Getting Ready To Negotiate 1

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Roger Fisher and Danny Ertel

Getting Ready to Negotiate





5. ALl'ERNA11VES: Wllal WillI 00 If e Do 01 ree?


forms ALTERN TIVES 1: lvillk of My Atternattues to II egotiated Agre ment

elect and Improve IH 'BA1i II ldentify lternatioes Opel/



to tbe f her Ide sttmate 11J ir llA T. II

6. LEGITIMACY: \1;lhat Criteria IjJj I U e to Per uade Each of ThaI We Arc Not Being Ripped Off?

Forms LEGITIMA 1: se External t andard a a II ord

and a a 'lJield

LEGITIMA 2: Use lb • Fairne of the Pro ess

10 Per uade

'uITIMA 3: Offer Tb III an Attractive \fin 10 Expl(lin Tl» Ir De ision

j'ICATIO, : Am I Ready 10 U len and Talk Effectively?

9 50

51 S2






Form MMUNl 110 t: Question M 'Assumptions and

Identify nJillg to Listen FOl' 79

TI N 2: Reframe to Help Tbem

nder it ant!

RElJ\TIO HIP: Am I Read to Deal wilh th R tali n hip?

forms RElXIl0N HIP 1: eparate People I sue from ub tantiue Is lies


KlP 2: Prepare to Bllild {I GOOff Worki"l: RellltionsbJP

9. OM ffTMENT: What Commitm ms hould T ek or 1ake?

forms OM~m'MENT 1: Identify tbe Issue to Be Included in tbe Agreement

MM~fENT 2: Plan tb tep« to Agreement






100 101

Using This Workbook


People d01I 'I Jmow how 10 prepare well

tany people fc '1 prep. r d if ih Y knox what they want and what they'll seule (or But if our preparati n c n 'i 'I of creating a wi h Ii t, wilh • minimum fallhack position. the only thing we will be ready 10 d in the n 'gOli:lli n is 10 state demand and make c n essions. Position. I pi .pararion leads to positional negotiation. By focu in on what we will" k f rand what Will give up, we et ourselv up (or n : d ersarial, zero-s urn kind 0 negotiation BUI thi kind of preparation often prevents from i1nding creative solutions Ihat )Cpanel the pie bef re ipliu in It, or from working side by side to solve some i int problem.

Positional preparation i the greare 't ource f sir and anxiety during ne-

g nation . We might think Ih:1I if WI! invest lime and n rgy planning our demands and c nee ion' \ c ill f el more confld ,nt as we make them, But the reality of tbe ms uer is tho I a positional negotiator, cv n on . who hOJ, thought about what position to take and what conce 'ioo to mak .• h Iiltl basi for de iding when t make. conce i 0, Making, concession when th th ride won't imply reward' th 'ir bad beha i r. Yet n t making on' all pre ipir ie a contest as to who Gin be more stubborn, Pr panng only by making a lisl of d - mand and con c ion I prcpararion f r a bad n g

A Y tcmatic approach to preparation

m a sysiemau '.Iprr ch.

Goal; a good outcome

1\ good rc ult 0 a n g uauon an be een a:. rnv lving ven lernents. The

better we handle ea h el m nt, th beuer th ut ome:



building block I a negotiation-we C~Jn g I ur -arms around the problem:

That will enable u 10 g into a neg riauon \ ell quipped I produ c. good utcome, or, if we can't, knov wh n I walk awa to s m Ihing better.

How to u e this book

The mor Iarnihar ou be orne with thL~ hook, and with 'our upcomin , n gou:ui n, th ' c,i,i 'r II will he to make ood use of the concepts and tools Even if ou are a sirang r I I rh, the hook shout I qui kly become :. comforting uid . To gel you ~1'1rlC(1, h 'J'(: are four slIggc t<.:'(1 ways 10 proceed.

I. First, read Iraigbllbrollgb

Fini h reading this introdu ory mat 'rial and then continu srraigh: on through th basic seven chapters uhout si pping 10 fill OUI an forms. Thi. will Rive you a good idea of what .' her' and how it might prove helpful Then come beck 10 rhe Pri ril)' Pr p se 1ion IWRinnlllA on p,l~e 12. id 'nlify. me kev I

m rus for our preparauon, and III out the forms tor the el '01 nt, Ihal mal h those prioritie ..

