of Health Sciences, Ghopa, Dharan, Nepal.
nourishes and repair the membrane. Email:

The knowledge of genetics has significantly helped in Head injury
classifying epilepsy into specific types or syndromes Head injury constitutes an important contributing
according to their pattern of inheritance4: factor for epilepsy.

a. Mendelian disorder- Where a single locus is Prenatal injury and development problems:
responsible with a detectable structural or About 2.0% of seizures in children are due to
metabolic abnormality of the brain. Various cerebral palsy or other neurological abnormalities.
diverse genes have been identified in
progressive myoclonic epileptsies like Poisoning
EPM1 (Unverricht Lundborg disease) EPM2 Poisoning with Lead, Carbon monoxide
(lafora body disease) and neuronal ceroid antidepressants etc. and lack of sleep, stress may
lipofuscinosis (CLN1, CLN2, CLN3, CLN5 precipitate epilepsy.
& CLN8)
b. Non-Mendelian disorder- where multiple Treatment modalities
gene and other environmental factors are Currently available treatment controls 80% of
responsible with identification of mutant patients by drugs and surgery and 20% have
genes encoding alpha 4 subumit of neuronal intractable seizures, where at times, local anaesthetic
nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAchR, (lidocaine) or even general anaesthesia may be
CHRNA4), voltage-gated potassium channel necessary in highly resistant cases.
(KCNQ2, KCNQ3) and sodium channel
(SCN1B). The majority of familial Classification of antiepileptic drugs (AEDs):
epilepsies display a complex non- mendelian 1. Barbiturates: Phenobarbitone,
pattern of inheritance. Mephobarbitone
c. Idiopathic generalized epilepsies (IGE) like 2. Deoxy barbiturate: Primidone
childhood absence epilepsy, juvenile 3. Hydantoin: Phenytoin
absence epilepsy and juvenile myoclonic 4. Iminostilbene: Carbamazepine
epilepsy. 5. Succinimide: Ethosuximide
d. Benign familial neonatal convulsion 6. Aliphatic carboxylic acid: Valproic acid
(BFNC) is a rare autosomal dominant 7. Benzodiazepines: Clonazepam, Clobazam,
inherited idiopathic generalized epilepsy. Diazepam
e. Childhood absence seizure (CAE) 8. Newer drugs: Lamotrigine, Gabapentin,
commonly begins between 4-14 years of age Vigabatrin, Felbamate, Topiramate,
and the exact genetic locus has not been Tiagabine, Zonisamide, Levitiracetam
identified. 9. Miscellaneous: Trimethadione, Phenacimide
f. Juvenile myoclonic epilepsy (JME) usually etc.
occurs after 10 years of age with early
morning myoclonic jerks. Since long it was assumed that to treat epilepsy in its
g. Generalized epilepsy with febrile seizure totality, a single drug would be enough and in 1857,
plus (GEF+) is a genetic epilepsy syndrome Bromide was introduced for the first time for the
which includes febrile seizures and control of epilepsy. Later on in 1912, Phenobarbital
generalized tonic-clonic seizures. saw the light of the day as an important member of
h. X-linked infantile spasm occurs only in male AED family, and then in 1938, Phenytoin, a
infants around 2-6 months of age. structurally related drug to barbiturate was
i. Partial/ Focal epilepsy- Non genetic discovered. All these drugs (except Bromide) are
j. Benign partial epilepsy of childhood. being used very commonly to provide effective
seizure control and phenytoin still plays a major role
Various disorders in the management of epilepsy5. Later on, the
Various disorders like brain tumors, alcoholism, introduction of carbamazepine and lamotrigine have
Alzheimer’s disease, strokes, meningitis, opened up new avenues in the management of
hydrocephalus, cerebral palsy, may precipitate epilepsy. The latest surge of newer AEDs during the
epilepsies. About 32% of all cases of newly last decade have seen the emergence of drugs like
developed epilepsy in elderly people are due to gabapentin, vigabatrin, topiramate, tiagabine,
cerebrovascular disease. oxycarbazepine, zonisamide and levitiracetam6.

