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Digital Multi-Function Trigger

Digital Multi-Function Trigger is a camera/flash triggering device that can respond to

multiple triggering events with programmable delays and built-in sensors: lightning,
light/laser, sound, and external events. It is all digital solution with built-in
rechargeable Li-Poly battery via any standard USB port.

Key Features

 Lightning detection
 Light/laser interruption detection
 Sound detection
 External signal inputs.
 High Speed Flash Sync Controller.
 Individual adjustable sensitivity for lightning, light/laser, sound and external
 Individual “hold” (inactive) timer for lightning, light/laser, sound and
external event.
 Individual delay timer for lightning, light/laser, sound and external event.
 LCD digital readout
 2.5mm camera/dual flash trigger port

General Specification

 First response time is between 6 to 12 microseconds with average of 8 microseconds.

This is the time between the moment sensor detects an event and the moment of actual
 Battery capacity is 300+maH
 Charging via standard USB
 Charging time is approximately 7 hours
 Can trigger flashes with trigger voltage up to 12V. Please note that some old
flashes/strobes have much higher trigger voltage at input port (such as PC or external
port), it is not safe for this device.
General Usage

Buttons -- There are four buttons located at bottom of top panel. These buttons are
used to select mode (lightning, light/laser, sound, or external event detection), adjust
parameters, save settings, etc. They have specific functions under different modes and
are often used in combination to achieve certain goals.

 S/L button on the left most is used to SAVE or LOAD parameters to or from
device’s permanent memory.
 Down and Up arrow buttons are used to decrease and increase parameter
values or change modes when used in combination with the Mode button.
 Mode button has many functions such as mode selection, parameter
selection and SAVE parameters when used with S/L button.

Display -- The display is a 4 digit LCD display with decimal points and other
symbols. The screen have different meanings when decimal point and/or other
symbols are shown. There are four modes and each has its distinct display to indicate
which mode is the current selection.

 Lightning Mode -- The display for this mode is “ “ on the left most side.
Under lightning mode, it has one one parameter, the sensitivity.
 Light/Laser Mode -- The display for this mode is a “L” on the left most side.
 Sound Mode -- The display for this mode is a “S” on the left most side
 External Mode -- The display for this mode is an “E” on the left most side.
 High Speed Flash Sync Mode -- The display for this mode is “H”

For each of the mode, there are parameters associated with it and each parameter will
have its own symbols to indicate so.

 For millisecond delay parameter, a decimal point will show right after mode
symbol. For example, for Sound mode, millisecond parameter will be “S.”
 For hold parameter, there is a dash after the mode symbol. The “degree”
symbol indicates number of 100ms.
 For sensitivity, there is a colon after the mode symbol. The value range from
1 to 31 and the higher the value, the more sensitive it is.
 For full second delay parameter, there is nothing after the mode symbol.
 For memory record index in External Mode, there is a colon after the mode
symbol “E”

Mode Selection -- To select a mode, press and hold the Mode button and then press
and release either the Down or the Up arrow button to change mode until the mode
Parameter Selection -- Within a particular mode, each parameter associated with that
mode can be selected by simply press and release the Mode button to cycle through
all parameters.

Saving Global Parameter Settings -- Current values of all modes can be saved into
permanent memory of the device. To do so, as long as current mode and parameter
selection are NOT External Trigger mode and Delay Storage Index parameter (please
see External Trigger Mode section for reason and details), press and hold the S/L
button and then press and release the Mode button. During saving process, the
display will have four dashes like this: “- - - -”. These values will be automatically
reloaded when device is turned on after being turned off.
Mode Description
Each mode has a special symbol at left most position, the following are some of
typical screens.

Lightning Mode

Laser/Light Detection Mode

Sound Mode
External Mode

High Speed Flash Sync Mode

Lightning Mode

This is the mode used to detect lightning occurring in nature. To select Lightning
Mode, press and hold the Mode button and either press and release the Down or Up
arrow button until Lightning symbol shows up.

Lightning Mode has only one parameter, the sensitivity with range of 1 to 31. The
higher the sensitivity level, the more sensitive it is.

 To increase sensitivity level, press and release the Up arrow button until
desired value.
 To decrease sensitivity level, press and release the Down arrow button until
desired value.

