Quiz 11

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American Channel Pre-Intermediate -

Quiz 11

NOMBRE: Leidy Katherine Tovar Saenz

CODIGO: 20182172809

a. Complete the text with the words/phrases a-f. (6 marks)

a. furthermore b. last but not least c. lots of advantages

d. it's no wonder e. as a result f. first of all

There are (1) _____C____ to travelling by air. (2) __F__, you go from one place to
another very quickly and (3) ____E___, you have more time to spend doing something
(4) _____A_____, travelling by plane is safer than travelling by car.
(5) ____B___, plane tickets are not so expensive when you think of how far and how
fast you travel. So, (6) ____D____ that most people prefer to travel by air than by any
other means of transport.

b. Complete the sentences. Choose a, b or c . (6 marks)

1. Mary __B__ Meredith for the accident.

a. complained b. blamed c. damaged

2. The television __C__ introduced each athlete before the race started.
a. competitor b. opponent c. commentator

3. Sheila fell off her horse and __C__ her leg.

a. shared b. raced c. injured

4. I’m really ___A___. I didn't sleep last night.

a. exhausted b. impossible c. steep

5. Look at those dark ___B___. I think the weather's changing.

a. grapes b. clouds c. slopes

6. Peter put a pair of __C__ on his feet before jumping into the water.
a. snorkels b. masks c. flippers

c. Read the dialogue below and circle the correct words. (8 marks)

A: I think we've done enough. Let's call it a day.

B: We'll just run for an hour and that will be it.
A: Are you crazy? I'm already exhausted. (1) If / When we (2) run / will run for
another hour, I (3) won't / can't be able to move!
B: You (4) may feel / feel a little more tired after that, but it (5) will / might certainly
be worth it.
A: I don't care. I'm not running for an hour!
B: There you go again. You know this attitude won't help you win the race.
A: Listen. I'm going home to have a shower. (6) Call / Will call me (7) if / when you
(8) could finish / finish, OK?

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