Various mechanisms have been put forward which

primarily deals with the inhibition of abnormal

unsynchronus high frequency neuronal discharge by tube defects when given to pregnant women; folate
a group of neurons in the brain and its spread to other supplementation (0.4 mg/day) has been
areas of the brain: be it, the stabilizing effect on recommended to all women of child bearing age to
excitable cell membranes resulting in increase in reduce the likelihood of such defects.6
seizure threshold by drugs which reduce Na+
conductance and reduce Ca2+ influx or by inhibition General principles of management of Epilepsy
of the spread of seizure activity2 by blocking synaptic Early initiation of treatment (following recurrent
transmission mediated by an increase in the activity seizures) with AEDs almost always proves to be
of the principle inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA effective and improves prognosis. Initially one drug
and also glycine, thereby increasing membrane regimen should be started unless status epilepticus
permeability to chloride ion which reduces cell exists, to achieve therapeutic benefit with careful
excitability. The blockade of NMDA (N-methyl-D- monitoring of the dosage and saliva or plasma drug
aspartate) receptors via the glycine binding sites and concentration if possible. To minimize dose related
inhibition of glutamate, the excitatory adverse effects, addition of a second drug is advisable
neurotransmitter, may also be responsible for when the first drug fails to control the seizures. The
attenuation of spread of seizure activity. The multi-drug therapy should be started at a reduced
inhibition of noradrenaline and 5-hydroxytryptamine dose of each drug with careful monitoring. It should
and increased uptake of dopamine are also the likely be remembered while selecting the multi-drug
effect of some of the AEDs. regimen that the combination acts by well defined
mechanisms like either by promoting Na+ channel
The antiseizure properties of valproic acid (sodium activation and /or by enhancing GABA mediated
valproate) were discovered by chance when it was synaptic inhibition and the possibility of drug- drug
employed as a vehicle for other compounds used for interactions. The alternative line of approach should
screening of antiseizure activity. Sodium valproate continue till the seizure is controlled. Abrupt
has been found to be an effective drug for a wide withdrawal of any AED should be discouraged (esp.
range of seizure disorders. Chemically unrelated to barbiturates and benzodiazepines) as they may
any other class of antiepileptic drugs, sodium precipitate status epilepticus. If a patient is seizures
valproate, a simple mono- carboxylic acid, is free for 3-4 years, gradual withdrawal of drugs (over
particularly useful in certain types of infantile a period of 3-6 months) is advocated. To increase the
epilepsy where its low toxicity and lack of sedative patients compliance, drugs are best administered in
action are important. It is also effective in adolescents single or twice daily dose. Many AEDs are quite long
in whom grandmal and petitmal co-exists since acting with a relatively low plasma clearance and
valproate is effective in both. It is also a mood greater half lives (>12 hrs.). The therapeutic index
stabilizer and used in bipolar depressive illness. It is being low, these drugs exhibit toxicity. Dose
effective in the treatment of absence, myoclonic, increments are made gradually at two-weekly
partial and tonic- clonic seizures. Initially it is intervals to achieve the minimum effective dose.
administered daily in a dose of 15 mg/kg body Routine monitoring of plasma and saliva drug
weight, gradually increased at weekly intervals by 5- concentration is mandatory with concomitant renal or
10 mg/kg/day to a maximum daily dose of 60 mg/kg. hepatic disease, in old age, during pregnancy or
It significantly increases GABA content of the brain specially when sodium valproate or phenytoin is
by inhibiting GABA transaminase and succinic used. A small increment in phenytoin's dose may lead
semialdehyde dehydrogenase. Though sodium to toxicity due to its dose dependent kinetics (zero
valproate is relatively free of unwanted effects, it order kinetics). The therapeutic efficacy of a drug
may cause thinning and curling of hairs in about 10% and/or the appearance of toxicity should be assessed
of patients. Hepatotoxicity is a more serious side by monitoring the plasma and saliva drug
effect and it may cause spinabifida and other neural concentrations.

