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Section 2.

1 – Functional Earth

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Functional Earth (FE)

Good, solid ground strapping all the way to the grounding grid.

Functional Earth grounding is used to establish a good and stable potential point for our neutrals (N) and DC commons (0
VDC). Functional Earth grounding is one of the most important connections in our plants and therefore we must make sure
that they are properly attached to corresponding grounding system; we will have ‘floating’ neutrals or DC commons, in case
we do not, jeopardizing the entire plant performance, like equipment malfunctioning/startup problems, instrument miss-
readings etc.

The grounding bar of each transformer should be connected directly with corresponding transformer ground and neutral bar
and not via another intermediate such as a metal beam on where corresponding transformer is mounted or a metal
termination strip.
Good, solid ground strapping also, but not
all the way to the grounding grid as we are The grounding bar should be galvanized (e.g. zinc & steel (Zn+Fe) or zinc & cupper (Zn+Cu)) to prevent it from
rusting/corroding, having a proper grounding for the short and long run. Rusted/corroded steel or cupper will result in an
using the metal construction beam as isolated connection jeopardizing the overall performance, in case it is used as grounding. Therefore every grounding
intermediate connection should be galvanized and properly connected, guaranteeing corresponding grounding for the long-run.

The DC common of our DC power supplies should be tied up with the instrumentation earth (IE) grounding.

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