Light/Laser Mode

This is the mode used to detect any light changes, in particular laser when the sensor
is shined with laser. Essentially, this mode is the Lightning mode with addition of
delay and hold parameters. To select Light/Laser mode, press and hold the Mode
button and either press and release the Down or Up arrow button until Light/Laser
symbol “L” shows up

In Light/Laser mode, there are four parameters -- full second delay, millisecond delay,
sensitivity, and hold timer. Selection of parameter can be cycled through by press and
release the Mode button alone until desired parameter.

 Full second delay parameter -- this is the parameter that specifies amount
of delay in full seconds from 0 to 999 seconds.
 When cycling through parameters, stop when there is no other symbols
after the mode symbol “L”.
 To increase its value, press and release the Up arrow button.
 To decrease its value, press and release the Down arrow button
 Millisecond delay parameter -- this is the parameter that specifies amount
of delay in milliseconds from 0 to 999.
 When cycling through parameters, stop when there is a decimal point
after the mode symbol “L”, it looks like this “L.”
 To increase its value, press and release the Up arrow button.
 To decrease its value, press and release the Down arrow button
 Sensitivity parameter -- this is the value that sets sensitivity level of sound
detection module. Its value range from 1 to 31, the higher the value, the more
sensitive it is.
 When cycling through parameters, stop when there is a colon after the
mode symbol “L”, it looks like this: “L :”
 To increase its value, press and release the Up arrow button.
 To decrease its value, press and release the Down arrow button
 Hold parameter -- this is the parameter that specifies amount of time to
disable Light/Laser module so that only single trigger will occur within that
time. Its value range from 0 to 9.9 seconds.
 When cycling through parameters, stop when there is a colon after the
mode symbol “L”, it looks like this: “L-”. There are two digits for this
parameter, the first one is the full second and the second one is number
of 100ms. Therefore the max value is 9.9 seconds.
 To increase its value, press and release the Up arrow button.
 To decrease its value, press and release the Down arrow button

Sound Mode

To select Sound mode, press and hold the Mode button and either press and release
the Down or Up arrow button until Sound symbol “S” shows up.

In Sound mode, there are four parameters -- full second delay, millisecond delay,
sensitivity, and hold timer. Selection of parameter can be cycled through by press and
release the Mode button alone until desired parameter.

 Full second delay parameter -- this is the parameter that specifies amount
of delay in full seconds from 0 to 999 seconds.
 When cycling through parameters, stop when there is no other symbols
after the mode symbol “S”.
 To increase its value, press and release the Up arrow button.
 To decrease its value, press and release the Down arrow button
 Millisecond delay parameter -- this is the parameter that specifies amount
of delay in milliseconds from 0 to 999.
 When cycling through parameters, stop when there is a decimal point
after the mode symbol “S”, it looks like this “S.”
 To increase its value, press and release the Up arrow button.
 To decrease its value, press and release the Down arrow button
 Sensitivity parameter -- this is the value that sets sensitivity level of sound
detection module. Its value range from 1 to 31. The higher the value, the
more sensitive it is.
 When cycling through parameters, stop when there is a colon after the
mode symbol “S”, it looks like this: “S :”
 To increase its value, press and release the Up arrow button.
 To decrease its value, press and release the Down arrow button
 Hold parameter -- this is the parameter that specifies amount of time to
disable Sound module so that only single trigger will occur within that time.
Its value range from 0 to 9.9 seconds.
 When cycling through parameters, stop when there is a colon after the
mode symbol “S”, it looks like this: “S-”. There are two digits for this
parameter, the first one is the full second and the second one is number
of 100ms. Therefore the max value is 9.9 seconds.
 To increase its value, press and release the Up arrow button.
 To decrease its value, press and release the Down arrow button

External Trigger Mode

This is the mode used to responds to external event. The input port of this mode has
standard TTL interface and it is pulled up by default. It will respond to any signal
pulling the port down to ground -- this is typical interface for many photography

In External Trigger mode, there are four parameters -- full second delay, millisecond
delay, delay storage index, and hold timer. Selection of parameter can be cycled
through by press and release the Mode button alone until desired parameter.