Effective plasma levels of some of the commonly used AEDs7 have been given below (Table -1)
Table 1: Effective plasma level
Drugs Effective level (µg/ml) High effective level Toxic level (µg/ml)
Carbamazepine 4-12 7 >8
Primidone 5-15 10 <12
Phenytoin 10-20 18 >20
Phenobarbital 10-40 35 >40
Ethosuximide 50-100 80 >100
Valproate 50-100 80 >100

Pregnancy, lactation and AEDs or Midazolam may be preferred with full intensive
Pregnancy and seizure disorder can affect each other care support system. Magnesium sulphate (4 gm i. v.)
and at times become harmful to the developing foetus infusion for 24 hrs. after the last seizure, may be a
due to anoxia and metabolic disorder. Folic acid better option than either Phenytoin8 or Diazepam for
supplements should be advised to patients on AEDs the treatment of seizure disorder of eclampsia. Some
(phenobarbital and phenytoin), deficiency of which of the AEDS (Phenytoin, Carbamazepine,
may cause neural tube defects. Similarly, pregnant Barbiturates, Topiramate, Oxcarbazepine) may cause
mothers on AED therapy should be given contraceptive failure (when used with oral
prophylactic oral vitamin K1 supplement (10 mg/day) contraceptive pills) by inducing hepatic microsomal
during the last few weeks of pregnancy to avoid the enzymes. In such cases, the dose of oestrogen can be
danger of postpartum haemorrhage and neonatal increased (at least upto 50 µg/day) to achieve
intracerabral haemorrhage. Almost all the AEDs reasonably satisfactory contraception. However,
(carbamazepine being the safest)2 cross the placental drugs like sodium valproate and lamotrigine do not
barrier and are excreted in breast milk causing cause enzyme induction and contraceptive failure.
sedation and poor suckling by the breast fed baby.
Increased frequency of malformation at birth (known Newer antiepileptic drugs (AEDs)
as anticonvulsant embryopathy) is also another A short account of newer antiepileptic drugs have
problem in mothers taking AEDS, specially been outlined below
phenytoin or phenobarbital. In children suffering 1. Lamotriguine9: Initially developed as an
from epilepsy a single drug regimen with minimal anti- folate agent based upon incorrect idea
doses should be initiated to avoid any complications. that by reducing folate, seizures can be
Febrile convulsions in children does not necessarily controlled; it has a broader spectrum of anti-
always precipitate epilepsy and should be treated seizure action, possibly by inhibiting
early with paracetamol and rectal diazepam. Prolong synaptic release of glutamate by acting at
use of phenytoin or phenobarbital may affect the Na+ channel themselves. Completely
cognitive development of the child. absorbed orally plasma half-life ranging
from 24 to 35 hrs and once daily dose
Treatment of status epilepticus between 100-300 mg can be used.
Status epilepticus (SE) is a neumological emergency Metabolised primarily by glucuronidation.
where rapid control of behavioural and electrical Addition of Valproate markedly increases
seizure activity is mandatory because the longer the plasma concentration of lamotrigin.
episode of SE remains untreated, most of the drugs Effective as monotherapy or add-on therapy
become refractory and the control is more difficult of partial and secondarily generalized tonic-
resulting in possible permanent brain damage. clonic seizures in adults and Lennox-
Intravenous lorazepam (4 mg) is now the preferred Gastaut syndrome (a disorder of childhood
initial choice, may be repeated after 10 minutes, if characterized by multiple seizure types with
necessary. Alternatively, Clonazepam 1 mg i.v. or mental retardation and refractoriness to anti-
Diazepam 10-20 mg i.v. may be tried. Since seizure medication), also it is effective in
Diazepam is more likely to cause hypotension and juvenile myoclonic epilepsy and absence
respiratory depression and its effect is short lasting seizures. Adverse effects include
(about 20 minutes), either Phenytoin (15-18 mg / kg drowsiness, dizziness, diplopia, headache
i.v.) or Phenobarbitone (10-20 mg/kg i.v.) may be and hypersensitivity reaction.
considered. In refractory cases, Thiopental or Profol

