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Taller unidad 7

Workshop unit 7
Present Simple workshop

Desarrolle el siguiente taller de repaso, utilizando el presente simple. Una vez lo haya hecho,
confirme sus respuestas en el documento de respuestas que le será dado en la siguiente clase.

1. Complete the sentences by using the verbs in brackets. Conjugate the verbs according to
the subject.

I ___come___ to school every day. (To come)
A He ____________ his face every morning (To clean)
B We ____________ Chinese on Tuesdays and Thursdays (To study)
C Mary ____________ in Thailand. (To live)
D John ____________ his favorite program each evening. (To watch)
E Scott and me ____________ to the gym every afternoon. (To go)
F They ____________ their English classes. (To like)
G My sister ____________ the dishes on weekends. (To wash)
Martha, Hanna and Bryan ____________ their bicycles
H (To ride)
every morning.
I My dog ____________ in the park each time we go there. (To run)
J We ____________ horror movies on Halloween. (To enjoy)

2. Make the following affirmative sentences into negative and interrogative sentences.

Alan doesn’t like bananas

Ex Alan likes bananas
Does Alan like bananas?

A We are best friends

B Children sleep 8 hours at night

C My cat eats mice

D You drink coffee in the mornings

E My dad goes to work by car

F I have class at 8 am on Mondays

G Sarah reads her book every evening

H He is at home with his family

I I practice English every day

J The students do their homework

K I am a student

3. Find the mistakes and correct them.

My dad always in the garden on Sundays.

My dad is always in the garden on
Ex Correct

We are don’t play cricket today because

A Correct
it’s too windy.

He’s goes to a martial arts course every

B Correct

I am helping my mom with the housework

C Correct
every weekend.

D I’m not want to miss the train. Come Correct

on! Be quick!

E She usually go for a walk after dinner Correct

F My mom is at home today? Correct

My friends have always some coffee after

G Correct
H Mr. Jackson not likes any pets around Correct

My teacher check our homework every

I Correct

J I not sing very good, my voice is awful Correct

K She is not study with me at school Correct

4. Complete the conversation. Put in Present Simple forms the verbs in the brackets.

Rita: Do you like (you/like) football, Tom?

Tom: I love (I/love) it. I’m a United fan. (1) ______________ (I/ to go) to all their games. Nick usually
(2) _____________ (to come) with me. And (3) __________________ (We/to travel) to away games,
too. Why (4)_______________ (you/not/to come) to a match some time?
Rita: I’m Afraid football (5) __________________(not/to make) sense to me – men running after a
ball. Why (6)___________________(you/ to take) it so seriously?
Tom: It’s a wonder game. (7) __________________ (I/ to love) it. United are my whole life.
Rita: How much (8)__________________ (it / to cost) to buy the tickets and pay for the travel?
Tom: A lot. (9) ____________________ (I/not/To know) exactly how much. But (10)
_________________________ (that/ not to matter) to me. (11) _____________________ (I/ not/ to
want) to do anything else. (12) __________________ (that / to annoy) you?
Rita: No, (13) __________________ (it/not /to annoy) me. I just (14) ______________ (to find) it a
bit sad.

5. Ask the question according to the answers. Use the present simple in interrogative form.

Does your dad play any musical Answe No, my dad doesn´t play any musical
Ex r
instrument? instrument.

A r Yes, Mary is my best friend.

B r Yes, I play soccer every weekend.
C r No, my brother is not at home now.

Answe No, We don’t drink alcohol on

D r Mondays.

E r Yes, I am your English teacher.

F r No, I don’t live in Bogotá.

Answe Yes, She does her homework in the

G r afternoons.

H r Yes, My name is Edward Gwam.

I r No, Nelson’s son isn’t sick.

J r Yes, our Maths class is on Fridays.

K r No, those pencils aren’t mine.

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