One of the key design goal of this mode is to be able to simulate second curtain flash
triggering -- flash is triggered at the end of camera exposure. This is achieved by
setting the delay to match camera shutter speed and connecting the external trigger
port to camera’s X-sync signal via either wireless trigger or cable. To further facilitate
this goal, up to 16 delays can be stored in permanent memory and recalled from it.
These 16 delays can correspond to up to 16 shutter speeds for a particular camera
(save by user).

 Full second delay parameter -- this is the parameter that specifies amount
of delay in full seconds from 0 to 999 seconds.
 When cycling through parameters, stop when there is no other symbols
after the mode symbol “E”.
 To increase its value, press and release the Up arrow button.
 To decrease its value, press and release the Down arrow button
 Millisecond delay parameter -- this is the parameter that specifies amount
of delay in milliseconds from 0 to 999.
 When cycling through parameters, stop when there is a decimal point
after the mode symbol “E”, it looks like this “E.”
 To increase its value, press and release the Up arrow button.
 To decrease its value, press and release the Down arrow button
 Hold parameter -- this is the parameter that specifies amount of time to
disable Sound module so that only single trigger will occur within that time.
Its value range from 0 to 9.9 seconds.
 When cycling through parameters, stop when there is a colon after the
mode symbol “E”, it looks like this: “E-”. There are two digits for this
parameter, the first one is the full second and the second one is number
of 100ms. Therefore the max value is 9.9 seconds.
 To increase its value, press and release the Up arrow button.
 To decrease its value, press and release the Down arrow button
 Delay Storage Index parameter -- this is the value that sets delay storage
index of permanent memory.
 When cycling through parameters, stop when there is a colon after the
mode symbol “E”, it looks like this: “E :”
 To increase its value, press and release the Up arrow button.
 To decrease its value, press and release the Down arrow button
 To store current delay value into permanent memory at the current index,
set the right value for the delay, move to the desired Delay Storage Index,
press and hold the S/L button and then press and release the Down
button. After the value is saved, the display will jump to the millisecond
 To recall/load a stored delay, move to the desired Delay Storage Index
and press and hold the S/L button and press and release the Up button.
After the value is recalled, the display will jump to the millisecond
 When current editing parameter is NOT the storage index, press and
hold the S/L button and either press and release the Up (to recall) or
Down (to save) button, it will first jumps to storage index editing mode,
press and release the Up (to recall) or Down (to save) button again
while still holding down the S/L button will recall or save current delay

High Speed Flash Sync Mode

To select High Speed Flash Sync mode, press and hold the Mode button and either
press and release the Down or Up arrow button until Sound symbol “H” shows up.

In High Soeed Flash Sync mode, there are three parameters -- last pulse duration,
millisecond delay, and sensitivity. Selection of parameter can be cycled through by
press and release the Mode button alone until desired parameter.

 Last pulse duration parameter -- this is the parameter that specifies

minimum time duration in milliseconds from 0 to 999 seconds. This
parameter is a little peculiar in that it specifies duration between two pulses.
For optical wireless high speed sync, very often there is a long delay before
the final triggering signal is sent by master. This long delay is the signature
that the next pulse is the Sync pulse.
 When cycling through parameters, stop when there is no other symbols
after the mode symbol “H”.
 To increase its value, press and release the Up arrow button.
 To decrease its value, press and release the Down arrow button
 Millisecond delay parameter -- this is the parameter that specifies amount
of delay in milliseconds from 0 to 999. This value is usually between 0 and 3,
it is used to fine tune when the flash is triggered. Often wireless optical high
speed sync protocol commands a high speed capable flash to starting firing 0
to 3 milliseconds earlier, but for normal flashes, this is waste of valuable
power, so some delay is required to get optimal timing.
 When cycling through parameters, stop when there is a decimal point
after the mode symbol “H”, it looks like this “H.”
 To increase its value, press and release the Up arrow button.
 To decrease its value, press and release the Down arrow button
 Sensitivity parameter -- this is the value that sets sensitivity level of sound
detection module. Its value range from 1 to 31. The higher the value, the
more sensitive it is.
 When cycling through parameters, stop when there is a colon after the
mode symbol “H”, it looks like this: “H:”
 To increase its value, press and release the Up arrow button.
 To decrease its value, press and release the Down arrow button

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