2. Gabapentin: It is effective in partial and administered in a dose range of 200-600
grandmal seizures and also in neuropathic mg/day. Common adverse effects include
pain. It is a GABA analogue which increases drowsiness, dizziness, mental clouding,
its release by inhibiting GABA uptake. It is anxiety, cognitive slowing and rarely
fairly well absorbed orally, half life ranges urolithiasis.
between 5-8 hrs, administered 2-3 times a 6. Tiagabine: A derivative of nipecotic acid,
day, total dose not exceeding 2.4 gm/day. tiagabine is used as an add on drug for
Adverse effects include tremors, ataxia, partial seizures which acts by inhibiting
drowsiness and dizziness. neuronal and glial uptake of GABA. It is
3. Vigabatrin: It is useful in the treatment of very well absorbed orally with nearly 100%
partial and to some extent in grandmal or bioavailability. It has half-life of 5-8 hrs.
infantile seizures, but it worsens absence and used in doses ranging from 16 to 56 mg
and myoclonie seizures. It prevents the four times a day. It is a well tolerated drug
inactivation of GABA by inhibiting GABA- with minor dose- related adverse effects like
aminotranferase. It is well absorbed orally nervousness, dizziness, drowsiness, tremors
and its half life is 6-8 hrs., administered in and depression. Psychosis or ataxia may
twice daily dosage of 500 mg each, may be require withdrawal of the drug.
increased upto 2-3 gm/day. Adverse effects 7. Zonisamide: It is a sulphonamide derivative
include drowsiness, dizziness, weight gain which mainly appears to act on the sodium
and rarely agitation, mental confusion and channel and also on voltage- dependent
psychosis. This drug should not be used in calcium channel. It is effective on different
pre-existing mental disease; visual defects types of seizures like partial, grandmal,
(irreversible tunnel vision) has been reported infantile and myoclonus. It is well absorbed
on long term use of this drug. orally with a long half-life of 1-3 days. It is
4. Felbamate: It is effective mainly in partial used in dosage ranging from 100-600 mg
seizures. It is believed to block NMDA /day. Adverse effects include drowsiness,
receptors via glycine binding sites. It is ataxia and cognitive impairment. Potentially
absorbed orally and have a long half life (20 serious skin rashes may also occur.
hrs). It increases plasma level of phenytoin 8. Levetiracetam: It is a piracetam (nootropic
and sodium valproate and decreases that of agent) analogue whose mode of action
carbamazepine. The use of this drug is remains unclear. Most probably is acts
limited as it causes aplastic anaemia and through modulation of GABA receptors and
hepatitis. also through Ca2+ and K+ channels. It is
5. Topiramate: Partial and grandmal seizures mainly used for the treatment of partial
are controlled by this drugs and also have seizures though it has a potentially broader
some effect on absence seizures. This drug spectrum of use. It is completely absorbed
appears to have multiple actions including after oral administration with a half-life of
blockade of voltage-gated sodium channels, 6-8 hrs. and dosage ranging from 0.5 to 1
potentiation of GABA activity and gm twice daily. Adverse effects include
inhibition of Kainite (KA) effect on AMPA drowsiness, asthenia and somnolence.
(alpha- amino-3 hydroxy-5 methyl-
isoxazole-4-propionate) receptors; both KA Some other AEDs of potential therapeutic benefit
and AMPA receptors are activated to cause and newer approaches in the management of
excitation of CNS where glutamate is the epilepsy
principle transmitter7. Therapeutic spectrum 1. Stripentol- derived from alcohol used in
of Topiramate resembles Phenytoin with partial and absence seizures
less side effects. It has been reported to be 2. Retigabine- possibly acts through K+
teratogenic in animals, so contraindicated in channels
women in child bearing age. It is also 3. Remacemide10- NMDA receptor modulator
effective in both adults and children with 4. Talampanel- AMPA receptor antagonist
refractory partial seizures with or without 5. Pregabalin- related to Gabapentin
secondary generalized tonic- clonic seizures 6. Delivering drugs directly to the part of the
in patients with Lennox- Gastaut syndrome. brain from where seizures originate-sodium
It is quite useful in infantile spasm also. This valproate in fatty capsule.
drug is rapidly absorbed when used orally 7. Transporter proteins- many drugs need these
and its half-life is between 20-30 hrs. It is to get into the brain.

