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Unit 8 Grammar Worksheet 1


Which and Who

1 Complete the sentences with which or who.

Chepe Nicoli /

0. Kelly and Samantha, who are twins, look a lot alike.

1. Quinoa, which is a seed from Peru, is a superfood.
2. He’s someone who you like instantly.
3. I like people who do what they say they are going to do.
4. The UNAM, which is located in Mexico City, is a well-known university.
5. Most of us who have seen that movie really like it.
6. Matt passed level five in that video game, which is the most difficult one.

2 Cross out the relative pronoun only if it can be omitted.

0. The doctor who you went to see last week is Sara’s dad.
1. She is the last person who I would want to go on a date with! ✓
2. That artist has a talent that I can really admire.
3. The professor who is visiting from Greece is excellent.
4. The Grapes of Wrath is a novel that changes your life. ✓
5. Last year my family went snorkeling in Cancun, which was an unforgettable experience. ✓
3 Combine the sentences creating a relative clause.
0. Juana wants to be a doctor. She’s very smart.
Juana, who wants to be a doctor, is very smart.
1. Santiago is the capital of Chile. It’s between the coast and the Andes mountains.
Santiago, WHICH is the capital of Chile, is between the coast and the Andes mountains. .
2. Pediatricians are medical specialists. They work with children.
Pediatricians, WHO are medical specialist, work with children. .
3. My mom is a psychiatrist. She specializes in child psychology.
My mom, WHO is a psychiatrist, specializes in child psychology. .
4. Harvard University has very high tuition. It’s one of the best universities in the world.
Harvard University, WHICH has very high tuition, is one of the best universities in the world. .
5. My dad gave me some good advice. It helped me to finally make a decision.
The good advice, that gave my dad, helped me to finally make a decision. .

5 D.R. © Richmond Publishing, S.A. de C.V., 2016 Photocopiable 5.8.G1

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