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Jose Marti MAST 6-12 Academy

Class of Two thousand twenty-three

Tenth Grade
October 6th, 2020

I. Class Shirt
a. 9 submissions
i. Leah – Money Heist
ii. Fredy – Rick and Morty
iii. Mario:
1. Paw Patrol (Blue and White)
2. Planetary Design
3. Silver Knights Planetary Design
4. The Office
5. Transformers (Blue and White)
b. Deadline: N/A
c. Design Requirements
i. Shirt must be a shade of blue or grey
ii. Design must be from a TV show
iii. The submission must be digital
II. Fundraising Ideas
a. Mario – When Phase 3 begins, a sports tournament (similar to field
day) can be held
III. Upcoming Birthdays
a. Claudia Leon – October 18th, 2020
IV. Student Comments/Suggestion
a. None
b. Meeting adjourned @ ~4:30

Next Meeting: November 2nd, 2020

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