8. Melatonin- might reduce seizures in some failed to revolutionize the approach of the
children. management of a complex disorder like epilepsy,
9. Diet – unusual diet called "Ketogenic diet" none of these agents has been shown to be superior to
that helps body to breakdown fats instead of the standard drugs like phenytoin, carbamazepine or
carbohydrates. sodium valproate. An estimated 1% of the general
10. Vagus nerve stimulation11 (VNS) was population has epilepsy and close to 30% of these
approved by US FDA in 1997 for epileptic patients, the epilepsy is intractable to medications;
patients (older than 12 years of age) not many others have their seizures controlled at the
controlled by standard medication. It is a expense of unacceptable adverse effects from
battery- powered device, surgically pharmacotherapy. Before vagus nerve stimulation
implanted under the skin of chest and was available, the only non- pharmacologic treatment
attached to vagus nerve in lower part of the option for refractory epilepsy was surgery. However,
neck. It delivers short bursts of electrical not all patients with refractory epilepsy are
energy to brain via vagus nerve. On an candidates for surgery. Child patients with intractable
average, it reduces short term seizure epilepsy may have a progressive disorder that is
frequency by 20-40% with an approximately medically, physically and socially disabling. Surgical
longterm decrease in mean seizure resection of the epileptogenic zone or lesional
frequency of 40-50% and the dose of the pathology, or both, may significantly reduce seizure
antiepileptic medication can be further tendency in selected patients. Favourable candidates
reduced in those patients who can not for focal cortical resection include individuals with
tolerate these drugs. Patients who suffer medical temporal lobe epilepsy and partial seizures
from complex partial seizures or generalized related to primary brain tumor or vascular
seizures with loss of consciousness not anomalies14. The objective of pre-surgical
responding to standard anticonvulsant investigations, dominated by scalprecorded video
medication and patients who can not electroencephalography and magnetic resonance
undergo brain surgery are considered good imaging is the localization of the epileptogenic focus.
candidates for VNS. It also may be Two methods of exploration are available: (a) the
recommended as a treatment for combination of subdural and intracerebral electrode
photosensitive epilepsy and epilepsy placement through craniotomy and (b) the
resulting from head injury. Zabara12 stereotactic placement of intracerebral depth
hypothesized that VNS had two distinct anti- electrodes (stereo – EEG). The choice of either of
epileptic mechanism of action: a) a direct these two methods depend on child's age (3 months to
inhibition terminating the beginning or 10 years) and on the topography of the epileptogenic
ongoing seizure and (b) a long lasting focus. Surgery can be either palliative, with the
inhibition which increased with continued purpose of reducing the intensity and/or the
periods of stimulation to prevent seizures. frequency of a certain seizure type or curative,
Investigators have suggested that VNS aiming at a suppression of the epileptogenic focus
possibly increases seizure threshold by through a resective or disconnective surgical
causing widespread release of GABA and procedure. reports suggest that initiation of surgical
glycine in the brain. Adverse effects like treatment at an early stage significantly improves the
hoarsencess or voice changes, throat quality of life, seizure free period and acceptable
discomfort resulting difficulty in socialization15.The pharmacogenetic approach,
swallowing, cough or dyspnoea are mild however, looks at how the response to antiepileptic
which appears during stimulation, drugs may be genetically determined and its could
diminishes over time. About the suitability also help to identify those who might respond better
of VNS in the management of epilepsy, it to a particular drug without experiencing adverse
may be described as a long-lasting, hassle- effects. The genetic information helps in accurate
free and on-demand therapy, with no diagnosis, informative patient counseling and
interactions and potential life threatening formulating the disease preventive strategy.4 In the
adverse effects. Moreover, the reduction of search of an ideal antiseizure drug that should
depressive symptoms in patients with suppress all types of seizures without causing much
epilepsy by VNS13 and its mood stabilizing unwanted adverse effects, more recently introduced
effect appears to be an added advantage. drugs have some distinet advantage16 of fewer drug
interaction problem; but the hallmark of successful
Finally, the continued search and discovery of newer management of epilepsy is the rigidly advocated
antiepileptic drugs during the last decade has not only

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