2. udd. II pTi 1)

If .im· before .10 upc IllIOR negotiation i, -hon. If Ih~' :'lIh t;I,lCC is f limned unponance, .rnd i you \\OUI I hk a hule qui k help In ~ uing ready, turn 10 the 'udd n Pr p form ( n page 11

3. Priority prep

Jump righl Into .lIl.1lyZlll~ vour up .onung neg 1I.1l10n \\ nh the Priority 111' .p que tio in the secuon beginning on page 14. In rh light f Ih31 diagn I~. d id whi h -lemcm: are those 10 which y u should gi e priority auenti II, and 1111 OUI those form. Preparation 1-. n simply a on -st p procer s, Berwe n m lings, or during breaks, ou ma}' want t r 'vlsit Ihi.: workbook, espe 'i~llly i

n w r unf rescen diffl ulues ha come up, Th tools In thl~ workbook

help you rgaruze 'our thinking at <:3 h SI3g a n g riauon.


In a Hurry?

Good preparation need nO( take a lot of time. Clear dunking and a fc\

mmut f f, used attention will dmm:lIi ally irnpr vc y ur err. rivene

in n uauon. ~ hen you ar e pe ling y ur negotiations to he sh rt and

raightforward, ~ hen the take d n l justify :1 big invc mcnt r tim' and 'fort, r 'n v hen u w uld Ilk . t I. k . :I first step t ward a more th r ugh prcparatlon, we suggest you do a qui k k erch f the nc 1IJlIOn te-rrain. This will leave y u ben r prepared than imply w.ngin it or prep ling. Ihl ofl - mands and r IIba k positions

for m n S lations, a quick k I h Will not be enough, whrl ' w rking thr ugh eW1J' ~ I'm in this workbook rna : em hke 100 mu h. To PrJ fill?

Beuer may not h 3yS me:111 In more detail or taking till re lime B II r \ ill mean \ hat ver IS appropnat f ill make y u m r er I I nI 10 rh will organize y ur thinking and

at d Itu. lions. It \ III h Ip -ou over all o 'r! k d merhing.

In this cit. IX r we introduce (WO rh

ali n de ribcd in th introducti n a geulng ready to n g iaie. With udd

tn. form is III/elided (0 prortde qsucl; help JCJr (III IIpcomillR lIf'gOftnllt)tl J


Thlng I h uld be ready t put "on th table"

pli ns

P . ible agre 'lIle", th: I w might rea h

fy inter ts

~ 11:11 [ really cafe a UI. y wan. needs. concerns, hopes, and fear.









External ~tancl.Jrd, or pr' 'dents Ihal rniglu 'on\'ince one Of borh of U that a pre posed agreem 'nl i (;llr.


M walk-away alt r'nariv

h. I can [ do If [ alk aw )' withoul agre m nl? 'I: hi h is the he. I' '\ hal w uld I really do'



Th ir int ir '(S Whal I think they

re: lIy care ubout. Their wants, concern-. hope», and fcm~




lfwe rea h agreement. w commit to 80m oprt n.

III (I /III"),?

piec f preparation Your thinking about the mos; important challenges m. y

hange as you g t further into th n g tiati n.

oru ider the ~ lIowing III ters 0 qucsti n Que 'Ii n or problem that arise in ncgoti:ul n. Re ogni7. • that not every questi n witlun a cluster will be directly apphcabl ; non nhcless, as a pia e to \1:ln, choose the III ncr th~1l intrigues you th most. fhe qu estion in thi' luster defin the principal hallen . you I;lCC in Ihis negotiation. To prepare to overcorn . these challenges. tum 10 the chapter indi ated by Ih . cluster y u have chosen.


PRIORJ1Y PREP ( ontutued)

Do I feel Ihal they are more powerful? That I am more powerful? Do I know wh, t th y will do if rh 'y don't make an a reem -m?

If these qu "'ltion. reern ccrurnl 10 your nC~OlI:ltjon, ~o I) hapter 5 All rnativ , page 5, and work on Ih()~' nus.


m I onccrncd Ihal I may g ,t ripped om m I Ire, led unfairiy>

Woulc.J il h Ip to gi e them con incing arguments as to \ h my proposal is air for th m?

" ill I have I xplain I orh 'r wh I agr eed 10 hale cr It is W' agr eon?

" ill th' )

re th re rill

ho re lik 'Iy to go aft r one r both of 1I .?

If Ih >~l' quesuons seem central (0 your ncgotianon, g (0 hapt r 6, Legitlmacy, page 61, and work on those forms,

mmuni ation

D I k now wh« ( I \\':1 nt (0 listen or'

Am I read to listen acuv Ir. nd mp.nhetically to what over th '}' S3y?

Ar ih m ~ .. g -s I want t d liv -r clear?

Have I rho I ht 31 ut how 10 speak In wars that will make them want 10 list n'

If the. ' que, II ns seem central to your n ·gotI31IC1r'l. g r( hapl r

ornmunl • lion, p:lge 76, and w rk on tho forms

R Iauor; hip

ur \ orking r lati n hip lik Iy 10 b dim lilt?

r amagomsn with thi person?

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